Aysa Farland

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 Aysa Farland
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Patron Diety Rhalgr "The Destroyer"
Age 30
Marital Status Single
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The same story told over and over. Orphaned by war and poverty. Aysa grew up like many others without knowing a family. Stealing, fighting and taking odd jobs to get by. She was at least good at it. Well, in the grand scale of combat she would impress nobody, but a kid almost the size of a fully grown midlander could get a way with a lack of skill with brute force alone. As an adult she scraped by. While no longer stealing, she continued to fight. Plenty hires for a young pile of muscle who owned her own lance. The early years of her life were uneventful, wholly unremarkable. Aysa's life didn't truly start till she joined up with the Pathfinders. Currently working as a bouncer at the Golden Saucer, fitting in adventure and training when she can between throwing drunks and cheaters back onto the airship.


Tomboy. The hyur had the build of a highlander, that of height and muscle. Her short hair and her stout demand to never be seen in a dress left her looking on the edge of the feminine scale, rather than hanging deep within. While not completely peppered in scaring, she had a fair few marks about the face. One along the bridge of her nose, another behind an ear, one to the side of left eye. Thin, old scars from childhood for the most part, yet they added to the 'charm' of this boyish brawler.


Aysa liked to consider herself a friendly sort, but she had plenty of short comings. Only in her recent years after much prodding has she tried to be a little more social. Often times she comes off as a loner, moody with a preference for isolation. Some of which was true, but she certainly wasn't the moody type. Aysa was, if nothing else, far more reserved than was typical of a highlander.


Books (Adventures and Self Help)
Moogles, Tonberries.


Herself (Somewhat)
Being laughed at.
Needless violence.
Social situations.
Being drunk.



Yvenalise Tachibana

Yvenalise, or "Tachi" has been without a doubt the Highlanders closest friend, alley, and teacher. While Aysa has no knowledge of her real family, she would without a moments hesitation count Tachi as her family, even if she hadn't discussed such things with the miqote. Younger in her years than Aysa, she no less sees Tachi as a mother figure, albeit a bit of an odd one.


Reinard Ackerman

Aysa had few she called friends. Reinard was one of them. A trusted medical doctor and quite a fighter with blades and spell. She took an instant liking of the man, helped only somewhat by the fact he had returned the sight to a blinded eye. While not confident enough to go striding up to anyone, Aysa felt at home with him, and was eager to see the relationship grow.

Khoba Lhyr

A friendly conjurer and general all around weird little miqote. Aysa doesn't know Khoba that well, though she would dearly love to change that, finding her incredibly easy on the eyes and an endless bout of energy. Still, she considers the miqote a friend, without her Aysa's house plants wouldn't stand a chance under the highlanders spotty, careless watch.



Feel free to use any of these as RP hooks.

Common Rumors

  • "Seen her at the Grindstone plenty o' times, doesn't always win but she is quite a furious fighter I'll say that much. Wonder what'll come first, a Grindstone win or an ejection for doing serious harm!" - Gladiator In-Traing.

Moderate Rumors

  • "Can't handle her drink, far as I can tell. Always waters 'em down when she drops by the Coffer & Coffin. Recovering alcoholic, or maybe just cheap?" - Tavern Regulars.

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors



This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea