Avidia Iuvenlis

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Avidia sas Iuvenlis
Spiffy Title




Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... ah-vih-dee-ah sass eeoo-vehn-liss.

NICKNAMES... Vi, Vida, A.I., Snow White, Snow, Big Bad Wolf.

RACE & CLAN... Pureblood Garlean.

GENDER... Female.

AGE... 25.

NAMEDAY... 15th Sun, 6th Umbral Moon.

ORIENTATION... Bisexual.

MARITAL STATUS... Unmarried.

Other Statistics


CITIZENSHIP... Garlemald.

FAMILY... Jodocus sas Nicon.

RESIDENCE... The Capital of Garlemald, The Castrums.

OCCUPATION... Tribunus Angusticlavius.


HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 7 ilms. 130 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... True Neutral.

General Information
Avidia sas Iuvenlis is a Garlean Tribunus from the Vth Legion. Sent from the capital along with the vast majority of her legion, Avidia primarily works as a spy and commander of the Vth Legion. Masqueraiding as an Ilsabardian refugee, she can often be found around Eorzea adopting one of several personalities she uses to disguise her true identity.
I envy you because you could believe in things like I never could.
Silver. Black. Pale. Athletic. Level and lightly accented.
Cool-headed and serious. Ambidextrous. All over her back in the shape of wings, a small one across the bridge of his nose, and a very faint one around her neck (barely noticeable, even if you're looking for it). N/A. Tomboyish and noticeable lack of proper pants.
Hair & Eyes
Avidia's hair is naturally black with a strange, rainbow sheen to it. However, in order to protect her identity, she has recently dyed it jet black. It's long and feathered, renowned among her friends for being extremely soft and hard to tame. Her bangs are swept in front of her face, over her forehead, as a secondary defense for hiding her third eye. Speaking of her eyes, all three of them are a light silver color, stormy and colorless.
Physique & Markings
Avidia is considerably small for a Garlean. Resembling a tall Midlander, by Garlean standards she's both short and petite. Her muscles, shaped and toned from years of training and fighting, are lean and build for speed and agility.
Hygiene & Attire
Avidia keeps up impeccable hygiene when she's able to. Obviously, when she's in the field she's not always able to, but while she's able she makes sure to bathe regularly. She doesn't wear perfume unless on an espionage mission or otherwise ordered to. Her makeup is also understated, with a very faint lip color and light smokey eye on her lids. Her attire is tomboyish, which is in part due to a desire for practicality. She primarily wears thigns that she's seen people around Eorzea wear a lot, in order to blend in. The most common colors are white, black, and red, and she rarely wears proper pants (preferring short skirts and shorts).
Psychological Profile
Avidia is the exact opposite of wearing one's heart on their sleeve. She keeps all her emotions and plans close to her chest, rarely revealing them to even the people closest to her. Her lifetime of military service has shaped her into a serious, goal-minded individual. Of course she can think for herself - she's not a robot - but she is most comfortable when she is on a mission, with an outcome that she can strive to work towards. She is most decidedly a person whose actions speak louder than her words, and it's fairly common for her loved ones to be the subject of grand gestures of affection or protectiveness. But don't let her distaste for smalltalk and casual conversation let you assume she's uncaring or unfeeling. Avidia is incredibly loyal and affectionate to those that have earned it, and her circle of close friends is privvy to a side of her she shows to nobody else: Far softer in her words and actions, and always willing to put herself in danger in order to keep them from harm.

Avidia is first and foremost a spy. While she is trained as a soldier, the majority of her military career was spent being a spy. As such, she is incredibly skilled at adopting different personas and personalities when in public, in order to hide her true identity. The main one that she uses in Eorzea is flirtatious, outgoing, and witty. She's very social when she's using this one, and any inner thoughts or motives largely stay hidden and don't bleed into her words. Many a time has a man or woman ben enthralled by this side of her, oblivious to the fact that it's a complete act she's putting on.
Avidia speaks incredibly formally, a habit that was drilled into her by her adoptive father. She sports a very slight Garlean accent, only noticeable in her inflections and vowels, but she disguises it completely when she's out and about in Eorzea. It only comes through when she's talking to people who are aware of her true identity. When she's intoxicated or heavily ill or injured she drops the formal speak, preferring a simpler, more casual style of talk that requires considerably less effort than the painfully formal stlye she usually uses.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Avidia's philosophy and outlook on life was instilled upon her by Jodocus and Decima. Their teachings are something she repeatedly calls upon and references to decide upon her actions. She follows the Vth Legion motto, "no doubts, no fear", to a tee. She has more faith in herself than in anyone else, and trusts her skills the most.
● Alcohol
● Having a purpose
● Birds
● Her father
● Discipline
● Fire
● Unnecessary torture
● People who speak or act out of line
● Combat, espionage, tactics and strategy
● Goldsmithy and painting
Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
Above Average:
Aetheric Abilities
Weapon Training
Combat Relevant Skills
Above Average:
Non-Combat Abilities
Ability: Description
Combat Abilities
Ability: Description
OOC Note
Any relevant notes about combat should be added here, such as player preference, system preference, or links off-site to sheets using existing XIV player-made combat systems.

Almost all of Avidia's life was spent in Garlemald. She's only recently arrived in Eorzea. In order to protect her true identity she tells of a completely fabricated backstory when asked about it in character. Any information about her true origins are completely hidden and must be asked about OOCly before being used in RP.
Disclaimer: This section is constantly under construction, as I am continuously rping her.
Sixth Astral Era
Avidia was born in the Garlean capital to two soldiers. The Iuvenlis line was already small at that point, and Avidia barely had any aunts and uncles. She was her parents' only child, and after they died - when she was barely a child - she was left completely alone. With no extended family to turn to she was put on the streets, left to live in alleyways as a part of the hidden underworld of homeless children and veterens that the Empire prefers to leave ignored. Her time on the streets was very short, lasting only a few months, before she was picked up by a man named Jodocus, a Garlean Roegadyn who had joined the Empire shortly after raids on his home, seeking a purpose from them. Similar to how the Empire took him in, Jodocus took Avidia into his home. In order to preserve her family line Avidia kept her last name instead of taking upon his name, however she considers him to be more of a father than her proper father.

Her life with Jodocus began when she was 6 years old and continues on to this day. It was full of love and compassion but also constant training and discipline. Jodocus was not a cruel father, but he was a strict one and only expected the best from Avidia. He raised her up for the life of a soldier, constantly training her and enforcing ideals on her that would shape her into a proper fighter and soldier. Avidia holds no resentment to Jodocus for this childhood. Rather, it's the complete opposite: Avidia holds untold gratitude for him and considers him to be her greatest mentor. She believes wholeheartedly that without his presence in her life she wouldn't have been able to soar to the heights that she did.

When she was 13 she was placed into a formal Garlean military academy for children. In the academy not only were children taught the basics, like math and history, but they were also instructed in combat and discipline. Children in the academy followed a rigorous mental and physical training regimen, recieving both school uniforms and dress uniforms modeled off of the Garlean military uniform, which they wore at formal events that the academy would present at. Avidia quickly became known among the faculty and students as one of the best students in the entire academy, to the point where she would skip complete classes due to already knowing the material (from Jodocus, usually). In addition to perfect grades and attendance, Avidia was also chosen several times for demonstrations of technique and tactics to display the skills that the academy was teaching its students.

While in the academy Avidia met the two most important people in her life: Template:Fabius Balventius and Template:Albinus Scaurus. Fabius was a pureblooded Garlean, only a few years older than her, and Albinus was an Au Ra taken from Othard who was even older than the both of them. They quickly formed a trio, becoming completely inseparable. During this time Avidia was introduced to Fabius's mother, Decima, a tribunus of the Vth Legion. The woman immediately struck a chord within Avidia. Here was a woman who held power and knew it, but it was a power she earned and deserved. Unknown to the older woman, she became something of an icon for Avidia - someone to strive to be like. And, similarly unknown to Avidia, Avidia in turn became someone who Decima would keep an eye on in the future.

Seventh Umbral Era
Avidia graduated early from the Academy by a year, graduating alongside Fabius and Albinus (who had entered early, due to being taken to the Empire at a late age). Upon her graduation she was taken into the Vth Legion at Decima's request. It was something Jodocus originally protested against, but Avidia refuted him completely, saying that she couldn't stay under his wing forever. Avidia quickly began to rise in the ranks of the Vth Legion, recieving multiple sponsors from Decima and other high-ranked officers of the Empire. She, Fabius, and Albinus were all placed into a special squad formed by Decima, nicknamed 'The Triumvirate'. Their rank was considered to be equal to that of Optios, and they were something like Decima's pet project. They were originally scheduled to be sent to Eorzea, when the Calamity struck, killing Decima's husband and throwing off the plans of the Vth Legion completely.

Shortly after the Calamity, Avidia was promoted to Pilus Prior of the 1st cohort upon the death of the former, rising above Fabius and Albinus and rank. She was the youngest person to make Pilus Prior in the entire Legion, and became incredibly well-known for this. It was around this time that Fabius and Avidia also became involved in a romantic relationship with each other, something that Albinus had constantly teased the two of them about. Unfortunately, their relationship became rocky due Decima disapproving of it. Decima's feelings on the relationship were a major factor in Avidia's decision to end it, wishing to avoid provoking the volatile woman's wrath and preferring to stay on her good side. Ending it was something in conflict with both of their feelings, and even now there are unresolved feelings and tension between the two of them.

The Legion experienced a huge change in recent years, something Avidia was at the forefront of both as an officer and an individual. It started with Fabius's mission to Eorzea as a spy, who soon went M.I.A. shortly after arriving. Avidia was sent personally by Decima, along with her cohort, to retrieve him, due to his high status both in rank and as the child of Decima. Despite initially retrieving and brutalizing him, Avidia ended up disobeying her orders and letting him go, due to their history together. Upon returning to the Empire Avidia was punished for her disobedience by Decima, being put to a public torture via whipping in front of the bulk of the legion. The whipping mutilated her back, turning it into a twisted canvas of scars that resembled a grotesque pair of wings.

In Recent Times
Moving Forward
● After her torture at the hands of Decima Avidia was sent back to Eorzea as a spy.
● In Eorzea she was able to make contact with Fabius, the one she was sent to spy on.
● Fabius and Avidia became aware of Decima's intentions to return Fabius to Garlemald and take over the position of Legatus in the Vth Legion, in order to remake the Legion and return it to its former glory.
● The rebellion, while well-planned, was quashed by Decima with surprising speed. Fabius was returned to Garlemald after a form of hyponisis was inflicted upon him, and Avidia was sent back to the capital to recieve "training and conditioning" (Decima's words).
● Upon returning to Eorzea, after several months in Garlemald, Avidia was promoted to one of Decima's tribunuses. Her former wavering faith in the Empire has been solidified, no doubt a product of what happened while she was in the Capital.

Relationship Status Legend

? Unsure
Jodocus sas Nicon ()
Adoptive Father
Avidia was found on the streets by Jodocus when she was a small child. Despite not taking on his last name, Avidia holds great love for him and considers him whole-heartedly to be her proper father. Jodocus taught Avidia his philosophies and how to fight. Their relationship is incredibly positive, and Avidia always makes a point to visit him when she returns to the capital.
Spurius Iuvenlis ()
Spurius is not Avidia's brother by blood. In fact, the boy is not even related to her at all. A very strange boy, upon meeting Avidia he decided right then and there that he was going to be her younger brother, and took on her last name to solidify this. While initially protesting, Avidia eventually came to harbor a familial love for the boy, and their dynamic with each other might come off as odd to some people, but there is still a strong bond between the two of them.
Fabius Balventius ()
Fabius is one of Avidia's oldest and closest friends. Having met in the same Garlean military academy, Fabius and Avidia trained together and fought together. They were placed into the same legion and through this their bond deepened even further. They used to be romantically involved, though that relationship ended rather ugly. Even now they have unresolved emotions between them, though they find it easier to simply remain as friends.
Albinus Scaurus ()
Albinus was the third member of The Triumvirate, containing both Fabius and Avidia. While never romantically involved, Avidia and Albinus's relationship was as strong as her relationship with Fabius. They care deeply about each other, and would each put themselves in harms way in order to protect the other.
Rhel'ir Tayuun ()
While their initial relationship was rocky, Avidia and Rhel'ir were able to put their differences aside upon meeting for the second time in Eorzea. Avidia was able to find something of a confident in Rhel'ir after all their experiences together, and after saving his life the feeling seems to have become somewhat mutual. Despite being his superior officer, and having to act like it even when it comes off as rude, when off duty they can be found chatting and drinking together, sharing stories of old feelings and battles.
Decima Balventius ()
Avidia's past with Decima has been one that has fluctuated from start to finish. While initially holding great respect, almost love, for the woman, that wavered after Decima tortured Avidia due to her insubordination. However, after returning from Garlemald it seems like Avidia's feelings on the woman have once more become what they used to be. She and Decima have respect for each other, and Avidia would give her life in order to protect her Legatus.
Erin Rayelle ()
Subject of Curiousity
Avidia met Erin in the Quicksand, alongisde her comrades. She was left behind to be able to converse with him after the rest of her comrades left them, and through that was able to garner up quite a bit of information on the miqo'te that piqued her curiousity: Erin's use of magic, his status as a tutor, and his study of history. It ended with him recieving his contact information, something she is still contemplating responding to.
Former Acquaintances
Clara rem Iuvenlis ()
While Avidia does hold respect for her mother, she has no real feelings for her due to how young she was when her mother died. If anything, she only feels regret that she never really got to interact with her.
Ballus pyr Iuvenlis ()
Avidia has respect for her father, and is regretful at never really getting to meet him, but she feels very little for him otherwise due to her young age when he died.
NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"See her around a lot with that woman. You know the one: Tall, Elezen-ly type. Think she works for her or something." — Bartender.
"She's a pretty good fighter, that one. Watched her help break up a few spats. She certainly knows her way around a spear. Pity the lad who gets himself in a fight with her." — Brass Blade.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Saw her back once... Crazy stuff. Hard to believe a woman that young could have so many scars." — Miqo'te Courtesan.
"Told me she's from Ilsabard, that she's tryna' get away from the Empire's influence. Her story all added up, wasn't like I could find anything wrong with it, but it still seems a bit fishy to me..." — Ul'dahn Citizen.
"She used to come around here a lot, and then she up and disappeared. Been a few months, but I've started noticing her around again. Wonder what happened to make her up and leave?" — Quicksand Waitress.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lots of people see her around. They whisper about her origins. Somethin' about her being a Garlean or something... I dunno... I ain't getting involved with all of that." — Ul'dahn Citizen.
"She's a prodigy. No other way to say it. Rose through the ranks before you could blink. And no matter what trouble she gets herself into, she always seems to come out on top. I'd watch out for that one, if you know what I mean." — Garlean Defector.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
""Ishgard's got their bloody work cut out for 'em if'n they think they've anythin' colder'n she is -- but, I reckon there's somethin' deep in her 'at she can't shake. Somethin' scarier than she is. Ain't nobody acts that way unless they're afraid o' gettin' hurt again. I think, somewhere in that icy heart o' hers, she might actually 'ave th'capacity to be a real swell lass." — Rhel'ir Tayuun.
"Act strange, talk strange, think strange -- Avidia strange woman. Think not bad. Think strange." — Waka Kensaki.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
The Quicksand: Very High
Ul'dah: Very High
Thanalan: High
La Noscea: High-Moderate
The Shroud: Moderate
Gridania: Moderate
Coerthas: Moderate-Low
Ishgard: Moderate-Low
Limsa Lominsa: Low
Dravania: Low
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Garlemald: Avidia is a Garlean citizen and a member of the military. Despite being undercover, her loyalties still lie completely with them.
The Vth Legion: Avidia has been a member of the Vth Legion since she graduated from the Academy.
The Soldiers of Fortune: Technically the Vth Legion, the SoF are the mercenary group that the Vth Legion masquerades as.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.
Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil.
Knife: A knife with a 7-inch blade that Avidia keeps strapped to her leg. It is both used as a weapon and a tool.
Hypograph: A Garlean invention, it resembles a simple wristband with a small globe on it. Avidia doesn't wear it on her wrist, but rather keeps it in a small pouch hanging from her belt. It can be used for communication, as well as several other purposes.
Linkpearls: Avidia carries several linkpearls on her person, used for various reasons and missions.
Soldier's Med-Kit: A very simple, small medical kit that hangs from a pouch she carries with her. It contains gauze, bandages, alcohol, a needle and thread for sutures, various herbs and ointments for various types of wounds, and pins.
Canteen: A small canteen containing water.
Strange Vials: About 3-4 small crystal vials containing red liquid are kept on her person at any given time. She keeps them securely wrapped in cloth and tucked inside a pouch on her belt, so that they cannot rattle around.
Necklace: A dragon's fang, hanging off a simple cord. It's fashioned to be a necklace. She usually wears it around her neck, but sometimes keeps it in a bag.
Ring: A surprisingly ornate ring. It's made of rose gold and is set with a stunning red gemstone in the middle. On the inside of the band reads the name "Albinus Scaurus" in the traditional language of the Xaela.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask.
I will play the vast majority of RP themes (dark and heavy (such as sexual, violence, etc) or light-hearted). Please see below for any individual exceptions. I will rp plots, and I only ask that if I am already involved in a plot you please ask before interfering. I will rp fighting, as well as getting injured, short term captivity, etc. Anything that extends past this please ask about. I will rp romance so long as it evolves organically.
Ask about scarring, markings (tattoos/brands), or kidnapping. Most of the time the answer is going to be no, but I'll still pick and choose on a case to case basis. Please ask OOCly about ERP rather than simply assuming I will ERP with you. Again, that is a pick and choose situation. Please ask about any long-term mutilation, mind control, etc of my character. Ask ahead of time about any long-term captivity. And please, please, for the love of god, ASK AHEAD OF TIME IF YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GARLEAN HOOK. My character is undercover and it is incredibly unlikely that anyone would know of her true origins.
I won't play permanent character death or disfigurement of my character. No permanent crippling. No permanent mind control. Nothing that makes it so that she is not able to act independantly, and must instead rely on somebody else to aid her. No noncon or dubcon. No torture.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ Avidia displays herself to be a member of the Soldiers of Fortune. If you know about them, please feel free to approach her about them! It can either be to hire her, to join, or anything else regarding them.
■ Avidia can be found around the Quicksand quite a bit, usually accompanied by people. A drinking buddy is always welcome, or just someone to make some small talk with.
■ Avidia was previously a member of The Imaginarium. If you were a member of this, or if you'd heard about it in previous plots, please feel free to use it in a RP starter.
■ Avidia can be found at the Grindstone, either as a fighter or an observer. Using it as a hook or subject of conversation is very viable.
■ And finally, the elephant in the room: Avidia is a Garlean. If you also RP a Garlean it is very possible for your character to have heard of her by name or her alias, Snow White. However, if you do not RP a Garlean I ask that you please, PLEASE try and avoid that. She is undercover, dyes her hair, wears prosthetics to cover her eye, and uses a cover story. If you absolutely MUST use the Garlean thing as a RP hook please, PLEASE ask about it OOCly ahead of time, even if you RP another Garlean.
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
Thank you for taking the time to read my character page! There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright. Also please note that my OOC feelings may or may not be the same as Avidia's IC feelings. Just because Avidia believes something or acts a certain way does not mean that I agree with it, it simply means that I believe it is the way she would act. Please don't take offense to things she does ICly. If you are worried about it, feel free to message me OOCly to clear it up! In fact, if you have any questions about anything regarding a RP feel free to hit me up with a tell. I like to make sure RP is comprehensive and enjoyable for all parties involved, so don't be worried about not saying anything.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Playing a character who differs from the standard Eorzean (aka playing a Garlean) is difficult, but I have taken a lot of time to scour every cutscene, every piece of text, every dev note, etc to try and have the fullest grasp on Garlean lore as possible. Anything that might be considered "worrisome" about lore I have listed below, as well as any specific changes. Also, as a co-founder of the fanmade legion, The Vth Legion, I have helped to take steps to make it as lore-adherent as possible. Please note that if the Vth Legion or something similar is ever mentioned in canon, me and the other leaders will be editing our FC to comply with the new canon. I'll be listing any changes to the FC below as well.
■ Magic: As a Pureblooded Garlean Avidia is incapable of using any magic, however she is not incapable of using the magitek that the Garleans have crafted. While I very rarely will bring this into RP - as she is not formally trained in fighting with them - she does have a basic knowledge of how to use magitek, and I will occasionally be using it in RP.
■ Garlean: Avidia is a Pureblooded Garlean. Based on what we have seen in dialogue as well as fights, pureblooded Garleans have more physical capabilities than Eorzeans, and I have tied this into her character. I have also tied in using her third eye to increase her hand-eye coordination, as this is another thing we have seen. If you have any concerns, please know that I will not be increasing it severely - she is still a human being, regardless of if she's Pureblooded or not. If these concerns persist, please feel free to message me about it.
■ There are a few things in her RP that have evolved from past RP plots. If you're curious about things concerning her (Decima, The Imaginarium, Rampage, etc.) feel free to message me about them.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Link Title
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Action Girl Avidia is a trained soldier and fighter. She is very willing to get her hands dirty with fighting, and is very skilled at it too.
Commanding Coolness Avidia is very high-ranked in the Vth Legion. As a Tribunus, she is considered to be a step down from Legatus in rank. This very much shows with Decima's faith in her, as well as her own commands towards the rest of the Legion.
Death By Origin Story Avidia was orphaned at a very young age. The death of her parents is something that follows her around. While her feelings on her dead parents are vague at best, it is still an important event that shaped her life.
Secret Identity While not an outright alter-ego, Avidia does keep her identity as a Garlean a secret. It's something only a scarce few people know about or are able to put together.
Undying Loyalty Despite her loyalty previously being shaken, one reason why she continued to act as Decima's spy towards Fabius was because she still truly believed in the woman. If anything, she was simply trying to convince herself not to believe in Decima,s even though deep down she did fully believe in her. After her brief return to Garlemald and then arriving in Eorzea again, she was able to cast off any doubts she once had and regain full faith in Decima.

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.