Jazmmine Ishikawa

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Jaz Rocks Cropped.jpg

Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack.


CURRENT ALIAS... Jazmmine Ishikawa

RACE & CLAN... Au Ra, Raen

GENDER... Female

AGE & NAMEDAY... 29.Born 31th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon.

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual

MARITAL STATUS... In a relationship




FAMILY... Unknown, possibly deceased

RESIDENCE... Lavender Beds

OCCUPATION... Recruitment and Public Relations for The Platinum Vanguard

PATRON DEITY... Halone, the Fury

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' Jazmmine and her favorite companion Mei


Jazmmine Ishikawa (born Katsumi Yamamoto) is an Au Ra of the Raen clan who escaped from her home on Doma shortly before the Garlean Empire took possession. She and her family fled to Eorzea in hopes of beginning a new life. However an unfortunate encounter would leave her dying and alone. To this day, Jazmmine has not regained her memories though she does have visions of them from time to time.


Jazmmine is quite small in stature though her always perfect posture tends to make her seem taller. Her long fire red hair cascades down past her delicate shoulders, stopping just above her waist. She has bright blue almond shaped eyes that sparkle when the light touches them and a smile that could stop any man dead in his tracks. Her skin is like perfect porcelain, pale and smooth with shimmering gold scales that softly flicker in the sun. She carries herself quite well and it is not uncommon for her to be noticed the second she enters a room. Though she appears to be delicate and fragile, make no mistake Jazmmine is quite fierce. She has grown accustomed to caring for herself and relies on no one.


Jazmmine is quiet when she first meets new people. Some have even gone as far as calling her arrogant and conceited as she is very sure of herself. She is slow to trust but is quite amiable once she gets to know you. She is very loyal and cares deeply for those who have been privileged to earn her friendship. She will do anything for her loved ones but at the same time, cross her and Twelve have mercy on you. Jazmmine is extremely passionate and gives her all in everything she does. Those unfamiliar with her might say she is spoiled and always gets what she wants. Little do they know the effort she applies when focused on something she desires. Those who do know her would advise to stay out of her way when she sets her mind to something.

When it comes to romantic interests, Jazmmine is very drawn to men in power. Having to start over with nothing has given her a great deal of strength and she gravitates to those who are like her. She has no time for weak individuals who are afraid of their own shadow, always apologizing for themselves out of awkwardness or men who wander around aimlessly from place to place with no ambitions, goals or loyalties. She does not give in easy and any man who fancies her better be ready to work for her affection. Though she remembers nothing of her previous life, she is extremely confident in the new one she's built for herself and will settle for nothing less than what she feels she deserves. This sort of confidence tends to make it difficult to find a worthy lover however Jazmmine is certain that her mate is out there. They will cross paths when the time is right and they will be nothing less than perfect.


Adventure and exploration.
Jewels and fine clothing.
Honesty and loyalty.
Horses, Jazmmine is a very skilled rider.
Fashion, she has an extensive wardrobe and enjoys changing hair styles and color to fit her mood. She is the Company Fashion Consultant.


Moogles, they should all be exterminated.
Toads (or anything slimy).
Liars, thieves and attention seeking try-hard type people..
The Garlean Empire.
Foul odors.




Not so easily trusting of others.
Injured creatures (unless it's a Moogle).

' '


Katsumi and her family successfully escape the Garlean grasp and made it safely to Eorzea. However upon landing, they encountered a group of rather hostile Xaelan. Ill prepared to defend themselves they fled and became separated. Katsumi found herself scared and running for her life. She would wake up several weeks later in Ul'dah with no memory as to how she got there or who she was. She obtained work with a local resident and would soon discover she had a knack for weaving. She remained in Ul'dah for a short time, regaining her strength and planning her next move. During her time in the city, she developed a reputation and even an alias (since she didn’t know her real name). She found herself quite fond of the scent of Jasmine and was scarcely seen without it somewhere on her person. She often smelled of it as well thus she became known as Jazmmine. The doman family who took her in grew fond of her and treated her as family. As such, she adopted their surname "Ishikawa."

After several months of working and saving, Katsumi (now Jazmmine) decided it was time to venture out in search of who she was. While wandering through the forest of the South Shroud, she came across a fellow Raen named Suna Yari, a member of The Platinum Vanguard. The two bonded rather quickly and Suna brought her back to meet the rest of her company. After a few short weeks it became quite apparent to Jazmmine that this was home. She took her oath and became a member. While she still desires to remember her past and whether or not her family still lives, Jazmmine has become quite content within the walls of the company. She continues to learn the ways of weaving as well as leather working and botany. She has also since discovered that the flow of Aether runs strong within her and though she can’t remember how she learned, she is quite the skilled healer.

Jazmmine has only a few clues to her past. The ring finger on her left hand shows signs of a band that appeared to have been there for quite some time. The whereabouts of this band is currently unknown to her. She also possess a locket that she keeps around her neck and tucked away. The contents have long been destroyed but the outside bears the inscription “We are eternal.” Jazmmine also has dreams, sometimes of the past and sometimes of things to come.

In more present times, Jazmmine has settled in to her new home with The Platinum Vanguard. She enjoys her fellow company mates and has even found several ways to make herself useful. She is second in command for The Platinum Vanguard and has accepted the position as the company's recruitment officer. Side duties include assisting in tending the garden and care of the company's Chocobos. Being the Company Fashion Consultant, she is also responsible for decorating their Company home. Jazmmine has also inherited a small exploratory airship she has named The Utsukushī Hana (beautiful flower)of which she captains. Jazmmine has come to love the freedom of exploring and is always ready to embark on a new adventure.


Katsumi's family fled from Othard shortly before the Garlean Empire took control. All made it to Eorzea from Doma but became lost in the incident that left Katsumi for dead
“Kenichi Yamamoto” - Father
“Miyuki Yamamoto” - Mother
"Nozomi Yamamoto" - Sister
"Tatsuo Nishikawa" - Was engaged to be married to Katsumi but days before the wedding they were forced to flee. Presumed dead trying to secure passage for Katsumi and her family.

Jazmmine and Piaras
Piaras Wolfwood
As the leader of The Platinum Vanguard, Piaras was there to greet and welcome Jazmmine when Suna brought her to the Company. He was very warm and inviting and made Jazmmine feel at ease almost instantly. Not too long after she joined, Jazmmine decided this was home and she took her Oath before Piaras.
As of late, Jazmmine and Piaras have been planning various tasks and events within the Company. Together they are diligently working to increase the Company's ranks and through this, he has become a trusted friend. Jazmmine finds herself admiring his leadership and very much enjoys his company. She has not had a male companion since before she can remember and the thought makes her feel uneasy. Still, Jazmmine finds her thoughts drifting to Piaras quite often. The two have spent a great deal of time together and as such have grown very fond of each other. Both have expressed their feelings for one another and though no title has been officially set, they remain true to one another.
Aliandrah Ayers
Jazmmine and Ali were introduced to each other through Piaras. At first, Jazmmine found her to be abrasive and slightly neurotic, but the Hyur woman has grown on her. Though they've only had a few interactions together, Jazmmine finds Ali to be a very loyal and trustworthy person. Her quirky ways often provide Jazmmine with a good laugh and she enjoys her company a great deal.
Jazmmine has not seen Ali in quite a while and though she is known to disappear for long periods of time and is quite capable of handling herself, she does worry about her. She hopes that Ali returns soon and looks forward to hear all her stories of her adventures.
Strass Dorvani
Jazmmine's first encounter with Strass was quite pleasant. Being new to the Company, he had been in search of someone to answer some questions had and found Jazmmine curled up in her chair scribbling away in her journal. She had never really met an Elezen before and found him fascinating and tall! The two shared a brief but enjoyable conversation. Since their first interaction, Jazmmine and Strass have spent a moderate amount of time together. She introduced him to Piaras, which did not go as well as she would have liked, as Strass tends to be standoffish toward male authority figures. Still, she has confidence the two will bond and Strass will become a great ally to the Company. Strass has recently offered his companionship and protection services to Jazmmine for when she embarks on her exploratory missions and though Piaras is aware she is quite capable of taking care of herself, this seems to ease his mind knowing that Jazmmine will not be alone on her adventures.
Strass has expressed feelings towards Jazmmine which normally she would take as a challenge to see how long before he gives up as she does with any other man who dares pursue her. However, with him being a fellow company mate, she is genuinely concerned for him. As such, she finds herself in new territory and struggles to speak and behave appropriately. Jazmmine hopes that regardless of what the future brings, they can remain friends.
Olieane Ahvero
Jazmmine first met this spunky Miqo'te after being brutally attacked and left to die somewhere out in the Sagolii desert. In her injured state, Jazmmine first found Olieane to be quite annoying. Always talking, seamlessly from one topic to the next never even appearing to take a breath. Perhaps it was the way the Miqo'te girl reminded her a great deal of someone she once cared for that softened her as Jazmmine found herself growing fond of Olieane during their journey back to the Company estate. Upon arriving, Olie helped Jazmmine to her private chambers where Piaras was immediately summoned. He was grateful for Olie's kindness and offered her a place within the Platinum Vanguard. Jazmmine is fortunate that Olie was where she was when she needed her the most and looks forward to getting to know her better.
Jazmmine and Olieane '


Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"She always has such a lovely fragrance about her!" -- Random Lavender Beds Resident
"She is quite the skilled rider. Ain't never seen no one as good as her with a beast." -- Ul'dah Citizen
"Ain't no man good 'nuff for that one." -- Secret Admirer
"That's that Auri girl who's always dressed all fancy." -- Gridanian Clothing Merchent
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I heard she just likes to toy with men and then casts them aside. Better watch out for that one, she's got no heart." -- Gossiping Ul'dah Woman
"She may look fancy all the time, but I seen 'er hammerin' away at an anvil. She ain't 'fraid to get a bit dirty." -- Blacksmithing Merchant
"Jazmmine isn't her real name. Pretty sure she's hiding something." -- Company Maidservant
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I think she studies the art of Ninjitsu, saw her the other day with couple 'o daggers slaying a beast" --Traveling Adventurer
"Any man who dare speak to her ends up with a dagger to his throat!" -- A Drowning Wench Bar Tender"


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!


Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.