Lurial Vashir

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 Lurial Vashir
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Mixed heritage
Citizenship Ul'dah / Ala Mhigan Refugee
Place of birth Ala Mhigo
Age 27
Sexuality Bisexual
Height 5 fulms 4 ilms
Build Fit and lean - more of a runner's body then a brawler's.
Occupation Information Broker
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Hair: White/Silver
Eyes: Aquamarine
Skin: Bronzed from the Ul'dah Sun
Clothing: Lurial is often garbed in long, functional robes, with a few decorative ornaments worked into the fabric for flair. A thick book filled with spells, information, and various other notes is strapped to one hip, while a medium-sized leather satchel hangs from the other.


Unlike her brother, Lurial carries herself in a polite and friendly manner, presenting herself as an open, amicable, and easily approachable person. She always strives to tell the truth when asked ( as her occupation relies heavily on any information she provides being true ), and will generally only lie when it is absolutely necessary to save a life or keep someone out of harm's way. She jokes and lightly teases others, quick to smile and easy to laugh.

Behind closed doors however - Lurial is a woman wracked by the duality of her emotions. On one side, she feels an overwhelming remorse for the lives she destroyed over the course of her career, providing untold amounts of knowledge to criminals in exchange for expanding her influence and resources in the Ul'dahn Underground. On the other - she feels that regretting her actions would by extension, mean regretting that she freed . In some ways, she is more like her twin brother then she would like to admit - keeping her true thoughts and emotions close to the vest while watching closely for the behavior of others.

Lurial tends to live a very solitary lifestyle due to her occupation, and though she outwardly acts as though she's come to terms with it, inwardly she craves camaraderie and friendship just like anyone else.










Siha Ashir - Mother (Keeper of the Moon) - Deceased

V'Rahn Nunh - Father (Seeker of the Sun) - Deceased

Tiergan Vashir - Twin Brother


Gabriel Veramix - Bodyguard

Striding Oak - Acquaintance

Brynhilde Wulf - Acquaintance

Furious Storm - "Secretary" / Assistant / Bodyguard


Varus Adelric Rosenthal


Common Rumors

  • When she was a teenager, a towering roegadyn named Melchar Asbrand protected her from assailants and taught her basic self defense.
  • She once had a hyur lover who fought as a gladiator, but he died shortly before the Calamity.

Moderate Rumors

  • She sometimes gives out special currency: A coin with a silver moon on one side and a gleaming gold sun on the other. If you give her one of those coins, she'll answer one question you have for free regardless of what it is.  People have been known to sell, trade, or simply keep the coin for themselves.

Rare Rumors

  • She has ties to dark figures within the Ul'dahn underground. Ties she likely would rather not have.
  • One of those figures has her on a short leash for reasons no one knows about.

PC Rumors


Lurial was only seven when the Empire devastated Ala Mhigo. Her parents were slain trying to defend their home and slavers captured her fraternal twin brother as she and the other refugees poured out of the region in a mad frenzy to escape. When Gridania refused the Ala Mhigan refugees asylum, she and the others were forced to travel to Ul'dah. There she became one of many orphaned street urchins, stealing and begging for enough to survive from one day to the next. Knowing her brother was still alive somewhere out in the world and that many slaves were often sold in Ul'dah's black markets, the young mi'qote spent a great deal of time gathering as much information as she could, hoping one day it would lead her to her the only family she had left.

And find him she did - many years later.

They were both teenagers by the time Lurial had collected enough information to track down her brother, and she'd found TIergan as a heavily-scarred gladiator-slave to one of the most powerful and mysterious criminal lords of the Ul'dahn Underground. Through Lurial's resourcefulness and ingenuity, the twins found ways to meet and stay in contact, their strong sibling bond becoming unbreakable over time as they took solace in the fact the other had survived. They were no longer alone.

As Lurial grew into adulthood, her endless thirst for knowledge led to her becoming a well-known information broker within the city. She expanded her influence, harvesting secrets, trading away knowledge for both good and for ill, subtly working behind the scenes to shape the chaotic world of Ul'dah's dark underground into a network of pathways that she knew intimately like a lover. By maintaining complete neutrality in regards to her work, Lurial's reputation and influence expanded rapidly. At the time, it did not matter to her at the time who was harmed in the process. Countless men and women were attacked and killed through the information she often provided - and she felt no remorse. All that mattered was finding a way to free her brother, gaining the right contacts, befriending the right people, arranging the perfect set-up needed to not only set Tiergan free, but ensure that neither she or her sibling would be caught in the process. Her methods could not be traced back to her - Omen was far too powerful and frightening an individual. She could not afford to make him an enemy. Everything had to be subtle, covert,perfect.

Shortly after the twin's 23rd birthday, Lurial's plans came to fruition. A chain-reaction of events caused riots to break out amongst Omen's slaves just as a one of the walls to the pens exploded. Omen's men were 'curiously' short-staffed that day, and there were not enough guards to pursue Tiergan and the countless other slaves that poured through the opening in the wall to their freedom. The few that were there were too sluggish from a long night of partying to properly chase their quarry - and by the time a proper team was assembled, Tiergan had vanished deep into the city.

The goal that Lurial had been chasing for nearly all of her life had finally been accomplished.

Current Events:

With her brother liberated and the ultimate goal of her life achieved, Lurial has subtly shifted gears towards a greater purpose. She still carefully maintains an air of perfect neutrality, but it is an illusion crafted to conceal all her efforts aiding supporters of the poor, the weak, the innocent, and the Ala Mhigan Resistance. She weaves a new web - one born not to navigate the shadowy chaos of the Ul'dahn Underground, but to help ensure that food, supplies, reinforcements, and gil arrive to the right people at the right time ... but without any way to trace it all back to her.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea