A'drak Nunh

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A'drak Nunh
Oathkeeper of Wild's Downfall

Name: A'drak Nunh
Nickname(s): Drak
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Orientation: Hedonist
Marital: Tribal Miqo'te
Deity: Halone
Nationality: Coerthan
Job: Freelance Bladesman
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

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Standing at five fulms, ten ilms and weighing approximately 150 ponzes A'drak's slim but muscular build shows off his scrappier side. His hair showcasing that even further; being cut short in the back and left longer in the front. His face showing his age more than his attitude; he always seems to be thinking a step ahead. His light blue eyes, almost crystalline, have the normal seeker slit as the pupil.

Scars & Markings: His face is scar-free, due to Drak's excessive care for it. However, his chest was left to take each hit that his face should have. Various scars across his chest to show just how far Drak will go to meet a goal.

Voice: Depending on the people Drak is talking to, he can be either soft-spoken or almost obnoxiously loud. With either volume, his tone is one that is smoother than most.

Clothing: He tends to wear lighter clothing, so he is always ready for a fight. Having folds in the cloth to hide his daggers, or a spot on his side to sheath his sword. Even without those at his side, he will always have a pouch on his waist for his throwing knives.


Waking up in Camp Dragonhead, bandage wrapped around his chest. He tried his best to recall how he got there and what happened. He only remembered having been out hunting with his tribe. A large figure, larger than anything he had seen before, appeared and shortly after everything went dark. Checking the area, he found blood and nothing more. Unable to find the rest of his tribe, he left for Ul'dah to survive and took the title "Nunh" to make sure his tribe lived on.

Ul'dahn Times: Getting to Ul'dah, he signed on with the Flames. Using his childhood training with a sword to it's fullest. It was during this time that he realized how he needed to fight when dealing with larger people. Speed and precision, over a sheer battle of strength. Using their own strengths against them and dancing with his sword the entire time. During his downtime, he would stay in the Weaver's Guild. Secretly using the talents his mother passed on to him. Easily making more than enough gil to keep him going, his target with his clothing was the rich population of Ul'dah. Soon after word of his cloth spread, and he began receiving more work than he could handle, so even in weaving, he went into hiding.

As A Mercenary: Breaking away from the Flames, after finding out just how easy it was to take a person's life. He started hiding behind the guise of a mercenary, when all he became was an assassin for hire. To keep himself disguised, he joined a company and shortly after started developing relations with those in this company. Following one of the members, as they left to make their own company, the toll of being a mercenary started to wear on him. Leaving without much of a word, he decided to go back to a simpler style, and now leads his own small company of bodyguards and monster hunters. Refusing to take missions with the intent on ending another person's life.

"Everyone has their quirks, some more than others."

  • Ornate clothing
  • Honest company
  • Occasional drinking


  • Tactlessness
  • Over-aggression
  • Unreasonable shyness


  • Death of those he loves.
  • Loss of self-control
  • Improvisation


  • Favorite Food: Pasta
  • Favorite Drink: Coffee
  • Favorite Color: Blue

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "Him? You want to know more, why don't you ask him yourself?"
    "Good luck trying to get a hold of him. He's hardly out of his house and when he is, he is quick to do what he left for."
    "I don't know who you're talking about."

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "I've seen him leave with so many different people, it's unreal. Gender doesn't seem to matter to him."
    "With someone being in here so often, you would think they just loved the drink. That guy, however, never touches the stuff."
    "I swear, even though I hardly notice him, I can always feel his eyes. "

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "He seems to like watching people, I often find him in my bar. Silently watching, I wouldn't mind so much if he would at least get a drink first."
    "Oh, him? He's bought various supplies from me before. Not sure if he is the one that does it, but he always gets things to weave with."
    "He thinks I don't know what he is doing, getting certain alchemical supplies. Poisons, he loves his poisons."


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Drak? He can be a bit of a goofball sometimes, but overall he's a great guy. Damn talented with his weapons. Don't bother with him unless you got somethin' smart to say though." -Jazira Na'mirai
    "He seems an excellent fighter, more than capable for the bloodsands, with enough sense to ignore them. If he focused more on himself than others, I think he'd last a lot longer as a mercenary." Kyrn Draconis
    "Yes, Drak and I are together, why do you ask? Curious about him...? Well, I can tell you he's usually rather friendly and caring, long as you don't get up in his face or something dumb like that. In a word? I'd say loyal. Anything else about him, you can ask him yourself, he doesn't bite, unless you're into that. [Laughs] " A'rania Yahn

The Wild's Downfall; Drak's own creation, with the help of his close friend Jazira Na'mirai meant to help those who can not help themselves. A group of people, with the same idea in mind. A pack of hunters, to protect and hunt. Going by the slogan "A thousand stories; one pack.", anyone who asks can tell that each member has their own personal stories. As one pack, they will create stories for them all.

Enlistment: Having made the company under the direction, but not the control of the Flames; one could find out about Wild's Downfall from them. Upon finding a member, to lead them to either Drak or Jazira, a brief interview followed by a show of skill would be performed. The company using this to see the motives and skills of it's potential members before invitation. However, once a member is invited, they are treated as a member of the pack.

Hiring Requirements: Should the job require killing anything more than monsters, or simply an assassination; the mission will immediately be declined. Should the mission require no more than one member to proceed with the mission for any reason; the mission will be declined. The pack will hunt as a pack does, even a scouting mission will take two or more of the pack. Looking out for our own is our first and foremost mission, as we can not help others when we are hurting. Payment will be half upfront, the other half on completion.

Pretty banner or quote here.

<tab name="Music" style="padding: 10px; margin-left: 0px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 10px; border-color:#8ec2db; border-radius:15px; background-color: #c5d0d6;">

Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

Pretty banner or quote here.