Miu Xhlan

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 Miu Xhlan
"A house isn't complete without a bookcase or two" ~Miu Xhlan
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker/ clanless
Citizenship La Noscea
Age 23
Guardian Rhalgr
Namesday 27th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity


♦ General

A clumsy but kind hearted girl, Miu often times feels more at home behind a book than in a crowd of people. She's been slowly working on becoming more sociable, it's even a little bit less difficult now! While she still has little confidence in herself, recent events have been working to change that. Despite that, Miu has always been a caring person, forgiving of many things people may have done in the past. There is only one thing in which Miu cannot forgive, and that is hurting those that she loves; be they friend, family or close acquaintance. Despite Miu's low confidence, or perhaps even because, she attempts to see the best in people and will try to encourage others, pointing out their strengths and merits.

♦ Appearance

Miu is rather short even for a Miqo'te, most people tower above her short frame, still her blue hair and wide smile is apparent for all to see
Miu is usually wearing some kind of robe overtop of pants, on occasion she'll wear a skirt but she can't ever seem to settle on any one outfit that she likes.
Until recently, Miu had no need of glasses but perhaps reading at night too often has begun to cause eye strain, or maybe she wears it so people call her cute and adorable a little bit less.

♦ Behaviour

Miu is fairly mature and kind loving but sometimes she does enjoy a small prank here or there.
Miu was rather naive once upon a time, but life has been hard to this kind hearted girl though she tries to hide it.
When it comes to her own well being, Miu will get embarrassed at people worrying over her, but when it comes to anyone else she cares for she will walk through hell if that's what it takes.
Miu enjoys coming up with her own alchemy potions and vials, most of which will shatter upon impact and cause some kind of disaster or damage, but sometimes things don't work the way she expected and it blows up in her face, literally.


Miu pretty much always has her grimoire on her person attached via leather straps with an easy to remove snap, she casts most Summoner spells. She usually carries a bag at her side with at least 3 different books within, occasionally you can hear the vials within her bag chink and rattle as she reaches a hand in to find something.
Of her vials she often carries a few healing potions and pain killers but the vials she'll most likely reach for are as such.
Black icor floats within the glass: This was one of her first attempts at creating her own alchemy potions, when thrown at a target it will first coat them in a black icor before hardening like stone upon their skin. The idea behind this was to hold a person captive and unable to attack or run away. She found out the hard way unfortunately that when the stone like properties fade away occasionally part of someone's clothes will go with it. This will last for a few hours, but can be taken down sooner with a dust that she also carries within her bag.
A blue mist like color wafts within: This vial was made to help with difficult patients at the clinic, when thrown it will put the target to sleep. Typically it will only last for a few hours.
Red billows within orange and hot, but cool to the touch: When thrown this vial will have the effect of a small fireball spell, she hasn't found the need to use it yet beyond giving an example of things she can make.
Black viscous liquid coils about in the glass: This isn't a vial to be throwing, though it might perhaps help against a magician, as she created it to block aether. This has been needed on several occasions, once to save a clients life.
Pink gumball gunk fills the vial: It's very rare for Miu to feel the need to throw this vial, it's mostly harmless but when someone angers or upsets her enough, she will throw it at whoever has gained her ire. A pink liquid will cover the victim, dying their skin and clothes in a neon pink color. Lasting only a few hours the dye will fade after time, but those around them will get a good laugh and know that they pissed Miu off.


Growing up amongst a bunch of Pirates, Miu has been no stranger to combat and violence but despite her parents and siblings best efforts they could never get Miu to fight with any weapons, she couldn't even hold them well enough to use properly. Instead Miu often found herself hiding away below deck or up in the crows nest with a good book, much to her mothers dismay. She had many siblings but the only one she got along with the best was her youngest brother Lazarus, and when they lost him to a storm at sea no one was more devastated than Miu. It also unfortunately made them extremely protective of her, causing her to leave at a swift pace once she grew old enough. Joined a free company and began to teach herself how to fight with something she surprisingly had a very good attunement too, aether. Becoming an arcanist and then a summoner was no easy task for Miu, it took her years of training and self teaching but she made it. Only now that she is in Heartwood is she finding a teacher in Kaiya, who, thankfully is helping her refine her techniques in hopes that she doesn't accidentally blow anything up.
Miu gained the ability to see Aether due to a side effect of a spell her friend cast upon her while they tried to break a curse, it hasn't been all that helpful, in fact it was a huge annoyance when it flickered on and off randomly, but it does look pretty cool when her eyes glow and she has finally managed to gain control of it.

★ Recent RP events ★

-Had a baby girl, half miqo'te and half Au'ra which she named Lisset Xhlan
-Joined Heartwood
-Was kidnapped by a previous member of a former free company she had thought dead.

RP Hooks

Your character may know Bennett if they...

Have been involved with the following free companies:
Heartwood Trading Company
Athenaeum of Dreams
Envisage of night
They have seen her at the quicksands
They saw her foraging through the woods for alchemy mats.
They would have ordered something from the Heartwood Trading Company.


  • Miu will bite her lip if she's uncertain of something.
  • Miu will tug on her hair or play with the edge of her shirt if she's nervous.
  • Miu tries to be outgoing but she can get scared of crowds and is always second guessing herself
  • Miu would rather not kill someone, but will if she has too.
  • Has the self confidence of an ant


■ Alchemy
■ books
■ coffee/tea
■ friendly people


■ backstabbers
■ Voidsent
■ hateful people
■ being patted on the head and called short
■ Spiteful people


■ inventing new alchemy concoctions
■ reading books
■ listening to stories


Favourite Food/Drink: Crab legs with lemon butter sauce
Favourite Place: snuggled up next to a warm fire with a good book
Favorite Color: blue

♦ Related Images


*Icons best seen in IE or Firefox(Google Chrome doesn't like them)*

💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


Tynos Riller – She met him a little bit before joining Heartwood, at first she hadn't known what to think of the tall Elezen but he interested her as soon she started to learn more about him. It wasn't until one day of asking him for help and in so doing so both of them sharing some of their own painful pasts and bonding in a way neither of them may have expected. Due to complications, the two are no longer dating.
Noa Lanbatel – The two met during Miu's time in Envisage of night, coming together in their shared love of learning, unraveling mysteries, and coffee. At the time the both of them had affection for Noa's adopted brother which in the end burned both of them and caused the two of them to leave Envisage and join the Triumvirate. While Miu knows all about Noa's darker aspects of her personality she still loves and accepts her.
Cioccolato Stella – Their first interaction was a tad bit different than most, don't ask she won't tell. She was a tad bit uncomfortable around her at first, she started to realize that the dark skinned Miqo'te had a very big heart. Cio has become, in Miu's eyes, a friend that she can lean on and someone she trusts to watch over her daughter Lisset.

Osrick Garanthian – Someone she considers a very close friend, Osrick can appear strong and put together but everyone falters from time to time. He's currently engaged to Lex, and she's glad that the two of them seem happy together. She knows that if ever she needed him, Osrick would be there, and vise versa.

(more to come... this is hard! >.<)


Enemies & Rivals


  • "She's so adorable!" -Purrito

Player Character Rumours

Feel free to add your own Rumors!

• "Lady Miu is so lovely! I hope her little one and Kira grow up to be wonderful friends!" - E'kari Sol

♦ Footnotes

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Battle Theme: Theme song: