Sahja Maimhov

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Gridania-transparent.png Sahja Maimhov
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Age 19
Height/Weight 5Fullm, 2.5Ilms / 114 Ponze
Hair / Eye Colour Lustrous Black / Golden
Occupation Hired Sword, Adventurer
Alignment Neutral Good
Affiliations Axiom


A quick sense of wit and sharp cunning derive from Sahja's time spent learning the mercantile trade under her 'adoptive father', Sigmund Fiske. During this time she taught herself to be an avid mathematician and bookkeeper for the family business. Typical to most of her fellow Keepers she possesses a superb sense of hearing and sight but finds herself lacking in the department of strength, opting in combat for swift, sure strikes and artful dodging than trying to withstand mighty blows. Her poor muscle mass also means she can not wear full armour harnesses or risk becoming fatigued very quickly.

Note: A rating of 5 is considered average for a Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. Attributes range from 1 to a maximum of 10

Attribute Rating: 1-10
Strength ★★★★
Constitution ★★★★
Dexterity ★★★★★★★
Intelligence ★★★★★★
Wisdom ★★★★★
Charisma ★★★★★★

Physical Description


"You're who they sent? Bugger me..."

Whilst having an athletic, petite frame is useful when it comes to slipping away into a crowd or cowering in the shadows, it certainly doesn't come for much use when intimidation is involved. The un-assuming young-adult Miqo'te is notably slim and soft, possessing few muscles to stand out underneath her smooth skin. Her dress code usually consists of whatever is the most comfortable and that permits the most movement; Gambesons, Jackets and Tunics a common sight along with well-worn boots and gloves made of a supple yet sturdy leather. Framing her face is a mass of raven coloured wavy locks, bangs tickling her cheeks and forehead whilst the rest loosely settles on her shoulders. Two golden eyes being the most noticeable feature of her face, the next being a slim faded scar decorating her right eye, stretching from the cheek through the brow. Naturally dark lips coated with a dab coating of dull lipstick make up the rest of her visage, usually stretched into a wry smirk underneath her childishly dirty nose. Coin pouches, satchels and more hang from her body and sometimes a rugged looking knapsack can be seen slung over one shoulder, containing what is likely the entirety of her possessions.



"What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger, right?"

Boisterous at best, Offensive at worst. Sahja has a heart of gold and will always try to help others no matter their race or affiliation. She does what she believes is good without bias for or against the law. But unfortunately her ways of poking fun at others can be irritating at times, her coping mechanisms of trying to break a grin at everything the world throws at her and being so impulsive makes her hard to be around sometimes. Due to living and travelling with a merchant she's come across many faces and learnt of many cultures, somewhat losing track of her own without the guidance of a Keeper community to tell her otherwise. But Miss Maimhov can be subtle and cunning, manipulating her foes and even friends. She is cool-headed, satirical and always seems to get the last laugh with ample banter.


"I'd rather not drag down the mood, eh?"

Everyone lost something or someone to the Calamity and Sahja is no different. Raised in the picturesque forests of Gridania and frequently travelling around she found herself more or less content within her small Keeper tribe, totalling no more than three close-knit families. Yet, one hunting trip away with a family friend and she lost everything. The very world shook in fear and was decimated by immense fires and wanton destruction. Sahja returned to her encampment to find it burnt down to ash, the family friend unable to take care of her so stricken with grief was she and so, with a heavy heart, Sahja was pushed into a refugee camp in Thanalan. Months later a travelling merchant, the down-on-luck, poor Sigmund Fiske took pity on the young, vulnerable girl and offered her the chance to get out of the camps, working tirelessly as his under-study for the mouthfuls of food and scraps of clothes he may afford with his last few Gil. The offer was quickly snapped up by the lonely Miqo'te and together they sold goods around the lands, earning a tidy, humble sum. During this time Sahja became quite the avid learner of the sciences and of mathematics out of necessity for the trade, as well as well versed reading and writing skills. Once she was of age, she parted ways with the man whom had now become like a father to her, breaking out into the world with a thirst for adventure.


After having left her apprenticeship as a merchant's assistant, Sahja now finds herself being mostly self-employed and performing various odd-jobs for folk that she has met during her travels with Sigmund. Some of the work tends to be for shady individuals but she'll never accept a contract that has her breaking laws or doing actions that will harm anyone, directly or indirectly. A lot of the work consists of couriering packages for other Mercantile associates, transporting important items and delivering letters through perilous, warring regions. She has taken some work that involves hunting down dangerous creatures and people, packs of mange-ridden dogs or a couple of thuggish bandits that have gotten a little too cocky and confident terrorising local citizens, although these jobs she usually splits with other mercenaries that can hold their own a little better in a fight.



In order to stay fit and healthy Sahja enjoys going for a dip in the afternoons, having grown up in the forests and usually found herself traversing the wilds as a merchant there was usually the odd river or beach to go to and swim for an hour or two. On the side of her experience surviving out in the woods, she's become a dab hand at woodcarving, her knife habitually finding it's way into her hand whenever she's sitting down in a camp. Other than those more relaxed activities, she also spends time practising hand to hand combat and training with practice swords to prepare for hostile situations on the road.

Notable Relationships

To be added

Thank you to Kasi Nebuko for letting me use their profile as a template!