Higura Gainishigi

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 Higura Gainishigi
"I'll ensure everyone gets the proper education they need!"
Gender Female
Race Mi'qote
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Meracydia
Age 28
Marital Status Single
Occupation Headmistress / Magitek Engineer
Orientation Pansexual

Basic Info

Higura Gainishigi, Higgie to her friends, is a Mi'qote Seeker of the Sun hailing from Meracydia. A confident woman who also tends to be needlessly shy at times; Higura is the Headmistress of Saint Reinette's University and Orphanage. Often faced with her own fear of not understanding how someone of her standing should behave; she oftentimes hides behind a stoic demeanor, as well as a pair of glasses. When faced with an unknown situation, she'll approach it with shy curiosity; before charging headlong into it with nary a concern. Despite being a busy woman, she tries to find time for not only her staff and students, but the myriad of friends and other companies she meets in her adventures. She lives in a mansion in the Lavender Beds, and has to be coaxed out of it. Ever one to go out of her way to fix problems with inexplicable solutions, she's known as being somewhat of a strange, eccentric woman to some; but a kind-hearted hero to others.


Reading books
Taking long baths
Science experiments
Formal clothing
Deer, Stag, and Antelope
Gaius Van Baelsar


Manipulative people
Gridanian Upper-class
The Monetarists Guild
Varis Zos Galvus


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Vice(s): Chauvinism, Fearfulness, Liar, Secrecy and Obsessiveness
Favorite Food: Bouillabaisse
Favorite Drink: Earl Gray Tea
Favorite Color: Grape Purple

Appearance & Personality

Standing at five fulms and three ilms tall, and weighing at a hundred and eleven ponze, Higura stands with an elegant demeanor. Her violet eyes are almost always full of kindness, and if not; she gazes upon things in great curiosity. Her hair is shoulder length, grape purple with green highlights. A modest dresser, she will tend to stick with formal clothing that cover the majority of her body. Feeling that showing skin might give people the wrong idea about her. She has, however started attempting to dress a little lighter, so long as it follows her own dresscode while on school grounds. She owns a Spring Dress that she wears exclusively for going out to dinner, and she gets incredibly shy in it. Otherwise she's normally found in a Falconer shirt and trousers. She is mysteriously devoid of any scars on her body; but does have freckles on her face. She's got a fairly lengthy, bushy tail.

Personality-wise; Higura oddly torn between who people expect her to be, and who she wants to be. She believes that as Headmistress of the Saint Reinette's University; she's always representing the school. Thus, she is oftentimes very reserved, and keeps things strictly professional. However, she does get excitable and can be almost child-like when within the school. Ever happy to see the staff, students; those she calls friends. She sometimes carries a confident air about her, a woman of authority who will get done what needs to be done when necessary, but can always end up perplexed and unsure of herself, ending up being shy and bashful when initially faced with something or someone unknown; but will warm up and retain her confidence. Easy to blush, and embarrass, she hopes to someday conquer her poor understanding of language; and its usage. Unable to understand sarcasm, figures of speech, and other conversation notes. Oftentimes takes everything as serious; and needs jokes explained to her.


(This Section is updated every few months to reflect changes in the narrative, and recent events.)

Born in Meracydia, Higura Gainishigi was the offspring of a nameless Mi'qote woman; seeking the homeland of the Miqo'te people. Her mother died during childbirth; and the young kit was likely to meet the same fate; if not for a local Meracydian beast tribe, the Gainishigi. A group of large sentient wolves, that took her in; and raised her as one of their own. Knowing she was from civilized lands; they gave her as proper of an education as possible, with salvaged books. Teaching her how to hunt, how to speak, and raised her to be a fairly sophisticated young lady, for one raised by wolves. They gave her the name Higura, which roughly translates to Cat-Pup; and they let her keep their Tribal name.

At the age of twelve, Garlean Researchers came to Meracydia. The Gainishigi tribe knew it was likely for the best for her to go with her own people, and sent Higura away with them; where she was sent to Garlemald for a proper education; and a growing love for Magitechnology. Despite her nomadic, tribal upbringing, Higura excelled in the Garlean culture, and oftentimes outpaced her fellow learning engineers. However, her misunderstanding of language got her into trouble. As the common tongue of man is very different than the native tongue of the Gainishigi. By the age of sixteen, she was a prodigy in the field of Magitek Engineering; and completely fell in love with Solus zos Galvus' dream for a unified world. She would often daydream about the enigmatic hero Gaius van Baelsar; and desired to help him however she could.

Despite being teased and oftentimes mistreated for being a Miq'ote, Higura applied to work in the Engineering department of the XIVth legion. Her extreme engineering skills were recognized by Gaius himself, and she was appointed the title of Higura nan Gainishigi. With the previous invasion of Eorzea ending in failure at the battle of silvertear skies; Higura applied her knowledge of Magitek to help develop the Magitek Reaper; which would be later deployed at the battle of Carteneau. Opposition came from the XIVth legion, when Legatus Nael van Darnus wanted to enact the meteor project.

When the invasion of Eorzea begun in full; Higura vowed she would not kill anyone. That the Magitek Reapers she helped developed, would kill people, but the blood would not be upon her hands. Working together with other engineers in the rear of the battle, she did not actively see combat; as they were attempting to interfere the fall of Dalamud. Unsuccessfully trying to realign its orbit with Allagan technology in their possession.

Being far enough away from the battle to observe the effects of Bahamut's release, Higura watched in awe as the world was plunged into hellfire. Feeling responsible for being unable to stop the fall of Dalamud, her and the fellow Engineers rode through the battlefield on Magitek Reapers, saving both Garlean and Eorzean lives alike; transporting them safely away as Bahamut ravaged the countryside above.

In the end, she returned to Garlemald. Rumors of Solus' poor health circulated; and she felt like she could not longer serve and Empire that both employed such drastic measures as the Meteor project, and was unable to unify the world in the way she wanted to see. Without saying goodbye to her comrades, she departed for Eorzea, looking to find a better use for her talents.

Near six years, and a trip to Meracydia, later; Higura found herself in Eorzea, trying to shyly learn its customs from observation. Realizing she was an incredibly bright individual compared to the small minds of the average popoto farmer; she sought out an educational institute, hoping to perhaps use her knowledge to help Eorzea on its way to becoming a far more civilized nation. Applying at Ashen Academy for Eorzean Arts in the Goblet, she signed on as the Magitek teacher. Many students were suspicious of her disregard for the twelve, intimate knowledge with machina; and her radical way of teaching engineering.

It was while employed at this school, that she experienced her first holidays in Eorzea, both All Saints Wake, and the Starlight Festival. Taking the festivities to heart, she disguised herself as Saint Nymeia's helper; all winter long.

After the revelation that the Headmaster was a member of the Monetarist guild and desired to sell the school for profit; she confronted him about it. Stating that education wasn't about the money, but how it could help people. He disregarded her foolish notions, and set the school on fire in a mad attempt to claim the insurance money. Higura, the other staff, and students all escaped; but the headmaster vanished within the flames.

Despite Higura's promise to the students that she would build a proper education center for them, she found herself abandoned by nearly all of them. The only two who remained were Kalm Yugure and Yuja Joja. Together, the three of them became a traveling band of heroes, seeking to raise money to buy a school building. They met with Dormin Explosivo, and met the people of Oathforge, meeting Kay'ran Dethnos in the process. A sailor who eventually joined them. The four of them then met Liliana Nolan, a mute orphan who wanted to learn to read; Juno Inq, a swamp witch from Garlemald, and Keimo Sorata, a Doman Refugee seeking their sister. The group traveled together; until renting a home in Aleport.

It was while living in Aleport, that Higura met Juno's lover; Ceres Lucretia; who joined the school not long after as a history teacher. The group was met with fortune, when Kay'ran and his boss Setaria Kattalis offered Higura the old Oathforge home for free. She accepted, despite her hatred of the Goblet, and the students and staff all moved into the house together; along with the old members of Oathforge. Namely Chryslinger Starhope and U'xi Krash.

Saint Reinette's prospered for a time, despite fighting with the Halls of Ul down the street. After a time, a letter arrived in the mail to Higura. A man by the name of Jun'to Nharuya had left a manor in her name; and they immediately moved to the Lavender beds, leaving the old home in the hands of Higura's distant friend, Dormin Explosivo.

From the manor, the school exploded in popularity; and things were good for a time. Higura established the Security, medical, and Research and Development teams, to foster safety, health, and understanding. Working together with Catherine Fox; Higura felt the manor would only be truly safe; if free from the threat of the Elementals of the forest. Unfortunately not everyone shared her sentiment, and arguments over the 'Elemental Defense System' eventually drew hostile, leading in a lot of staff and students leaving the school. Including Ceres Lucretia and U'xi Krash.

Not deterred by this, the project continued underway; and Higura found a love interested in Ajisai Ito. The two ended up dating for a time, and Higura tried desperately to help save the girl from her aether sight. However, Ajisai was a stubborn Doman Raen; and refused to believe that her eyesight was anything other than a gift from the Dawn father. Revelations came about that the activation of the EDS (Elemental Defense system) would save Chryslinger Starhope from being killed by the Elementals, but if they turned on the machine, it would likely kill Ajisai.

Faced with a choice on what to do, Higura and the R&D team built a necklace to negate the effects of the Elemental repulsion field; and gave it to Ajisai. Activating the EDS; Higura and Kay'tethanir Dotharl teamed up to fight the Elemental that appeared to kill Chryslinger Starhope. Defeating the Elemental, barely, Higura sustained a wound to her eye, blinding her right eye.

After a time, they managed to restore her sight, and heal the wound. Miraculously, or suspiciously, with no scarring.

Due to the EDS activation, Lady Starhope left the school to seek new adventures, free from the threat of an elemental. Higura discovered soon that Ajisai had been unfaithful to her, as near a dozen staff and student approached her at once, claiming at Ajisai had slept with them behind Higura's back. Disgusted that her trust was betrayed; Higura sent Ajisai away.

Things had been moderately quiet for the school for a time after that, until Higura decided to escape her coop, and go try to meet new friends in the Quicksand. She met with Reppu Hijiri of the Winds of Hope, and became intrigued with the woman. She offered to take her to dinner; but that offer would not be fulfilled for many moons.

Much did not happen for the school until the All Saints Wake Masquerade ball, in which Higura held a public party for Eorzea, which was well recieved. She danced with Reppu during this time; but it was rudely interrupted, to her dismay. The dance came to a close when the dastardly Spriggan squad made their escape with an army of spriggans; who made off with all of the eggs in the school.

Taking up the art of the playwright, Higgie has had moderate success with writing plays, and performing in them for both the school, and public performances. Writing a comedy.. or.. tragedy stage performance of Oengus and Ozma - A Magi Tale, she captured the hearts of students. She also performed in How the Qiqirn Stole Starlight, a play written due to her love of the fuzzy beastmen.

She recently began dating a woman by the name of Kanekachi Mabe, a Raen engineer that she is completely enamored with.

These days, Higura spends her time trying to balance work and play, hoping she can not only be a decent headmistress, but still be a decent friend.


Posessions: The following objects are kept on her at all times.

Notebook. She carries with her a small hard cover tome, filled with her notes and scribblings about people, and places. She's got a poor memory at times, with so much going on, that she references her notes on who she's met, and it helps her recall events or people.

Tattered old book. She caries with her an extremely old, tattered book. A hardcover book, in which the pages are so faded; that it can hardly be read. She claims its a memento, a romance novel about a hunter and a deer; but the book is in such a sad shape, that no one would ever know what it said.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"She's quite the Magitek prodigy, some of those inventions of hers.."
"She's incredibly busy.. never leaving the manor. I worry for her."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Why does she eat all of her meals raw? Ugh.. she just ate a moldy popoto.."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Some of her mannerisms are off. Is she a normal person?"
"They say she wants to go to war with the Elementals, she's building a paradise free from them.. What utter nonsense."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Name : Description

Reppu Hijiri : Friend of Higura, and leader of Winds of Hope. She looks up to Reppu and always looks for approval, but feels they are too different to be anything more than friends.
Sulahn Da'assan : Ex-Medical Chief of the University. Felt unappreciated.
Yuja Joja : Despite being a longtime friend, and one of the three founders of the Universty.. Yuja's inclination towards violence drove him away from her.
Kalm Yugure : Friend of Higura. Traveling companion. Went on a date once, and poked him in his blind eye. Frequent dancing partner, oftentimes like a mother to him.
Koro Tumet : Loyal guard, and friend of Higura.
Kay'tethanir Dotharl : Loyal guard. Will defend Higura with his life. Works for her at the request of Shaan Horo.
Ajisai Ito : Past lover of Higura. Cheated on her multiple times. Left her heartbroken and unsure of people.
Kulain Qalli : "You have no idea what it's like to struggle. Here in this mansion with all of your.. your wealth!"
Jaxa Jataxa : Headmaster of Ashen Academy. Presumed deceased.
Ceres Lucretia : Ex-History Teacher. Voidmage. Disagreed with Higura on many topics.
Shienne Aldul : Ex-History Teacher. Biased. Insulted Higura's patriotism and love of Gaius. Was fired for giving biased lessons against both Dravania, and Garlemald.
Reiner Dorn : Supposed benefactor. Claimed to help Saint Reinette's, but never did anything but claim that the school was a result of his help. Never helped.



Template by Bancroft Gairn
Theme Song: Higura's Theme
TV Tropes: