Sonelle Cosseau

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Sonelle Cosseau is a wandering Duskwight Elezen with a penchant for potions and surgery. Keeping mostly to herself, the mild-mannered woman can often be found where great battles have been fought, soothing and healing the wounds of soldiers, civilians and adventurers alike. Polite, skillful and genteel, she seems to carry herself with dignity and grace but shuns unnecessary conversation and social functions in favour of her continuous journeying and seeking of knowledge. Whether or not this is merely due to the wariness some Duskwight carry with them in light of the popular reigning opinion of her heritage is anyone’s guess; Sonelle seems happy in the dealings she has with others and genuinely enjoys her work, even if she tends not to linger in the company of those she aids.


Sonelle is slightly taller than average for a female Elezen, generally coming in a couple of inches over most women of her race. She is all the things that one would expect of her in many regards simply due to blood; elegant, graceful, fine boned and well spoken are many adjectives that one could associate with her presence.

As an adult, like all Elezen, Sonelle’s age ventures into double digits at least but in appearance, when compared to a human woman of similar maturity, slight lines at the corner of her eyes and an air of experience and sophistication would lend her the equivalence of someone in her mid, or breaching late, twenties. Her hair is a sheet of snow-white kept short for the sake of her own vanity, but Sonelle employs a range of stylings to keep it from becoming a hindrance and it changes frequently, often adorned with clips and ornaments of which she is fond.

On most days, the wandering surgeon is normally followed by an aura of vanilla and sandalwood - a scent derived from incense carried to stave off some of the unseemly odors that come with alchemy. It tends to follow her around in a pleasant cloud of fragrance whether she likes it or not.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Duskwight: Sonelle’s origins are very clear, even to a casual observer.
Voice: Sonelle’s voice is medium toned and pleasant with a calm, peaceful lilt to it.


Sonelle’s overall demeanour is quietly affable and the woman is rarely seen without a small smile on her face. She prefers to project a professional and approachable disposition at both friends and acquaintances alike, her temperament ever steady. There are few that have ever seen her anger in such a manner as to raise her voice as Sonelle prefers to solve disputes with words and good graces rather than bickering openly.


SEAFOOD. Limsa Lominsa is a favourite destination of Sonelle’s, owing much to the culinary creations from the depths available there.
JEWELLERY. Sonelle would be lying if she said she did not appreciate the allure of beautifully crafted rings, ear cuffs and pendants, even if such items are beyond the scope of her gil means and lifestyle.


RAIN. There is nothing about a rainstorm that Sonelle is overly fond of. It just soaks her clothing and equipment and makes travelling more dangerous.
DRINKING. After encounters with more than one drunken tavern goer quick to make passing comments about her heritage, Sonelle has developed a profound distaste for alcohol.


SEWING. When she has spare time Sonelle can quite often be found at a fireside working on her latest embroidery project or darning a hole in a sock.
SINGING. Sonelle cannot claim to be a master bard but she can carry a decent enough tune, usually opting to practice alone to keep herself entertained on nights where conversation is lacking.


FRIENDLY. Sonelle likes everyone and enjoys trying to find the good in all folks no matter how terse, belligerent or cantankerous they may be to her.
DEDICATED. When she sets her mind to it Sonelle is rarely dissuaded from a task, whether it is travelling to a new destination or convincing a precocious child to let her remove a splinter.


RIGID. Once Sonelle has made up her mind on something it is very difficult to get her to change it, even if her opinion is overtly wrong.
PERFECTIONIST. From the state of her equipment to her personal dress to the patterning her bandages make on a patient’s arm - Sonelle has a need for things to be flawless at all times.


HEALING. Sonelle’s primary driving forces in life are alchemy and surgery. Lacking the skills that a magic user possesses, she relies on herbs and potion-making to deliver aid where she travels, leaving a string of treatments in her wake. Her journeys have brought her experience and knowledge, and she intends to continue for as long as possible.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Mireille Cosseau, mother. ( )
"I’m sorry I couldn’t save you when it mattered most."
Never knowing her father, Sonelle instead employed a long and happy relationship with her mother. The pair were inseparable until Mireille’s death two years before the Calamity, lost in an attack by Ixal raiders on a caravan both she and her daughter were part of.

By that point, Sonelle had already become a decent chirurgeon. But having been knocked unconscious during the fighting, she was unable to assist with her mother’s wounds and awoke a week later an orphan.

Sonelle has never forgotten her mother or the love imparted on her throughout their years together.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. ."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Hey guys! Thanks for coming and checking out Sonelle. I’m Hixxi. Here you can find some OOC information for myself and my character. If you have any questions please do hit me up in game or on RPC. For now though, I hope you find all this engaging and want to learn more about my Elezen.
Personal RP Limits
I will play I am happy to scene with just about nearly everyone regardless of how good their English is or how new they are (I’m new myself!). Obviously, my character being a wandering chirurgeon, I super love RPing healing and thusly if your character has been wounded or is ill and wants someone to come make a valiant attempt at making them all better, please, hit me up! I’m also open to anything and everything Elezen, particularly for Duskwight characters. Finally, I’m happy to consider romance style plotlines, and I’m even up for writing smut, but this is under the condition that it does not become the main focus of my RP with anyone or I find it gets very boring.
I won't play I draw the line at hard gore and explicit violence. I do not need to read a very graphic description of a character’s eyes being removed (this happened once). With scenes that involve heavy torture/fighting/etc., I would prefer to ‘fade to black’ and then scene the aftermath. I roleplay because I want to have fun and feeling physically ill is not fun for me. I also do not wish to indulge in particularly lore-breaking role play so I will shy away from those playing characters that are, for example, super-saiyan vampires from another dimension.


Potential Plot Hooks
Looking for a way to get involved with Sonelle? That’s great! Here are some hooks for anyone viewing this page who might want to send her a letter, or contact me to set something up. All these following points are publicly accessible and common knowledge, and it is perfectly fine to use them with or without my consent (although if you want more specific details, please just nab me to discuss). See you soon!
Primarily Sonelle is a wandering healer which provides a lot of scope for past and future interactions. Did your character blackout during a fight, only to come to in a nice warm tavern bed and their comrades chuckling about how some Elezen woman fussed over their bandages for an hour? Is your character maybe suffering from an illness or needs medication? Are you perhaps part of a mercenary or adventurer group who could use some extra hands on board whilst Sonelle is in the area temporarily or maybe hired her in the past? All these and more are very much welcome starting points as far as I am concerned.
Mireille Cosseau, Sonelle’s mother, was an accomplished seamstress before her death two years prior to the Calamity. If your character or their family might have had dealings with a Duskwight tailor it is more than likely that they might have met Sonelle at any stage in her extended childhood. After she was killed, Sonelle wrote a series of letters to her repeat customers informing them of her passing but has never had contact since.

Name - Sonelle Cosseau.
Race - Elezen (Duskwight).
Age - Adult.
Name Day - 31st Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon.
Deity - Nymeia.

Alias: None.
Occupation: Chirurgeon.
Hair color: White.
Eye color: Purple.
Complexion: Pale.
Piercings: Ears.
Marks or tattoos: None.
Alignment: Good.
Favorite Food: Velodyna Carp.
Favorite Drink: Glade Tea.
Favorite Color: Purple.
Template made by Abagail Graves and free for use!