Kiht Jakkya

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 Kiht Jakkya
Kiht Kat.jpg
"You cannot lie to nature."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon [Shriekshroom Clan]
Citizenship Twelveswood (Black Shroud)
Age 19
Height 5 fulms ((feet)) tall
Hair/fur Black
Eyes Dark Blue
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Kiht Jakkya is a very traditional Keeper. She lives in the remnants of a once proud and prosperous clan called the Shriekshrrom Clan. Named such for the fact that they made a living off of the harvesting of fungars and the trading of the shriekshrooms. That and the hunting of animals in the Black Shroud once sustained the clan. This small clan once had 30 members, but the clan is now reduced to 12 members.

Most of the other members of the clan, including Kiht's father and mother, died in battle with the Ixal. Depleted resources and hunting grounds in Black Shroud after the calamity, forced the clan to try and hunt in or near Ixal territory. This wouldn't have been the case if the Gridanians hadn't denied her clan the right to hunt near Gridania. Also they put restrictions on the hunting of certain animals which made the clan get into frequent conflicts with the Woodwailers.

Kiht was once captured by the Gridanians, but was released after six months. While she was their captive, a sympathetic Elzen decided to impart to her a great deal of knowledge on nature, the world and the ways of the Lancers. Kiht returned to her clan as an improved huntress who helped her clan establish a dialogue with the Gridanians. While the Gridanians wouldn't be considered the clan's allies, they are no longer enemies.


Kiht Jakkya is a young huntress and long-range scout for the Shriekshroom Clan. She is small, even by Miqo'te standards, but that is actually true of most of the females in her small clan. Kiht usually appears serious and doesn't often show her emotions easily. The hard life that she has shared with her clan in the Black Shroud has made her serious and often well-guarded. She has a teardrop tattoo on her forehead witch represents a tear of Menphina. She keeps her black hair short, and swept back. She has a small scar close to her right eye as a result of an Ixal attempting to take her life a few years ago. If one were to look closely at Kiht's eyes, they would see a color matching the blue of a starlit night sky.


Kiht is willful and somewhat stubborn in her views. She is often suspicious and mistrusting of anyone who isn't a Keeper of the Moon. She has a strong curiosity and is naive about things that do not relate to the Black Shroud or Keeper traditions. She is fierce in battle, but often calm otherwise. She may even be shy around certain people. Her favored goddesses are Menphina the Lover (as per clan tradition) and Halone the Fury, goddess of battle. The personas of the two sister goddesses are expressed in Kiht as she is a fierce fighter (Halone), but she also believes strongly in the concept of love as well (Menphina).

Her attitude towards other races is as follows:

Keepers: Automatically trusts them. ((Assumes that they are trustworthy and traditional. Such an attitude can lead to problems with bad, or non-traditional Keepers))

Seekers: Respects them, but thinks they are misguided.

Elzen: Sees them as skilled and efficient, but often arrogant and selfish. ((Would hate them if it hadn't been for her Elzen mentor while she was a captive in Gridania))

Hyur: Sees them as unpredictable and sometimes chaotic.

Roegadyns: Knows little about them beyond the rumors. Would be uncertain and nervous around them.

Lalafell: Finds them strange and creepy. Always unsure of how to deal with them. Sees them as too friendly, but hears they can be quite fiendish.



Kiht is a spear huntress. Responsible within her clan for dealing with charging animals, and/or dealing the killing blow to tough animals. She is also a protector of the archers and casters in her clan during any battle. With the reduction of clan members over the past 6 years, she has had to take on more roles. She is now a long-range scout and surveyor as well. Sometimes she must hunt on her own because of the need for the clan to cover as much hunting ground as possible. Feeding 12 members may not seem like it should be hard, but species protection and growing Ixal territory is making the clan desperate as food gets harder and harder to come by.

Kiht has learned lancer skills in addition to her clan-taught spear skills due to the Elzen mentor she had during her six months in Gridania. She has clan-taught hand-to-hand combat skills as well. However, she wasn't raised to be an archer. Now that her clan is so small it would be a benefit for her to know archery, but the matriarch didn't predict that the calamity would happen. One day, Kiht will learn archery, but she is too busy now to learn more than the basics. Kiht does not have the aether to be much of a caster, so she never learned any magic. Both of the clan males, her older sister, and the clan Matriarch are accomplished magic users though.


Kiht carries a bone harpoon that was made by her father. It is her treasured weapon. She may have to replace it one day due to an expected need for something more efficient, but for now, she does not want to part with it. She also carries a few javelins with her so that she may throw them at an enemy for a preemptive strike, but that is currently her only ranged ability. She also often uses her javelins for attacking prey that would otherwise not let her get close.

Kiht's hand-to-hand combat skills are not on the level of a Pugilist, but she can use them effectively as a last resort.

Kiht also bites if she has to.



  • Meat. Six years after the calamity, she is tired of her clan having to eat more vegetables than they ever have had to. She is crazy for fish, pork and exotic meats.
  • Traditions, rituals and dancing. She always enjoys her clan's dance events. Usually the dances are done in order to celebrate the gods.
  • Plant life. She likes flowers and trees. When she is not with her clan in the Black Shroud she often climbs the very tall trees in order to find a safe place to sleep during the day.
  • Rain. She may not be fond of the getting wet part, but the beauty of rain is hard for her to not like.
  • Darkness. She feels safest when most things can barely see her. But she can always see them...
  • Hunting. Nothing better than a good hunt; especially, with others at her side.
  • Exploring. She likes to go where she should not go; do what she should not do. A sort of mischievous side to her personality.


  • Sunlight and heat. This makes Thanalan a big challenge.
  • Ixal. Nothing she hates more.
  • Being seen as weak. She hates that most males form the other races see her as weaker because she is female.
  • Lalafell. She doesn't hate them, but finds them disturbing. She has daymares about Lalafell attempting to kill her in her sleep.
  • Submissive females. She doesn't think women should be bit*@es, but she thinks women make better leaders, and should be strong in both body and in mind. At least, strong in mind.
  • Male authority. She will always be a bit stubborn towards male authority.
  • Foul smells. She has a super sensitive nose.


  • Tracking and scouting, even at night.
  • Leather-working ((Still learning))
  • Music and dancing to it.


  • Loves shiny objects, but doesn't care for monetary value.
  • Prefers to be in encampments, or outdoors, rather than cities.
  • Likes to observe people.



The Jakkya name is an ancient Keeper name that has been passed down since the dawn of the Keeper clans. Because the name follows the female individuals not a specific clan, the name is now widespread amongst the Keepers. In other words, there may be more Keepers with the surname Jakkya, but not all Jakkyas are part of the same clan. The surname simply indicates a shared ancestry which could be as far back as the first use of the name.

The Shriekshroom clan is a small clan that consists of two families; the Jakkya family and the Kaatah family (Kaatah is also an ancient Keeper name). The clan once traded and intermingled with other Keeper clans and families. This allowed for the clan to maintain traditions and stay specialized, yet continue to develop as a society.

Typically, the Jakkya family are the feisty spitfires of the clan. They usually took on the role of hunting dangerous beastkin, and use a time-honored spear/lance style in combat. They also brought leather-working to the clan. The Kaatah are usually the composed and graceful archers of the clan. They usually took on the role of gathering from seedkin and small game. They brought botany to the clan. Magic use within the clan is fairly limited. Few in the clan seem to be born with much aether.

The clan was once 30 strong, but the calamity and attacks from Ixal, dramatically reduced their numbers. The Kaatah family now has 9 surviving members while the Jakkya family has 3. The Matriarch of the clan is the Kaatah family matron. The clan Matriarch has 3 daughters, 1 son, 2 younger sisters and two nieces who are the daughters of one of her sisters. The Jakkya family consists of Kiht, her older sister and her kid brother. Kiht's older sister would be the logical choice to be the Jakkya family matron, but she is only 21 years old. With only 3 members left in the Jakkya family, the clan decided that they will have the Kaatah Matriarch represent the whole clan for now.

Despite the fact that the Jakkya have only 3 members left of their family, the Kaatah wouldn't ever think of casting them from the clan. The 3 Jakkya siblings are treated with the same amount of respect and love as any other member of the clan.

Since the calamity, the Shriekshroom Clan struggles to survive in the Black Shroud while pressures, and aggressors, seemingly attack them at every angle of their lifestyle. Because of the decaying ecosystem of the Black Shroud, fungars have become much more abundant. This lowers the demand for shriekshrooms. As a result, the clan can no longer make any real profit from the harvest and trade of shriekshrooms.


A reserved but friendly Hyur woman by the name of Roen Deneith is one of Kiht's first acquaintances after journeying to Thanalan. Kiht has only encountered her twice; both instances were at the Grindstone matches. The woman is extremely generous to Kiht, but is not prone to easily share information about herself. Kiht is not one to pry at peoples personal lives, but her strong sense of curiosity burns in her mind when it comes to Roen.

A suave vagabond by the name of Tobias ((Nightbringer)) helped Kiht gain entrance to Gridania for a very modest fee. She does not yet know him well enough to call him "friend", but she finds the witty Hyur to be fascinating, and is certainly in debt to him for helping her get into Gridania.

A very recent friend of Kiht's is a Keeper of the Moon by the name of Kendha'to Burwani. She still has much to learn about him, but her first encounter with the stoic and gruff male seemed promising. They shared a meaningful conversation about their lives. Kiht hopes to learn intermediate and advanced archery from him soon.


Her only enemies so far are the Ixal. There was the band of masked men who took many of her sisters away years ago, but she does not know who they were or any of their names. The clan Matriarch believes they were slavers. That was a sad day.


((Open to it, but would need to do a bit of IC relationship building.))

Kiht is young. She is barley of age, and has had no romantic experience. However, she is heterosexual. Currently, she would be more inclined to be attracted to male Keepers, but males of other races are not out of the question. Males of other races may have to get through multiple social layers of traditional inhibitions.



Rumors are the only information that anyone can know ICly before meeting Kiht Jakkya in the game.

Common Rumors 90% Accurate

  • Woodwailer: Gods that moon-cat was fast. I saw her kill an animal that is a protected species! However, there was no way I could catch her!
  • Mercenary: I be arrivin der scene uhv der fight, boot me dint have anythin ta fight! All der Ixal thad be causin truble be keeled by sum ambursh... Fulla arrows n stab wounds dey wer!
  • Hyur Woman: I walked outside my house to get some fresh air one night; what I saw outside scared the seven hells out of me. A group of 10 to 15 Miqo'te were scrounging around the settlement. They were digging in trash barrels, and trying to get into locked storage houses! I called out to them. I asked them what they were doing here. They all stopped and looked at me. They were dead quiet, and they stared at me for what seemed like minutes! I went back into my house!

Moderate Rumors 75% Accurate

  • Hyur Man: When a young Elzen child was stolen one day, he was returned a few nights later. No one saw who stole him or returned him, but he was unharmed. The boy could barley talk because he was so young, but he said a lady with a black furry tail found him and showed him to other furry-tailed ladies. They fed him a lot of food and then an older, grumpy, furry-tail lady said he had to go back home. So they took him back to his settlement.
  • Elzen Merchant: Why why why does that Miqo'te girl keep bugging me!? Can't she see I'm busy! She never buys anything, anything! Just asks me countless questions about the places I've been. How am I supposed to know if the other places I go to have Keeper clans? I don't pay attention to most of the dirt-poor cat people I come across!
  • Elzen Woodwailer: She frequently asks to speak with ((undecided mentor name)). However, Keepers with a poaching record are not allowed in Gridania. We do not need the Elementals angry with us! She is probably lying anydays. There is no way one of our honored lancers would mentor her!

Rare Rumors 40% Accurate

  • Gridanian Scout: I once stumbled upon a group of Miqo'te moon-cats during one of their rituals. They were eating the hearts of recently killed Ixal!
  • Mercenary: I was hired, in secrecy, to put an end to them bloody poacher cats. I learned that you shouldn't corner em! One of em gave me this! *points to a freakish scar on his face where his left eye use to be*. I mean, crikey, them bone harpoons hurt!
  • Traveling Merchant: I saw a band of men in Black Shroud the other day. They wore masks, and had a bunch of cuffs and cages with them. I thought they were hunters at first but then I noticed they had a Miqo'te in cuffs! They were slavers I say! Nobody I tell seems to care that the local Moonkeeper clans are being attacked. The Woodwailers don't believe me.

PC Rumors

((If you've met my character in the game then you may put any rumors you desire, here. Please note that I reserve the right to delete the rumors for any reason.))

Extras OOC

Willing to try RP with anyone.

Open to potential integration of other characters into my story. For example, Kiht needs a name and gender for her Elzen mentor that taught her lancer skills.

PM me (Knight Kat on the HRPC forums) with any questions regarding my character, or her story. I am not interested in a critique of my writing style; this is a rough draft so far. However, I would listen to any corrections on lore. I want to be as accurate as I can be when it comes to the lore of the game. Also, if there are any inconsistencies in my wiki, please let me know.

Open to random RP. Open to Pen Pals (Read the Pen Pals thread on the HRPC forum). Open to integration of player characters into Kiht's family/clan; however, I will really have to get to know you well first. Also, I am not looking to start my own Free Company. I may join a Free Company soon though.

Open to Link Shell invites.

I like to play the game as much as RP in it. I don't think people have to choose one or the other all the time. I would love to try RP exploration, RP dungeons, RP hunts, ect.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea