Ellere Valahan

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Ellere Valahan
Time Heals All


Birth Name: Ellere Valahan
Race and Clan: Hyur, Midlander
Birthplace: Sharlayan, the Old World
Gender: Female
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Age: 33
Occupation: Aetheric and Alchemic Healer
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5 fulms 5 ilms
Weight: 150 ponze
Alignment: Neutral Good

ELLERE VALAHAN is a rather well-educated and intelligent Hyuran woman, currently working as a healer from a small clinic she owns in Mist. Originally from Sharlayan, Ellere settled in Eorzea after her 13th summer and found a new home in Limsa Lominsa. Ellere has a love of anything old or rich in story. While she can more often be found with her nose in a book, she has an interest in travelingl to the far reaches of Eorzea in search of ruins, relics, and other such things. She dabbles in sewing and cooking, as well as alchemy with most her knowledge stemming from herb usage.


Sharlayan: While Ellere has lived in Eorzea since she was thirteen, she still is tied to her old homeland and has kept much of her medical research with her.

Order of Ouroboros: The Order actually sought Ellere out when they were in need of someone with expertise in Sharlayan technology. After giving what aid she could, she was offered a more full-time position with them and remains on call for any medical needs or if they have any other use for her knowledge.

The Arbiters: A small company that aided the less fortunate, Ellere signed on as the head of medical staff over a cycle ago. While she has since left the company, she holds fond memories of her time there, despite it being where she met her ex-husband.

La Noscea: Ellere can most commonly be found in her small home in the Mist, downsizing from a larger space after the death of her husband. She runs a small clinic out of it, and also often frequents the main city of Limsa Lominsa for supplies or a nice meal.

Thanalan: Only visiting the area when doing work with the Order, Ellere keeps her time in the Goblet and Ul'dah brief.


Ellere is slightly shorter than most average Midlander women, and while relatively fit, she does tend to keep excess weight around her hips. Ellere maintains a slightly curvy form, slender, but with pronounced hips and thighs. Her mother would often tease that it was a good sign of being a good mother herself one day. Her breasts are blessedly average, she would say. Rather pale, Ellere has a naturally creamy white skin. Along her cheeks, shoulders, and arms have a very light dusting of freckles from spending time in the sun, but her fair skin is otherwise unblemished. Her face is slightly rounded and she has soft features with down-turned eyes. Her eyebrows are naturally short, angling above grey-green eyes. Ellere would describe her hair as a handful. Naturally an ashy blonde with a slight curl, her thick hair is the type to tangle easily and readily produce bedhead each morning.

Ellere has only one major scar of note. While serving as a healer in the Arbiters, she and her employers were ambushed by void mages that summoned gargoyles to fight for them as they fled. Ellere was gored through her right shoulder by one of the creature's horns, leaving a circular scar.

Ellere has taken to things that are comfortable and light, suitable for the warm ocean air of Vylbrand and the hot nights of Thanalan. She likes practicality over most fashion trends, and gravitates toward earth tones and blue-greens. Though, she will admit to enjoying dressing up in fancy, girlish clothes from time to time. Not one to seek out confrontation, Ellere owns little in the way of actual armor. When she travels, she does tend to layer thick leather coats and gloves for some protection, but she would much rather stay far away from any battle.


Ellere is a well-educated and intelligent individual, though it is not often apparent through outward behavior or mannerisms. She tends to be overly-friendly, respects little in the way of personal space, and can even be a bit crude if given opportunity. Not one to shy away from banter or good-humor, Ellere can hold herself quite well in most social situations. Being a talented healer and her natural care often maker her seem like an overbearing mother or older sister figure.

She tends to call people, no matter level of acquaintance, by pet names. Most commonly: sugar, dear, love, and doll, though there are many others. She is also ridiculously romantic, a bit of a daydreamer, and completely obsessed with anything involving love.

Being born and raised for most of her early life in Sharlayan, Ellere lacks little in knowledge and experience. She has had her nose in a book most her life, and studied quite a bit in several academies and guilds. While most of her base stems from medical research (including various forms of aetheric healing techniques, herbal medicine, and anatomy), Ellere is also quite knowledgeable concerning history, language and old civilization.



Ellere was born in the Old World, Sharlayan, as the oldest of two children. Her father, Riordan Valahan, was a well-respected professor who spoke at many of the great academies within the capital. Her mother, Ena, was a spirited woman with a talent for healing arts. Her childhood was fairly normal for that of any Sharlayan youth. It was expected she be educated and spend most of her time with her studies. Ellere never minded much, as she thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning. However, she did often have the bad habit of slipping heroic and fanciful tales of romance in her pile of “work” as well.

She and her mother were quite close; it was easy to see which of her parents Ellere took after the most. Like her mother, Ellere was a dreamer and sought new experiences. She also had her talent for magic, something her father did not. Between her regular academics, Ellere spent time with her mother and practiced her own healing abilities. When her younger brother was born, Ellere took to helping her mother around the home as well, cooking, cleaning, mending clothes, and looking after the baby when a break was needed.

Because of her strict upbringing, and her whimsical nature, Ellere did not have many friends her age growing up. Many of the other students thought her rather weird, or made fun of her thick-round glasses. It never bothered her, not most days. Ellere was far more content curled up at home with her story books than playing outside with the other children anyway.

While she had always known her parents had not married out of love, it was not until she turned thirteen did the rift become apparent. Her father had little patience for her mother’s adventurous nature and expected her to be a proper wife. Ena finally decided to take her leave of Sharlayan, wishing to learn and share new experiences elsewhere. Ellere was more than willing to leave as well. While she knew it pained her mother to do so, her younger brother was left in Sharlayan with Riordan, and the two of them took a ship south.

After several weeks of travel, Ena and Ellere found themselves on the Isle of Vylbrand. Instantly falling in love with the bustling life of Limsa Lominsa, and finding work in the Arcanist Guild, the two settled in a small apartment in town and began their new life.

Limsa Lominsa was a major change from Sharlayan. Ena found herself fitting in quite well with some of the other healers at the Arcanist Guild, and her employment allowed Ellere plenty of time to explore the literature they had stored in their archives. Some of the arcanists even offered to take the young girl under their tutelage. She excelled in their teachings, often helping them tend to the ill and injured well before she was even fifteen.

When Ellere was not occupied with the guild, she took to wandering the city and the neighboring cliffs to explore. She climbed rocks and trees, scuffed up her knees, broke a few bones, and experienced a freedom she had never had while under her father's eye in Sharlayan. She often found herself drawn to the various taverns just to hear the passing tale of an adventurer. Daydreams of roguishly handsome pirates and fair maidens danced about her head in an naive belief that such things must have been so commonplace in Eorzea.

Though the move was not without struggle. Ellere soon realized that most, if not all, children her age were illiterate and held no interest in books and stories like she did. She took to composing long letters to her father and brother, but she never received any form of reply. It was hard for her to understand at that age why her father would be as angry as he was.

After a little over three summers in Limsa Lominsa, however, the struggle became far worse than Ellere could have ever expected.

Upon turning sixteen, Ellere began to slowly notice that her mother was becoming weary. The woman did not eat as much as she used to, slept a good deal, but never looked fully rested. Ena continued her service to the guild for months before Ellere heard that she had collapsed into a fit while tending a patient. To see her mother so ill frightened Ellere greatly, and to hear the arcanists had no ideas of what the illness that had stricken her could be. Ellere furiously believed in her mother's strength and determination. This woman was everything she would hope to be when she was older.

But as the weeks turned into months, and the months turned to winter, Ellere began to lose hope. She wrote nearly every day to her father, hoping for his aid, to ask that if perhaps a Sharlayan healer would understand the illness better. But as with her previous letters, they went unanswered. All the while, she rarely left her mother's side. Ena would not see the coming spring, and she slipped away in her sleep quietly.

For many months after the death of her mother, Ellere found she did not know what to do with her life. The arcanists from the guild were more than supportive, often even visiting just to make sure she had taken a meal that day. And Ellere was eternally grateful, but she had lost her purpose. She carried her mother's ashes to the cliffs outside of the city, spreading them into the ocean. She found the experience somewhat liberating, knowing her mother was as free in death as she was in life. And she prayed that perhaps even a small part of her might be carried on the waves to the shores of the Old World, as well.

It took nearly two years for Ellere to return to any sense of normalcy. By then, she had taken her mother's position in the guild, seeing patients full time and tending the archives when needed. The distraction of work was welcome, and there was never a shortage of drunken brawlers, pirates, or adventurers to patch up. Healing was not always a quick and easy fix, but she carried on with the lessons her mother had taught her and held tight to the free and guiding spirit she always had been in Ellere's life.

When spring blew in just after her twentieth birthday, it brought in a ship and a man Ellere now wishes she had never met. While purchasing some supplies in Hawker's Alley for the guild, she was approached by a handsome man some years her senior. She was almost instantly taken by his crooked smile and charm, as well as his mysterious air. He introduced himself as Thatch, a merchant that traveled the seas. He was to be docked in Limsa for a month to resupply and trade some cargo, he explained, and he easily coerced her into returning to his ship for company.

While Ellere held some reservations, she was also seeking a way to escape the monotony of her life after the death of her mother. And in a naive moment of weakness, she agreed. There would be many nights to follow that one over the course of that month. Thatch was a man who spoke freely, felt fearlessly, and lived how he saw fit. Ellere was reminded of the wonderful stories of romance and intrigue she used to dream of being a part of. They would talk often, of how Ellere should leave when he does. And Ellere would dream often of him asking to make her his wife. But, there was no proposal. And Thatch had left port three days early, leaving no word of goodbye and making no promise to take her with him.

Ellere would later learn the man was named Tomas Thatch, or better known as Captain Fireblood. He was the furthest from a merchant, and nothing but a dirty, lying pirate who had taken her everything and left nothing. It would be the last she would hear of the man, and she found it better that way. It took more time, though having the strength to overcome the passing of her mother, this too passed. Ellere often flirted with those that fancied flirting with her around the city, be it drunken pirate or the occasional Yellowjacket. But she never opened her bed, or her heart for another for many years after.

Ellere remained in Limsa for several cycles, but left to start her own in-home clinic as a private doctor. She built up a steady number of regular patients, mostly servicing people in the Mist and the surrounding area. She could never really say she was the happiest, but the quiet was also a welcomed thing after the death of her mother and to get her mind off of a certain pirate.

And Ellere remained there, until she caught word of a small company making a name for itself by helping the less fortunate and taking dangerous missions that most would not. Feeling this was perhaps her chance to ease her restlessness, she signed to the company, later learning they were known as The Arbiters, as head of their medical staff. Ellere was no expert in combat, but she did do some field work with them as well, saving a few lives in doing so.

This company was also where she met Alleaux Lebeau, a Duskwight scholar an researcher. The two nearly instantly hit it off, over their love of fine wine, old books, and ancient texts. It did not take long for them to begin a rather whirlwind of a romance being that they worked so closely. But Alleaux was a man who had a wandering heart and wandering hands. The two often disagreed quite often when he would sleep with others and yet tell her he loved her. When the Elezen proposed to her, Ellere thought perhaps he was willing to change.

Ellere knew of another Duskwight by the name of Mathieu that frequented Alleaux's room before the two of them were close. And when the man came to Alleaux and The Arbiters for help, she knew her husband would not refuse him. But she did not expect him to forbid her from helping as well, and for him to return broken and half-dead after going with only one other person. She would later learn that Mathieu was killed that day. Alleaux was never the same. He grieved to the point of nearly killing himself with alcohol and even rose a hand to her. She knew then, Alleaux had never stopped loving the man he had lost.

The incident would lead them into leaving the service of the company, moving into a large bar and performance venue in the Goblet that Alleaux had bought on a whim. Ellere kept the hope that perhaps things would return to normal, that he had grieved enough and that they could be happy. Before Mathieu's death, Ellere had found she had been with child, but lost it early on. She never told Alleaux, not wanting to add to his burdens. She would never get the chance, nor the chance to try again.

One night, Alleaux stole away into the night leaving nothing but Ellere's own fears with her. He meant to kill those who had killed Mathieu, and she had admitted to knowing it would also end in his own death. When he never returned to their home in Ul'dah, Ellere knew that had been the truth. She was left with never knowing if the marriage had meant anything at all. And so, she sold the home in Ul'dah and her own clinic in the Mist, planning to return to Sharlayan after so many cycles.


Ellere found no peace in her old home. Her father still wanted little to do with her, and even her brother did not look at her the same. She remained for only a few moons before she made her way back south, returning to Vylbrand for a final time. Ellere took her savings and purchased a small home in Mist, once more. The space is a lot smaller than her old clinic, but she manages. There, a few of her regular patients come to see her. She found such an intimate relationship with patients allowed her more freedom and to give each person the care they deserved. But she still plans to find a larger place when a location catches her eye.

Ellere's clinic is open to anyone, not just regulars. Though the number of adventurers with various injuries that have stopped to give her a bit of excitement have dwindled since moving. While her previous clinic was always attended, Ellere has kept only her assistant, passing messages to her while she is away or unavailable. When she expands again, she has considered taking on employees again.

Most recently, Ellere desired something new and a bit more excitement in her life once again. While she loves what she does, she remembers time in her past when things were different. Ellere longed to meet people, see new places, and to feel the way she used to when her mother first whisked her away to Eorzea, or how it felt those early days in The Arbiters. And so when she was contacted by an organization seeking knowledge from an expert Sharlayan, Ellere saw it as an opportunity.

Figuring that thrill of being surrounded by fellow scholars, and a place she could also service well with her healing talents, Ellere sought the Order of Ouroboros out. The feeling of complacency has most definitely diminished with how much the group tends to get into trouble with the arcane and otherworldly.


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Of those from home...

WikiRela Neutral.jpgRiordan Valahan WikiRela Family.jpgWikiRela NPC.jpg
Ellere remembers her father as a strict, no-nonsense type of man who expected much from his children. He is a renowned professor at one of Sharlayan's many academies and even worked closely with the Forum for some time. She holds no ill will for the man, as he taught her a great many things that she still carries with her, one being her love of academics and the smell of old books. However, Riordan cut ties with her and her mother once the two departed Sharlayan for Eorzea. She has not heard from him in over twenty years. There is still part of her that sometimes blames him for her mother's death.
WikiRela Good.jpgEna Valahan WikiRela Family.jpgWikiRela Death.jpgWikiRela NPC.jpg
Ellere would describe her mother as gentle, yet powerful, as the mighty waters of the Thaliak. Ena was a brilliant woman who had a talent for aetheric manipulation and astromancy. While her mother may have been arranged to marry her father, she was a wonderful wife and mother. But Ena was a free-spirit, and after enduring the confines of Sharlayan for too long, she sought travel to Eorzea. An illness would take Ena's life only a few years upon arriving in Limsa Lominsa.
WikiRela Neutral.jpgBrennen Valahan WikiRela Family.jpgWikiRela NPC.jpg
Brennen is Ellere's junior by eight years. When she and her mother left for Eorzea, her father refused that his son be taken as well. She remembers him as a shy and quiet boy, but with a spark of imagination that rivaled her own. She can only assume he is still with her father in Sharlayan as all contact with him was cut off.

Of those loved...


Of those known...

WikiRela Poor.jpgAlleaux LebeauWikiRela Death.jpgWikiRela NPC.jpg
When Ellere met Alleaux, he charmed her with his smirk and intellect quite easily. But even after their marriage, their life was troubled by his ties to former lovers. After not even leaving her a note and going alone to seek revenge on a cult that killed his former partner, Ellere knows the Duskwight is probably dead. She keeps her wedding ring locked away, and rarely speaks of him anymore.
Ayzi is a long-time friend and former colleague at the Arcanist's Guild in Limsa. She actually gets along with him rather well, and the two have made each other laugh over the years. Admitting there might have once been something there at one time, Ellere still trusts and cares for the Miqo'te a great deal. It was a surprise to see him join the Order, but his face was a welcomed one.
If Ellere was being completely honest with herself, she would admit to finding J'takra a rather upsetting thing. She feel his negative and immature attitude really has no place in a position as he is. She doesn't trust him after an open attack on Order members, but she feels she must put up with him for Oyuu's sake.
WikiRela Good.jpgNafifi NafiWikiRela Trust.jpgWikiRela NPC.jpg
An assistant at Ellere's clinic that has been with her for many years. Fifi, as Ellere affectionately calls her, is a no-nonsense Plainsfolk that studied with her in the guild. When she downsized, Fifi offered to at least help mind her appointments, shipments and answer her pearl should she be unavailable.
Oyuu has worked alongside Ellere for some time now, and as the head of the Order, Ellere has respect for him. He has made some choices she might disagree with and has much to learn in her eyes, but she does feel that he has the Order's best interests at heart. There is a mutual understanding between them and she strives to work beside him and keep him on the right track.
Ellere met the mysterious masked gentleman at a Starlight gala. He seemed rather awkward and out of place, but she rather enjoyed his company. After he walked her home, she would have been lying if she said she was not the least bit curious to know more about him. And after realizing they both worked for the Order, that wish came true. While he still remains a distant and private person, Ellere hopes he feels he can trust her, at the very least.

She worries for him, and how broken he seems. She can't help but have the deep desire to help him, and on more than one occasion she has tended his wounds or stood by his side while he follows his 'duty.'

WikiRela Poor.jpgTomas "Fireblood" ThatchWikiRela NPC.jpg
A rogueish pirate captain who once stole away Ellere's heart in her youth after the death of her mother. The man promised her the world, Ellere gave him everything, and he took it, sailing away to never be seen again. Ellere remembers him as the man who was her first love, and a man who crushed her heart.

Of those met...

While not having much personal contact with the girl, Ellere is aware she is a close friend of Oyuu and a longstanding member of the Order. Her strength and determination to save her lover, Madoc, is also something Ellere highly respects.
The little Auri woman Ellere and Oyuu recruited after meeting her in the Shroud. She seems capable and eager to learn, and has a polite attitude that Ellere is rather fond of. While the chaos of the sword dilemma has not left her much time to get to know her much otherwise, Kuina seems like someone Ellere would enjoy working beside.
A rather handsome Xaela man that caused quite a bit of fuss at the Order with a cursed sword. Ellere is grateful everything seems to have worked out for the better, and will certainly not complain if he continues to walk about the place shirtless.
A lalafell woman from the Order Ellere has met in passing. She is not really sure how she feels about her, though she respects the woman's knowledge and experience.
Yohri was a former student of Ellere who once worked at her clinic several summers back. She enjoys to tease the poor thing, but has recently been reminded they may not be as close as they once were and her former apprentice as changed in his time after.
Being the rather elusive leader of the Order, Ellere has mostly heard of the Miqo'te through stories from Oyuu. He definitely seems like someone she would not be overly fond of in the company for long.
A thankfully well-mannered Miqo'te working in the clinic with her at the Order, Shane made quite the good impression on her. Her friend A'ayzi also has taken him on as an apprentice, and she can't help but be a little amused at the thought.
Ellere found this strange little Miqo'te girl a tad odd. But it was not often she met people that fiddled with magitek and machines.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "Ellie? Aye, she fixed up mah boy af'ta he mixed up with them damn fishmen. Good lass in mah books." -Limsan Citizen
    "Kind of lady that would give you her own shirt if it'd keep you warm. Such a pretty smile too!" -Young Arcanist
    "Way she smiles like that... such a shame what happened to her mother, don't you think?" -Guild Arcanist
    "If'n she din't 'ave tha' purty face all 'idden in a book... ah well, easier lasses ta bed." -Drunken Privateer

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "Mm, I heard once tha' one was involved with pirates... nev'a looked the type to me." -Drowning Wench Patron

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "I heard there was trouble at home. And she lost a baby, shame isn't it?" -Guild Gossip


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Miss Ellere... She is kind and thoughtful, and...she does not back down from a challenge, nor allows her convictions to be swayed. She is a...er, a good friend to have, certainly." - Ruran Vas
    "Rumor." - Name





Other Available Characters: Kazha'a Anhsari, Arshtat Ejinn, and Tala'li Dakelh
Retired Characters: Nahdu'a Rastahn
FFXIV Art and RP Blog: Tumblr

About Me as a Roleplayer:
- I am located on the west coast, so I am in the PDT/PST time zone.
- I am a full-time graduate student, so my schedule varies, but I’m usually available any time in the afternoon/evenings and on weekends unless I have class or a large assignment.
- I like RP with plot and substance, long build-ups and deep story.
- I don't mind Discord RP due to scheduling differences, but also open to in-game RP if that is your preferred method.
- I am open to pre-established or old relationships (old friends, enemies, clients etc).
- I am open to mature or darker themes.
- I lean to things being lore-friendly and compliant, though open to have fun within reason as well.
- Love interests are great.
- Antagonists or enemies are just as great.
- So are friends.


■ Overall design adapted from D'lyhhia Lhuil & Oyuu Dataq's profiles.
■ Headers from Bancroft Gairn's template.
■ Coded up by Ruran Vas!