Numsgil Mcminnar

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Noteable Features

A cheery, good humored young man that seems to be a tad bit clumsy at times. Numsgil was enlisted under the ranks of the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly, The Order of Dragoons located in Ishgard itself, but with the recent turn of events during the Stormblood timeline, Numsgil has found himself working under a group of Dark Knights located in the Slums of Ishgard after coming back to realize he was considered deceased by the Order. Despite being an Ex-Military member, Numsgil wasn't always a disciplined soldier, but a geeky young man with a big heart for wanting to be a Hero in the eyes of others and still tries his best to do well for others.

Common Appearance: Standing at 5'9", 170 pounds, and despite being lean, Numsgil has a toned body layered with lean muscles. Clean shaven, scars can be seen across the bridge of his nose acquired from a sparring session while he was still in training to join The Order of Dragoons, and another running up the side of his cheek from the battle in Doma for which he was knocked out during the time Crowe took control of his body and enlisted in the Garlean forces.

Personality: Fun loving, energetic guy with a low attention span. He loves to make others smile and is willing to set his life on the line to help someone in need without hesitation. At times could be definitely serious especially during battle, but other than that, he's extremely friendly, trying to befriend almost everyone he comes across.

Clothing: Despite not having much clothing and with the loss of his Dragoon Lieutenant attire, Numsgil bears armor that was given and passed down from generations of Dark Knight once he enlisted into the organization itself. Cleaning and polishing the dents and scratches of the plate and scales are much of a habit of his before heading to bed.

"Hey, brighten up guy! Life's too short to be sad."
Numsgil Quick Sketch Moving.gif
☬ Race

☬ Clan

☬ Gender

     Hyur      Midlander      Male
☬ Age

☬ Height

☬ Weight

     22 yrs      5 fulms 9 ilms      170 ponzes
☬ Hair Color

☬ Eye Color

     Grey      Gold
☬ Complexion

☬ Scars or Tattoos

     Pale      Nosebridge and right cheek scars

DRK Logo Transparent 2.png  CHARACTERISTICS (W.I.P.)

▼ EARLY YEARS (ARR & Heavensward)

Growing up in Gridania with a handful of friends, the brown haired young man looked up to heroes Eorzean's Heroes like idles. His biggest idle despite being of Ishgardian stature was his father, Alric. Alric was a Dragoon himself also in the ranks of the Order of Dragoons before allegedly passing away.

Just like any other mother after getting the horrible, heart breaking news, at the young age that Numsgil was, she kept it a secret and kept telling him that Alric was out fighting wars and keeping Ishgard safe. The stories were the green eye'd young man's favorite. Every night before bed, his mother Kaia always told him stories of Alric soaring through the skies at such swift speeds and elegant form, fighting Dragons that caused harm against anything that stood in Ishgard's way. "Wow... Soaring through the air, defending people, being a Hero... I want to do that too." Was all that went through Numsgil's head on the daily. Before the incident of his father's disappearance, a Lance passed down to Numsgil at the age of 9 would become his favorite thing in the whole Realm. The enthusiastic young man trained each day. Sprints, hard exercises, practicing to swing the lance against a tree until the sun would come up, you name it. Numsgil did it.

Seeing this, Kaia's heart broke and put her into tears each night as she watched Numsgil train. She wouldn't get in his way of what her son wanted to truly do, but she was just afraid of him getting hurt. As one swing after the other hit the tree, she saw his father more and more in him.

A few years passed and at the age of 15, the truth had come out. His mother, Kaia was becoming very ill and only had a couple years to live. Even the White Mages of Gridania itself couldn't Cure any of the illness. Hearing this broke Numsgil entirely. Despite the last few years of schooling, he set himself into a fit of rage and sadness. He didn't have the confidence to do anything anymore. It wasn't until a voice inside of his head that spoke to him uncontrollably that the young Hyur could cope with himself yet again. Unsure of how to approach even this voice, Numsgil found himself unintentionally putting his anger into a severe case of Dual Personality Disorder. With the blood of his mother coursing through his veins, being gifted as she was, this other personality would further itself into pushing more towards the dark arts of Black Magic, becoming the silent dark magician known simply as, "Crowe".

At a young age of 17, it was time. Kaia's appearance had grown pale with her eyes once the color of the sky had faded to a light blur of fog. With a distant look in her eyes as she layed in her bed, almost as if the once energetic, Black Mage she once was, had finally taken the step out of the door and had left and never came back. With her fingers through the back of her son's hair, she whispered ever so softly, "It may seem the storm is roaring hard, but with my hand in yours, we'll make it through. Push forward my love, for we will conquer everything together as one." Through coughing and gasping for air ever few words, Numsgil watched as his mother's last bit of air was through her final word. A tear rolling down her cheek, she was gone. Her pulse had run from slow beats to none. "Mom...? M-Mother? MOTHER?! MOTHER!" The young Hyur screamed at the top of his lungs before tears rolled down his cheeks.

A few days had passed before Numsgil found himself standing in front of the gravestone that had engraved, "Kaia Mcminnar, Loving Wife and Mother, May You Rest In Piece" All alone, he stood on top of the soil where he had buried his mother. With a blank stare at the name, he finally spoke in a whisper, "It may seem the storm is roaring hard, but with my hand in yours-" Tears began to roll down his cheeks, "We'll make it through." Through a crackling voice, with rain beginning to drop from above, the young Numsgil continued. "Push forward my love, for we will conquer everything together as one." Fixing the strap over his shoulder that was attached to a pack on his back that carried his belongings, the lance that his father gave him laid flat on his back under the sack's weight. "May you find happiness yet again in the clouds, Mother." As the last word escaped his lips, he turned and made his way down the stone road.


No where or any idea of where to go, Numsgil took up the Lance passed down from his father and followed the foot steps of the man that left long ago in hopes of finding him for some bit of guidance. This led him to the infamous Dragoons of Ishgard. Setting himself on an adventure; Numsgil said his goodbyes to everyone he's ever known and brought with him all that he could.

It was a hard and treacherous journey through environments he's never been through, but as he shivered in the cold snow of Coerthas Central Highlands, he found himself in front of the giant gates that lead to a bridge that connected to Ishgard himself. Standing in awe, he was adressed by a Elezen man with chain mail armor. "Aye, what is that you need?" Numsgil stood there blankly. He had gone this far and didn't even know what to say. After a few seconds of silence, the Hyur finally opened his mouth. "I'd like to gain entrance to Ishgard, sir." Mid-sentence, the guard busted out laughing, his raspy voice obviously showing off that he was just being completely rude. "Entrance?! Boy, have you no idea of how Ishgard doesn't allow you Eorzeans into the gates anymore? Pfft. Bugger off, child." The words completely crushed the boy. Head almost immediately dropping, the young Numsgil sat there in silence before turning around to walk away, tears rolling down his eyes. "What am I going to do now? What will happen to m-" Scared and alone, his thought process was interrupted by a deep, raspy sigh. Numsgil never did know why the guard had such a quick change of heart, possibly it was the lack of warm clothing and how the boy was shivering just requesting to get in. "Look, kid." Numsgil turned around. "If you can get at least 8,000 Gil I'll see what I can do about getting you in along with a temporary citizenship if you really want in that badly." With delight in his eyes, the young Hyur almost immediately hugged the man. "Thank you so much, sir! I'll work really hard to get the money and come running right back!" Immediately turning around after his statement, he was stopped yet again. "For someone your age... I've never seen someone want into Ishgard so badly, why out of everywhere, Ishgard?" After almost an hour of explaining about Numsgil's father Alric, the guard nodded and smiled behind his iron clad helmet. "Be on your way then lad, just ask for Ser Ubrex Nourepeois when you return with the Gil. Now begone." With a salute from the young boy, Numsgil was off back to the country of Gridania.

Being back in the heat of The Twelveswood, due to his age, many of the jobs Numsgil took up were undercut in pay majorly. 20 Gil, 10 Gil, 5 Gil an hour. Many miles of endless walking were tiresum, his legs ached. Dropping his head to wipe his forehead of the sweat that dripped, weird noises from a distant animal came from the distance. This wasn't any kind of wild animal noise... It was a Chocobo! With a realization of the warking sounds, Numsgil picked up his head and saw a Chocobo Farm in the distance. As he approached the farm, a friendly middle aged farmer with a husky set body waved and yelled, "Howdy there!" Numsgil reciprocated the friendly gesture and waved back with a giant smile. As the young Hyur walked up to the farmer, the old man began by asking, "Well now, you seem you have been walking for days son, you need anything? Us farmer folk don't get many people to drop by and say hi without a reason around here. What's your name son?" The friendly tone of the man's voice brought Numsgil's spirits up. "My name is Numsgil, you have a very nice ranch here. Do you by chance need a working hand? I don't ask for much, I've been in search of jobs to pay for my entrance to Ishgard." With a chuckle and a bright smile, the man put his hand on the young Numsgil's shoulder, "You can start tomorrow, the name's Dennis." The next morning Numsgil was awakened early dawn by the warking of Chocobos along with a pound of his door to his new room yelling, "NUMSGIL! GET UP! IT'S TIME TO CLEAN THE CHOCOBO STABLES THE POOP AIN'T GON' CLEAN ITSELF!" With a groan, the Hyur pushed his hair out of my face and began his first day as a farm boy.

Another year passed. Numsgil learned many things from Dennis. He learned how to clean stables, take care of Chocobos, breed them, you name it. He even raised his own from an egg, the Chocobo's name was Gizmo. Gizmo had the most beautiful red feathers that he'd have ever seen. The Chocobo was fast. With the proper training from Dennis and Numsgil, Gizmo turned himself into one of the best racing Chocobos they'd have ever laid their eyes on. As the days gone by, Numsgil watched Gizmo run everyday around the farm as free as a kite. Another delivery was delivered to the farm. Like normal, the young Numsgil signed for it and the Post Master jumped back onto his Choco-Wagon and set off to his next destination. As he brought the package over to Dennis, Gizmo nudged his face into his shoulder and then to my face like normal Numsgil laughed and pet the top of Gizmo's head. In the bottom of Numsgil's eye he noticed a flyer laying securely on top of the package. It read, "ATTENTION CHOCOBO RACERS! THE TWELVESWOOD NATIONAL FESTIVAL IS LOOKING FOR CHOCOBO RACERS TO COMPETE IN THE CUP TO WIN A PRIZE OF 10,000 GIL!" As the Hyur's eyes read the amount of Gil, he nearly screamed. Running now to the house, Numsgil screamed for Dennis. With a quite sigh and a crack of his back, Dennis replied as he approached, "Oh ho-ho! Another package! But what's that thing on top of it?" Numsgil pointed at the money and he swore, he never saw Dennis jump so far out of his rocking chair his my life.

A day after explaining that Gizmo and Numsgil could win the race, Dennis packed his things for him as Numsgil did my last round of check up on all the Chocobos. With a tear in Dennis's eye as he made his final goodbye with a firm hand shake, the old man grabbed Numsgil and gave him the biggest hug he'd ever received. Dennis never had much family so Numsgil was like a son to him. And with that, the green eye'd Hyur was off. Gizmo's feathers flowed through the air as the two ran against the wind, "HYAH!" Numsgil yelled. Gizmo warked and ran faster down the path North toward the The Twelveswood National Festival.


A day passed. Gizmo and I finally arrived at the Festival, we were astonished by the lights and scenery of the place, Gizmo and I have never seen anything like it, laughing children and happy couples with Bubble Chocolate sticks were left and right, even Gizmo stopped to play with the children when they came up to pet him. Numsgil walked through the Chocobo Racer entrance as he signed us both up for the cup. Other racers felt stared at Numsgil with disgust as he walked to stable Gizmo for the night. Was it the lance on his back? No, it couldn't be... Other travelers with weaponry just like his walked through here as well... Shrugging it off, he smiled up at Gizmo as the cheery Chocobo smiled just as brightly back at him. A few days passed by as Gizmo and Numsgil waited patiently for the cup to start. Ringing came on the speakers all through out the Festival. A familiar woman's voice said, "The Chocobo Cup will be starting now, if you'd like to get front row seats, better get here fast!" With the last word from the announcer Numsgil heard behind the walls of the stables people screaming in excitement. "You ready, Gizmo? We're gonna win that prize money, okay?" Even though he knew he didn't understand a word Numsgil said, the cheery Chocobo put on a dorky smile and warked in excitement. The employees shortly took all the racers into the a sort of locker room to change. Numsgil slipped into tight jockey gear that had a logo on the front labeled, "TWELVESWOOD FESTIVAL" with some sort of design underneath and his last name on my back above his shoulder blades. Plopping on the helmet, Numsgil made his way to the race line. As he walked, he felt the stares yet again from the other racers. Finally getting sick of it, Numsgil turned his head to look back at one of the meanest, strongest looking racers. The Roegadyn quickly looked away with a nervous look in his profile. Numsgil chuckled slightly and walked out of the locker room.

As he sat lazily on the back of Gizmo, Numsgil sighed and closed his eyes to get himself ready for the race. The booming voice of the announcer startled him, forcing his eyes open as he saw bright lights flashing on the other races including himself, the crowd roared. "WELCOME ALL, WELCOME ALL! THE TWELVESWOOD NATIONAL FESTIVAL IS PROUD TO PRESENT THE CHOCOBO CUP! WHO WILL WIN? WILL IT B-" The announcer obviously had the crowd's attention, cutting out the voices, Numsgil looked down at Gizmo to see that he'd began to flap his wings in excitement. The green eye'd Hyur was brought back to reality when the announcer announced his name. "LAST BUT NOT LEAST OUR NEWEST RACER, NUMSGIL MCMINNAR AND HIS CHOCOBO, GIZMO!" The crowed scream and cheered. With the saying of his name, Gizmo jumped and flailed his wings with excitement. The bright lights blinded Numsgil's eyes as he readied himself. A flying mechanical Moogle flew in front of the racers as it counted down. "3...2...1...GO!" With the last word, the Moogle made a shot noise and flew away and before Numsgil knew it, they were off. The race was intense, Gizmo ran as fast as he could, the feathers from the racer's Chocobo infront of us hit the Hyur's face. Getting tired of it, Numsgil yelled, "HYAH!" as they flew right past the three racers in front of them. Still in first place, they ran through the finish line to their final lap. The crowd began to chant their names. "You okay buddy?!" Numsgil yelled down at Gizmo, the cheery Chocobo replied back with a happy wark as he began to run as fast as he could. As they took the last turn to the finish line, Gizmo's leg gives out as Numsgil flew straight off, the crowd gasped and went silent.The other racers half way down the track behind them, Numsgil run as quickly as he could to Gizmo, trying to pick him up to get back on his feet. The red feathered Chocobo warked in pain and agony. Tears in his eyes, Numsgil yelled, "Come on buddy... We can make it!" Obviously in massive pain, Gizmo's eyes watered as he struggled to get back up. With all Numsgil's might, he bend down infront of his companion. "We can do this, buddy... Just a little bit further..." Numsgil pull Gizmo up to his feet as one racer flied by, winning first place and then another winning 2nd. Numsgil clamped his jaw as he helped pull him across the finishing line winning 3rd. With the racers still behind, Numsgil ran behind his Chocobo as he held his arms out toward them making sure they'd swerve around. Quickly after all the racers ran by, a medical team in Moogle mascots dispatched to Gizmo and put the bird onto a stretcher, bringing him to the medical bay of the Festival. Numsgil quickly ran to follow his Chocobo and was quickly stopped by one of the men in a mascot outfit, "No worries Mr. Mcminnar, we got him handled. Get your prize and come to the Medical Facility when you're finished." Numsgil nodded his head and watched Gizmo be dragged away, warking in pain.

After winning the third place prize of 2,500 Gil, along with a congratulatory speech from the announcer, Numsgil changed back into his normal clothing and went to check on Gizmo. As he walked through the double doors to the nurse Numsgil state his name along with who he was looking for and she smiled, pointing down the hallway to my right. Walking with a quick pace in his step, Numsgil walked into the room with an Elezen doctor with a long, white beard inside, wrapping Gizmo's leg in a wrapping. Gizmo warked loudly with that same dorky smile he always gave Numsgil when he saw him. "How is he?" The doctor fixed his glasses as he held Gysahl Greens up to Gizmo's face, immediately beginning to munch away at the food in the doctor's hand. "He's doing just fine, see?" He smiled at the red feathered Chocobo, turning his attention back over toward Numsgil a moment later. "He just pulled his leg, it should heal in about a month of two." Numsgil sigh in relief, "Well, that's good. How much will this cost me?" The doctor smiled, fixing his glasses yet again with his free hand, "You're a contestant, it's all covered." Somehow, Gizmo understood, or maybe he felt the aura Numsgil gave off from being so much more relieved. The red bird warked and almost jumped off the wooden table to get to his owner, but the doctor thankfully stopped him before he could hurt himself again.

After a long walk back, Gizmo and Numsgil finally arrived back home at Dennis's Chocobo Farm. As they approached the farm both of them could hear Dennis's booming voice, "NUUUUUUUMSGIIIIIL!!! DID YOU WIIIIIIIN!?!" Warking with excitement, despite his bad leg, Gizmo ran to the Farm as quickly as he could, jumping into Dennis, almost toppling him over. After a long explanation on what happened, Numsgil pulled out his pouch beginning to pour half of the earnings on the table next to the two. As the young Numsgil turned the pouch, Dennis laughed and pulling it right back up and handed it back with a huge smile. "You said you wanted to get through into Ishgardian gates didn't you? Use that money to get there! You earned all of that! You raised Gizmo over there, took care of him, and you won the prize money all on your own! You deserve it!" He stood there for a second, hands on his hips with a bright smile. Numsgil didn't know what to say. This man helped him, he taught him things he never would've learned just taking up a normal boring job, hell even brought Numsgil in like he was his own son. Not a second later, Numsgil jumped forward and gave Dennis the biggest hug he'd have ever gave anyone else in his whole life. "It's raining outside." Dennis said as he looked out toward the field of Chocobos, watching Gizmo jump and play with the others, "No it isn't, it's perfectly sunn-" Cutting him off Dennis said with a sniffle, "Yes it is." The old man muttered as tears ran down his face.

After a few days of relaxing and doing his daily chores around the farm, Numsgil finally decided to count up all my earnings. 12,300 Gil! That was the right amount and even more! As the young Hyur walked into the main house where Dennis was, he asked if there was a possible way to get to Ishgard safely. The old fart told Numsgil and describes how it was to be on Chocobo back riding the lands all around Eorzea, going on for about an hour before the young Numsgil could even get to say another word, Dennis mentions that there was a carriage that let straight to the gate nearby. With a bright smile, Numsgil asked him if he could take him tomorrow. The old man nodded and began to make rations for the trip.


The next morning comes as Numsgil woke up bright and early like normal to Dennis banging on his door, "NUMSGIL! GET UP! IT'S TIME TO GO! YOU'LL MISS YOUR CARRIAGE!" With the sound of the word, "carriage" Numsgil jumped, grab his newly bought sack that had everything packed from packing almost all night the night prior. "NUMSGIL DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME YOUR CA-" The young Numsgil opened the door as quickly as he can, "Ready!" Numsgil smile at Dennis. "Well, alrighty then! Let's get a move on!" The Hyur nodded as they walked down the stairs outside as he let all the Chocobos out. Hopping onto the back of Betsy, an old Chocobo that Dennis has since he was around 30 years old, he said to me with a smile, "Hop on. One last ride until you're in the big city." Numsgil nodded as he pet the top of Gizmo's head then hop onto his back.

As we arrived at the Carriage Station a man is yelling, "ALL ABOARD! ONLY A COUPLE MORE MINUTES AND ALL CARRIAGES SETS OFF TO COERTHAS HIGHLANDS, CAMP DRAGONHEAD!" Dennis said with a smile, "I guess we made it just in time eh?" He looked over at Numsgil once he finishes his sentence, "So why do you want to go to Ishgard so badly for anyways? You never mentioned why" The young Hyur took a second to look at the row of Carriages that seemed to have Chocobos being fed strapped to the front, "I want to become a Dragoon just like my father and be his living Legacy. The lance I brought with me the first day I came to the Farm was the one my father left me before he left for War and never came home." Processing his reply, Dennis nods. "You'll go great places, Numsgil. You're a great kid. Knock some heads for me, yeah?" Nodding as Numsgil hopped off Gizmo's back, he gave the red feathered Chocobo one last hug as he layed his head over on my shoulder, "I will. I promise. I'll never forget what you did for me, Dennis. I owe you my life." Dennis chuckled his old man chuckle like normal, "Come back and visit some times y'hear?" Looking at Gizmo one last time with a smile, Numsgil saw his expression drop as he warked sadly. "I'll be back buddy... I promise, don't worry. I'll always be there with you. Okay? We'll run around the farm, who knows I may even bring you back to Ishgard with me one day!" Gizmo warked as he rubbed his face one last time across mine. "I promise I will, Dennis. Take care of all the Chocobos and make sure Gizmo get's a pretty lady alright?" Dennis laughed again with a wave, "You got it."

After Numsgil payed for his ticket, he gave it to the ticket clerk and walked up into line to get seated. Running to the back of the carriage as the engines begin and whistle in the back. He waved to the closest thing he's ever had to a family was the hardest thing he'd ever did. Tears rolled down Numsgil's face, a sad smile managing to form on his lips as he heard all the Chocobos wark and flap their wings as the Carriages took off. This was it. Numsgil's life finally started here. He turned around to see the tree roll by as the carriages just kept being pulled further and further from where they started. Numsgil sighed and looked forward as he relived his life through his mind. All the training, all the bullies he pushed away to help kids being bullied on, his mother's death and how he tried his best to keep her going, Dennis bringing him in like he was his own, taking care of all the Chocobos, raising Gizmo, raising him and working hard to get where he was now. It made him sad to leave, but he have to move on.

As the carriage arrived into the walls of Camp Dragon Head, Numsgil slung his sack over his shoulder, fixing the lance on his back. Jumping off the carriage, the young Hyur breathed in the cold are deeply before exhaling slowly and making his was to Ishgardian gates. "Halt! What is your business?" A young sounding Elezen guard stopped him. "I'd like to speak with, Ser Ubrex Nourepeois ple-" A raspy voice interrupted as another Elezen in chain armor walked up, except for a different logo on his chest. "You... I never thought you'd come back." Shrugging, the bright spirited Numsgil pulled up the seperate sack of Gil with exactly 8,000 Gil inside that he counted on the way to Camp Dragonhead, holding it forward. "I worked hard just like I said I would." Despite the iron of the helmet hiding the Elezen's face, it was obviously that Numsgil had brought him to a smile. "If anyone is as hard working as you and is so dedicated to work in our walls, then I'll be damned to let them in. Open the gates!" The last words echo'd through the pillars and stone walls around as the giant iron gates moved open slowly. "Welcome to Ishgard. Follow me." The raspy voiced Elezen bowed after taking the sack of Gil in hand, furthermore starting a chain of event of every other guard bowing. A bright smile on his face, Numsgil nodded before picking up his feet to follow the same guard that instructed him to follow. Standing in awe for a moment, Numsgil stared at the misty fog that stood between the gate and Ishgard before stepping foot through the gates to follow and forge his new life as a Dragoon of Ishgard.

▼ To Begin A New Life (Stormblood)

It was like I was in nothing. A complete dark void just floating to float in non-existance. No matter where I turned my head, there was absolutely nothing but pitch black. "Where am I?" I asked myself under my voice as I floated in different directions that seemed to feel like they went no where for what it seemed a decade. How did I get here? My last memory before this black abyss was that I was leading a patrol outside of Ishgard, shouting commands, a flash, and then this. I pulled my knees to my chest and curled into a ball before closing my eyes I was giving up hope of ever leaving until an odd event occured. A small ringing of what it seemed a bell caught my attention and I immediately opened my eyed to a small bit of light crossing my perifials. I was like a gnat to light. It felt as if my body moved on it's own to it before the whole area exploded into a bright light, forcing me to look away only to look back to what it seemed the stars above all around me. It was beautiful, something I've never experienced before. Bringing my vision forward, a red crystal swirled infront of me. "Hear..." "Mom...?"" "Feel..." "Mom, what are you talking about...?" "Think..." "I don't understand-" With another flash of light I found myself standing on the surface of water of what it seemed in the middle of the ocean stretched as far as the eye could see. It felt as if I've been here before in a distant dream... But at the same time not. "Hear... Feel... Think..." A familiar woman's echo called out once again. "Who are you?" I asked quietly. A man in a dark robe with his facial features hidden aside from a bright purple eye showing under a tall, black hat appeared. Despite I couldn't see his smirk, I felt it along side an evil aura staring into my soul. This is all so surreal... Where have I seen this man before? Picking up his Staff from his back, a purple glow formed at the orb at the tip, staring at me. With a grit of my teeth, I reached for my lance only to realize it was gone. Great. As I was about to leap forward and begin to fight with my fists alone, I felt the soft touch of a hand that found it's way on my shoulder, forcing myself to stop. "Numsgil..." I've heard that voice before. "Mom, is that you?" I turned my head to a woman I haven't seen in years that I missed more than anything. A tear ran down my eye. Another hand with a more firm grip in familiar armor of my own took hold of my other shoulder. Turning my head to see who it was, it was the Hero I inspired myself to be growing up. My Father. An evil chuckle could be heard from the robed figure as he pulled his staff up to the sky, using his other hand to channel from the sight of the brightness it gave off, a power spell. Gritting my teeth now accompanied with a scowl, I had to do something. This was my chance to show them what I've become. A Hero just like my Father once was. I felt absolute strength rush through my muscles as the figures of my parents burst into light that shattered behind me and rushed into my body through a whisper, "We're always with you, son." Staring my opponent in the eye, I leapted forward with my fist wound behind me. Just as I threw my fist into the robed man's face, his form faded and disappeared. Looking around desperately, I heard a giant crackling from above me only to find my enemy floating in the air, staring down, motioning as if he were pulling something heavy down. My eyes widened. A flaming Meteor formed into reality falling toward me. "NOW, NUMSGIL!" A command echoed through out the area from the voices of my parents. It was a dumb idea, but it felt like I could do it. Bending my knees, I held my arms up as the Meteor pushed into my body. Using all my strength, I tried my hardest to hold it up and push it away from me, my body felt like it were on fire. "No... What is this?! This can't be possible!" The robed man exclaimed. Exerting all my strength, I managed to push the Meteor back with just as much power as it came back down only to watch it fly toward my opponent. With a twirl of his staff, I watched the man form a protection barrier about himself, pushing against the mass. "AAAAGH!" The man screamed as he struggled to hold against the might of the boulder. Not a moment later, the area about me flashed a bright light before shifting back into a black abyss it once was. Dropping to my knees, my strength gave out. I could barely even move my arms let alone keep my head up. "Did I win...?" I kept asking out loud the loudest I could muster, awaiting a reply. One never came.

Picking my head up after a few minutes through a shake, I came face to face with the same man I were just fighting. His purple glowing eye staring into mine before his fingers for some odd reason despite it were simply covered in leather and cloth for gloves felt of plate and scales took hold of my neck, pulling me up with little to no trouble, choking me. Gasping for air, kicking, and managing to take hold of the man's hand to try to pry it with little strength I had, through the helpless attempts, I opened my eyes to peer down only to see myself gripping me with a sinister smile, the grip getting tighter. "No. This doesn't make any sense! Who are you?!" I asked in my head only to have my own image strangling me answer. "Pitiful. Pathetic. You asked yourself for many years, 'Why do I have these dreams as if I were someone else?' and when the answer is slapping you right in the face, you still can't even bother to try to think logically that you might be in the body of something that wasn't yours to begin with." Black rings began forming around my vision darker and darker with every bit more pressure my image gave to his grip. "And to think I willingly gave you absolute control when we were but in the womb. You were meant to make this Realm burn. It were our destiny from the very start. But no. You had to be the Hero." Gritting his teeth, he slammed me to the ground below only to keep his grip tight around my neck. "Well, no more. NO DAMNED MORE!" Screaming of terrified people echoed through the abyss about us. "S-Stop thi-" Interrupted with a straight punch to my left eye, I firmed my eyebrows and opened back up my other eye to look back to the face of absolute rage. No longer a man that even had a glimpse of hope for anything, but a beast. A beast ready to retaliate and rip any man's throat that tried to befriend it. Terrified screams just became louder and louder as the time went on as my vision and conciousness finally slipped. "This is my story now." The words echoed quitely like it were being said down a tunnel.

"Hey! Hey, you!" THUD. "HEY! You alright?!" THUD. THUD! "Father...?" I muttered before opening my eyes, hands on my back, assisting me up. My vision still blurry, I managed to spot out a Battlefield of armored men all about me from what it seemed a rebel fight. Blood over the odd armor I've never seen before laying on my body, my right hand gripped tightly at the great sword in my hand almost as if it were glued. "Father? You have the wrong guy, son." The voice replied as he pulled me to my feet, my body flopping over to their's uncontrollably with no strength. "Alright, alright. Let's get you out of here." With little to no ability to even speak yet, I just glanced my eyes around as I were dragged off to a house.


I just remember images and flashbacks of my life from a bird's eye view, thunks and screams that night. Being a Soldier you'd think you'd be used to War. Well, not exactly. 'BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!' I heard cannons echo through a scene where I saw myself in a frozen cavern where my squadron got attacked. In a flash, I saw through my own eyes for a moment to look toward my attacker. A familiar purple glowing eye showed through the darkness, a blade shining from the light that peered through a crack in the rock above, blood dripping.

I woke up immediately with a sharp pain to my cheek only to feel a healed over scar. My vision adjusting to the room I laid in, it was decorated in a decor I never truly seen before. It was like I was still in the Realm, but a complete foreign part. The door creeked open. In came a man with a patch over his left eye, dark black hair pulled into a tight ponytail, and a thin beard with scars lining down the left side of his face. I watched as he brought in a small platinum plate with a tea kettle and cookies on the side. The man walked in and behind him, a little girl peeked her head in only to be shoo'd off and the door closed. I spoke up, "Hey, look guy. I'm really confused on where I a-" "Quiet." The man's stirn voice interupted me, placing down the plate, pouring a small cup with the warm liquid inside, a trail of steam waving up into the air.  The man handed it down to me, "Drink up. The tea will help your wounds heal." Taking hold of the cup, I sniffed the wonderful aroma the liquid gave off. It smelt of flowers. I remember raising my eyebrow at it right as I was about to drink it thinking it may have been poisoned, but whatever. Shrugging, I sipped it down. My eyes and mouth widened, "This is great!" "Glad you like it. It's a home made recipe." A moment of silence passed before the man spoke up again. "You're probably wondering why a Doman like me would've ever considered helping a Garlean like yourself I-" My eyebrows immediately firmed, "I'm not a Garlean, why would you think that?" The man pointed over toward a suit of armor scattered into the corner of the room.

Scratching my head, I tried to think of what happened and then it hit me, a memory flashed before my eyes showing a little girl crying before the grieves of a same armored man taking up his rifle up in a gesture to rifle-butt her only for me to jump into action and slash him down to the ground with a great sword, jumping on top of him to pumble him in the face. All of a sudden, cannons exploding fired off and the sky lit up like fire balls falling directly into a Garlean outpost. More units came running out with weaponry in hand only to be faced by an army of folk with bits of steel armor to protect them. "FOR DOOOOMA!" One man yelled and then came the rest.

Gritting my teeth, three units came out running toward me, a Commander and two Privates, "TRAITOR! SPY! KILL HIM AND THEN THE GIRL!" One of them commanded through a shout. Holding up the giant blade I had in hand, I leapt forward plunging myself into combat to battle the lesser rankings, slashing down the Rifleman in the back, then vertical slashing the Spearman onto the ground next to him. The little girl screamed behind me in complete fear. I turned around to see the Commander holding a pistol to her head, pulling back the lock with his thumb. Anger, rage, it's all I felt and so came the whisper in my ear, "Give into your hatred. Strike him down!" Going through with the command, my left hand felt as if it were burning, but that didn't matter. Almost as if my body were acting on it's own, my sword's tip dropped to the ground below and my left hand covered in black and red flame extended towards the Commander. A screeching explosion formed from his body and immediately the armored man dropped to his knees then flopped motionlessly to the side.

Out of breath, I dropped to my knee only to look up at a flaming boulder flying down to my location. With the little strength I had left I ran to the back of the girl, throwing my body over her to protect her from the impact.

'BOOM!' Pulled back into reality, I looked from the cup back toward the bearded man. He opened his mouth to speak and stopped for a moment. He probably thought I got hit too much in the noggin' to really understand what he was saying. "Look, son." The man spoke up through a sigh. "I would've never brought you back here, let alone let you live if it weren't for saving my daughter. So thank you." "Don't mention it. I would've done it either way. Anyways, I remember something about... Doma being screamed. I thought you guys fled from Garleans twenty years ago... At least what I've been told by some of my Doman Soldiers in my Squadron. Back home that is. I don't know how I got here but, really doubt I'm in Ishgard anymore." Through a deep inhale of his tea, the Doman firmed his eyebrows. "You say you're from this... Ishgard. Then why did you join the Empire when you were happy in your homeland?" I scratched my head. "Honestly, I'm not even sure of that myself." At that moment, I heard a faint whisper coming from my pocket. Raising an eyebrow, I reached to grab whatever it was. I pulled out a heart shape crystal which glowed a bright orange in the middle at the logo. Somehow when I held it in my hand, I immediately felt angry. The man blinked for a moment before widening his eyes at the stone. "A Soul Crystal? Where'd you get that from?" Shrugging through a tiny grunt, I I managed to pull myself to my feet from the bed with only a bit of a struggle. "Taking off so soon?" Nodding, I took up a pouch from the armor's stash and the great sword leaning against the wall just to the side of the set. "Have too." I muttered through a crack of my back and a sling of the great sword over my shoulder. "I have some unfinished business and answers to find." The Doman man nodded through a sip of his tea, he understood.


A few hours later Ruhan, the Doman man that pulled me out of that battlefield that night and aided me back to life helped me get a ship back to Eorzea. Of course I had some troubles on the way with some pirates... But, well skip that story for another time. Landing in Limsa and finally journeying back to Ishgard, the Guards in plate and chainmail at the gates firmed their eyebrows and pulled themselves into a defensive stance, weapons ready. "HALT!" One commanded in a Husky voice. "WHAT BUSINESS HAVE YOU?!" Raising my eyebrow, I looked around confused for a moment. "What do I want? I would like to gain access back through the gate-" Interrupted, the same Guard shout over me. "State your name, Hyur!" Scratching the back of my head, nothing but confusion ran through my head. It's like these men don't recognize me at all despite I've done work for them multiple times throughout my enlistment, regardless I replied confidently. "Lieutenant Numsgil McMinnar." The Guard that spoke eyes widened immediately and just as quickly firmed his eyebrow angerly. "How dare you accuse yourself of being one of our fallen Knights Men! That man died protecting his Squadron to his very last breath and now you mock his sacrifice by-" I literally had no idea what was going on but I had to deescalate the situation before things got worst. "No, no! I... I apologize, sir." I bowed, thankfully he stopped shouting when I spoke up. "I meant to say I was here to pay my respects to my cousin, Lieutenant Numsgil McMinnar. You have to understand the journey here was very long and I'm very tired." I felt a stare of disbelief but regardless, the Guard nodded before motioning to another Guard at the gate's lever to open it before gesturing for me to go through. "On your way then." Nodding, I continued through. Walking over the bridge, I firmed my eyebrows in thought. This all didn't make sense. I'm... Dead? What is going on- and then it hit me. The vision from before of the frozen cavern and the dark figure and purple eye weilding a sword flashed into my mind accompanied by a whisper yet again. "Sacrifice for not... Those men deserve nothing from you." Shaking my head, I kept walking.


After I entered the city, I walked into the doors of my old barracks. The Guard wasn't lying. On a board which held our names so family members could visit on certain days had my name crossed out with the words, "Deceased" at the end. Sighing, I ran my palm across my face. This must've been a joke. There was no way I could've died and... Came back. Immediately I turned in my boots and made my way toward the graveyard in Coerthas Western Highlands where all of our fallen brothers and sisters were buried. Before my eyes I saw a red feathered Chocobo laying it's head at the bottom of a snow covered tombstone. Familiar attired Dragoon units came by with greens in hand, kneeling down next to the Chocobo, offering it the greens. Sniffing at it for a moment, the Chocobo laid it's head back down again. The units patted it's head and placed down the greens, walking away. Watching this all from a distance, I awaited for the Soldiers to find their way out of the scene before approaching. Tick, tack. Tick, tack. I slowly pulled myself through the snow toward the grave only to see that same red feathered Chocobo pick up it's head with a tiny, "Wark?" Stopping in my pace I stood there not knowing what to do. Once the bird's black beady eyes poked up toward me, it picked itself up, flapped it's wings and threw it's body into me, tackling me onto the ground warking happily. It brought me to bright smiles, he waited. Gizmo waited. My best buddy ever, I couldn't believe it. This whole time from Doma all the way back here had been a huge confusion, but I did know that it was worth it to see Gizmo again. Through a couple minutes of scratching Gizmo's head and playing with him, more important things striked me. Approaching and kneeling down in front of the grave, I wiped the snow off only to read, "Numsgil McMinnar, beloved companion of many, spirited fighter, and one Hells of a Leader. Lost, but always in our memories. May Hydalen help you rest in peace." In disbelief, I just shook my head. I guess it were all true. I did die... But it still didn't make sense on how that Guard at the gate stopped me and didn't recognize me at all along with how I'm even back. Taking sight of a shield conserved on it's shine laying on a local grave, I looked into it. I understood instantly. I stared into the reflection of a person of similar looks, but white hair, golden eyes and most importantly the scar on my cheek I kept running my hand over the whole journey home... Or once was home. Pulling myself back to my feet, I looked back toward Gizmo searching for an answer, any reply that would still remind me I was still the same old guy I was before only to be replied with a happy wark and a cheek rub to mine. I smiled. It wasn't so different after-all.


In the warmth of the fire I usually sat at when I were Off-Duty at The Forgotten Knight, the whispers came back. "Answers..." A feminine voice echoed. I looked around. I swore someone were just behind me whispering that into my ear, but regardless there was nothing but the Bartender behind the bar and a couple regulars that never seemed to leave. "Answers...." There it were again. Pulling myself to my feet with my sword sheathed over my shoulder. I followed where the voice trailed off. Casually walking out of the bar, the voice seemed to echo in and out toward a certain direction getting quieter. Chasing down the voice once I reached the back entrance of the bar, I picked up the pace down the bridge and then down some stairs into the slums. Facing a door, I squinted my eyes in confusion and disgust at the slight smell of sewage, I stood there for a moment contemplating if I were going crazy or not. "Enter and you shall find all the answers you seek, Numsgil." The feminine voice whispered. My face ran flat. Yeah I was going crazy, but I had nothing better to do, so guess what I did? That's right! Opened the door and walked right in to the dark of the underground trails of the Slums, the only bit of light radiating from the torches lined along the stone walls. I didn't know what to expect or why I was doing all this, but I have to admit... It was pretty exciting. A dangerous adventure? Count me in. Continuing down the dark hallways, I heard the whispers once again but in a masculine voice prompting me where to turn and where to walk. Resorting to listening to a voice in my head, yeah that was my new life I guessed. Not more than a couple minutes later of just following my new found insanity, a small candle lit brightly to show an old round wooden table with stab marks, blood stains, and odd water stains. Forming in from the darkness, four figures showed. A tall pale Au Ra man with white hair that covered one eye lined with dark armor with bits of red cloth and chain mail lining down it's skirt, stood with his arms over his chest staring me down with his light green ring about his eye. Next to the Au Ra, a Female Elezen half of his size dressed in light clothing and greenish hair stared blankly at me. Across the table stood two other Knights in similar dark armor. One being a Roegadyn Male with Behemoth inspired armor and a red plate covering his face and the last member next to him, being a Female Hyur with what it seemed a smaller modified version of the Au Ra's armor but her face covered by a black plate, white glow forming from it's eye holes and purple cloth with a certain design at the skirt that laid lazily behind her legs. Any other person would probably be terrified by all those bodies in a dark setting like this, but instead of being afraid, nothing but adrenaline and excitement poured through my veins.


★☆☆ COMMON RUMORS - Use to your heart's content.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

★★☆ UNCOMMON RUMORS - Use sparingly, or ask before using or mentioning them IRP.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

★★★ RARE RUMORS - Ask before using, or mentioning them IRP.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

"Insert the rumor here, if you please." NPC's identity.

◊◊◊ PLAYER CHARACTERS RUMORS - Feel free to add your own!

"I've yet to know why, but I have the uncontrollable feeling that she views me with projectile properties..." Flynt Reddard, Gambler extraordinaire (formerly).

"She is a fine musician... For a hyur." Virella Douront, Astrologue(?).

"Sure, she's aloof and a bit distant, but she's only thinking about her next song. Always a treat listening to her play that mandolin." Kiera Hawkeye, Sellsword.

"Q-quite the nice lady. She d-does have a bit more to her than just her music, though." Croix Leradine, Scholar.

"Strangest woman I've ever met and that ain't no drama. She's got a strange way with words that hasn't made my work any easier. She's liable to get herself killed." Barengar Armsbreaker, Mercenary.

"I imagine her songs are well written, and her ability to act is second to few. Princess Blue, indeed." Sarro Raja, Ul'dahn businessman and crook.

"She's... odd. Each time I think I have Lucile figured out, she says something to turn what I have on its head. I'm fond of her, but it's frustrating nonetheless." Chantelle Rondelais, Businesswoman.

"Luuuucy~~! Why, I must owe her at least three bottles of wine by now. A steep debt, but I suspect she's worth the price of admission: biters usually are, and she nips at her tongue /frequently/. Sadly, the girl is a bit plain in the face, but still pretty easy on the eyes. Now, to block out an evening and take the following memo -- 'personal delivery: 3 bottles, red: Lucy." Sigurd Sundsteigen, entrepreneur.

"The thirst for redemption leads countless to turmoil." Nameless Sailor, ???.

"I'm more than ashamed to say I've grown more and more fond of Lucaell. Needless to say she's still annoying as can be... but I find more and more to like about her each time we talk." Shintaro Kisaragi, freelancer.

"Lucy's a one-of-a-kind person. The kind of person that really deserves to have more people looking out for them. I'm lucky to have met her." Gwannes Oskwell, Harbinger and hunter.

"Ever the elusive one, she is. But the waves oft' flow of their own accord. I wonder if she could truly defy Nymeia's word. I will certainly be there to see her try. We can all defy that fate, I'm sure." Orenji Kharn, Skypirate Captain.

"For how her voice can be, her eyes and demeanor show me so much pain. She is quite honest, though it comes out like lashing out. I am glad she is brave enough to speak out. She sang at this old stage and invited others up on stage with her; I was really happy to be there. It is as if the stars aligned." Jancis Milburga, Orator and conjurer.

"What your own character thinks of this character." Your character's name, and title/occupation (optional).

"What your own character thinks of this character." Your character's name, and title/occupation (optional).


The Forgotten Knight, Ishgard (high probability)
New Gridania (medium probability)
Quicksands, U'dah (low probability)
[🔒] ??? Location, Zone (high probability)


Organization, Company or Guild (Role or Title)
Organization, Company or Guild (Role or Title)
Organization, Company or Guild (Role or Title)
[🔒] ??? Organization, Company or Guild (Role or Title)

♛ ─ MIND
► The Outdoors
► Vigilantism
► Excersizing
► Drinking / Beer
► Animals
► Making New Friends


► Hangovers
► Hot Weather
► Dishonesty
► Rudeness
► Politics
► Slackers

► Fighting / Sparring
► Foggy / Rainy Weather
► Sleeping
► Fresh, Hot Meals


► Betrayal
► Snobs
► Ignorance

─ Keys ─
[🌟] : Skill received upon roleplay development.

[🔒] : Spoiler alert! A skill or non-skill the character conceals. Nobody is supposed to know about it. Select the text to reveal it.

LANCING - Skilled and trained in the ability to wield a lance with a high level of skill, having been praised for his abilities in The Order of Dragoon which allowed him to promote himself in rank.
SWORDPLAY - With Numsgil's recently new found organization of Dark Knights along with given a Claymore before setting off on his way from Doma to Eorzea, Numsgil has been put into training with the two handed blade. Pitted against his allies almost daily, the man despite it's been only a short time has quickly become keen of swords.
Acrobatics - What a wonderful thing training as a Dragoon does to the body. Within training of heavy weights on his legs and constant combat training on dodging objects and weaponry in sparring, Numsgil's body and mind works quickly as one allowing him to swerve and weave past physcial or ranged attacked with ease.
[🌟] SKILL - Skill description.
[🔒] ??? SKILL - Skill description.
DARK ARTS - Manipulating his unstable Black Magic along with the assistance of his inner Darkside, Numsgil has been taught by his new allies to manipulate his powers to combine into one to allow him to easily swing Dark Magic mid-combat.
Black Magic - A hereditary trait due to his mother's blood in his veins. Numsgil seems to push more away from it to keen his skills in Combat rather than support.
SKILL - Skill description.
[🌟] SKILL - Skill description.
[🔒] ??? SKILL - Skill description.
SKILL - Skill description.
SKILL - Skill description.
SKILL - Skill description.
[🔒] SKILL - Skill description.



“???” ─To Character's Name, during (roleplay scene).
“???” ─To Character's Name, during (roleplay scene).
“???” ─To Character's Name, during (roleplay scene).


 ??? ─ Who knows.
 ??? ─ Who knows.
 ??? ─ Who knows.


 ??? ─ Context.
 ??? ─ Context.
 ??? ─ Context.


 ??? ─ Who knows.
 ??? ─ Who knows.
 ??? ─ Who knows.

DRK Logo Transparent 2.png  RELATIONSHIPS

─ Icons & Their Meaning ─

FAMILY.png Family or Blood Ties
FRIENDSHIP.png Friendship
ROMANCE.png Romantically involved
HATE.png Hated
FEAR.png Feared
TEACHER.png Teacher or Mentor
STUDENT.png Student or Apprentice
WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN.png Whereabouts Unknown or Hasn't seen them in a while

PATRON.png Employer or Patron
COLLEAGUE.png Colleague
BUSINESS PARTNER.png Business Partner
ATTRACTION.png Attraction or Muse
MARRIAGE.png Marriage*
RIVALRY.png Rivalry
DECEASED.png Deceased
UNKNOWN.png Unknown or Hidden Feelings**
0 placeholder.png Placeholder

2 positive.png Positive standing
3 neutral.png Neutral standing
1 negative.png Negative standing
Marriage*: Married in the eyes of the law/the twelve/according to the tribe's customs. This does not mean the characters are romantically involved.
Unknown or Hidden Feelings**: This character has one of all the keys above, but the character isn't fully aware of it yet, in denial, or overlooking it
FRIENDSHIP.png Positive, Friends & Allies
PH 100.png

Kaia McMinnar ─ Mother


SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. A female Hyur practitioner of the dark arts known as Black Magic, Kaia was an orphan that grew in the slums of Ishgard, fending for herself for as long as she could remember. At the age of 15, Kaia met an orphan Hyur boy with light green eyes, dark brown hair and the smile that would take her from a world of hurt to a place of no fear and happiness. The boy's name was Alric. It wasn't until the spark between the two lit before Kaia found herself being unable to control elements such as Fire, Frost, and Thunder that would form at her hands. Scared to death and crying, Alric reached his arms around the girl and whispered into her ear, "It may seem the storm is roaring hard, but with my hand in yours, we'll make it through. Push forward my love, for we will conquer everything together as one." Her head pressed against the young Alric's chest, tears rolled down her cheeks with a smile for she knew she found the broken link that was needed to link her heart together.

With practice of the dark arts, Alric and Kaia set off as adventurers setting their life to mercenary jobs, forming their life together through the little bit of Gil they would scavenge up to support themselves. By the age of 19, the couple found themselves expecting a baby. With the news, Alric set forth to enlisting into the Ishgardian Order of the Dragoons. By the time of the birth of their new child, Alric had already saved enough money for the family to move away to Gridania to make sure their new son, Numsgil would have a better start at life in a new country.

PH 100.png

Alric McMinnar ─ Numsgil's Father


SUMMARY: A male Hyur of Ishgardian military background, Alric's father, a high ranking Azure Dragoon would fall by an attack of Dragons on a patrol through the Coerthas Central Highlands, orphaning the young Alric at the age of 7, forcing him to grow up in the slums of Ishgard. At the age of 15, Alric met the love of his life. It was love at first site. Her name was Kaia. She was an orphan Hyur girl with eyes as blue as the sky and such a beautiful smile that Alric couldn't help himself but push forward to doing anything to get the girl's attention. The two fell madly in love with each other not more than a year later. Despite Kaia's uncontrollable dark magic outbursts at the time, and many waking hours of holding the girl when she was scared from elements forming at her finger tips, burning and freezing almost anything she touched, Alric looked into her eyes and brought her into a world where fear and loneliness didn't exist.

Many years the two ventured through out the land together, forming their life together through the little bit of Gil they would scavenge up to support themselves through their adventures. By the age of 19, the news was broken to the young Alric. Kaia was pregnant with his child. Shocked yet happy, Alric picked up his lance and set forth to enlisting into the Ishgardian Order of the Dragoons. By the time of the birth of their new child, Alric had already saved enough money for the family to move away to Gridania to make sure their new son, Numsgil would have a better start at life in a new country.

PH 100.png


SUMMARY: As kids, Waltz always seemed to be that scrawny kid that kept to himself and sang songs in the corner of the playground. Due to his kindness, Numsgil befriended the Miqo'te almost instantly. Through the years, Numsgil defended the cat boy from bullies, got close to his family to the point he would be invited take trips with Waltz's family to get icecream, go to the beach, go to shows, you name it. It wasn't hard to see the two bonded really well and became life long friends in a short amount of time.

At the age of 12, Waltz and Numsgil sat at a small park as they stared at the night stars together. "Hey, Nums... What do you want to be when you're older? What are your dreams? I want to be a famous singer! Helping people smile with my songs." With a bright smile on his face as he spoke, Waltz asked in such a soft voice as he stared up at the stars. Catching him by surprise, Numsgil shifted his eyes from the twinkling stars above to Waltz before pulling his hand to his chin. Eyebrows firm with a deep thought expression on his face, the Hyur looked back up at the stars as his expression just seemed to switch almost immediately to a bright smile once he found the answer. "I want to be a hero. I want to be that guy that puts himself in front of others to protect them no matter what the cause." As the last word escaped the young boy's lips, his smile seemed to fade, one single star twinkling back at him before opening his mouth again to continue. "I want to be like my dad." Pulling his attention from the stars above, Waltz would look over Numsgil to continue to smile softly before looking back up, "I think you'll do really great at that. You'll be the best hero ever one day, I just know it." A tear fell down Numsgil's cheek as the kind words were said toward him. "Thanks, Waltz. The same goes for you."

At the age of 15 through Numsgil's deep depression due to his mother growing deathly ill, the scrawny Miqo'te seemed to be the only one to pull him out of that dark hole and come back to smiles and laughs. Until one rainy day at the age of 17, a soft knocking would be at Waltz's door. "I got it, mom!" With bright smiles and hops over to the door, the young Waltz opened the door to find Numsgil soaking wet with eyes as red as could be from obvious crying, accompanied by a complete blank stare as almost he wasn't there even in his own body. Biting his lip, Numsgil began to open his lips before pulling his hand to his hands as he just completely broke down. Waltz's facial expression immediately dropped, ears falling down slightly. "Hey... It's okay, come in and have some Hot-Coco and we'll talk about it, okay-" As the Miqo'te was mid-sentence, Numsgil would wrap his arms around him, continuing to cry. "It's okay. Come on, let's get you out of those clothes and into some dry ones, huh?"

The final day came as Numsgil said his goodbyes to Waltz and his family. With a pain in his chest of having to leave and start his own life, Numsgil pulled his belongings that layed in a cloth material bag over his shoulder, walking down the brick path to his new life.

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[[Character Name ─ Title (ALIVE)

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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
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Character Name ─ Title (ALIVE)

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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
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Character Name ─ Title (ALIVE)

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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
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Character Name ─ Title (ALIVE)

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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
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Character Name ─ Title (ALIVE)

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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
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Character Name ─ Title (ALIVE)

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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.
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Character Name ─ Title (ALIVE)

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SUMMARY: Additional information about the character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum tincidunt nunc, at mattis nisl viverra at. Aliquam sit amet hendrerit turpis, quis varius mi. Mauris ultricies at arcu et tincidunt. Etiam venenatis sapien et ex accumsan, a ornare diam posuere.

DRK Logo Transparent 2.png  GALLERY



DRK Logo Transparent 2.png  CONTACT INFORMATION

DISCORD: Will La Kill#9172

Numsgil McMinnar
The Returned

Numsgil&Gizmo Profile Pic.png


"Y'know, I use to think this placed used to be so beautiful before I left to become a Dragoon back in the day, but now that I'm back; it's just hot as Ifrit's arse. Makes me actually miss the snow. Wait... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO CACTUARS IN GRIDANIA?!"

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Halone, the Fury


FULL NAME: Numsgil McMinnar
ALIASES: Responds to, "Nums"
RACE & CLAN: Hyur, Midlander
AGE: 22
NAMEDAY: 8th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
OCCUPATION: Ex-Dragoon Knight Lieutenant; Wandering Dark Knight
LATERALITY: Right Dominant
FAVORITE FOOD: Dzemael Gratin
VIRTUE(S): Confidence, courage, and friendliness
VICE(S): Anger, impatience, and bragging
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good