Kikia Kia

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Birth Name: Kikia Kia

Gender: Female

Race & Clan: Dunesfolk Lalafell

Age: Eighteen

Height 2 fulms 10 ilms

Weight: Popoto

Nameday: 25th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon

Guardian deity: Althyk, the Keeper


Birth Place: Central Thanalan

Citizenship: Ul’dah

FC and residence: None

Marital Status: Soulbound

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Job: Squire

Hobbies: Writing, pressing flowers

Alignment: True Neutral

Latest activities (RP hooks): Kiki is currently travelling around Eorzea and beyond with Faqu.

Kiki is rarely apart from her hero, Faqu, and the two go wherever they please. 


At a mere 2 fulm 10, Kiki does not strike any as an intimidating figure. Her long blonde hair, usually worn up with some hair framing her face, compliments her dark eyes and slightly tanned skin.

Scars & Markings: Her skin is flawless with a sprinkling of freckles about her cheeks.

Voice: Kiki's voice is quite soft and light with little to no accent.

Clothing: While she does not keep up with the latest trends and does enjoy pretty clothes, Kiki is mostly found wearing comfortable clothing. She prefers wearing her poncho and pants.

Curious - Possessive - Volatile - Passionate

  • Faqu, but don’t tell him that
  • Moonlight
  • Being naked
  • Being in control
  • Traveling
  • Pressed flowers


  • Seeing Faqu upset
  • Disrespect towards her or Faqu
  • Feeling trapped
  • Being without Faqu
  • Her clumsiness
  • Sharing with her sibings

Distinctive Features

  • Faqu leaving her


  • Favorite food: Honey Muffins
  • Favorite drink: Anything alcohol
  • Favorite colour: Black and purple
  • Flaws: Clumsy, lazy, blunt, laughs inappropriately, dictated by emotion, can have temper tantrums, addict
  • Possible personality type: ESFP - “The Entertainer”


While Kiki loves to people watch and learn about others’ backgrounds and culture, there is nothing she loves more than fellow lalafell and adventurer, Faqu. Though she may not show him or tell him this, preferring to keep him at a distance or act cold toward him, he is the one constant in her life. On the surface, Kiki seems like just another pretty young lalafell but she possesses a hair-trigger temper and this can be brought on by her clumsiness or being denied anything. Although her humour is quite deadpan she is also guilty of laughing or giggling at inappropriate times.

Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

In most combat situations, she would rely on Faqu to take the brunt of the attacks while she assisted with a small sword.

Personal Effects
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Personal Room


💗 Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
Sexual Desire
💘 Crush
Trusted Friend
Lost contact


Mother ( ) - Mother
Wife of Father, skilled healer and apothecary.
Father ( ) - Father
Husband of Mother, merchant and trader.


Faqu Broqu 💗

Her employer and close friend. She harbours a secret love for the man and, although he does not notice, she is happy to be by his side.



Common rumours & quotes

  • "She asks a lot of questions, that girl." - An Ul’dahn guard.

Rare rumours & quotes

  • "WIP" - WIP

Players rumours & quotes

  • Rumours can be true or false! Please feel free to add your own with your character name ♥




If ever seeking a quiet activity to pass time, she enjoys pressing flowers or embroidering.
She cannot cook very well but wants to be a good 'wife' to Faqu.

OOC Information

Stances on RP: I enjoy RP! Most of all I enjoy 'slice-of-life' as well as mature, dark, heavy-RP. I do prefer plot-driven encounters but I don't mind walk-ups, as they may lead to even more fun! I am flexible with lore (within reason). I may not be IC if wearing armour. Please send a tell if unsure!

I am available to RP: in-game, through discord and through RPC pm’s.

Hooks and relationships: Always open to conflicts.

RP combat and injuries: Since Kiki’s safety and wellbeing is looked after by Faqu there is little to no reason for her to be hurt or in combat.

Miscellaneous: That wiki page is mostly OOC knowledge unless your character specifically knows or learned about it.

Here are a few inspirations for the creation of Kiki: WIP

Theme Songs: ‘Hey Mickey’ by Toni Basil

TV Tropes: It Amused Me Hair-Trigger Temper

Server and Timezone

Player Info: Australian player, GMT-9.30.

Server: Mateus Player Name: Kikia Kia

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Special thanks to Suen Shyu for the template (also in turn, their inspiration from Rixo and Nanagi's template and the use of the skill stats window from Fancy Template) and Bancroft Gairn for the inspiration to put more work into my wiki!