Kiyo Sugisaki

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 Kiyo Sugisaki
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Unknown
Age 26 as of the end of Stormblood
Deity Halone, the Fury
Orientation Bi
Marital Status Single
Occupation Warrior for hire. Also does goldsmithing on the side.
Kiyo Sugisaki, Princess of Stubbornness.

Height: 5 fulms 2 ilms

Weight: 110 ponz

Complexion:  Dusky mid-brown toned, white "star freckles" dusting her face, shoulders, back, and thighs.

Hair:  White with a blue tone.

Eyes:  Dark blue, with a lighter blue set of limbal rings.

Physique:  A little on the stocky side mostly due to her height. Slim hips, flat butt, but gifted in the chest.

First Meetings/New Relationships: : Kiyo tends to rely heavily on first impressions - in particular she usually files people into either the "good guy", "bad guy", or "ass" categories. Anyone who goes against her moral fiber is marked as a bad guy and not trusted until they can prove themselves otherwise, but both good guys and asses have the potential to win her over easily.

Companions/Family: : She has no family in Limsa directly, but she's built up a network of friends and acquaintances in the city. In Othard she's still fairly new, and her only real contacts as of yet are the people she's fought beside in the freeing of Doma.


Tends toward slobbish, especially when distracted.
Bad at risk assessment.
Overly optimistic, tends to trust too easily.
Really, REALLY bad at risk assessment.
"Stubborn" does not even begin to cover it. Often if told not to do something, she'll do it purely for spite.


Moogles. She simply cannot stand them.
Tight spaces, a leftover from having to stay crammed in a crate while stowing away to get to Eorzea.
Being alone
Being useless


Aetheric Discharge (more under skills)


Nervous tic: tracing her fingers along the outer edge of her horns



Sleeping in weird positions


Being treated like a princess
Making a difference/being a part of something big


Being put on the spot.


Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Food: Rich hearty food like thick stews
Favorite Drink: blended fruit drinks (preferably the surprisingly strong ones)
Favorite Scent: Lilies

Combat/Sparring: She's gotten to the point of being able to hold her own fairly well in battle. ICly she's around level 50 right now. Against low level monsters she's totally fine, and she can hold her own against most people pretty easily in short term, so if she's not alone it's simple for her party to overwhelm opponents. Her Inner Beast is under firm control unless she gets startled/scared, and it can sometimes make up for a level difference.


A molybdenum-based war axe she calls "Stubborn". She keeps it polished to a high shine.


Aether of healing: Kiyo's conjury training when she was young gave her a very sketchy base of healing. She can probe to find out what's wrong, she can seal over basic cuts and scrapes, and she can send a "pocket" of aether to an area to stop the pain and speed natural healing. The last isn't very potent - it shaves off maybe 1/3 of the healing time at best. SHe mostly just uses it for the painblocking capability.

Aether of battle: Kiyo was never trained in using her aether offensively. Before she became a warrior, her only real offense was an aetherial "blast". If she was scared or cornered, her aether would simply explode out of her, at a MINIMUM knocking her assailants a good distance away. If she had a normal amount of aether and hadn't been healing, she could break bones and kill with it. (Afterward, though, she'd be completely helpless.) However, this ability scared the SHIT out of her, since she had no control over it. She first tapped her Inner Beast in an effort to NOT explode everything around her, as she was protecting several innocents at the time. Nowadays, Kiyo only uses her aether offensively as supporting abilities - enhancing her swings and stamina.


Kiyo used to own a small stand in Ul'dah, where she sold her weaving and goldsmithing. She's mostly given up on weaving over time, but she still loves tinkering and making jewelry. It's open knowledge that she does jewelry commissions, and her specialty is making pieces that span horns, pointed ears, and other non-standard parts.

Birth and childhood (0-15)

Kiyo grew up in the Yatsurugi clan. Her parents were the leaders of a small village and extremely traditional. When Garlemald started its takeover, Kiyo's parents were some of the first people won over. They actively worked with Garlemald, submitting their territory and pressuring those they knew to do the same. They even went so far as to make sure Kiyo's first language was Garlean - to this day she's much more fluent in it than her native Doman.
Kiyo HATED her traditional lessons, and caused hell by constantly ditching her lessons and running off to watch crafters. Her greatest inspiration was Kaizan Sugisaki, a jewelry artisan.

Teen Years

On her fifteenth birthday, Kiyo was called into her parents' room. Out of nowhere, they gave her an ultimatum - either she would join the Garlean Army, or she would marry within the year with the intent of breeding. Kiyo was horrified by her choice and the shouting match that ensued is legendary in the family still. Sadly, Kiyo's stubbornness is hereditary, and she wasn't able to talk her parents out of it. Rather than fully accepting her defeat, Kiyo asked to take the night to think it over.
Unwisely, her parents agreed.
Kiyo snuck out that night and went the one place she was sure her parents wouldn't look - straight to a Garlean base. As luck would have it, she found a cargo ship bound for Eorzea and managed to sneak on board. Forcing herself into a crate and closing the lid over herself, she hid for the entire trip. She didn't know how badly bodies react to being in tight spaces, though, and no sooner had they landed than she HAD to get out - too soon to be safe. She stumbled upright just as a soldier came to retrieve the crates. Her only saving grace was that he was too surprised to sound the alarm, so she had time to get her feet properly under her and start running.
Horrifically out of place in her dirty yukata, she ran on numb feet as more people started chasing her and alarms sounded. Her luck held, though. The gate was still open, and she was small enough to slip out through it and run across the no-man's land between the Garlean stronghold and the Eorzean one. Her legs gave out two thirds of the way to the Eorzean side, but by that time they'd drawn the eyes of the guards and an Eorzean force was already massing against what they assumed to be an attack.
Kiyo crawled desperately over toward the new soldiers, babbling in as many languages as she could remember that she needed help, needed to be saved, and the commanding officer had a good enough grasp on Garlean to understand her and give her sanctuary.
She stayed in Camp Bluefog for nearly a month, figuring out the basics of Eorzean language and culture. After that, the Bluefog CO turned her over to the Ul'dahn main branch, and after a good deal of puzzling over what to do with her, they decided to give her to Redolent Rose as a live-in apprentice. She already had very good weaving and embroidery skills, so it made sense. As she got her feet under her, she made friends with Serenity and took up goldsmithing as well, and by 18 she was good enough to hold her own as a merchant.


Kiyo was eventually 'adopted' into a family, and eventually wound up as a junior researcher on the Carteneau Flats. However, being surrounded by so many scarily competent battlers provoked a deep shame in her own uselessness in battle, and eventually she started to hate herself for it. As soon as she felt that start to emerge, she made a drastic decision - She left, all alone.
Kiyo vowed she wouldn't go back to her adopted family until she could stand beside them as a warrior in her own right.
She trained in the Marauder's Guild in Limsa Lominsa, while using the occasional goldsmithing commission to fund herself. When she awoke as a warrior, she knew she needed time to fully absorb her new power and make it her own... and then she got called into the Maelstrom's office.
Merlwyb showed her two letters - one, a plea to the Maelstrom and through them the Eorzean Alliance, asking for Doma to be freed. It was signed by Yatsurugi Inako. The other letter, still sealed, was addressed to Yatsurugi Kiyo.
In the letter, her sister begged Kiyo to come. Not to Doma itself, not again - but to Kugane, where Inako lived. Kiyo hadn't bothered to keep up on her family, merely assuming they died when Doma fell, but Inako told her they hadn't. Instead, they'd remained there as part of the Garlean chain of command.... until one day.... they were just gone.
There hadn't been many people willing to stay in her hometown after the fall, but one day a merchant came through to find the town deserted. The mansion, open and empty. No sign of a single soul.
This happened a year or so before Inako sent the letter, and she was terrified that someone had quietly eliminated their family and she'd be next. Between the open terror in Inako's letter and the fact that Kiyo's younger sister had never done anything to harm her, Kiyo agreed to sign on temporarily with the Maelstrom and act as their contact in Kugane.
What followed was basically the plot of Stormblood as we know it. Kiyo hung around as a bit of extra muscle, becoming fast friends and drinking buddies with Gosetsu. She saw most of the action happen from the fringes.


Now that Doma is ostensibly free, Kiyo was released from her contract with the Maelstrom and Hien. She spends roughly equal time in Doma and Limsa now and is often available for small jobs in either city. While she's become a bit more... pragmatic... during her time in Doma, she still has firm moral fiber and won't accept any job she doesn't personally agree with.

Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! Some of these rumors may be untrue or greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

"I was dickering with her and got a little distracted by her... assets..., and next thing you know the price is doubled. Worth every gil, though." ~Ul'dahn Noble
"For all she's as big around as my arm, she's surprisingly good in battle. Who woulda thought she could even pick up an axe, let alone swing one?" ~Limsan Pi... Sailor
"She was there when all the overthrowing was going on, yeah? She's pretty distinctive, saw her around Lord Hien a bunch of times." ~Doman Commoner

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

"She's not attached to anyone, you know. One of those 'free and open' types, so if you take a fancy to her just ask." ~Sailor with a knowing grin
"DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT get into a drinking contest w' that one. Her Marauders' Guild nickname was featherweight for the sheer irony of it - she's drunk a fair few Roegadyn under the table." ~Fearful-looking Merchant
"That one's definitely got one hell of a goal. She's thrown herself at training with a fierceness that's a bit scary, to be honest. A fierceness almost like..." ~Concerned-looking marauder
"She hires out, but she's got a weird set of morals. No assassinations or dark alleys for her. Supposedly she's good in a scrap and doesn't charge too much." ~Kugane Local

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

"D-Does demon possession run in families? Asking for a friend." ~Shadowy figure
"I heard she was the one involved in that one incident outside Limsa... Garlean soldiers dead in a pile, some of them ripped nearly in half with the force of the blow. The survivor said small girl with white freckles, and well, she DOES fit that. Do you think...?" ~Storm Captain
"Gods forfend... I fought alongside that one in Doma. Tiny little thing, I was thinking she'd barely be able to lift her axe. We got separated off just the two of us, and I thought we were done for. Then her eyes glowed all red, and she was takin' down Garleans left and right. Voidsent possession? Who knows? It got us home that night, and my wife told me to never talk about it. O-Oops..." ~Haggard Resistance Fighter

PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)

"Insert rumor here." ~Name
"Insert rumor here." ~Name
"Insert rumor here." ~Name
💑 In a Relationship     Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Family      Good Standing     Neutral     Poor Standing    Deceased


Dates are included mostly for me so I can keep track of things. However, feel free to use them as references for character journals.

Notable events are divided into arcs, so that you can easily find new info on each arc.

An Example Organizational Tab

(1/1-1/2) An Example Table

(Status: Complete) (Who was Involved: Person 1, Person 2)

Write about your important event here.

(Credit is due to Endel Blanche for the idea to add in this tab!)

Optional tab. Remove if you don't want. Here, you can put in little 'hooks' for your character - easy conversation starters so that people might find it easier to walk up to you.

What I am looking for/interested in:

  • RP long or short series. Ingame okay, but would prefer discord or skype.

What I will NOT RP:

  • Rape, death, sexual situations involving minors


About the Player:

Writer/Roleplayer. Game designer IRL, player uses they/them pronouns.

Anyone who comes across Kiyo in-game is more than welcome to approach! I'm sometimes too busy to really rp, but mosttimes I'm up for it.


Server: Balmung

This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte.

Other Stuff

  • OOC notes.