Orphaniel Bunansa

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"Orphaniel Bunansa" is a child Lalafell and an anomaly. Due to an alchemist's experimentation, he has been around for over twenty-five years and doesn't grow up. He gets smarter and can rationalize, solve problems, and work hard. He can even be existential. But he is still mentally a young child of ambiguous physical age, possibly between two and five years old. He is capable of many kinds of work, and-- with the use of aether and stoneskin-- has the potential to participate in battle with strong conjury and moderate effectiveness in the Way of the Fist. However, he has none of these skills at first, and will have to learn them across his character arc.

Orphaniel has a rich personality which has largely been defined by his eventful history. A long time ago, an alchemist was seeking to create an elixir of eternal unaging so he could live in his prime forever. He kidnapped several young orphans in order to better observe the results of his experiment, and eventually was successful. Orphaniel was one of the orphans, and so he doesn't age. The alchemist sold the children off into servitude, as that was the most useful course of action for him, and ran off. It is known among the traffickers and some scholars and others what happened; but so far, no one knows where the alchemist went.

No one knows Orphaniel's real name, family, or age. His name was given to him by his first master and owner, a thief by the last name of "Bunansa" who named him "Orphaniel" as a cruel joke. Orphaniel has worked for a dozen or so masters before escaping. At first they were impoverished masters in Limsa Lominsa, for whom he was made to use his tiny-ness and cute appearance to get his masters gil. He crawled into tiny spaces to steal from homes, pickpocketed (which he wasn't bold enough to do well, but he was cute enough to get away with it), and panhandled (which he was wildly successful at). But as he became smarter and was able to do a better job and understand more complex instructions, he began to be popular with slavers. They enjoyed the exotic, and Orphaniel was certainly that. He was sold to The Goblet for a whole lot of gil and worked for several wealthy masters, where he learned to do many tasks. He cooked, cleaned, kept inventory, weaved, worked with leather, and did simple carpentry. He was also sometimes brought on for odd tasks when needed such as medical support. He also dressed and behaved as in high society, and played flute to entertain guests.

Some of Orphaniel's masters were very cruel and they would punish him harshly. His latest master, Master Atoya, was particularly harsh. For example, Master Atoya was attempting to force Orphaniel to learn to write; but because of Orphaniel's underdeveloped coordination, Orphaniel was unable to do it even close to the specifications of everyday needs, and Master Atoya would beat him for his failure until Master Atoya eventually gave up. The first RP event that Orphaniel had was his escape through The Goblet from Master Atoya. Orphaniel was suffering from severe depression and existential issues, and had lost motivation to work and nearly the will to live. He began hiding from work and Atoya soon found out. Atoya proceeded to beat Orphaniel nearly to death. After spending a few weeks in Atoya's infirmary, Orphaniel was put back under his service; but since Orphaniel knew he wasn't going to get better emotionally, he ran away, fearing Atoya would certainly kill him.

Orphaniel is extremely valuable among slavers, and so Master Atoya has hired traffickers who pose as Flame watch in The Goblet. They are posted to try to find and bring Orphaniel back. Orphaniel has been seen several times and has escaped to free company houses, where he has been looked after-- sometimes more affectionately than others-- by the free company members.


Orphaniel is very clearly a child. He is a bit shorter than an adult Lalafell and notably smaller in frame. He is thin and soft-looking and has a sweet but intelligent complexion. He has medium blonde hair which is somewhat unkempt. Orphaniel likes to make his own clothing and loves to dress up. He has clothing for many occasions-- casual, work, or formal. He almost always dyes them his favorite color-- sky blue. He is very easy to pick out from a crowd.

Orphaniel has underdeveloped coordination and strength. Because of this, he may struggle to do tasks he enjoys such as cooking and crafting. However, he often makes up for his trouble with clever problem-solving. He climbs and descends stairs one step at a time and often asks for help with many things.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Clearly a young child, but sometimes capable of some more complex tasks and communication than would be expected
Almost always seen in all sky-blue clothing
Baby chocobo facepaint on right cheek


Orphaniel is sweet and helpful, and childlike in much of his personality. He loves to play-- whether through exploring, hands-on observation, or pretend play with others or with toys. He loves to be outside and he loves nature, animals, and camping. Orphaniel loves to share new experiences with others, and he can serve and entertain others with various skills while doing so. He will try most things at least once.

Orphaniel also struggles with existentialism and issues related to his harsh past. He has childish tastes and abilities and doesn't feel out-of-place when enjoying them; however, he is also aware of this and therefore often worries about what he's supposed to be as a person. He sometimes worries that if he is not as capable as the adults around him, that they will dislike and even abandon him. Orphaniel is very sensitive to things that are confusing or scary to him.

Orphaniel's past of constantly moving between homes and living in non-standard ways has made it so that his relationships and some other cognitive abilities are poorly-developed. He is always looking for familial affection, even from complete strangers. He doesn't attach himself to any specific caretakers. Instead of being afraid of everyone because of his past, he is overly-trusting with strangers and is likely to walk off with them. He has a very poor sense of home, time, schedule, and communicating said schedule; so he is likely to be "missing" with said strangers for a while. The only time Orphaniel blames other people for anything is when they are hurting each other. He doesn't hold grudges, and his need to forgive is nearly non-existent because of his lack of blaming in the first place. He can be easy to take advantage of because he always sees the best in people, even when that best is not currently there.


Name. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.
Name. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.


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NOTE.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.


NOTE.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.
NOTE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.


NOTE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo..
NOTE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.


NOTE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.


NOTE' - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. ."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Personal RP Limits
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
I will playLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
I won't play Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Little Tidbits.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.


Potential Plot Hooks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Character Lore Adherence
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
No changes required.

Name - Orphaniel Bunansa
Race - Lalafell
Apparent Age - Physical & mostly mental: 2-5 years old?
Real Age - 25+, not including pre-alchemy and post-slavery
Name Day - Unknown
Deity - Nymeia, the Spinner

Alias: None
Citizenship: None
Occupation: Misc. worker; previously slave
Hair color: Pale blonde
Eye color: Deep, vivid blue
Complexion: Extremely fair
Piercings: None
Marks or tattoos: Baby chocobo facepaint for out-of-character identification as a child
Alignment: Neutral-lawful good
Key Items: None
Favorite Food: Any fine cuisine with meat
Favorite Drink: Tropical juices or punches
Favorite Color: Sky blue
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