Shigure Miyama

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Shigure Miyama
Tempered Mind

Alias... Grey, Nef Miyama
Age... 26
Alignment... Neutral
Race... Au Ra
Clan... Raen
Orientation... Heterosexual
Marital... Single
Deity... Dawn Father
Nationality... Doman
Occupation... Warrior, Mercenary, Blacksmith

Shigure is a stalwart, self-assured Au Ra well into his adult years, an apparent youthfulness still lingering within his deep-set, radiant golden eyes. Soft platinum strands of hair hang loosely to frame an sharp profile with prominent cheekbones and a strong jawline. His rich marble-toned skin is smooth to the touch, while rigid sets of scales line his extremities in stark contrast and bear a similar ivory hue to that of his hair. Bearing likeness to a crafted stone statue, Shigure stands at a muscular 6 fulms and 10 ilms and carries himself with a firm, upright posture.

Scars & Markings: Numerous darkly-toned scars mark his body. Some bear resemblances to cuts given by blade, while others bear the tell-tale shapes of wounds endured by arrows and other projectiles. A prominent scar upon his face reaches across his cheek to the bridge of his nose before vanishing upon his protective scales, while a smaller cut intersects the scales lining his jaw. His hands are smooth in texture, with a distinct firmness only noticeable upon his callused fingers and palms.

Clothing: Shigure is almost always equipped with some form of plate, chain mail, or protective travel wear. His attire in domestic environments tends to range from heat-resistant craftsman's gear to more casual, form-fitting clothing. A large axe usually lays strapped across his back.

Voice: Deep yet warm. He speaks confidently and with properly enunciated words. His voice carries a distinct gentle tone.

Stoic : Seemingly incapable of feeling any strong emotions, Shigure's face appears fairly expressionless and gives off an image of calm composure. His unyielding stoic countenance hardly ever betrays bewilderment or enthusiasm, but whenever it does, it's often at the minimum level.

Sociable : Shigure is confident speaker, and is perfectly comfortable engaging others. He speaks openly in a gentle, yet passionate manner and is neither boastfully arrogant nor falsely modest. His words are chosen carefully, and he tends to briefly pause in thought before providing a response.

Analytical : Shigure is extremely analytical and intelligent within his realm of experience, which largely centers around his craft as well as combat. He possesses the distinct ability to determine material compositions and crafting methods at a glance. He is also quick to discern battlefield conditions and formulate effective strategies.

Empathetic : Despite his austere demeanour, Shigure is a kind-hearted individual at his core and is capable of displaying affection. He expresses a deep level of understanding and consideration towards others, even those he may come across briefly only to meet in the future as enemies.

Diligent : He believes diligence to be his greatest virtue. Shigure possesses a constant drive to improve and perform his duties to the best of his abilities. He takes training very seriously, following strict, intense, yet necessary efforts to hone both his mind and body.

TV Tropes : Badass Baritone Big Brother Instinct Brutal Honesty Emotion Suppression Humble Hero Intrepid Merchant Lightning Bruiser Strong Family Resemblance The Blacksmith The Unfettered


  • Hot springs.
  • Exploration.
  • Cooking.
  • Quiet areas.
  • The winter season.


  • Foul smells.
  • Misunderstandings.
  • Wet clothing.
  • Loud noises.
  • Poor craftsmanship.


  • Being alone.
  • Losing himself in battle.
  • Powerlessness.
  • Losing the last of his family.


  • Favorite Food: Spicy curry, Pot stickers, Mapo Tofu
  • Favorite Drink: Green tea, Hot sake, chilled Ishgardian coffee.
  • Favorite Color: Blue.
  • Favorite Creature: Wild boars.

Some of these rumours are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumours under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumours - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    ¦ "He's got this scary expression on all the time, but he's actually pretty approachable. I see him trading with the local merchants a lot."
    ¦ "Whenever he comes by, he takes up a 'Cuff-a-Cur' machine for hours on end. I guess even folks like him enjoy playing games from time to time."
    ¦ "I'm guessing it's his sister that's always running about with him. Those two look almost exactly alike!"

◢ Uncommon Rumours - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    ¦ "The guy's loaded. He paid up front for an estate the second he arrived in Ul'dah without even batting an eye."
    ¦ "I hear he's a master of some forgotten martial art that strengthens the body. I'm not too keen on the details, but that man is definitely in a league of his own."

◢ Rare Rumours - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    ¦ "Their parents were once wealthy landlords of the name "Miyama". The family met with tragedy quite some time ago, however. Such is the case for many prosperous bloodlines. I am pleased to hear that those children are well, at the very least... they were so young when it all happened."


◢ Player Character Rumours - Feel free to add rumours of your own!

    ¦ "Add rumor here." Name
    ¦ "Add rumor here." Name
    ¦ "Add rumor here." Name

Songs used set a mood. Please mind your speakers when clicking links.

RP Hooks
I'm happy to discuss anything RP related and establish prior relationships. Have an idea? Feel free to get in touch!

Present Day

¦ Shigure currently resides in a humble estate located in Ul'dah's residential area. All are welcomed, whether to rest weary feet, to quench curiosities or offer business propositions.
¦ While his primary occupation is that of a tradesman, he's an exceptionally capable fighter and is often willing to venture far to procure goods. In need of a bodyguard? Have a lucrative, yet dangerous job prospect? Venturing to distant lands and require an extra hand or consultant? Willing to commission his metalworking skills? He may be willing to take you up on your offer!
¦ Is your character aether-sensitive? If so, they would easily sense his unusually strong aether presence.

Early Days - Life in Othard

¦ Shigure spent a large portion of his adolescence developing his craft in distant lands. Fancy a pre-existing business contact or friendship? If you're of a trade background it's very likely they've crossed paths!
¦ After the loss of his parents, Shigure began to take on mercenary work throughout Othard. It's possible that he's fought alongside, or against your character in the past.
¦ Both Shigure and his sister were two of the many Doman refugees that had arrived in Eorzea some time ago. He may have acquainted himself to your character during that long, arduous journey.
Personal RP Limits
¦ I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug/alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Fighting, assassination attempts, temporary injury and short-term imprisonment are just fine. Slice-of-life, light-hearted and simplistic stories are equally favored. Most walk-up encounters, but please send me a /tell first!
¦ Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
¦ I won't play permanent character death or rape plots.
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
¦ Title: [Link Title]

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes! If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

¦ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
¦ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
¦ Background and headers by Atreus del Alumet.
¦ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
¦ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
¦ Formatting and organizing by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
¦ Image Overlay and further adaptions by Rin Miyama.

Please remember to credit properly when using this wiki. Thank you.

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