T'rahven Tia

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Revision as of 12:41, 30 August 2017 by DocBlargle (talk | contribs) (v2 rumors)
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T'rahven Tia has always been something of a outsider. He spent most of his early years living outside of any meaningful form of civilization. He was born into a splinter group of the T tribe deep in the Sagolii desert. When he was around five years old, the tribe was betrayed from within, and was captured by bandits. Whether they were going to be sold into slavery or taken to the Amalj'aa, he never knew. However, T'rahven managed to escape by the skin of his teeth, and retreat deeper into the desert. Since the, T'rahven has discovered that there may be some other survivors, and is determined to track them down.

Shortly after his escape, T'rahven was discovered by an Ala Mhigan monk named Raveem. Raveem offered T'rahven protection and safety, in exchange for becoming his pupil; a deal which T'rahven agreed to. It quickly became apparent to T'rahven that Raveem was something of a radical, even for Ala Mhigan standards, as his teaching was very nontraditional. T'rahven was prevented from even approaching a city until he was 17, and was often left on his own in the wilderness for weeks at a time. Despite his increasing dislike for the training, it served T'rahven well, forging him into a wilderness survival expert and accomplished fighter.

When T'rahven turned 20, he decided this life wasn't for him anymore, and he wanted nothing to do with Raveem's one man crusade. So, when he got the opportunity, he bolted, forging his own life for himself as a mercenary and explorer. After a few months of wandering, T'rahven joined up with an adventuring company called "The Outriders", and has been happy working with them ever since.

After a couple months with the Outriders, Raveem managed to track him down, and demanded T return himself for his "final trial". To protect his new friends, T accepted the challenge, and returned to the place they first met. It was there T learned the truth; Raveem intended to use his aether to open more chakra points. In his rage, T managed to slay his former master, and finally free himself.

Since then, T has managed to reconnect with the true Fists of Rhalgr, and has been learning the truth about being a monk. Between them and the Outriders, T is ready to forge his life into something he can be proud of.


Despite T'rahven's history with living in the wilderness, he has managed to maintain at least a decent appearance. He is tall for a Miqo'te, not much shorter then the average Hyur. His hair and fur are both a deep brown, and his eyes are a bright yellow. He has a deep scar on his lower left cheek, though he does a lot to keep it from standing out. T'rahven usually sports the signature Cyclas of the Fists, though he can occasionally be found in a training outfit of a blue leather vest that exposes his chest. This is generally when he doesn't want to damage his Cyclas or doesn't want to be outed as a monk. His voice has a slightly deep twinge to it, and is often filled with energy, reflecting his high spirits and optimism. T is also missing his left ring finger, a sacrifice he made to make up for a mistake that nearly cost his best friend her arm.


Despite T'rahven's less than stellar upbringing, you'd never be able to tell it at a first glance. T'rahven is constantly chipper and upbeat, despite just about everything. His friends have even come to know him for his familiar Cheshire Cat grin when he's either particularly excited or amused. While not the most talkative around strangers, T'rahven is quick to laugh and quicker to retort when in the sole company of friends. You know when you are in T'rahven's good books when he can converse with you without seeming quiet or uncomfortable.

T'rahven's upbeat personality also transfers over to his actions while adventuring. Incredibly enthusiastic about adventures, T'rahven is often the first to volunteer and the first one out the door at the mere mention of an Outrider assignment. While in a serious combat he does focus himself and become more subdued, its often covering a layer of enjoyment and thrill.

While T's negative emotions were once solely controlled by his traumatic past, he has slowly been learning to open up to a wider range of emotions, becoming a more well rounded individual. However, T is still getting over the worst of it, and can occasionally express intense negative emotion in an uncontrolled way. Fortunately, it is not longer just rage, as it once used to be. However, with the help of his friends, T has been learning to properly control his emotions, rather then just forcing them down.


The Outriders.
Showing Off.


Reminders of His Past'.
His friends being hurt.
Needless Cruelty.


Writing his Survival Guide.
Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Naomi Kett, relationship. ( ) - Best Friend, Older sister-in-spirit.
Character's Thoughts: "I don't like to think about who I might be if I hadn't met her."
Naomi is T'rahven's first and best friend. Since meeting her, T has looked up to Naomi and her sense of responsibility, and aspires to be like her. The two can often be found drinking at a bar after a mission.
O'byahta Odah, relationship. ( $ ) - Associate, Occasional Employer.
Character's Thoughts: "She's creepy, but honestly not so bad. Just.....don't piss her off. Ever."
T'rahven tends to be cautious around O'byahta. He isn't too trusting of the Outriders' resident curse expert. Still, the jobs she offers occasionally are adventures enough that he is still willing to dive in head first.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"If you're up at dawn around Mist, you can see him running up and down the place, doing some sort of exercises."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I've sometimes seen him flashing these weird Doman hand-signs while he trains. What kind of monk uses that Ninjitsu crap?"
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I hear he's been asking around about some Seeker splinter group of the T tribe. Something about them being attacked 15 years ago."


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Is that's FitandCute's name!? He saved ups from a couple of thugs right near Costa De Sol!" -A Blonde Haired female miqo'te
"He was so adorable! The way he was blushing at the bar! Though if you see him, can you tell him thank you for saving us?" -A Purple Haired female miqo'te



Player Note
I'm based in USA eastern time zone. I attend college during the year and have a part time job during the summer, so my playtime can be sporadic. I'm usually online on weeknights.
Personal RP Limits
I will not rp torture scenes. I also will not ERP unless I know you really well.


Potential Plot Hooks
Mercenary work, Random exploration, Just about anything, really.

Ffxiv 07052017 180843.png
Name - T'rahven Tia
Race - Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun
Age - 20
Name Day - 8th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Deity - Rhalgr

Alias: Blackfist, Banana, T
Citizenship: Not Affiliated
Occupation: Monk, Mercenary, Adventurer
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Yellow
Complexion: Tan
Piercings: One piercing on each ear
Marks or tattoos: A small scar on his lower left cheek
Alignment: Neutral Good
Key Items: Ancient Ala Mhigan Relic Gauntlets, A personal journal
Favorite Food: Bluebell Salmon (of his own recipe)
Favorite Drink: Blackberry Gin
Favorite Color: Yellow
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