Leopold Starke

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Leopold Starke
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Nameday 12th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Age 23
Height 5 fulm 8 ilm
Birthplace unknown



Leopold certainly isn't the best looking guy. His hair is a blend of red and brown, kept a bit shaggy and in his eyes. He has a strange patch of chin fuzz at the point of his chin reaching up to his lower lip. His features are sharp and angular, his eyes somewhat small for his face.


Leopold has a rather poor outlook on life. The knowledge he was abandoned nearly at birth sat sourly with him, but he was still thankful that he had a family to care for him. The family wasn't the greatest, often partaking in Syndicate-type activities, but they taught him what he needed to know to survive. He has trust issues, and it's pretty apparent with his antagonistic mannerisms. He can trust people, it just takes some time to get past the wall he puts up.

Leopold is a bit of a douchebag. He is quick to anger and has no hesitation in hitting people with whatever he's carrying. He's also incredibly vain, thinking that he looks good, when in truth, he really doesn't. Compassion isn't exactly beyond him, but there are rare times he shows it.

He considers the Starkes his real parents, as they're the ones who raised him. However, there is a part underneath all the layers and douchebaggery that wishes to find that lost family that left him behind and give him a piece of his mind. In a way, he hopes that he has a sibling or two out there, especially if those siblings share similar interests and hobbies.


The Starkes aren't exactly the most respectable of people. Miners by trade, they often implored in less honorable trades when off the job. They had their hands in trading addictive substances and otherwise illegal supplies. Aside from their more underground activities, they both love Leopold very much and believe he was the greatest trade they've ever made in his life.

As the Starkes weren't able to have children, Leopold is an only child, though he has a handful of cousins.

Adoptive family

  • Father: Ansell Starke
  • Mother: Rohesia Starke

Birth family
Currently unknown


  • Augustine Frost - there's just something about this guy that piques Leo's curiosity, mostly his appearance. While Augustine is taller, their facial features and even hairstyle are remarkably similar. Augustine is the first person he's come across that looks like he could be related. Surely it's just a coincidence, right?
  • R'ikve Niall - a miquo'te who seems to pick fights with Augustine. Apart, she seems pleasant, but Leo's sure she has a deathwish.

Trivial information

  • Leo will always introduce himself as Leopold, but he won't object to being called Leo.
  • He is well aware he was adopted, and he isn't ashamed to admit it.
  • His favorite foods are roasted nopales and salted cod puffs. His favorite drink is orange juice (spiked, of course)


Before the Calamity

Leopold was adopted as an infant by a mining family living in Horizon's Edge on the Royal Allagan Sunway in Western Thanalan. The Starkes weren't able to have children of their own, so they bought Leopold off his birth family using gil and drugs as a payment.

At an early age, Leopold became very aware he wasn't related to his parents. They were both blond-haired and blue-eyed and he was most definitely not. They explained they adopted him from a family which didn't want him, not telling him the details of the exchange. They told him his birth name was Leopold but they didn't know much more than that. They gave him the name Starke because they said he was part of their family, adopted or not. They considered him their son.

He accepted this, as the Starkes were the only family he knew. But that didn't mean the idea of what his birth family had done didn't sour his outlook on life. They'd given him up, but they put him in a suitable place. Still, there was that curiosity to find out who this birth family was and beat them with a stick.

Leopold didn't particularly care for the family business of mining, but he did it anyway as a means to pass time and pound out frustration. Truthfully he longed to fight, to be on the battlefield and in the middle of action.

The New Era

The Calamity didn't affect Leopold or his family as much as some. The family maintained their usual business. Leo took up fighting so he could defend his parents in their deals. He learned he had some talent in the magical arts and took up Thaumaturgy.

At 18, Leopold began taking up jobs of his own. He took on odd jobs, whatever paid the most and kept his interest.