Mikeh Jaade

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 Mikeh Jaade
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Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Black Shroud
Age 25
Deity Menphina and Thaliak
Orientation Heterosexual
Marital Status Single
Occupation Page (Library work)
Nameday 31st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Mikeh Jaade, or else known simply as Jaade by her mentor was born on the 31st of the 2nd Umbral Moon. A quiet and somewhat aloof young lady, Mikeh generally keeps to herself. She has almost no family left (or any that she will speak of) but she does not seem disheartened by this. Currently, Mikeh now works as a Page for the Arrzaneth Ossuary's expansive library and also is a current excelling student within the Thaumaturge Guild in Ul'Dah.
While Mikeh spends a lot of her time in Ul'dah due to training and work, she also frequents Limsa Lominsa quite a bit. She enjoys being near the ocean and all of the seafood cuisine!

Mikeh's Inventory

Last updated: Sept. 11, 2017

- A beautifully designed leatherbound journal
- A handful of grapes usually wrapped up in cloth
- A blue pencil and tiny grey eraser
- Some sort of book other than her journal


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Height: 5 fulms 4 ilms

Weight: 157 ponz

Complexion: Sepia Brown

Hair: Snow White

Eyes: Blue and Amber

Heterochromic eyes gaze upon you with an unusual and eerie gaze as this young Miqo'te regards you. Her ocean blue and fiery amber irises are maybe a bit alarming at first, especially when her glasses are off. Her stare however is rarely malicious. Her hair is quite long, so long that she favors wearing a headband to keep it pulled back. Even still, her hair grows rather quickly so she's gotten used to just cutting the front. She likes to keep a portion cut just above her eyes and covering her forehead. One may see her fidgeting with this particular feature of hers quite a bit, almost as if she's trying to keep something covered up underneath. There are small accents to her appearance: a pair of white clasps along the inside of her furry ears and simple white lip stain that covers full and lush lips.

Her skin is smooth, the hue of dark sepia without a blemish or scar...that is that anyone can see. The only scar that is readily visible is a light and straight cut over her left eye. She is taller than average for her race, her frame soft and supple. Unlike her tribal relatives, Mikeh did not grow up constantly hunting...well not in a rugged sense. The only portion of her body with any muscle are her legs. These long and strong limbs, lead up to shapely thighs and hips. She walks with an almost clumsy grace, her long tail, swaying hypnotically along with her hips.

Her low voice, perhaps betrays her bright looks. Her sultry timbre can be described as melodic and can be quite resonant if she is speaking loudly. However, her tone is usually gentle in more intimate spaces.

There is no particular scent that Mikeh wears, but because of some of her daily practices, one may find she can smell of a mixture of smoke and some baked good. Cookies likely!!


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One would hardly notice this young Miqo'te. Mikeh on the other hand, would notice everything. Her unsettling eyes have a tendency to stare. Not with malice, but faint curiosity behind a daydream like glaze. Sometimes, she may even approach the object of her attention and inquire about something she may see or perceive. She is quite pleasant around strangers, even generous and kind. However, being a true introvert, Mikeh definitely spends most of her time away from big crowds and quite alone. Alone writing in a Journal with an odd but beautiful insignia on its cover.

Her uninhibited self is found within these pages. Someone that dabbles a bit in the darkness and the light. Her past, her true thoughts...her secrets. It is public knowledge that Mikeh recently began her studies at the Thaumaturges Guild, but very little know why. What is she seeking? She has an obvious thirst for knowledge...but what more?

Friendly, but also aloof...Two very different traits that Mikeh seems to mesh together with ease...


Gets nervous among big crowds
Tends to bottle up her emotions


Burning food
Becoming her mother
Losing her temper


Drawing (though she doesn't think so)
Can be quite intuitive
Has a knack for making peoples favorite foods


Sometimes forgets to blink
Is constantly fidgeting
Her tail can sometimes act on unspoken thoughts


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Writing in her journal
Taking long walks
Cooking and frequenting restaurants


People watching


Bad food
Hates wearing her glasses (though she needs them badly)


Favorite Color: Grape Purple
Favorite Food: Seafood, Grapes and Baked Goods (Not in that order)
Favorite Drink: Pineapple Juice
Favorite Scent: Ocean air
Favorite Place: Costa del Sol


A bit of Mikeh's full personality can be seen when in combat. In civilized circumstances, she is quite timid and reserved. When in combat however, she almost blooms. Her motions are fluid, the magic from within her being seem to dance and swirl around her as she performs her spells. It is almost as if she is in another world of her own. One of the reasons why she is training is because at times...she could lose control.


What weapons your character typically carries and how proficient they are with them.


Mikeh grew up knowing a lot about magic. Her mother was an adept Mage and taught her everything she knew....even some forbidden practices.


Cooking, cooking cooking! Good food makes Mikeh a happy camper.


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Birth and childhood (0-10)

Mikeh had quite an abnormal and dark upbringing. She grew up in a secluded area somewhere in the Black Shroud. She was the youngest of four (not the youngest in the community she grew up with), and was the favorite of her malevolent mother. At a young age, say around 4 or 5, Mikeh showed signs of having an affinity towards things more magical and mysterious in nature. Her mother started to cultivate this as soon as she noticed...and not in the best way.

Teen Years

Still monitored very closely by her mother and the community around her, it was hard for Mikeh to branch out no matter how much she wanted to. It wasn't until after very unfortunate incident, she was able to be free of the people she grew up with. She managed to make her way to Limsa Lominsa and stayed there for a little while until she decided to start training as Thaumaturge.


After traveling and ultimately moving to the Thanalan area, Mikeh has taken up apprenticeship at the Thaumaturge's Guild in Ul'dah. Her daily life consists of training and also part time work at the Arrzaneth Ossuary where she works as a page.


💑 In a Relationship Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Family Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing Deceased

Sun'ra Zhawn: Has just met this crafty thief. No real thoughts about this person yet, but indifference. She has been pickpocketed before so she's not too upset. She does feel bad she ruined his pants though...

Kel'ari Dotharl: Kel...is an interesting person. Mikeh has known him for sometime, and may even consider him as some sort of friend. Mikeh hasn't yet figured out what makes his presence sort of unsettling. Hopefully she will never have to.

Merlgeim Iyrnwilfwwyn: A boisterous and jovial individual who loves Mikeh's cooking. Perhaps Mikeh's only real friend at this time.

Kehda'to J'ahaab: A young man Mikeh grew up with. He is thought to be deceased along with the rest of her family and those within their secluded community. Mikeh and Kehda'to shared a strong bond with each other, their connection not easily forgotten or diminished.


What I am looking for/interested in:

  • I am pretty much game for anything. I do enjoy long term plotting and story arcs. I enjoy RPing meaningful relationships (friendships and romances), and generally like those to develop overtime. Just PM me if you have any ideas!

What I will NOT RP:

  • Besides permanently maiming Mikeh or killing her (unless I ant to :D), there isn't much that I wouldn't do on this character. I've been RPing for a while, so I am open to many things! OOC communication is key!


  • Will be posting a link to a journal here soon!


This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte.

Other Stuff

  • OOC notes. For extra fun, write at 3am.