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Φ Spirit Summoner Φ
Name Mosaris "Ari" Kagon
Gender and Sex Female ♀
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Age Twenty-six
Nameday 18th Sun of 6th Umbral Moon
Height & Weight 4 fulms 11 ilms, 107 ponz
Orientation Heterosexual
Status Unattached
Alignment Neutral Good
Free Company The Midnight Pearl



A woman whose regal spirit devoutly rebels against the shadows of war and chaos, this Au Ra uses both guile and inner power to outwit the malevolent forces of darkness which threaten her impending Eden.


Tenebrous in intellectual aspect while modestly composed in presentation, this regal creature exudes an air of wisdom relaxed by the raw order of nature. An easy grace accompanies fluid and lithe movements, emphasizing this individual’s elegant (if subtly predatory) air - made all the stranger by her bantam stature.

Abyssal sclera framed gemstone-bright irises in darkness, making this Xaela's piercing, heterochromatic stare all the more sharply notable. The hue of one eye was borrowed from a slab of crystalline jade, soft green flecked with spots both darker and lighter than its base shade; the other was touched with winter's kiss, a cobalt blue dusted with ice that carried shards of silver-white in its cool depths. Her stare was politely curious, but uncomfortable in that she rarely (if ever) seemed to blink.

The sheet of raven hair on Ari's head falls down to her hips in a silken mane of black splendor, dark as pitch and feathered with layers. The upper half is often pulled back in a loose plait while the lower frames her shoulders with curling fingers of butter-soft ink, else swept across her back in an elegant fan.

Skin and Scales:
A wash of pearl-white dominates the canvas of flesh stretched across this Xaela's buxom frame, pale and pure as moonlight. This makes a sharp contrast to scales as black as her hair that sprout from her skin in aesthetically pleasing lines and curves, poignant atop muscle and over the curves of her hips. At her throat, those scales create a cradle of jagged pitch, sweeping up and framing her face with their sharp patterns. Even her horns have an edged, tri-point appearance, stretching back away from her face and dripping in downward-facing spires. The pattern is mimicked on her shoulderblades, adorning her back like the spread wings of a dragon. These match well to her lengthy tail, its sinuous appearance of flexing scale glistening with unmarred black and crowned with spikes that end in a respectable spade.
Despite their savage appearance, Ari wears her horns and scales elegantly, and often dresses them with paint of metallic silver as a woman might adorn her face with paints, accenting their inner patterns and edges. This small thing lends them an overall delicate look.
Less notable on first glance are the patterns cut into her flesh, long-since healed sigils that carve subtle, beveled paths over much of what is visible of her skin.

Feminine curves give her form, honed through activity and self-appointed training methods that keep her body a hammered blade beneath the plush: a fit conduit for the powers she is sometimes lent. Nevermind that her shape holds a certain softness that suggests a liking for confections she should really stay away from.

Vocal Characteristics:
The smooth and airy quality of Ari's voice betrays a spirit of independence, though remains gentle and even bright in tone. The sound is soft and melodious, but not incapable of being exceptionally chipper or irate when the situations are appropriate.


"Of course I 'get out' once in a while! What self-respecting daughter of destiny doesn't take a moment now and again to really appreciate the subtle joys of sitting on the shoulders of our Elezen compatriots?"

The spirit summoner is a gentle creature despite her front of fortitude and calm. Charismatic and bright, she exudes a mysterious charm which many take notice of and respond to positively. She is cordial, but always easy to see smiling and laughing. Though there is significant reason for depressive traits to evidence themselves in her personality, Ari leans toward optimistic tendencies of thought and demeanor, fighting the bad with an overabundance of good.

While she takes caution with most situations, she is also very curious and gullible, far too easily-trusting. It is likely she will suffer many hardships with dishonest individuals in the future.

There are dark sides to every cloud, no matter how richly lined with silver; Mosaris is vindictive to a fault, especially in regards to the Empire and certain Xaela clans. Over-reactive tendencies also threaten her otherwise calm demeanor, prone to outbursts of emotion that are accompanied by physical manifestations of destructive energy. The scarred sigils imprinted on her flesh are a form of runic containment which serves as a barrier against her emotional 'accidents' until meditation can be achieved. Coinciding with the excessive use of mental abilities are debilitating headaches that range anywhere from mildly annoying to physically crippling to the young spirit summoner.

Confident; Jovial; Optimistic Φ Gullible Φ Vindictive; Over-Reactive


  • Summer Rains
  • Sweet Treats
  • Good Singers
  • Animals


  • Feeling Caged
  • Being Interrupted

Distinctive Features

  • Losing Her Freedom


  • Favorite Food: Grilled Meat
  • Favorite Drink: Water!
  • Favorite Colour: Cobalt Blue
  • Vices: Sweets, all of them, in their entirety, forever.

NPC Rumors

  • "Quote." - Origin

Player Rumors
(Feel free to add your own!
I keep a backup, so don't worry about messing up the code.)

  • "Quote." - Origin

Musical Inspiration

Tribe Audio: Dragons' Music Night
What I miss most is the sound of home..

Image Gallery

OOC Information

Roleplay Style

• Amount of RP - Heavy, heavy, heavy! I love to RP often. My style is empathetic/malleable with paragraph tendencies, though I do know how to stay succinct in larger crowds.

• Goals and RP Restrictions - I want a story. Not just a little thing, but an actual story with many facets and more personalities! Something to remember fondly when it's over, and maybe even to build on as time goes on. There aren't really many elements I find disfavor with, though I will say that ERP with underage individuals (toon or player) is a definite no-no. Respect the law, yo.

• Views on RP Combat and Injuries - I enjoy combat when it is done with individuals who are mature and trustworthy enough to make it fun. Communication is top priority when it comes to any sort of interaction, but especially when taken to the fight scene. The only thing I am not looking to do is have my character outright killed; that being said, sustaining injuries on any side of the spectrum is not only accepted, it is expected! I don't want her pretty forever.

• Views on IC Romance - With the boundaries between IC and OOC in mind, romance is always great for a story as long as the characters mesh well, and it makes sense with said story. Communication between players is the single most important aspect of it to me. (And please keep in mind that I am happily taken in real life, so I am not seeking to make an IC romance turn OOC!

• Views on Non-Romantic RP - Absolutely positive in my opinions on this front as far as social association is concerned. There is much potential for non-romantic relationships to have been formed with Ari, from friendships to rivalries and everything in between! Outside of Auri relations, she is always looking for more Eorzean citizens to acquaint herself with. Hit me up if you'd like to chat about involvement in my story, and vice versa!

• Views on Lore - It's always important to follow the lore in whatever meta you find yourself in, if for no other reason than to add continuity to the immersion - while keeping in mind that creativity is ultimately what we are here to express. Personally, I adhere to standards as much as possible while making reasonable deviations/headcanons where I can!

• Views on Chat Functions -
/say: Ari's engagement in IC dialogue.
/emote: Actions, thoughts, and speech describing Ari's experiences in an IC capacity.
/linkshell: OOC Networking.
/party: OOC banter.
/tell: Communication channel for OOC chatting/planning and private channel for IC whispering.
/shout: OOC for now!
/yell: Also OOC for now.
/freecompany: Communication OOCly with the members of the Midnight Pearl!

Server and Timezone

Potential Active Times: Monday - Friday: 19:00 too 23:00 CST; Saturdays and Sundays are subject to all-day play.

Server: Balmung

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Profile elements taken from Suen Shyu at [1] with the user's permission as stated below: "You can use this wiki page layout at will and I will be glad if people actually do, but please try to change the colour theme at least - yes, mine is not just gray...! Thanks."