Clouse Sydonis

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Clouse Sydonis was raised in his family's heritage; farming. Life was simple. Hard work and long days led to an honest living. The war, of course, was on everyone's minds, even in remote farmlands like the Sydonis stead. Being an only child, Clouse was needed on the farm, not on the front lines. The thought of the skinny boy fighting was almost laughable. He lacked basic combat skills, often seeming to have enough trouble staying on his own two feet. It was a common family joke that without a plow to keep him up, Clouse would fall over. A much safer alternative was for Clouse to stay on the farm, raising the food to feed the soldiers.

The arrangement worked out nicely for both sides, at least until the Calamity struck. In the midst of the terror, stories arose about the fight against Bahamut. Apparently, a sealing had been attempted without first weakening the creature. Clouse couldn't believe the foolishness behind the process. Even childhood fairy tales advised first weakening a monster before trying to seal it away. Clouse felt a calling, and so he set out in search of lost knowledge.

For the five years during the Heroes of Light's absence, Clouse has occupied himself exploring ruins, learning all he can of old lore in hopes that, when Bahamut returns, he will be prepared. Clouse himself has changed; no longer a bean sprout and without the plow to keep him up, he's built muscle and much-needed balance. He runs the risk of being a respectable adventurer at last, though his success leads him to be a little overzealous at times. Clouse has also started tinkering with magick tech, though much of this knowledge is still new to him. Also new to his repertoire is the ability to meditate, during which time he gains access to reading fates. This, he learned when, during a search through a ruin, he met an old DustWight Elezen. From him, Clouse learned about fae-leves, and eventually the art of meditation. Unfortunately, Clouse has no sense of direction. Cardinal directions are a foreign language to him and yet, he always seems to end up exactly where he needs to be.