Shiraume Kajiura

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Shira wiki banner.png



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Sheer-au-mei

NICKNAMES... Shira | Little Plum | Bocchan

RACE & CLAN... Au Ra | Half-Xaela

GENDER... Male


NAMEDAY... 5th Sun, 2nd Astral Moon

ORIENTATION... Homosexual


Other Statistics



FAMILY... Parents - deceased | Retainer - alive

RESIDENCE... Sultana's Breath

OCCUPATION... Unemployed

PATRON DEITY... Not Religious

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 4 ilms. 109 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral Good

General Information
White, fogged White, silken and straight White, smooth Slender, effeminate TBA
Graceful, skittish Right-handed None None Hingan/Far East fashion
Hair & Eyes
Physique & Markings
Hygiene & Attire
Psychological Profile
▪ Tea
▪ Small animals
▪ Flowers
▪ Rainy afternoons
▪ Ocean sounds
▪ Pillows and lots of blankets
▪ Sleeping in
▪ Enclosed spaces
▪ Sailing
▪ Crowds
▪ Waking up early
▪ Himself
▪ Fire
▪ Thunder
▪ Growing close to others
▪ Large beasts
▪ Open water
▪ Weapons

  Color Key
  ♥ Beloved: Shiraume is partnered with this character.
  ♥ Romantic Attraction: Shiraume is romantically interested in this character.
  ♥ Sexual Attraction: Shiraume is sexually interested in this character.
  ♥ Familial Love: Shiraume considers this person family.
  ? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: Shiraume holds one of the above feelings for this character, but is not fully aware of the fact or is intentionally ignoring it.

  🐾 Companion: Shiraume has adopted this animal or been chosen as a friend.

  ➤ Trusted: Shiraume trusts this character with his life, and would willingly lay his own down for them.
  ➤ Distrusted: Shiraume's trust in this character has been shaken, though his loyalty to them remains unaffected.
  ➤ Betrayed: Shiraume's trust in this character has been completely broken, and is irreparable.

  ♦ Friend: Shiraume considers this person a friend.
  ♦ Friendly Acquaintance: Shiraume considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

  ● Good Standing: Shiraume has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
  ● Neutral: Shiraume has no specific feelings about this character.
  ● Bad Standing: Shiraume has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.
  ≈ Unsure: Shiraume does not know how they feel towards this character, or his feelings are conflicted.

  ♠ Disdain: Shiraume doesn't consider this person a friend and will only interact if needed. Conflict may happen.
  ♠ Rivalry: Shiraume considers this person a rival, how he reacts to them depends on the person.
  ♠ Hate: Shiraume loathes this character and will try to avoid them at all times.
  ♠ Fear: Shiraume is terrified of this character. In what ways the fear manifests depends on the character.

  ♥ Family Member: This character is related by blood to Shiraume.
  ✔ Business: This character is either Shiraume's employer, coworker, or client.
  ✖ Deceased: This character has passed away.


  Souta (  ➤ ) - 聖域
[[File:|200px|left]]" 'Tis oft mine thoughts wander upon moment long ago... when first we met, souls differed yet fated entangle despite. I were scarce but babe then, and you a child quiescent - visage afeared such locale as Kajiura estate... yet remember I your gaze that morn far better than aught else betwixt birth and early youth. Gold didst look upon me then, likened eyes possessed hawk's unerring gleam - confusion presented firstly, yet acceptance thereafter such duties laden unto. To serve, to protect... so didst swear you fealty, oath of tender age; ever after hath remained of presence aside. Brother to me you are than mere retainer or servant... and for this do I lay of hours in thought, future's unknownst coming.

Do you regret promises bestowed - to I, to mine father and mother deceased? A life we live in fear, in caution always and solitude oft. Bound you are to me despite all as thus transpired... never to live of freedom's call, to choose of future and wishes. I know not if you resent me, deep where mine senses cannot find. Horrors aplenty hath witnessed you at my side; harmed you hath been in service to me...

A part of me wishes drive away, allow you whom are dearest family pursue of life elsewhere... from danger as ever I bring unwilling. Yet without you... I know not what I would do. Where all hath fled or been stolen cruel, you stand resolute... a rampart and shield. Souta...

... would you stay, if given such choice as this?"
  Nihlus dus Kryik ( ) - 不可解
[[File:|200px|right]]"Assassin you were, and so didst speak continuance... even whence chainwork bound of figurement in gaol's holding. A dog of Garlemald, hired to service wicked woman betrothed to master of greatly standing; so you claimeth title as this. Too doth jeer a moment's guard lain low, for elsewise mine blood would have kissed blade's edge as so commanded she... yet untruths I sense, such decree repeated over and again.

A life in service unwanted, a mother thusly abused and taken from you as were mine own. You breathe Imperial loyalties yet words doth blaze as thoughts far differed... bitter and cruel, a poison directed opposing. You think speak with me as though I am beneath, am naught but lamb to slaughter when time present moment opportune once more... but such gaze I feel upon burns nary so harsh as this. Possess I no eyes of which to see expressions true, yet mine flesh does not crawl when you look to me... my heart only aches for such pain I sense within.

Mitsunara hath spoke of late, through Souta's relaying... that aide you have offered in search evidence of crimes then and far afore. Your heart is kind, Nihlus... whether believe you truth or not."
  Mitsunara Akagi (  ➤ ) - TBA
  Hirashi Nakatomi (  ➤ ) - TBA
  The Woman (  ♠ ) - TBA
  Saburou Kajiura (  ✖ ) - TBA
  Durdona Malaguld (  ✖ ) - TBA

  TBA ( 🐾 ) - ~~


  TBA ( ) - ~~



◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
- TBA.
– TBA.'
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
– ~
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
– ~
– ~


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

"(To be added)" - [~]

"(To be added)" - [~]

Banner music.png

Ashes of Dreams
Artist: NieR Gestalt/Replicant OST
Theme: Shiraume, the Heir of Kajiura
Context: “Well this nightmare's laid me down in the rags here to mourn, here to mourn. The night has left us crippled with grief, as we strive to keep alive our belief. But a loss so great, it clouds all our hopes for the dawn.”
The Weight of the World
Artist: Keiichi Okabe (vo. J'Nique Nicole)
Theme: Shiraume
Context: “I feel like I’m losing hope. In my body and in my soul, and the sky.. it looks so ominous. And thus time comes to a halt; Silence starts to overflow. My cries.. are inconspicuous.”
Song of the Ancients ( Popola )
Artist: NieR OST
Theme: Shiraume
Moon Tree
Artist: .hack//G.U. OST
Theme: Shiraume
Hulle Granz Cathedral
Artist: .hack//G.U. OST
Theme: Shiraume
Capital of Grief, Eld Sleika
Artist: .hack//G.U. OST
Theme: Shiraume
Gentle Hands
Artist: .hack//G.U. OST
Theme: Shiraume and Souta
Context: “The you who believes will come, Someday we two shall meet. Until the time when we can feel ends, I can feel your gentle hands. Imprisoned in a glass cage, These wounded feelings will not thaw. I will go quietly beyond the darkness, to where the light most likely reaches.”
Kaine Escape
Artist: NieR Gestalt/Replicant OST
Theme: Shiraume and Souta
To You, Dear
Artist: .hack//G.U. OST
Theme: Shiraume and Souta


P E R S O N A L    R P    E T I Q U E T T E

My Do’s & Don’t’s
Consent. PLEASE. DISCUSS. IDEAS. WITH. YOUR. PARTNER. Ideas are absolutely wonderful, especially so when directly involving someone else's character - and I will be more than happy to brainstorm and talk about them so long as they are consented to on both sides. But please ensure I have given you the go-ahead to continue on with them before you actually plan anything out - do not throw life-altering or traumatizing situations at I or my muse completely out of the blue.
Permanent or even temporary imprisonment of any form is something that should always be done with mutual agreement between all involved parties. Please note this includes all forms of imprisoning: physical, mental, and emotional. If at any point your character plans to somehow confine mine - regardless of means - you must first discuss this with me! Forcing any sort of "bond" or "tether" is also counted as a form of imprisonment. In short, if at any point Shiraume's free will is impeded this is a form of imprisonment and is not okay without my consent. The need for consent and heavy discussion also extends to any injuries your character plans to inflict upon mine, minor or otherwise - physical or mental.
If it involves my characters in any way, I ask that you first speak to me - my permission is required for anything regarding them. This also technically extends to any sort of gift art - unless it is of Shiraume by hisself, doing nothing, I ask that you please discuss any artwork ideas you have with me before doing so. Whether it is IC development or OOC things, please respect me as a writer and respect my characters as people - do not plagiarize my concepts and always ask first.
Mirroring. “Mirror-RP” is when an RPer tries to match or “mirror” the length and style of their RP partner. I’ll be honest and say I don’t think it’s a great idea. I encourage individualism — we are all unique and how we write is unique to us. Please don’t try to “mirror” my RP length/style - if you can't match my length, it's okay! If I can't match yours, I would also hope this is okay! We all write in varying lengths, and sometimes one of us may not have a lot to say or do for our character in a scene, save for a small interjection. This is totally okay, so please don't feel as though you need to match me word length for word length in order to RP with me - I'd much rather have small posts than have my partner get overwhelmed or tired out due to trying to match my pace. Take pride in your own writing no matter the length or style!
Exceptions. While I’d consider myself a “mature roleplayer” there are a few exceptions and things I just won’t RP. No rape plots. ERP will only happen between my character and whomever he has chosen to form a relationship with - do not pressure I or my character, ICly or OOCly, for sex scenes. Please respect my character's marital status; Shiraume is not someone who will cheat, and I will not become involved in adultery plots. Drug usage and violence can be discussed.
Plot-Driven. I love creating storylines, especially with my RP partners! "Tavern" RP is also fun, and I definitely don't mind meet-and-greet types of scenes (I even prefer them to start out with!), but I'd like to build upon foundations laid out and really get the characters involved in all manner of things together, be it adventure, drama, or even just some slice-of-life stuff.
Nitpicking. Please don't do this. I by no means mind questions for clarification purposes, or pointing out any majorly grievous typos you find in my writing - but please do not nitpick every single thing in my response due to not liking how I have worded something or simply feeling you cannot understand it as presented. If it becomes that much of a problem, we more than likely do not mesh well as RP partners. So rather than attempt to force me to change any small detail to your liking, I ask you simply do not continue attempting to RP with me. It will make us both happier.
Lore. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve got a lot to learn about the world of Hydaelyn but also really enjoy adding my own flavor to the mix. While I won’t blatantly break any lore that I’m aware of (and will do my best to correct things should lore surface down the pipeline as patches come out), I like to be creative and have a little uniqueness in my own characters, as well as headcanon lore stuff where there is lack of information. All I ask is that if you are very lore heavy, just be civil. If you notice something of mine contradicts the official lore in any way let me know.
Other Stuff
Posts. My posts can be considered "para" by RP standards, and I am one of the dreaded "purple prose/Shakespearean" writers. If you dislike long or wordy replies, let me know and I will do my best to keep things readable or explain as needed - but do not ask me to completely change my writing style for you. When it comes to in-game RP, I will always attempt to keep my posts within manageable length to accommodate the flow of face-to-face RP, as well as be considerate of our surroundings (and also keep in mind chatbox text limitations).
Where. I tend to favor RP outside of the actual game and generally prefer doing most of my RPing via PM on the RPC, shared Google Docs, or a Discord server. In-game RP is something I do sparingly, but if you prefer this, I will gladly meet with you for some casual RP!
When. I’m CST, and usually work 8am to 2:30 or 3pm on weekdays. I check RPC often during the day, though, and can usually have responses ready within a day or two, at most.
Contact Me. If you’re interested in RPing with me but can’t get ahold of me in-game, you’re welcome to contact me via PM/E-mail through the RPC, or Asks/Messenger on Tumblr!

C H A R A C T E R   T I D B I T S

Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
Voice Claim Audio: [- ~]

Potential Plot Hooks



Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.