Oni De'phor

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Gridania-transparent.png Oni De'phor
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridanian
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Basic Info

Name: Oni De’phor (AH-nee de-FOR)

Age: 23

Orientation: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Single

Religion: Recognizes the Twelve, but not very religious.

Patron: Halone, The Fury

Birth date: 12th sun of the 4th astral moon. (6-23)


Height: 6’2”

Weight:~220lb (100kg)

The prosthetics have a removable covering for some customization, but the core mechanics are permanent.

Oni appears malnourished. Though his height is above average for a midlander, his musculature is subpar for a warrior class. He gets his unusually heavy weight of 220lbs from the two, metal, mechanical prosthetics wired into both of his forearms. Oddly enough, when one arm is removed and weighed by itself, it is a mere 10lbs. The wiring of his prosthetics runs deep, and it is probable that there is plenty more metal embedded within his body elsewhere. He also has a gorget around his neck, which is locked onto him. On the back near the latch is inscribed “Combat Model #0168LS.”

He has snowy white hair that is particularly pure. The natural sheen gives it an almost blue undertone. He has eyes equally as icy blue. On his face, left side, is a blue tattoo that is implanted with something other than basic ink. In times of duress, some swear that marking becomes red in coloration instead.




Oni is a gentle soul whom keeps to himself in crowded places. He is the type that would insist on refusing aid for fear of getting in the way or being a burden, even if he was in dire need of said care. He’s passionately loyal to those he cares about. He watches life flow by from the corners of the alleys, having a habit of only coming forward willingly when someone is in need of assistance or defending. Additionally, he opens up more around women. Some would criticize him for being a womanizer with how he dances the line between kind statements and blatant flirting. During his silent moments of to the side, he does have an unsettling aura. Should he watch you long enough, his icy eyes change their focus. Some say the piercing gaze is sharp enough to feel a distance away, even if they are unaware of his presence.


The primary thing anyone will notice about Oni is that he spends much of his time with his head turned to the side muttering to himself. The tense he uses speak is always second-person. He speaks with the spear he carries with abnormal frequency, which he claims is named “Raiden.” When he is speaking to actual people, this frequency is diminished, but not gone entirely. He still may turn his head and say something over his shoulder or mouth a “shh” to the spear.


His relationship with the spear is not objective. He fully believes the spear to be alive and speaking with him constantly. At times, should the topic of conversation among others tend towards harm coming to him, or doing something otherwise bad for his health and well-being, his demeanor will change from the quiet neutrality he often shows to a sharp-tongued and protective personality. In this state, he never refers to himself as “I”, but “my Master” or “him.”


Much of Oni De’phor’s history and life is unknown. As far as anyone knows, this man came from nowhere. He was found by Belila Tineniel on the shore of Moraby Bay wearing common Hyur attire, but carrying with him an experienced lancer’s spear. With his emaciated frame and the loose fit of the clothing, it was suggested that they were not his. Despite being discovered face down in the waters, he came around with enough strength to travel to dry land. Since that day, he has been obsessed with walking that same beach encrusted with aetherite, searching for a “rock” he claims to have lost while drifting in the ocean. The rock is a Soul Crystal imbued with a Dragoon’s soul. The style of his prosthetic arms and hints of accent on his voice denote that he spent considerable amounts of time within or near the Garlean Empire. He states that he was a native born Gridanian, though. Records there show that there was a child born with that name, but he had not been seen since his teenaged years.

He keeps much of his history locked away from others, but perhaps in time he will open up, or one of his manic episodes will let slip valuable information regarding his relations to the Garleans.


He’s a weakened warrior, but the knowledge of the battlefield is well embedded into his mind. He also tinkers with weaponmaking and armorcraft and seems to have a very good handle on making both products. He also has basic knowledge of alchemy, though it is far from perfected. As previously mentioned, his sense of surroundings is hyper-aware, as if he has an extra set of eyes hidden somewhere.

His combat abilities are rooted in assassination-style attacks meant to be swift and deadly. Though his teachings seem a bit rusted, as he will sometimes attack people in non-vital places on purpose. The reason he does this is unknown.


He’s currently physically weak as it is. He is also easily swayed into doing anything if it means benefitting himself. His ties with the spear he carries are physical as well. Should he be separated from the spear in any way, he collapses. Resuscitation is impossible and many mistake him for dead when this happens, as he lacks a pulse or breathe, but he jolts back to life the moment the spear comes into contact with him again.

His manic episodes can be considered a weakness as well. They often happen at inconvenient times and cause him to do things he wouldn’t otherwise do. Igniting an episode is an easy way to dismantle the icy focus.



• Helping others

• Talking to women

• Spending his quiet time crafting

• The thrill of a good fight


• Deep waters (his dense frame makes it difficult to swim)

• Spicy food

• Watching others get bullied or harmed

• Needles


Not counting his spear, he has little relations with anyone. Currently he has been speaking to K’haz Tia about helping him get back to prime health and finding his missing Soul Crystal.

Other Notes

This character is new and under development. Not all known information is posted here, as it is being withheld by the creator to some degree until it's reveal within the respective RP.