Vincent Valourheart

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Vincent Valourheart

Name... Vincent Vallen (Valourheart)
Alias... The Valourheart of Ishgard, Valourheart
Age... Early 20s
Gender... Male
Race... Hyur
Clan... Midlander
Orientation... Bisexual, Polyamorous
Marital... Single
Deity... Menphina, The Lover
Nationality... La Noscean / Ishgardian
Occupation... Adventurer, Sellsword, Knight-Errant
Alignment... Chaotic Good

Appearance: A lithe young hyur, with youthful, even delicate, feminine facial features to match his body. Fair-skinned, with unkempt fiery brown hair and deep blue eyes. Of a slight and feminine physical build, but clearly toned and trained under the armour for the life he's chosen to lead. His smooth, slender body and soft facial features belie a greater strength of spirit beneath his delicate and unassuming veneer.

Scars & Markings: For a young man that leads such a dangerous life, and has survived many a severe or life-threatening injury, his body appears undamaged, not a scar or mark to be found upon his skin. Not even the telltale small nicks and scars upon the hands of a practised swordsman remain as evidence of the years of training he's had. It's not for lack of injury, or failure in the line of fire, perhaps it's just a careful application of salves and potions to a well-maintained body in the wake of his lifestyle, surely that's all there is to it.

Voice: A soft spoken, fundamentally sincere tone, youthful and boyish in nature. A tone and pitch of voice befitting the body of the young swordsman, fit to match the hero's heart within. (Examples can be found on the OOC page under links)

Clothing: He'll usually opt for a simple tunic or cloth shirt, fingerless gloves and some riding boots, though even when dressed down, he dresses appropriately for the region, so his attire at any given time can vary. He tends to wear a mix of deeper shades of blue or white for cloth, while opting for black and brown for leathers, most metals on his attire either steel, silver, or gilded. He tries to avoid anything overly extravagant, as he prefers a modest life. In combat, he prefers light to medium armours, mostly avoiding full plate where he can, (as he often relies on his speed and agility) opting instead for a chainmail or leather underlayer, or partial plating here and there for added protection. Typically he'll have heavier armour on his arms and legs, and opt for partial plating on the chest, to maintain his flexibility. This seems to help offer the highest level of protection while still granting him enough freedom of movement.

--- Personality ---

A sincere and kind-hearted young hyur that is never short on good-intentions, regardless of where such a road might lead him. Prone to running his mouth despite being well-mannered, with a barbed tongue reserved for those who stoke his ire. Compassionate, open-minded and merciful to a fault, always willing to help others and defend those in need. Can be seen as naïve or brazen due to his positive outlook, youth, impulsive nature and desire to do what he believes is right. 

Despite an aversion to bloodshed, he still enjoys a fight, and can be talkative in combat, often driving opponents to distraction. He prefers a diplomatic approach where possible, but knows that a silver tongue doesn't always serve as well as a simple clash of steel. More than aware that though reason and humanity can triumph even in the most dire straits, some have already lost far too much of either to be shown the mercy he so ardently clings to in his pursuit of a better world. Their lives a burden he will always carry.

An idealistic youth with a personality to match his warm heart.

--- A hero's heart is honed from humble beginnings, and then harsh realities beyond the comforts of hearth and home. Stay true to your dreams, never lose sight of where they came from, keep moving forward, and you'll never stray from the path. ---


  • Sunny skies and falling snow. (Sun-kissed beaches or frozen fields, Vincent likes them both.)
  • Hearty meals, flavourful seasonings, spicy food, sweet food and just food in general. Has something of a sweet tooth. (Vincent is a firm believer in the idea of not adventuring on an empty stomach)
  • Cooking, his love of food also gives him a love of making it. Though he's no culinarian, he seems to have a knack for putting together a satisfying meal from whatever he can hunt and forage when on the road.
  • Has a fondness for warm drinks like hot chocolate, and teas. Also enjoys alcohol, in particular Lominsan Rum. (It tastes like home, and piracy!)
  • Dragons, myths, legends, stories and history. (Vincent is fascinated by dragons, the history and mythology of wherever he visits, and always loves to hear the stories of others.)
  • Adventure, discovery and exploration, simply adores climbing through ruins and abandoned structures. He'll study their design and iconography and try to uncover the history of the location, when and where he can. (He's something of an acrobat, and enjoys it greatly. He'd love to discover somewhere no-one else has ever found before)
  • Loves collecting souvenirs and loot, though he does try to be respectful of wherever it is he's raiding for shiny things. He likes to collect mementos of his travels, usually something small and easy to carry, that won't be missed. He tends to avoid taking from the dead or any sort of blatant memento of the buried.
  • Compassionate and caring individuals. Those who put others above themselves. (Bonus points if he finds them attractive, though he'll have a hard time admitting it unless he compliments them a little too enthusiastically)
  • Has a fondness for roguish types as well, particularly if they give off any tell-tale signs that they aren't quite as rough as they appear. (A firm believer in the idea that people can change if just given the chance, and a little encouragement)
  • Swords, shields, fine clothes and armour. Vincent appreciates craftsmanship, and has a fondness for bladed weapons due to his training as a swordsman. An adventurer can just as easily live or die by the quality of their equipment and weapon. (So he makes a point to keep his in decent condition at the very least, paying particularly close attention to his swords.)
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  • Violence, Bloodshed, Death. (While Vincent is willing to set the sparks flying, he has an extreme disdain for bloodshed and killing and will avoid it wherever possible. Usually if he starts a fight, it's with the intent of ending it before anyone else gets hurt.)
  • A disdain for life, cruelty, and a lack of compassion in all its forms. Apathy is the enemy, and he will fight against it wherever it rears its head.
  • The Garlean Empire, The Holy See*, The Elementals, The Allagan Empire, The Monetarists, Primals. (Surprisingly, a kind-hearted hero doesn't like any agency that utilises its power or position to oppress or harm others.)
  • Ruthless merchants, sellswords, mercenaries, militias and poachers, anyone who values coin over the well-being of others, who only help those in dire need if promised a reward, anyone who views gil as more important than someone's life. (This of course has led more than a few people to take advantage of his charitable nature and get out of paying him. Plus he'll occasionally have disagreements with other adventurers as he'll take on a job for lower or no payment, depending on the circumstances.
  • Hunting. While Vincent will take hunting contracts to make gil or for food, he takes no pleasure in tracking and hunting at all, and will actively avoid it if he can. He doesn't begrudge anyone who makes their living off of it as long as they respect what they hunt, but it's just not for him. (Hunting monsters that are of course, an immediate threat to the lives and safety of spoken and beastkin alike of course, are exempt from this rule. Though he still tempers his pursuit of them with a degree of compassion)
  • Toads, Sticky Surfaces, Swamps. He takes pride in his trained body, and maintains a decent hygiene regimen, despite being on the road so often. He can abide sweat and of course has a tolerance to unpleasant fluids, but anything that lingers on him overlong or reminds him of blood makes him supremely uncomfortable. (Vincent absolutely hates The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak, and fighting pretty much anything that spits noxious slime, mucus, or coatings. Morbols and toads are the blight of his existence)
  • Crypts, Tombs and Prisons. Though he is an adventurer and will often delve into all three, he will attempt to be respectful of his surroundings. Death and the lingering stench of it, coffins and remains and the like make him uncomfortable. (As one who so often defies death himself, and shields others from it, a reminder of its presence as a larger force, and on such a scale, fills him with despair and dread)
  • A lack of respect for the dead, ill, or suffering. He despises grave robbers. (While he's willing to take souvenirs in his explorations, he does so with as much reverence as he can, and without the intent to just sell off someone's priceless heirloom. It's for him if he takes it, and he will keep it safe and cherish it. If it's being taken from the dead or recently slain, it's not about to be sold off to the highest bidder, it's getting secured somewhere, or handed off to a relative of the fallen)
  • Any form of discrimination that relies on a person's race, family, gender, orientation or profession. He believes people should be judged by their deeds and the way they treat others, not by their skin, culture, body or lifestyle. If you aren't causing any harm to anyone, he has no issue with you. (Admittedly, he has some difficulty with this himself when dealing with mercenaries that are the coin before honour type, or religious zealots)
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  • Favorite Food: ---
  • Favorite Drink: ---
  • Favorite Color: ---

Martial and Physical Abilities

  • Weaponry -Vincent is quite skilled with a variety of martial weapons, having been trained from a young age by his retired adventurer mother in their use. Focusing primarily on sword and shield. (He has some minor talent in unarmed combat, but prefers a weapon in hand. He also knows how to use a bow but it's not one of his stronger skills)
  • Acrobatics - Having been trained from such a young age, at his own insistence, he has a body that while not overly muscled, is still conditioned appropriately for someone so often in combat situations. As a result he's quite athletic, and a talented acrobat, so will often employ their use in a fight to create openings and surprise opponents. (A handy skill for someone that likes to explore and travel, allowing him to be in decent condition and still be ready for a fight)
  • Swordplay - Due to his martial training and its emphasis on the use of a blade, Vincent has no shortage of skill when it comes to handling a sword. Having studied multiple forms, stances and different sword types over the years, he's most comfortable in combat with a blade in hand. He'll often draw upon these disciplines during a fight, moving between their different motions, weaving in his own variants of established forms and attacks to keep an opponent on their toes. (While not exactly a master swordsman, he has proficiency and diligence enough that anyone, such as a random bandit, that has never actually taken more than ten minutes to study their weapon than, 'pick it up and hit things' isn't going to be a match for him.
  • Vitality - Vincent has a startling amount of endurance and vitality for someone of his immediate physical build. Often able to push through pain, exhaustion and injury with an alarming level of determination. It takes a lot more in terms of wounding and injury to wear him down to the point where he can no longer fight, and he will keep fighting till his final breath if need be. To say he can take a pounding is an understatement, with many of the injuries and impacts he's taken over the years being life-threatening to the point of putting him at death's door. For all of this, he's still alive, and doesn't appear to have suffered any long-term, lasting remnants of these near fatal injuries. (This can no doubt be attributed to the talents of whatever healer had the misfortune of having to patch him up after he pushed his body too far for the fourteenth time)
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Mystical and Aetheric Abilities

  • Magic/Aether - Vincent isn't just a physical fighter, but a spellcaster as well. Though his anima is limited, his aetheric potential is substantial. More of an innate caster than one that's studied, drawing upon raw power and emotion to augment his spells and use of aether. Typically he'll rely more on his physical strength and training in combat, but if an opponent can't be beaten with sheer force alone, he'll start using spells, either by themselves, or woven into his swordplay.
  • Spellcasting -
  • Swordmage -
  • Offensive -
  • Defensive -
  • Healing Hands -
  • Vincent has some skill as a healer, drawing upon white magic in order to apply curative magicks to those in need. Much like his other spellcasting, its potency depends heavily on his emotional state, the more distraught and unfocused he is, the weaker the potency of the cure. It places a far greater drain on his aether than any combat spells he may use, and while he can use it to close wounds, stop bleeding and dull the pain of those he heals, he's far from a chirurgeon, or an actual white mage, astrologian or scholar. Any cure he does apply to someone can be potent, but it won't restore them on the same level as a cast from a true healer. He also draws heavily upon his own aetheric energy to augment his healing, often draining from his own lifeforce directly to heal those at death's door. (This is really the only White Magic he has any access to, he's not able to cleanse poisons, disease or adverse effects with his spells. At best he can restore some vitality and apply pain relief to settle their nerves and aid in their recovery, but an actual antidote or a genuine healer is needed to cure poisons and other severe conditions beyond immediate physical damage)
  • Arcane Abilities Trivia 1 - Vincent's magic is heavily dependent on his emotional state, rather than a build up of one mana type or another. The greater his emotional distress, anger, or inspiration, the stronger his offensive and defensive magic gets. While potent when he's emotionally balanced, an imbalance sees a sharp spike in potency. However when it comes down to his healing abilities, they require concentration, focus, and a clear mind to be at their most effective. If he's mostly composed, they'll still be effective, but if he's a distraught mess, he'll be lucky if he can even get the cure to cast. (Effectively, his black mana thrives in distress and adversity. His white mana flounders, and fades. His capacity for destruction improves drastically, but his ability to create and to mend suffers in the wake of that added strength)
  • Arcane Abilities Trivia 2 - While Vincent does have a wellspring of sufficient aether he can tap into when needed, the quantity of anima he has, and the nature of his aetheric power, makes his use of aethernetworks, and spells such as Return and Teleport, virtually impossible. They place a tremendous drain on his aether, often to the point of knocking him unconscious if he teleports unaided. Anyone with sufficient anima that does assist in the trip, will find themselves significantly drained by the experience. On the rare occasion where he doesn't simply black out, he's drastically weakened and disoriented by it. (As a result of this, Vincent relies on conventional means of transport to get from place to place, on foot, chocobo, landcoaches/carriages, airships and boats etc.)
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Unique and Uncommon Abilities

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Non-Combat Skills

  • Cooking: Vincent is something of a talented, strictly amateur culinarian. He tends to cook when he can, though it's mostly smaller meals salvaged from what he can forage or purchase for while out on the road. He places importance on a good meal before or while on a journey, and over the years has picked up a knack for making decent meals from limited ingredients.
  • Singing: Vincent has a pleasant singing voice, though he typically won't sing on any sort of stage or public setting. Mostly he'll softly sing to himself with travelling to fill the silence, or pick some hard to reach or forgotten corner of the city and sing there.
  • Atheltics and Acrobatics: Vincent is quite the acrobat, and a large part of his training and practice routine in his off hour involves various gymnastics. As you can imagine, an adventurer's life, particularly one often as up close and personal as Vincent's can get, being a swordsman, needs a certain level of athleticism and flexibility. While he'll most often keep his movements in combat relatively grounded, when necessary he'll be a bit more elaborate, so he works to keep both his body and technique in good form. When he's not training or in a combat scenario, for example simply exploring a ruin, his athleticism and acrobatics make him a natural fit as a climber and diver, so he can reach locations other adventurers might struggle with with relative ease.
  • Dancing: There's a certain level of finesse that comes with a body trained for swordplay, particularly when that same body is kept in decent condition and is often used for quick, graceful movements. As a result Vincent has a level of grace and elegance to his steps at times, which lend themselves well to a dancer. Though he's not likely to dance often, when he does relax and take the time to do it, he puts his years of training and practice to use. Good luck getting him to dance without a drink or two however, as he's quite shy about being the center of attention when he's not on the job.
  • Placeholder 6: ---
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Color Key
In A Relationship: Name is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Name is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Name is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Name considers this person family.
Friend: Name considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Name considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Name has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Name doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Name consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Name is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Name consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Name.
Business: This character is either an Name's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Name isn't fully aware of it yet.


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Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "Heard he was supposed to be some sort of former gladiator? Bollocks to that, the boy's got too soft a heart, doesn't have a bloody scratch on him either." — Uldah'n Commoner.
    "Vincent was it? Oh him yes. The Hyuran lad with more charity than sense. Always seems to be helping somebody. I don't know where he finds the time, or the gil." — Uldah'n Merchant.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "You wouldn't think he'd be much in a fight would you? Pretty face like that, not a scratch on him. There's a reason for that, and it's not because he avoids a fight. Not that he's been on The Bloodsands in years." — Ul'Dahn Gladiator.
    ""The brown-haired lass? Aye she's lovely to look at. Says she's from 'Noscea, but she's too pretty for that. Must be one o' them fancy ones if yer catch m'drift. Wonder if I could 'fford 'em. Talks as sweet as she looks too, like a bloody siren. I'd love to take her to my cabin, grab hold of her nice hips and jus- Eh... what do you mean she's a bloody bloke!? Seven Hells. I need another drink." - Lominsan Pirate
    "Vincent? The Vallen lad? Aye I've heard of him, and his bloody sister. Has a habit of getting involved where he's not wanted. Swiving little runt. He owes me a fortune." — Lominsan Wine-merchant."
    "Ah the one that was deep in his cups the other night? Heard he came across a group who'd run afoul of one of the nastier beasts out on the coast. Couldn't get to them quickly enough I reckon, judging by what he was muttering into his tankard. Didn't look like he was taking it well. A couple of other adventurers came up and thanked him for somethin', might've been a part of that group that made it out. He cheered up until they left, then he ordered another drink. Got a soft heart that one, hope it doesn't get him killed." — Lominsan Barkeep."
    "That Lominsan Lad? 'Apparently he gets around, and I don't say that just 'cos he's the travelling sort. Doesn't sound like a sailor either, even if he does drink like one. Keeps taking on leves at a lower rate, makes the rest of us look bad. Nothing against him though, seems alright I suppose." — Gridanian Sellsword."
    "Thought he was supposed to be some sort of knight, never seen him in plate though. Seems a sight strange to me, and the way he acts, sticks out a bit. Something's not right with that boy, what kind of sellsword works at those rates?" — Gridanian Merchant."
    "The Elementals tolerate his presence, but whenever he arrives in The Shroud, they seem... wary. Something about his aether I believe. He respects our laws however, and doesn't seem like he'll cause trouble. He's helped a good many people in need here, many of whom were in dire need of aid." — Gridanian Hearer.
    "The Valourheart? Boy's a bloody hero. Half them oh so Holy bastards that say they're knights just left us to burn when the dragons broke through. He stood where they wouldn't, if not for him I'd have lost my daughter, and there are others who can say the same. Whatever bad things you here about him, they aren't true. He almost died for us, we're not about to forget that. If you see the lad, and you need help, he'll stand with you till the end." — Ishgardian Commoner.
    "That pretty-boy swordsman from Ishgard is it? Yeah he's been here a few times. A heretic though? Well, he does get a lot further into dragon-territory than the rest of us, they don't seem to pay him any mind. I thought he was just lucky... or a really small target." — Tailfeather Hunter.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "Valour...heart? Oh, the child of man with those blue eyes? We have been told not to harm him. He is not one of those, heretics, as you call them, but he is known to us and ours." — Dravanian ??????."


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name

Stories are in chronological order.

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Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

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Personal RP Limits

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death or rape plots.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Vincent English Voice Examples:

Haruhiro - Grimgar: Of Fantasy and Ash (Ricco Fajardo)
Yuri Lowell - Chain Chronicle (Ricco Fajardo)
Gran - Granblue Fantasy (Kyle McCarley)
Syaoran Li - Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (Jason Liebrecht)
Sorey - Tales of Zestiria Anime (Robbie Daymond)
Nowe - Drakengard 2
(James Daniel Wilson)

Time Zone/Server
■ Time Zone
■ Server

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

"For those we have lost, for those we can yet save..."