Midori Han'nin

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Midori Han'nin
The Thief of Hearts


A YOUNG SHINOBI dodging, ducking, jumping back and running away as he was chased down through the outskirts of Yanxia. He panicked as he tried to recall the events that just unfolded before him. It had just happened, a fire in his village, A woman bursting out from the temple doors and running past him, throwing a smoke bomb at her feet before disappearing into the night. The boy looked down and saw a scroll at his feet, one of the items that the intruder must have dropped in their escape. In his curiosity he picked it up. He started to unravel it as he was interrupted by his teacher jumping out after the culrpit, the man yelling out for reinforcements. "Midori-kun..what is that in your hands?" The boy dropped the scroll and got up, sweat dripping from his forehead as he couldn't come up with an answer fast enough to stop his teacher from drawing his blade. The boy was panicking as he ran away, sliding under a tree branch and climbing over the walls of his own village before sprinting out into the forest. A kunai sliced through the young teen's thigh as he screamed out and fell into the dirt. "Ryōken-sama! W-Why are you doing this?!" A stream of tears fell from the boys face as his mentor hovered over him with a blade drawn. "You know it pains me to do this Midori-kun, but you have crossed a line that no other has even tried. Those scrolls were for safe-keeping! Those techniques were hidden away for a reason! A man who cannot even understand that does not deserve his own life!" He brought his blade down into the boys leg. His screams reverberated throughout the forest as he clutched onto his leg. "I-I don't know what you're talking abou-" His voice was cut-off by the blade being drawn out of his leg, bringing another yell from him as he leaned forward and clutched onto his leg, desperately trying to stop the bleeding. "You cannot, and will not lie to me Midori. Where is it?!"

He grabbed the boy by the top of his shozoku and pressed him against a tree. "I know you have it, and if you don't I know it isn't far. I will kill you if I must. Do not play with me." The boy wriggled in his grip, trying to slip out. "I don't know where it is! I-I never touched i-" Another scream echoed through the trees as his shoulder was pierced next. "If you will not tell me, than I have no more use for you." He brought his blade to the boy's throat and pressed the edge against it. "You always disgusted me. You half-bred mistake of our sensei. This is a service to our clan." The grizzled shinobi pressed his blade harder against his throat. "Last chance Midori-kun. This is your last chance at any hope of survival. Tell me where it is!" He exclaimed out in pain, the boy had picked up the thrown kunai with his foot and stabbed it into his groin. "You were never going to let me live..." The teen's breathing was weak, and his eyelids were heavy as he backed away tried to increase the distance between them.

With a thud the boy backed into something that wasn't there before. "F-Father..?" He looked up to be met with glazed over eyes before he was grabbed. "F-Father no! Please don't do t-this! I don't want to die..." The grizzled shinobi pulled the kunai out of his leg with a grunt as he walked over to them. "You really thought you would be able to escape us? You naive child. That cockiness you displayed would always be your downfall, I was sure of it." He looked up at the other shinobi, his sensei and senior in rank. "Kaito-sama...Why are you here now? No man should have to watch his own child be executed for treason." The boy was kicked to his knees as he continued to plead, his begging for mercy being drowned out by his own sobbing. The boy's father was silent as he watched the scene unfold before him with his fist clenched, nails digging into his palm. "It's over musuko. I'm sorry I failed you." He looked down at his son, the boy look up at him with bright green eyes, his pointed ears twitching as he quivered in fear for his life. A memory flashed back to him of the boy's mother. A love lost to the greed of those who live in this world. He could feel himself breaking as his subordinate brought his sword to the back of his child's neck. "Kaito, you're going to want to look away." The man brought his sword up and back down onto the child's neck. The boy's eyes went dark as he felt himself about to die. The sound of metal clashing together brought the boy back to reality as he looked up, his father's blade the only thing keeping him in the land of the living. "Father...you..why.." His voice was frail, the pool of blood from his leg starting to become considerably large. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he passed out from the loss of blood.

THE LIGHT WAS BLINDING as the boy opened his eyes. He fell out of the crate he was shoved into as it was turned on it's side. The crewmen of the ship exclaiming with words he could not understand. He panicked and ran away until he knew he was safe as he hid in the remains of an abandoned cabin. A tear fell from the boys cheek as he remembered the events of the night before, his life collapsed before him as he was hunted down by those he thought would protect him. The last thing he had left of them was a note stuck to his shozoku by a bloody kunai. "Find your mother." was all it said, with a scribble of what looked like roots of a tree splayed out in blood on the other side of the note. He fell to the floor, tears ruining the font of the note as he clutched it to his chest. He was alone now. Abandoned and almost murdered over some scrolls, remnants of the past. He stood up and walked back towards the docks.

He had some hope with this note, and there was someone in this world that would accept him. The last thing the dock guards saw was a boy in their teens walking towards them with a straight face as they fell one by one, the first to a foreign throwing blade, the rest caught by surprise as they fell to the floor. He filled his pockets with as much gil as he could hold from the crewmen, taking one of their blades for himself as he checked the "map" left by his father for him, walking forward he knew he was no longer protected by anything, and nothing would protect this world from him.

THE DARKNESS WAS SUFFOCATING as he navigated throughout the caverns of the deepest caves of the Black Shroud. It had been two years since that fateful night, seven-hundred and thirty days of crawling through the mud, sneaking into homes for a meal to eat or somewhere safe to sleep. Gathering clues as to where this map would finally be leading him, an expansive system of connected cave systems. They would eventually lead to a light as he picked up his pace, moving towards it with caution. He knew not to approach any situations with any sort of safety at this point, naivety was not something he could afford to have nowadays. He took cover against a large jagged rock as he heard two men conversing. He drew his blade as he snuck behind them, jumping up and planting one of his blades in the neck of one of the men before ripping it out and slashing the other's throat. He wiped his blade against the clothing of one of the now deceased men as he continued his approach.

His eyes grew wide with awe as he made it further into the compound, an assemblage of what could only be seen as criminals, counting their gil and chatting amongst themselves. He stuck to the shadows as he avoided their eyesight, at second glance he noticed they all were of the same race, tall and pale with pointed ears even longer than his. He avoided them the best he could before being grabbed from behind, he squirmed as he kicked back and jumped away. Drawing his blade and preparing for the worst he lunged at the target. They dodged his blade and pinned him against a wall. "Listen here boy, I don't know who you are bu-" She stopped and gasped as she looked into his eyes, they were as bright a green as hers. This boy wasn't an elezen but his ears still pointed outwards as if he was. She let him go and stepped away for as she took a deep breath and steadied herself. "I-I don't know how you found me, but if you're here it means you must have nowhere else to go." She looked past him for a moment, her eyes widening as she saw two of her men dead and lying on the floor during their routine patrol. A grin formed between the woman's lips as she looked at the bloodied child in front of her. "Come here garçon...I have much to show you."

A JOB UNLIKE ANY OTHER YET for Midori, several years had passed since he was taken in by his mother and her band of thieves and she had assigned him a task that could very easily result in death. He was in a part of Eorzea he was not familiar with, the city-state of Ishgard located in the freezing snowfields of Coerthas. Covering his hands and exhaling into them to warm himself, navigating through the broken streets of Foundation. He glanced over and addressed the thief beside him. "Apolline didn't need to send you with me, Lucien. I doubt this will take me much time at all, and I'd rather you not slow me down." Midori sneered at the man accompanying him, a tall duskwight with a buzz cut in his thirties and not one to keep much of a conversation. "Quiet, débutant, and watch your tongue. We have a job to do." They arrived at their destination, a manhole leading into the sewers of Ishgard. "Well then, let's get to work." Midori lifted the manhole, and they both slid down the ladder and made their way into the sewers, descending deeper towards Ishgard's underground. "Gods, I can't stand the smell of this place...I already feel like I need a shower." They traversed the dark underground, eventually being met with a door made of a much sturdier material than any others around, bearing the symbol the ishgardian flag on it's front. Midori leaned down and inspected the lock on the door. "So...this is the place. What did they call it again? The correlation of the knights something or other?" Lucien reached into one of many pouches on his belt and took out a bottle filled with a bright yellow liquid. He opened the bottle and poured some of it onto the lock. "Do you even know why we're here, débutant?" Midori chuckled and closed his eyes, breathing in and forming two hand signs as a small ball of fire formed in his hand. He sent it into the lock and with a flash the yellow liquid started to bubble and melt away the metal. "Yeah, something about a lance from the Durendaire house being donated to these knights, and now we have to take it from them for an anonymous buyer from one of the other three houses. Sound like I know why we're here yet, Lucien?" Midori stood up and with a kick opened the metal door, and they both ventured upwards into the temple knights storeroom.

They stuck to the shadows as they made their way through, narrowly avoiding several guard patrols and making it to the weapons vault entrance. It was heavily guarded, with what looked like a dragoon guarding the door itself. Lucien and Midori hid under the wing of a dead dravanian creature they were using the materials of for weapons and armor and discussed their next plan of action. "Oh merde. Apolline didn't inform me we would be running into a dragoon down here.." Lucien pulled out a mythril dagger and clenched onto it, a drop of sweat falling from his forehead. "You forgot who you're with, Lucien, we don't have anything to worry about." The young thief scanned his surroundings and thought of a plan. After some discussion, Lucien nodded and sighed. "Are you sure about this, débutant? This could go wrong very easily." Midori nodded and lifted up the wing, getting ready to start. "Have I been wrong yet, Lucien? Let's do this." Lucien readied himself and leaped forward at the guard, throwing a glass container from one of his pouches at the dragoon, covering him in water. "Now Midori! Go!" The young thief smirked as he ran out and lept over Lucien. "Nothing personal!" His hands forming into the mudras for heaven and man before a mist of ice enveloped the dragoon, freezing the guard's body into a hard shell almost instantly. Midori rolled to catch his landing and leaped forward, slamming into the dragoon and sending the guard into the door before the man's body shattered, the only things remaining a key and a bright silver lance. Midori leaned down, picked up the key and handed it to Lucien. "You really should have more faith in your débutant." Lucien wiped his brow and walked up to the vault door, unlocking it and entering the weapons storage. "Find the lance. From the description the buyer gave us it has the owner's name on the handle. Look for a "Haldrath" on one of these." Midori sighed and entered the weapons vault behind him and kept an eye out for the engraving on one of the lances in the vault. "There's nothing I could do to impress you, is there, Lucien?" The duskwight man said nothing as he lifted an abnormally long lance from one of the weapon stands and put it into a bag and flung it over his shoulder. "Come, débutant, it's time to go. We have what we came for."

Midori shrugged as he followed Lucien out of the vault and they made their way back out of the building. "What is that noise?!" Lucien turned back around, one of the guards had sounded the alarm after making their way to the vault and saw the door open and a puddle of water at the entrance. The two thieves sprinted towards the exit, but were stopped by several guards at the end of the sewers, swords drawn and at the ready. "Well, Lucien, seems like we get to have a bit of fun this night." Midori sneered at the soldiers in front of him, drawing his blades and preparing for a fight. "The lance comes first, débutant, don't forget that." Midori sighed as he sheathed his blades. "You never let me enjoy myself. Fine." He channeled his mudra and sent a fireball into the sewer water in front of the guards. The two thieves jumped past them as a cloud of steam shielded them from the knight's vision. They made their way up into the streets of the Brume as they were chased by the temple knights. "Go, Lucien! Like you said, the lance comes first!" Midori turned around and threw a smoke bomb at the guards as he ran towards them, jumping onto the shield of the front guard and launched himself onto the railing of a building, climbing up to the roof and yelling back at the guards. "Good luck, shellheads!" The guards turned around and chased after the young thief, two of them making their way up to the roof as they sprinted up a set of stairs. Lucien looked back and sighed before he split off, running through an abandoned building and directly to the drop-off location.

Midori jumped from rooftop to rooftop out running the guards, sliding down a ladder attached to the sides of one of the buildings and into an alley as he ducked out and into the closest tavern. Grabbing a hat from the rack by the entrance and putting it on as he walked towards the bar. "Hey love, any drink you have and make it quick, if you would be so kind." He gave the woman behind the counter a wink as he walked up and took a seat, sweat still dripping from his forehead as he leaned forward and adjusted in his seat. Two guards ran into the tavern shortly after, their breathing heavy and their voices strained from the exhaustion of their chase. "H-Has anyone seen a man with black and green hair?!" The bartender looked up at her newest customer with surprise as he handed her a pouch of gil worth much more than any drink she could've made for him. "W-What is the meaning of thi-" The man put a finger to her lips as he slid the bag of gil over to her, a tuft of green hair falling out his hat as she looked down at him, a fresh bright red heart tattooed onto his cheek as he flashed her a smirk. "Be a dear and take the gil, please. I'm just trying to get a drink and I'd rather not make a mess of your establishment."

He sat back down and took a sip of his drink as he pushed his hat down and kept his face hidden. "HAS ANYONE SEEN HIM?! YOU! BARKEEP! Has there been anyone suspicious in here lately?!" The woman panicked as she clutched onto the bag of gil. "N-No sirs...there hasn't been anyone of that d-d-description in here!" She was shaking before her anxiety was interrupted by a hand holding onto hers. The man looked back up at her and smiled softly. "It's going to be okay," he whispered softly to her as she relaxed and sighed. "There hasn't been anyone here like that. Now can you two stop interrupting my business?!" He held her hand, gently running his finger against the palm of her hand as she shooed off the guards with bright red cheeks. "O-Okay then. Sorry to disturb your business." The guards exited the tavern arguing with each other and yelling some sort of profanities as they walked away. "See? That wasn't so hard, dear." He kissed the top of her hand and got up as he downed the rest of his drink. "You've been great love. Keep the change." The man took off the hat and set it back onto the rack as he exited the bar, a black and green braid being the last thing the bartender saw before the man vanished.

A DEN OF THIEVES in the deepest caves of The Black Shroud, a group of criminals counting the winnings of their latest score. Bags of gil piled up on top of each other, artifacts and other such pleasantries. A tall and pale skinned duskwight woman comes down the stairs, flipping a knife idly in her hand as she smiled. "I think a score like this is means for a fête! What do you say?!" Cheers and the clinking of glasses echoed throughout their hideout. There was one member of this group of convicts that always seemed to stick out. In this gang of elezen thieves there he stood, A midlander man in his mid-twenties sharpening a blade and conversing with his comrades. "You really want to bet me on this? You know I refuse to lose these types of things." He conversed with them as if they were his greatest friends, and it was much to the pleasure of the ringleader. "Mon coeur! Come here." She beckoned to the man, smiling as he nodded and walked over to her. "What is it, Apolline? Can't you see I'm enjoying myself?" He talked to her with a smug expression and a lack of respect you wouldn't see from anyone other than him. He was her son, and her greatest mistake. She shook her head as she walked up the stairs and into her lookout, a view of the entirety of her comrades before her as she conversed with him. "Is that any way to talk to your mère? I'm asking for your company to talk about the future of all of this." She leaned over the railing and spoke to him softly. "Mon coeur, I'm exhausted. It's not the same as it used to be, your mère is in her sixties now and can't do things the way I used to anymore." The man leaned his back against the railing and sighed. "You think I don't know this? From the day you brought me in and started training me I knew this day would come, but I'm still not ready to lead." She clenched her fist as she brought herself back up and smiled at him, brushing her hand across his cheek before bringing her fist up and sending it into his face as hard as she could. "You're not ready? I don't remember asking you if you were READY for anything. Someone needs to keep the money coming in, and I cannot do it anymore." She softly ran her thumb across the new bruise on his face. "This was your fate mon coeur, and there's no arguing it. You have been so useful...ever since the beginning."

He jerked his head away as he spat out a wad of blood from the corner of his mouth, chuckling and standing back up. "You really have a way with words don't you mère? Don't be upset when I'm not what you're hoping for." Apolline took a sip from the glass of wine set on the desk next to the railing with a sneer plastered across her face. "There is nothing you could ever do to disappoint me mon coeur, don't you worry about a thing." The sneer on her face turning into shock as she saw one of her men fall to the floor, clutching at his throat and coughing up a slurry of white foam. "W-What is happening?! Someone help him!" She turned around and saw her son laughing to himself as he flipped an old and ragged but still un-opened scroll in his hand. "Mon coeur, w-what is the meaning of this?!" She spun back around to see one by one her comrades retching out their last drinks back up from their stomachs. "Like I said mère, I'm not what you were hoping for. You always thought I was so stupid didn't you? You think I'd never find out? That it was you that night that broke in and ruined my life? You used me back then and tried to use me again. Sadly for you I am not as naive as you took me for. You taught me everything you know, and now it's time for me to be on my way." She panicked, at a loss for words as she was next to fall, her insides burning, her eyes given the perfect show to the downfall of all her work, women and men that she had worked with for years convulsing and wriggling for their lives as they each expended their last breath together. A whistling tune echoed throughout the cave system as a man walked away from it all with just a bag of gil, a scroll with the only purpose as to serve a reminder, and a book filled with decades worth of clientele. "One of the first things you taught me mère...You can't have competition if they're all dead."


A man in his mid-twenties. He has long pointed ears from his mother's side, long black hair accented with bright green highlights and equally as bright green eyes. A red heart tattooed on his left cheek, a permanent marking of members of a now out of order thieves guild based out of the deepest caves of The Black Shroud. A muscular build fitting of one that spends most of their time ending lives or taking things that would rather not be taken. It's rare to see him wearing anything other than clothing as black as his lipstick and as elegant as his techniques.

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black with green highlights

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 201lbs

Scars & Markings: A bright red heart tattooed on his left cheek, and a deep scar on his right leg and shoulder.

Voice: Sultry and deep, one of his most important tools of negotiation. He speaks with a cadence to manipulate those he wants something from. Whether it be personal, or for a contract.

Clothing: A fan of classy yet simple clothing, often can be seen with a white old-rose in his hair. He can be seen wearing brighter colors depending on the season. A fan of the classic red Pince-nez sunglasses during brighter days.

Smug and confident, never losing the cockiness he's had since he was a child. As flirty as he is devious, he doesn't hesitate to manipulate or even bed those he can get something from, regarless of gender. Indiscriminate when focused on their task, not one to talk things out with a target. He's a thrill seeker that feeds off of the fear of his own demise. He is confident enough in his abilities to do what others could only view as a death wish.


  • Cooking
  • High Fashion
  • Expressionism Artworks
  • Flirting
  • Wine


  • Uncleanliness
  • Military
  • Immortality


  • Abandonment
  • Death
  • Failure


  • Favorite Food: Loaghtan Cordon Bleu & Futo-maki
  • Favorite Drink: Caelumtree Wine
  • Favorite Color: Green

̡ ALIAS: Le Voleur de coeur
̡ AGE: 25
̡ GENDER: Male
̡ RACE: ½ Hyur & ½ Elezen
̡ CLAN: None

̡ OCCUPATION: Assassin & Thief
̡ ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil
̡ DIETY: Nald'thal

Color Key
In A Relationship: Name is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Name is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Name is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Name considers this person family.
Friend: Name considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Name considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Name has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Name doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Name consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Name is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Name consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Name.
Business: This character is either an Name's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Name isn't fully aware of it yet.


Miyu Malaguld ()
His wife and greatest weapon. He found her tied up in the hideout of a escaped Raen murderer he was hired to take out, and she decided to follow Midori afterwards. He came to admire her after sometime, and eventually fell for her. Now she's an integral part of his business, and someone he could never live without.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
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Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!


◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!


◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!



◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name

Stories are in chronological order.

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Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

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Personal RP Limits

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death or rape plots.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
■ Title: [Link Here Title]
Time Zone/Server
■ Time Zone
■ Server

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, and all I care about is the coin.