Sigyn Bloebloud

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- Will be updating as ARR's release approaches -

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Sigyn Bloebloud
Placeholder person.gif
"Meditation may be a little too relaxing."
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Sea Wolf
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 19
Beliefs Azeyma, the Warden & Byregot, the Builder
Occupation Guard, Message Carrier, Aspiring Writer

Sigyn Bloebloud



Name: Sigyn Bloebloud:

Birthplace: Ul'dah

Age: 19: Born in 1558

Marital Status: Single

Sexuality Homosexual

Class: Disciple of Magic - Conjurer








Eye Color:

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General Skills:

Combat Skills:

Weapons Skills:

Social Skills:

Athletic Skills:



Limsa Lominsa and the Dracon





Father - Crowe Bloebloud: Born a Sea Wolf, Crowe has the sea in his veins. Crowe was an old friend of Lizzo's father and was one of several people who helped the Trange family to escape Garlemald. Hired as Remus' first mate aboard the Dracon, Crowe fought along side Remus after he was betrayed. Afterward he accompanied Lizzo in finding several of the conspirators. Now that the Dracon is in the hands of Lizzo's younger brother Natalan, Crowe assists Lizzo in his landlocked endeavors as a consultant and part time body guard.

Generally quiet and even-tempered, Crowe knew who to lean on and who to avoid among the other pirates roving the waters of Lima Lominsa. During his tenure on the Dracon, Crowe taught the young Lizzo how to read nautical maps and was the driving force behind the young noble learning how to fight with his fists and clawed gauntlets.

Brother - Lokir Bloebloud:


Lizzo Trange:

Sigmund Forrester: An orpan Midlander, he served as a deckhand on the Dracon and became Lizzo's first friend in Eorzea. A quick wit mixed with a surprising control of anger, he was always an 'ask questions while you swing your sword' kind of guy. A companion during peaceful evenings as well as in the heat of battle, Lizzo went no where without Sigmund, a fact that allowed his advancement to Lizzo's second.

During the coup Sigmund carried on with his allegiance to the Trange family and fought alongside Lizzo and his father. Knocked unconscious in the thick of the fight, Sigmund was rescued by Crowe Bloebloud when he was ordered to evacuate himself and Lizzo.

The years in which Lizzo hunted his father's killers created a rift between the two friends, caused by Lizzo's ever-increasing thirst for vengeance. After a falling out, Sigmund volunteered to aid Lizzo's sister and brother-in-law in their new careers within the Privateers.

Recently, the bond between the friends has recovered, though the two still don't see as much of each other as they once did. Now serving under the command of Lizzo's young brother Natalan, Sigmund acts as a link between the brothers. Highly dedicated to Natalan and his superiors in The Maelstrom, he often takes leave to fight on land to hone his mastery of the sword, and of course, share drinks with Lizzo and the many beautiful women of Limsa Lominsa.

Zali'ah Qin: A young Keeper of the Moon, she is one of several Miqo'te siblings who moved to the city three years ago. The youngest of her kin, 'Zall', as she is known by the few people she converses with, spends most of her time frequenting city benches and the corners of inns, her nose in a book. Her high intelligence is often not visible due to her clumsiness, a rarity for her race.

Her intense interest in her tomes has lessened of late, mainly due to a young mage who has been been taking up many of her evenings with talk and laughter.

Additional Information





Sigyn's theme: - Roegadyn Meditations

- Lizzo Trange is my main.