Syrus sas Beleran

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 Syrus sas Beleran
Thumbnail Kwehtos.jpg
Drawn by IV Ben
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Garlean
Citizenship Garlean Empire
Server Balmung
Eyes Light Blue / Light Orchid
Hair Dark Brown / White
Height 6'0"
Profession Tribunus Angusticlavius
Patron Deity None
Age 29
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Basic Info

Often seen with his hoarfrost hound, Frost, close behind the man once known as Syrus the Justiciar now roams between the continents searching for allies and friends to aid him in the war coming to Garlemald. With the imposter of an already hated man burning the Empire's provinces and the images of the ruins of Rabanastre clear in his mind the call for change has never been greater.


Born to Tulius van Beleran and Aemilia goe Luperca in Dalmasca one year after its annexation, Syrus grew up within a nation slowly changed by imperial conquest. By the time he could walk he was already being instructed in the ways of war, the hope being that he would follow in his father's footsteps or perhaps one day become the next legend much like Livia sas Junius. However, it was not only war that his father taught him, but his belief in 'strength through unity'. His father believed that the empire could only be strong if it united those it enveloped and treated them as full members of something greater. So mesmerized by this Syrus often snuck off to the streets of Rabanastre to learn more of its peoples. Of course, a pure-blood Garlean child wandering alone in those conquered streets had more than its fair share of consequences, but in the end he had made strong bonds with children from a variety of races proving that yes, his father had to be right.

When Syrus had come of age he was enrolled in the Empire's closest Schola Militarum where he excelled in the art of combat, however, his inherited beliefs bought him few comrades and he found himself constantly at odds with his fellow students. Upon graduation he received top marks for bladesmanship and topographical studies, well known was he was the peculiar ways he would use the terrain to provide his troops the upper hand.

Syrus then returned to Dalmasca where, by happenstance or design, he was assigned to his father's legion. Quickly rising through the ranks Syrus was soon being hailed as 'the Justiciar' for his quick and often harsh judgements when dealing with dissidents and rebels that refused to negotiate. To the people of Dalmasca who he so desperately wished to win to his side were slowly coming to call him by other names. Though he persisted and maintained his duty he would continue to rise through the ranks while doing whatever he could to convince the people of Dalmasca that the empire was not their enemy... Until that fateful day when Emperor Solus zos Galvus passed away.

The succession war came swiftly, with legions quickly taking sides and making their moves while rebels leapt to take advantage of the chaos. Meanwhile within his own legion there was betrayal, while Syrus and his father supported the rightful heir to the Garlean throne his uncle supported Varis. During a public address concerning the recent developments his uncle murdered Tulius van Beleran proclaiming his allegiance and swiftly moved to destroy his opposition. While the legion quickly broke to infighting the XIIth made its sweep east and all hope of resistance and support for the true heir was quickly crushed. Syrus along with a handful of cohorts made one final desperate stand. North of Coerthas over frigid seas airships clashed and fell with no hope of saving the true heir or the empire from the grips of an ambitious grandson.

Syrus awoke shivering on a shoreline prodded by curious goblins, and it was from there he first made his way into Eorzea.


Syrus despite his past is a relatively easy going person. His expression is commonly thoughtful and usually prefers a well thought plan than rash action. Good resources are hard to come by, why waste them pointlessly? Polite, formal, and will usually give all people and races the benefit of the doubt upon first meeting. However his most noticeable flaw is first impressions are everything. If he finds your actions distasteful the first time he will often judge you based on that from then on forward.


-Garlean Empire
Tribunus Angusticlavius
-St. Reinette's
Security Chief
-The Faux Paw
-The Ignobles
-The Lodestar Vandals



"The Justiciar? Oh yes, that's what the imperials call him. He'll always be the son of one of the butchers to us though," -Dalmascan Civilian.

"I don't know any Belerans, but the man you describe sounds like Lord Blackstone of Ishgard! He's a very well known racer around here. He's hasn't been seen since an accident occurred on one of our courses, but I hear he just got ransomed back to his House from some mean bandits." -Gold Saucer Attendant.


Combat Abilities

-Terminus Est
-Limit Break
-Tier 1: Innocence
-Tier 2: Summon Familiars
-Tier 3: Circle of Judgment

Other Notes

-Monochromia artificial due to his left eye being transplanted.
-Accompanied by a Hoarfrost Hound.
-Recently hatched a fledgling Zu.
-Terrible Cook.
-Terrible Dancer.
-Likely a terrible musician.
-Transplanted eye mutation has caused minor aethersight.
-Garlean physical education allows for 'flash-stepping'.