Sashana Star

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 Sashana Star
"Your rules are arbitrary, therefore--I win!"
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 18
Namesday 20th day Sixth Ubral Moon 1557
Guardian Halone, the Fury
Sexuality Heterosexual
Marital Status Single


A soft icicle blue highlighted with a dash of pink over her caramel skintone often fetches a compliment or two that Star is more than eager to accept. Her skin is flawless lacking in any visible physical scars with a short two-tone tail and pert ears that often shift. She carries a pair of Puglist knuckles that she is quick to draw and show off at the slightest provocation even when violence is not eminent.



Unprincipled (Selfish) Basically a good person, Star tends to be greedy and holds her own personal freedom and welfare above almost everything else. She dislikes confining to laws, self-discipline and distrusts authority. She will look for the best deal, associates with both good and evil characters and is continually tempted to lie and cheat. For the right price she may even bend her 'morals' but will feel guilty about it afterwards.


"HELLO!" with an enthusiastic wave to a startled stranger not accustom to being accosted by an energetic Miqo'te girl. She's supremely friendly with no qualms at all going right up to a stranger and introducing herself. In Star's own words she is... "I am the Star that fell from the skies to grace the lands of Eorzea! I am the greatest fighter Ul'dah has ever known and the prettiest girl you have ever seen! I am as swift as lightning and as graceful as a coeurl no one can surpass the awesome that is me!"

Most find Star either amusing or obnoxious yet she thrives in any reaction as long as she gets one. She will often come off as a ditzy, 'innocent' Miqo'te girl who is most agreeable with others. As long as people seem to genuinely like her she is a variable people-pleaser doing whatever it takes to make others happy. This attitude makes it very easy for her to be taken advantage of but most treat her like a 'special child' humoring her but giving her very little credit as being anything other than an adorable nut.


  • 1 Games
  • 2 Being liked
  • 3 Pretty Things (Baubles, trinkets, jewelry, clothing)
  • 4 Making People Happy
  • 5 Making People React (If they cannot be happy let them be angry!)
  • 6 Adventuring
  • 7 -winkwink-
  • 8 Dancing
  • 1 Being called mean names
  • 2 Rejection
  • 3 Judgmental people
  • 4 Peace and Quiet
  • 5 Boring People
  • 1 Color-Pink
  • 2 Food-Aldgoat Milk
  • 4 Hand to Hand combat
  • 5 Practice fighting
  • 6 Games (Chase, Tag, Hide and Seek)

► Common Rumors (Easily overheard):
  • "Don't stand her up for a date, she'll have half of Ul'dah track you down."
  • "I heard she sleeps up on the balcony behind the Quicksand."
  • "Star? Yeah she's a bit odd. An excitable ball of constant energy."
► Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear):
  • "I heard she is stalking some guy named Seamus O'Toole. She keeps trying to recruit young women to join a cult to worship him."
  • "I heard she attacks Lalafell adventurers in the alley ways just to give them hugs."
  • "She claims to eat the eyeballs of her fallen foes."
► Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard):
  • "I heard she ran away from an orphanage."
  • "I think her hyper-active personality is all an act to cover up the truth. That she's really just scared and lonely."
► PC Rumors (Feel free to add your own):


[OOC: If you take knowledge of Star's past from this without her telling you IC I will blacklist you. She gets very frantic and runs away when anyone comes anywhere close to homing in on her history. Unless you tie her up and make her talk you're likely to never really know]


  • Unknown -Star has no idea who her biological parents were. She was found as a young girl and shuffled around until she ended up in an overcrowded orphanage made up almost entirely of Miqo'te children. The caretakers were overwhelmed by the sheer number of displaced youth and ended up trying to set up foster care for most. Star was sent to one such foster home but her foster parents treated the Miqo'te boys and girls like second-class citizens and slave labor.
  • Honoroit Dolet -Star's foster father, a viscous and unscrupulous man who taught Star a very valuable lesson. At the end of the day everyone looks out for themselves first. He believed himself a benevolent man taking in orphans and raising them however his treatment of his wards could not hide his racist beliefs. He felt the Elezen race was superior to all yet he tolerated trade and business with almost all other races except the Miqo'te which he saw as barely more than a Beast tribe. This racist misgivings were compounded after he began to take care of them and the very culture and personality traits that makes a Miqo'te a Miqo'te turned him hot-tempered, viscous and cruel. He began to use sessions of discipline as excuses for experimenting on the Miqo'te youth but as a very skilled scholar the damage he did to their physical bodies was never permanent. Star spent most of her adolescence being hurt and healed, tortured and restored. Her skin is flawless but the unseen scars are the ones that have been left on her psyche from years of mental and physical trauma.


  • Unknown- In the foster house of Dolet the Miqo'te were never addressed by their names. There were other names they were identified as well as many generic terms as well. The insults were universal and it was only by way of pointing and announcing some short descriptor that it became indicative of what Miqo'te was being addressed. This habit has survived in Star's mannerisms to this day when she is approaching strangers she will often point and come up with a name on the spot based on their appearance. There is no malice behind the blunt way she speaks but it is instead a mimicry of the way she was raised.

OOC Note: If you wish to play as one of Star's long-lost foster siblings let me know!


No one knows if Star was abandoned by her biological parents on purpose or if it was an unfortunate displacement from her home being destroyed. She was found alone on an island in the Sea of Ash and transported to shore. The sailors knew very little for how to take care of a young Miqo'te child and she was quickly unloaded at the nearest Port. She was too young to really remember the details of her early days but the vague memory of the coast and the kind sailors still resonates in her today.

Before the Calamity:

Bounced around, unwanted, from one place to the next as a young child she eventually came into the care of Honoroit Dolet, an Elezen scholar formerly of Ala'Mhigo that eventually came into Garlean control. He considered himself a very educated and enlightened man with a profound thirst for knowledge living in a large tower where he could observe the stars and scientifically predict the future. His love for science bordered on obscene obsession and the man grew cruel and wicked over time. There were some rumors that he may even be Ascian though no one ever knew for certain. He took in unwanted Miqo'te children for his experiments, Star among them. Much of Star's adolescence was spent being tortured only to have the scholar heal her back to perfect health again. This has led Star to have an incredible tolerance to pain and a complete disregard for fear of death.

After the Calamity:

Her foster-father, Honoroit Dolet worked for the Garlean Empire and when Bahamut brought down their flagship they were forced to retreat and regroup. A lot of blame was shifted toward her Foster-Father and in the chaos of rebuilding the man became even more cruel. He stopped healing some of her adopted brothers and sisters and their bodies were often left to rot in the halls. The man had truly gone mad. Star tried to convince some of the others to escape but many were too far gone, too broken to have a hope left for them in this world. Star did the unthinkable, she made her escape from that Tower of Horror and stowed away on an Air Ship bound for Gyn Abania where she wandered south along the Velodyna River until she came upon a small town. She ran into a group of refugees making their way south to Thanalan. It was a long trip but eventually she did make it to Ul'dah with plenty of time on the way to decide once and for all that she would never be a victim again. She would grow to be strong enough that she could protect herself or find others to do it for her.


  • 1 Puglist/Monk
Star is very fast and light on her feet. She has remarkable balance and agility. If Ul'Dah ever introduced parqor she would be a master at it.
Star has a tendency to overly boast her actual ability. She may be very quick but she is not very strong.
  • 1 Fishing
  • 2 Hunting
Star loves to eat and fish is one of her favorite dishes..
Fishing is strangely one of the few things that she has the patience for. All other crafting that requires spending a long time behind a loom or grinder is a test of patience beyond her ability.

Friends and Associates and Enemies


  • Adokenai Kodomo-Star's very first day in Ul'dah she was stood up for a date. Distraught she ran all over searching for him when she came upon Ado in the Quicksand. She explained her plight to the young boy who proceeded to try and help. He played the perfect little matchmaker hooking her up with Rhashi Zahra. She mistook Adokenai at first for a very quiet, odd Lalafell and thought he was a genius. Still convinced the young man is vastly undervalued and is very intelligent she has started to make secret plans involving Ado in her antics.
  • Zanzariel Zalazny-She waited for hours on that balcony in search for her long lost Miqo'te lover. The date that stood her up and in that time the boredom dragged on and she attempted to make new friends. Zanz was one of the few patient souls to listen to her sob story and give her a listen. He was there for her when she needed a friend most, when she had no friends to speak of. He was her first, the first Name she knew and the first to give her a Word to describe herself. She still has yet to convince him to let her ride on his shoulders and shout 'KWEE'


  • Niko'lai Lynxion-In one of her random chance encounters she approached Niko at the market. She teased him, knocking his hat off and flirting and the Miqo'te took mercy on her. He took her on a tour of all of Eorzea and opened Star's eyes to a lot of things. They even dipped a toe into Garlean territory giving her the biggest fright of her life! They parted ways in Vesper Bay... though she was very sad to see him go. She has a huge crush on Niko'lai because of his knowledge about the world.
  • Salem Nunh-When Star attempted to punch a turtle her second day in Ul'Dah it did not go well. Bitten by the oversized beast and bleeding heavily she stumbled back to the Quicksand where a very kind Miqo'te did his best to patch her up. She then took Salem on a tour of her favorite spots!
  • Xenedra Ambreaus-One night as she explored the Goblet looking for a place to sleep she stumbled upon a house with Vash and Xenedra. She was surprised they did not kick her out and what was more Xenedra saw right through the mirage of Star's personality and cut to the very core of her. It was the very first time she ever got to speak open and honestly about her feelings of loneliness and it instantly endeared her to the woman.
  • Silent Ghost-Nicknamed 'Big Coeurl' because of the Roegadyn's yellow eyes. Their exchanges have been brief but she still says hello when she crosses his path.
  • Roehberk Ahidfarrsyn-Nicknamed 'Funny Tongue' due to his thick accent though she knows he prefers the name Gramps she usually refuses to call him this. They met briefly in the market when Star was teasing his Miqo'te loathing companion.
  • Bartolomeo Filangieri-Nicknamed 'Sir Sourpuss', A promising gentleman met in the Market he tried to help her find a cookie for Ado. In the end they took a tour of Ul'dah to no avail.
  • Rurutani Sasatani-Met briefly when the gentleman lalafell came to her defense against her nemesis, Arkie.


  • Arkie - The male lalafell that stands at the corner of the Ruby Road Exchange and the Steps of Nald in their first encounter Star mistook him for another. His rude behavior combined with Star's flippant disregard for being politically correct put them at odds with one another. Now when they see each other they exchange rampant insults!


(WIP)[OOC: I would really like to get her involved with some sort of spy-network or shady Ul'dah underdealings sort of thing.]

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay: I'm always down for anything so feel free to shoot me a PM!

Star is very often found in Ul'dah. The Ruby Road Exchange, Quicksand and the Steps of Thal are her usual grounds. She is very easy to approach or quite often will approach others if she's not busy. Groups of interesting people or loners that seem like they'll react (not AFK) may end up with a strange Miqo'te girl before them.

In addition would love to have Star start to 'drop in' on other roleplays. She's a constant observer of those around her and I have really enjoyed the random roleplay encounters I've had. Needless to say Star can be a bit 'overeager' at times and really needs someone to reel her back in.

I will roleplay anything with anyone as long as it is in-character. Adult, casual, random, solo, funny, serious, dark. It doesn't matter your roleplay adjectives!