Mylene Wharf

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Gridania-transparent.png Mylene Wharf
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridania
Nameday 5th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, 1558
Guardian Azeyma, The Warden
Weapon Bow
Profession Fisher
World Balmung
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Mylene is a traveling independent fisher, who makes small coin from selling her catches to merchants across the three city-states. She is new to the trade itself, but has been fishing all her life during her past travels with her father.

After her father's death, Mylene thought that she would be able to completely abandon the bow for good. Though day after day, this proves to be more difficult; she feels conflicted between the necessity of survival skills and her pacifist morals.


For a Hyur Midlander female, Mylene is as plain as they come. She has lightly tanned skin, olive-green eyes and somewhat unkempt brown hair that falls to her shoulders.

Her body is not built for combat, but despite her frail looking build, she has developed some upper-body strength from carrying equipment on the road during her lifetime, as well as from the occasional use of her bow.

She is on the shorter side of the height spectrum; growing up on the road forced her and her father to be content with whatever food was available for them on that day, even if it wasn't very nutritious. If a little more coin were available on their hands after a job, they'd buy some food from the market at whatever city-state they were near. August never took Mylene to eat in a tavern, he always said that they were no place for a child to sit at.


Mylene grew up as a porter, and for lack of a better word, a ‘lackey’, for her traveling adventurer father; August Wharf (also known as “That Nutter” to a couple of Gridania’s merchants). She often recalls memories of chasing after him as he left her behind, laughing at how slow she was, while he excitedly embarked on a new quest to obtain stolen goods or save a lost child. She carried their goods and equipment, took care of all the errands and despite her reluctance towards violence, she fought with her bow alongside her only friend whom she called ‘Father’.

Even with his appearance as a naive, goofy and irresponsible man, August was a very clever adventurer. His wit, combined with his skill with arms, made no quest impossible to him. Yet now that she’s older, Mylene has come to realize that it was probably because she was traveling with him, that he never took on a job that would put the both of them in too much danger, and that it was probably one of the reasons his reputation was kept under the radar.

They were never able to stay at one location for a long enough time to make any acquaintances other than their temporary ‘Yorzeans in Distress!’, as August called them. The only familiar faces were the merchants whom they stocked their equipment from. It was running for job after job, traveling between Gridania, Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, and resting anywhere in between when need be. They were a family who were always alone, together.

It wasn't perfect, but Mylene’s simple life on the road with her father taught her valuable life lessons of patience, kindness and honesty. These are the memories that she cherishes the most.

August's Death

[Work In Progress]


For the first time in her life, Mylene is now all alone. She was used to being accompanied and protected by her father and therefore she now feels pressure to live up to him and survive on her own. Yet, she is no heroine by any stretch of the imagination; she is nervous about dealing with conflict and will only reach for her bow under extreme circumstances.

She has recently come across a company named The Tomial Order. Inspired by its members' passion, she decides to join them despite her reclusive nature. She has a strong desire to see new places in Eorzea that she never got to see with her father.


Highly sensitive and quiet, Mylene shows some social anxiety traits when she meets someone new due to the fact that her father was always the ice-breaker (in an often embarrassing way) when they ran into people. Once she has had a heart-to-heart, or gotten close enough to a person, she starts to become attached and puts it upon herself to do anything for them. She generally enjoys a more relaxed one-on-one conversation with those who will listen to her soft-spoken thoughts.

She hates the feeling of being labeled as useless. This stems from the judgement she receives when expressing her distaste for combat and fighting. She gets a lot of drive from the feeling of being trusted and the feeling of taking care of someone else whom she is close to. Companionship and loyalty are very important to her. She secretly hopes that in the future she’ll be able to accompany a traveling Eorzean whom she will share a bond of trust with, as she did growing up.

Mylene can be passive at times. Her anxious nature often makes her turn away from pursuing the things she wants, if she feels that pursuing them will create some sort of conflict of interest with those around her.

Sometimes, without realizing, she will rub her left wrist when she is nervous.


Fishing is something that finds extremely soothing. The movement and sounds of water landscapes always send her daydreaming. It was one of the few things she could do for fun as a child. She did not have any toys, as there is no room for anything that is not absolutely necessary when you are on the road.

She would always look forward to any visit to Limsa Lominsa or its surrounding areas. In contrast, she feels weary when she’s on her way to, or inside Ul'dah. She often feels that its people are cold and intimidating.

[More to be added soon]


[Work In Progress]

Other Notes

Favorite Color(s): Shades of the Ocean

Favorite Drink: Tea

Skills: Basic use of the bow, fishing, cooking, camp set-up, cleaning some weaponry, as well as reading and writing.

Voice: Kayano Ai (at 0:40)