Siegfried Blutritter

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Just don't annoy me and you'll be fine.




Born to a Hyuran father descended from Ala Mhigans and a Elezen mother in Ishgard, he was orphaned at a young age due to a dragon attack on his home that left him on his own. Lived as another brume rat for a good number of years, doing whatever it took to continue surviving even if it meant stealing and selling his body at fifteen just to get some gil. At seventeen he decided to become a knight as a means to become stronger and get revenge on the Dravanians. Because of his mixed blood and no status, the path of becoming a knight was long and treacherous; he spent his time honing his skills and learning to live off the surrounding land till he was picked up by an arrogant knight who wanted to train a brume rat, hoping it’d make him famous. Eventually he achieved knighthood and took to the frontline letting his hatred make him fight like a savage devil. Following Dalamud’s fall and the cold spell that covered the land, he left home in exile because he could not agree with the Arch Bishop’s recent actions. Spent some time in Gridania hoping to learn the ways of conjuring only to realize he has next to no affinity for common magic; so, he took to archery before moving on to the different cities to learn their ways. Currently spends his time traveling across borders.


Stands about average height for a Duskwight of his age and keeps his weight under 200 ponze. His body well-toned from years of training and a life on the battlefield, but as expected his body is riddled in scars from head to toe. His left shoulder has a burn scar on it. Has silver hair that used to be a medium grey when was younger, has it tied into a long ponytail except for his bangs. He normally wears a thin blindfold or mask over his eyes to block out the sun due to his day blindness..
Aspects That Stand Out:
Looks older due to stress.
Two foot long ponytail.
Prosthetic right leg.


A brash and stubborn man who ignores other’s opinions once he’s made up his mind on something. His opinion on people especially on the high-born is rather low unless they can impress him with their worth. When it comes to combat he’s completely pragmatic with self-destructive tendencies and rarely shows mercy if pissed off. Beyond that he has a deep layer of compassion under his anti-social persona for people on his good side, this kindness is extended to people who need help. His ability to do good is something that comes naturally without reason or reward, he just doesn’t like to see anyone struggling if he can do something about it. .


TEA.Preferably green tea.
SWEETS.Doman sweets. Mainly mochi.
WALKS.Traveling mountains.


Grand Companies'. Authority overstepping their bounds.
Nidhogg.Nidhogg’s brood.


'.Rock climbing.
'. Training.
'.Tea making.
'.Jigsaw puzzles.


'.Good Listener. Usually has no problem if someone needs to vent their fustrations/problems.
'. Restless spirit. When in a fight, even one he might lose, he’ll keep going without a second thought.


Temper.Can let his anger get the better of him if pushed too far.
Injury.Can be self-destructive in a fight, ignoring his injuries.


Crying' -Hates seeing someone in his view crying.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Siegmund R. Blutritter, Father. Family - Fearless Wolf.
"There was no one else like him": " ."
A tough but fair highlander, taught his son as much as he could to prepare him for the world. Family was the most important thing he valued, from the moment he was born till the day he breathed his last.
Elviane Artross, Mother. ( Family ) - .
"I miss her": " ."
Naturally close, being mother and child, though his knowledge regarding her is limited. She was beautiful and a bit mischievous, rarely if ever talked about herself, a complete mystery of a person. But is still remembered fondly.
Arabel Eir Blutritter, Adopted Sister. ( Family ) - Successor.
Character's Thoughts: " Has ways to go, but she'll make it."
Came into contact through circumstances that would not be considered pleasant. Looked after her since she didn't have anyone else and started to become a bit attached after a while. On suggestion, he adopted her into his family and it seems to benefit both of them, enough to one day let her inherit the family.
Ochimi B. Akiudo, Adopted Daughter. ( Family ) - Pearl Girl.
Character's Thoughts: " She's a good kid."
Just sort of looking after the kid when her original caretaker was busy with work. They quickly bonded due to having similar circumstances, to the point that she asked if he could become her father and said yes. Ochimi may not be blood, but he loves her like his own .
Quine Octavion, Bond sibling. ( Family ) - The bond sister.
Character's Thoughts: " She was the best."
One of the first friends he made after leaving Ishgard, working together on several jobs. While not formerly siblings in anyway, she was the closest thing to family he could trust. While their time together was short, it's till cherised.
Htaed, Adopted sibling. ( Family ) - Silent Xaela.
Character's Thoughts: " Not the most social, but that's ok."
Kinda just came into contact, neither of them are talkative but it works. After finding out her situation, he stuck around and considers her a good friend, eventually asking if she would like to join the Blutritter clan. Htaed may be troubled, but she's family.
Vita Aelius, Adopted daughter. ( Family ) - Cookie Girl.
Character's Thoughts: " I should teach her some social norms.."
A new kid met from working at the Sanguine Shadow, found the young lass to be interesting and in possession of a unique ability. Apparently he developed a fatherly affection for the kid, then decided to ask if she would consider being adopted by him and she agreed. They get along well enough .
Sigrid Der'ioslainn, Friend/ Rival. ( Friend ) - White Knight.
Character's Thoughts: " Powerful."
Worked in the same company for a while, recently got back in touch and have become better friends, more or less. Her strength is something that drives him to get stronger and surpass her light. Their friendship is questionable at times, but it works.
Samaiya Mankhad, Close Friend. ( Platonic ) - Young Leader.
Character's Thoughts: " Sam's one of the few who I can really open up to."
Started out as the friend of a friend, till she asked for his help with her Dotharli father, which ended with him killing the evil man. Since then they've become pretty close, he'll protect her when needed and vice versa.
Lauremont de Beaune, Rival/ Hated. () - The Traitor.
Character's Thoughts: " I hate him, more than anyone."
During his time in the Temple Knights, Lauremont was the first person he ever called a -friend-. They've served and fought together across battlefields, till Lauremont's behavior towards heretics turned for the worse. Lauremont betrayed their trust in the worst way possible, since then he has vowed to cut down said friend should he ever appear.
Ariunluu Hotogo, Friend/ Student. ( Friend ) - The apprentice.
Character's Thoughts: "Kid has power, just gotta teach her how to use it."
Some Xaela he happened to meet while traveling, claims to be Sharlayan. Surprisingly she can use darkness to degree, but still has miles to go before attaining mastery. Being a master, he offered to teach her, so she can achieve control. The kid's a genius in the art, but still needs proper training.
Old Man, Teacher. ( ✔ � ) - Darkarts Master.
Character's Thoughts: "A hard-ass, but good at teaching ."
The Dark-Knight that taught him how use to his power. Beyond that he never learned the guy's name, not from lack of trying, so the guy is just called "Old Man". Their relationship was really simple and lacking in any sort of friendliness, tough as nails and unrelenting in instruction. Even though they haven't seen each other in a few years, there's a level of respect for the man.
Lady Dusk, Friend?. ( Acquaintance ✔ � ) - The Mystery Woman.
Character's Thoughts: "Who are you really?."
A mutual acquaintance, finds her views regarding the world to be interesting to say the least. Despite that, she's a complete mystery, can't tell what her aim is or her thoughts. For some reason she feels awfully familiar, too familiar and he can't understand why.
Dalanoth Ithiel, Friend?. ( Acquaintance ✔ � ) - Grey Knight.
Character's Thoughts: "Sometimes I want to punch him really hard ."
One of Sigrid's friends and co-workers, didn't take to the guy after meeting him, rather he felt annoyed. They've continued to interact, most of their moments involve bickering and trying to one up the other. He'll hate to say it, but Dal is more or less his friend and he'll stick up for the guy.
Adellenne Hocoleux, Friend. ( Romantic ) - Blueberry.
Character's Thoughts: "A beautiful and kind woman."
Started off knowing her as the host of the Lominsan Fight Club, over the coming weeks they became friends. Half of their encounters happen by circumstance, odd isn't it. Each time he sees her, something makes him want to know her better.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. ."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Siegfried is the only character I bother to play at the moment. Feel free to walkup if you want to Rp sometime, don’t be shy. Normally online Monday to Friday in the evening EST, weekends are not a guarantee, but I sometimes enter the Grindstone and Magus Invitational.
Personal RP Limits
My limits depend on the scene and who I’m playing with, but am open to suggestions for content.
I will playAny and all combat rp, be it freeform or rolling, though I prefer freeform if the characters involved are different in strength levels. Totally fine with injuries, permanent injuries like missing limbs require OCC consent .
I won't play Permanent death, I’d rather not have to remake a character from scratch. Don’t message if your only reason is trying to get erp, won’t work
Little Tidbits.


Potential Plot Hooks
Duskwights, there’s not a whole lot of us, so it’s nice to network with other Duskie players Half Elezen are also welcome, meeting other half breed rpers is a nice activity.
Character Lore Adherence
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
No changes required.

Screenshot (39).png
Name – Siegfried A. Blutritter
Race – Duskwight/ Highlander
Age - Thirty-one
Name Day – First day of the First Moon(Original date forgotten)
Deity – Halone and Rhalgar

Alias: Silver Hair, Stubborn guy, Monster
Citizenship: Revoked Ishgardian
Occupation: Mercenary
Hair color: Silver
Eye color: Green and Blue(Formerly)
Complexion: Tanned
Piercings: Earrings
Marks or tattoos: Blutritter Clan Tattoo
Alignment: True Neutral
Key Items: Dulled Silver Bracelet
Favorite Food: Apples
Favorite Drink: Green Tea
Favorite Color: Black
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