Dheina Tayuun

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 Dheina Tayuun
Dhei icon.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Bentbranch
Age 17 (Apr 2nd)
Height 59.9"/About 5 fulms
Weight 96 ponz
Occupation Mage in training - Conjurer/Arcanist
Alignment Lawful Good
Basic Info

A skittish beginner conjurer and arcanist with goals of becoming an accomplished healer and mage


Dheina is short and scrawny with wiry limbs, feminine hips, nearly flat chest, and somewhat small hands and feet. What little fat she has on her sits mainly on her hips and lower belly, softening the outlines of her pelvic bones. What muscle she does have is well developed from working at the chocobo ranch and often being on her feet. While she could spend all day walking or running, she lacks in upper body strength and prefers to use spellwork and healing to heavylifting.

She has large amber eyes with a pupil that gives her away as being from a keeper tribe, a strong aquiline nose and squared jaw with a strong cheekbones that give her a masculine touch to her otherwise childish looking face. With how her features are set, even if she is somewhat relaxed, and with the way she tends to stare and watch people like a cat, she usually looks somber or angry. She is covered in a spattering of dark freckles that are mostly concentrated around her mid-face, shoulders and upper arms, butt, and upper thighsHer shoulders, knees, and the palms and bottoms of her hands and feet have a pinkish tint to them. Her rolanberry-red hair is thick and well taken care of and streaked in places with a dark pink, but in the back is choppily cut like she had done it herself with knife.

Her clothing tends to be fairly simple and of baser fabrics though still very feminine, preferring dresses, dressy-robes, and skirts to pants or shorts. Usually at least one article of clothing matches the color of her hair or is some other shade of pink. -Though impractical for work back home (and she can't quite afford it yet and tries to save her money for food, travel, and board), she absolutely loves softer fabrics and feminine clothing, or anything she may find to be pretty, and the women's fashions of Ul'dah amazes her.

Voice is childish. Pretty much how it is in game (Miqo voice 11), which is like how Jinx from League of Legends sounds, but at a lower pitch


Personality: Dhei is not very confident in social situations. She tries to be friendly , in part to try to counter the stereotype that those from the black shroud are cold towards anyone not forestborn, but gets embarrassed easily and will have trouble keeping eye contact; especially with those who have more outgoing personalities. She gets rather prickly about jokes or negative comments made about the forest or the people and beings in it as well when they come from people who were not born there. Otherwise she is a rather simple and straightforward person and honest (sometimes overly so), if not a little childish in her ways of thinking, and tends to react to things based more on emotion than logic. She unfortunately also tends to believe just about anything she's told for "facts" unless she knows better, and usually it doesn't cross her mind that something she's being told is a lie or a joke. She has a good heart and cares about others and being helpful in any way she can. She finds it hard to lie and on the rare occasion she tries to it's rather obvious she is.


Nature and the forest
Helping others
Feminine or "pretty" people and things
Light warm rain
Starry skies
Sweet, salty, and spicy foods/snacks
Flavorful fish and meats
Food in general
Smell of the ocean/sea
Sun bathing in the early morning
Friendly, honest people
Learning new things


Disrespect for nature, life, and the twelveswood
Physical confrontation
People suffering
Feeling like she's useless in any situation
Loud noises and yelling
Extreme heat or cold
How dry and hot Ul'dah is
Hostility and rudeness
Lalafell (doesn't hate, just dislikes)
Being treated like a child
Bitter foods
Bland foods (She'll eat it, just wont be happy)


Simple (not stupid)
Sensitive and cries easily


Dheina was born and raised in Bentbranch and often helped out at the ranch with the less physically demanding jobs and growing crops. After the calamity she took up studying conjury to try to help with recovery efforts of the forest and her home. Most her family had been killed in the Calamity, including her twin brother. While the remaining family were not happy with her wanting to leave the forest, she was adamant about learning more of not just other magic, but the other cities and people and one day use whatever she learns to better help the twelveswood. Now that she is out in the world she's learned there's far more problems than just what was at home and, feeling they are far worse off than those in the forest, she's determined to try to help others as well and learn what she can to help in whatever way she can.



[NPC]Barlow'a: Twin brother who died in the calamity

Other family so far has remained nameless ((Because I'm a lazy shit))

Friends and Acquaintances

[PC] -: ((Will fill in later))




>◢ PC impressions -- (You can add your own or ask me in game to add something)

Out Of Character Information
Player: "Kalooeh"
Server: Balmung
Timezone: USA CST
Location: Wisconsin, USA
Characters: Dheina Tayuun. Kal Numara
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