V'alkurm Emperor

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Revision as of 16:11, 4 February 2019 by V'alkurm Emperor (talk | contribs) (Expanded note section.)
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"A heartbeat without harmony, is moonlight without dark,
The heart seeketh equilibrium; with balance will your worry part.
So still this broken melody, and therewith shoulder thee,
One last step only leaving; an empty hearth down by the sea..."
- ???

V'alkurm Tia Emperor
Imperial Nuisance
Nickname: Valk, Val
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Race: Miqo'te ♂
Clan: Seekers of the Sun
Blood Type: AB Positve
Relationship: Single
Home: Mist, Topmast
Primary Occupancy: Crafter
Free Company: Too Many Cooks (Non-RP)

This page is very much a WIP and subject to modifications. Apology in advance should some sentences run a bit scarce on details or "simple"; this will be fixed as things are finalized. If you're viewing the code, enjoy the spaghetti.

OOC Notes

Hello! I am a relatively new FFXIV RPer, having joined the fun at the start of 2019. That being said, my roleplay background includes *many* sessions of Pathfinder Society, Pathfinder, and a bit of D&D 5E. Most of the roleplay has been organic, where my character's background and personality is developed around a situation, usually with hilarious results (ask me about my snowflake Paladin).

For V'alurm, I've taken a similar approach but with 100% more structure. As a base, I've sprinkled in character traits based on interactions with the RPer who first eased me in to the world. From there, his backstory was written and developed, though some of it is being fleshed out.

I'm still a bit green but always happy to meet and interact with new people both IC and OOC! As a note, information is presented to help drive development and should never be used as meta-knowledge. That's no fun for anyone!

Meet the Miqo'te


  • Loves anything sweet
  • Ardent supporter of friends by any means
  • Timid [conditional]
  • Easily swooned [conditional]
  • Under Construction

Turn offs

Turn offs
  • Narcissism
  • Wavering values
  • Cold weather
  • Formatting character profile with DIV styles (*OOC laugh*)
  • Under Construction


  • Under Construction


(( As a note, this is a very brief backstory of the character, and subject to modification. Backstory is still a WIP. ))

V'alkurm Tia was born in to the V Tribe on the 16th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon. His mother, a woman marred by rumors of having possessed skill akin to clairvoyance though no evidence bore weight, additionally born a brother, V'im Tia.

Through his childhood, V'alkurm was not one to possess extraordinary athletics or combat prowless when compared to his peers, much less his brother. Sensing weakness, V'alkurm was regularly subjected to ridicule and likely worse if not for his brother protecting him.

As he grew, so too did his ambition to prove himself to become Nunh over the tribe. The challenge before him was that to become one would require defeating the established Nunh in combat. As they are the most able male, ensuring future offsprings are of similar caliber, such title would not be easily won. Instead, once of age, V'alkurm decided that he would become Nunh through conquest of territory so as to expand the V tribe's control. Once established, Miqo'te females would flock perhaps enamored by the skill displayed, at least on paper.

V'alkurm proposed his grand plan to his brother. A tribe consisted of both a breeder and a leader, and who better to ensure strong offsprings than his brother while V'alkurm led the tribe. After much back and forth, V'alkurm proved to be the more persuasive, and so set forth the plan in motion. Though their mother was hesitant, a certain look in her eye gave them solace as if it were fate.

Come the day of departure in to the Eorzea wild, his mother pulled him aside to offer him word.


V'alkurm, though the time hath yet come, you possess a treasure within you; the origin of your name steep with history. Come a day you will seek to uncover what is buried.

Until the stage is set, you will traverse darkness of the aether and material. Remember the song that which I sang to you as a child, for it will be your guide during such trial.


♫ "A heartbeat without harmony, is moonlight without dark,
The heart seeketh equilibrium; with balance will your worry part.
So still this broken melody, and therewith shoulder thee,
One last step only leaving; an empty hearth down by the sea..." ♫


Hearken, learn from it that naught only words. Discover its origins, discover yourself.

Over the next year, V'alkurm and V'im took hunt jobs as a means for gil and experience. One particular hunt caught the eye of V'alkurm while browsing the Hunt board: a bounty to slay an S Rank target. S Ranks carried the gravest danger; countless souls lost but also countless adventurers compensated handsomely. Despite pleas from his brother, V'alkurm proved to be more persuasive to undertake such a hunt, but not alone. While the hunt would prove near impossible for the two of them, hiring help would make for an easier, and safer, hunt.

Packs prepped, Chocobos saddled, the group set off to the edges of The Shroud in pursuit of the beast. Reports had indicated the beast was last seen in the vicinity of the South Shroud, south of the Quarrymill. Having burnt most of the sun, the group set up camp for the night. Tales were regaled, spirits were lifted, but lurking on the edge of fire's light laid unseen threats. Swiftly, the threat encroached upon the camp, preying upon the men. One after another, the men fell slain, until only V'alkurm, V'im, and one other remained. But their number proved naught a match against the beasts. V'alkurm and V'im fought until succumbing to their power. Gravely wounded, V'alkurm's last moments would see his brother ganged up and brought down before darkness set upon him.



  • "Tha' Miqo'te hazza hankerin' fo' sweets."
  • "He's staunch on promises made."
  • "I heard he used to hunt dangerous monsters but took up the Saw instead. Seems a bit of a change, eh?"
  • "The honorifics are a bit flattering. He didn't used to address me with 'Miss'."
  • "Iv' seen him off in th' distance, plucking at his harp or tooting his flute. Thought he was som' craftsman, not a musician."


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