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Full in-game Name: Seras Tianriel Nickname(s):N/A

Race: Au'ra Clan: Raen

Occupation: Seamstress,Archivist Social Class: Lower middle class

Appearance: Age: 23

Eye Color: Deep Purple, White Limbal rings

Hair Color: White & Lavender

Hair Length Long

Skin Tone: Pale

Skin Type: Lightly scaled, easily sun-burnt

Weight: 130lb 58Kg

Height: 4'9

Frame: Slender

Facial Shape:

Distinguishing marks: An old cracked Linkpearl seated neatly inside a divot in her left horn held in place with fine silver Scars: Many large and small scars around her ankles and lower legs from fleeing a Radical Faction of Ishgardians Hellbent of capturing The Au'ra in her village believing they were the cause of the rise in Draconian Incursions

Predominant feature(s): Sharp attentive eyes

Typical mode of dress: Simple flowing coats, and Dresses

Apparent Health: She appears rather unscathed

Actual Health: Full numbness, and partial loss of dexterity in her left hand due to a multitude of injuries from years of training as a seamstress

Personality: Overview: Seras as a whole is shy upon first meeting new people,but given time she tends to open up and talk more than one might expect

Intro/Extrovert: Extroverted yet shy due to harrowing childhood events

Optimist/Pessimist: A through and through pessimist

Habits: With her recent training as an Archivist, and her previous job as a seamstress she cannot stop herself from organizing her surroundings to calm her nerves and take stock of whats around her

Addictions/Dependencies:Mild alcohol dependency runs in her family so her home is consistently stocked with a wide variety of spirits

Self-opinion or worth: Doesn't tend to value herself or her abilities due to her time spent as a child in an Ishgardian Orphanage

Regrets: Not getting to properly say goodbye to her mother

Accomplishments: None thus far

Greatest Strength (believed): Her keen eye for fashion

Greatest Weakness (believed): Her inability to adapt to her surroundings

Greatest Strength (actual): Her willingness to help anyone in need

Greatest Weakness (actual): Soul-crushing fear of losing her friends and loved ones to a simple mistake, or misunderstanding

Fears: Losing everyone,Being found by remnants of a radical Ishgardian faction out to hunt her

Goals: To become a Well known Dressmaker, or to get the chance to learn more about her heritage

Most Comfortable When: She is out in the open wilderness or surrounded by close friends

Least Comfortable When: Trapped in a crowd or when she ends up anywhere within Ishgardian borders

Priorities: Her friends are her top priority followed closely by maintaining a proper appearance

Philosophies: It's always better to avoid power, its brings nothing but corruption and sadness

History: Overview: From a young age Sera and her mother Lianna were forced to flee from their home after being accused of being the source of the Draconic Scourge that had affected ishgard. They had claimed "Au'ra aren't natural they are the cursed offspring of dragons and are destined to ruin our realm Childhood: Seras was raised solely by her mother Lianna In a small now abandoned village in Coerthas,the first 3 years of her life were happy and simple. They were poor and even the smallest things took great effort to acquire, food was scarce, and people weren't always kind to them. Upon the day of Seras's 7th birthday things took a turn, a Radical Faction of Ishgardian soldiers tired of fighting the Draconian horde happened to pass through the small village and took notice of the two strange looking residents, upon spotting a scaled tail and horns on her mother, they took note and silently followed them home. As the Au'ra and her young daughter walked home unbeknownst to them An archer took aim, as soon as the wind fell silent s single arrow was fired with a startling snap. The wind fell silent, snow continuing to fall as the arrow struck Lianna she fell to the ground, daughter in her arms as the soldiers laughed and jeered celebrating their "victory". Adolescence: Seras was found at age 11 almost frozen to death by an Ishgardian clergyman of whom was lost himself, merely wandering contemplating the idiosyncrasies of the faith when he Happened upon a young girl. When she was found her feet were bloody and her legs cut and bruised to the point where is was nigh impossible for her to stand, much less walk. He rushed to the young girl worried for her health wondering how this small girl was alive it was -3c on that day, as he leaned down to speak to her she lashed out swinging at him with the last of her strength before collapsing in the snow. A full week passed and the girl was still very weak, they had tended to her wounds as best as a poor Orphanage in the Brume could. another 3 days passed and at the wee hours of the morning a sharp cry was heard swiftly followed by the crashing of medical equipment being thrown from a nearby table. The clergyman and solitary sister made their way to the room in question swinging the door open to fin the young girl had fallen from her bed, they found her pawing at her bandages it seemed as if she had no recollection of being brought in from the snow 9 days earlier. Carefully they approached her calmly attempting to explain to her where she now was, and explaining that she was "Home" now, this displeased her but she knew she had not the energy to fight and if she were to run she would not get far. Hours pass and Seras begins to calm herself after relaying her story to the clergyman, of how she had spent 4 years living alone fleeing and fighting for her life, before realizing she may finally be safe from her pursuers, this made her smile. Little did she know things could barely be considered safe here and that would be the last smile to cross her face for years to come. Four Years to be exact. Young Adulthood: The very day Seras turned 15 she fled the Orphanage in pursuit of bettering herself after seeing the horrid conditions some children must live in, she had a life goal now to help those who cannnot help themselves, put simply she sought to make sure no child has to live like she did. The orphanage didn't starve her p but with 15 children and two adults in a ramshackle building fit for 5 people at best cramped would've been a nice way of putting it. The children were all made to do small chores and put on shows to ensure they could eat each week, but all that had ended she was out and ready to move forward. Adulthood: After leaving The orphanage Seras made her way to Uldah by sheer luck, The first person she ran into noticed her small dexterous hands after she almost made of with his gil satchel. He was an older male Hyur easily in his 70's , she had hoped he would be an easy make she could take his satchel buy herself a bit of food then approach the man later and return his wallet using the simple lie that he had "dropped it". After thoroughly reprimanding her and feeding the thin frail girl they sat and talk he explained to her that he was an artisan of sorts, a dressmaker to be precise and offered to teach her under the condition that she cease trying to rob folk to feed herself, and instead work a fair days work and earned her money. Seras sat there and thought to herself "What good will come of me learning to sew?". Then she thought back to how she had perfectly laid hands on his satchel and yet she was caught, was there more to sewing than making pompous clothing perhaps she could use this skill-set to get closer to her goal. After finishing eating faster than she should've she stood up and told the kind man she would try with all she has to learn his trade, It was the first time in years someone had offered to help her not for their own gain this was a old sensation, the man leaned forward and shook her hand and patting her on the head.A smile crept onto Seras's face it almost hurt, but in a pleasant way. Seras promptly returned to her seat and listened as the kind man elaborated where, and what she would be learning. After taking notes of where she would be staying and working, she stood up bowed after took off running out of the quicksand towards her new home Alrechts Tailoring. Time moved slowly from there on as days turned into months and months into years. Seras learned more and more skills from the simple Basketweave pattern to the complex cutting system all the way to the Levite And Turque style of dress making she learned much from Mr. Alrecht, and even learned how to properly defend herself after a chance meeting while presenting a dress to a city guards daughter. Things were looking up and Seras woke each morning smiling and eager to learn and thought to herself What will I learn today,as she walked downstairs he heard an unfamiliar voice. Continuing down the stairs cautiously listening she made it to the last step and walked into the shop to see Mr. Alrecht sitting next what looked like himself, Seras stopped and rubbed her eyes to make sure hat she was seeing was real. As the conversation ended the two men looked toward Seras, Mr. Alrecht as usual smiled at her, but this time he smiled and laughed "My bad Seras this is my brother Edward He works in the city archive." Seras's eyes grew wide she knew some about record keeping from her time in the orphanage, keeping track of the comings and goings of children being adopted out. This was a subject she knew and had come to enjoy in the orphanage as it let her keep notes of where the few friends she made went to live. Seras stepped towards the couch and sat herself down "so Edward? Is working in the archives a tough job, do you enjoy what you do, Could you teach me.." Seras stopped herself glancing towards Mr. Alreccht "I'm sorry , I got carried away.". He looked to her and smirked saying " A young lady who wants to learn is rare why in the world would i stop you?" Upon hearing this Seras's eyes lit up as she knew she would get to learn yet another skill to help her on her journey, how it would help she didn't know but she trusted that it would. Middle-age: "Golden Years":

Opinions: Allied with a Grand Company?: Yes Loyal to this GC?: Yes Attitude toward Gridania: Seras finds the greenery and kind people very pleasant Attitude toward Ul'dah: Seras finds the buildings to be wonderful, but hates the sweltering heat Attitude toward Limsa Lominsa: Seras loves visiting Limsa to enjoy the sound of sea waves crashing against the rocks, but doesn't enjoy how crowded the streets are Attitude toward Ishgard: Seras holds great hatred towards the Ishgardian people as a whole Attitude toward Ala Mhigo (refugees): Seras feel a kinship to them and as such strives to help them regain the home that was taken from them Attitude toward Garlemald: General distaste for their ignorance and hate for anything but themselves Attitude toward Scions/Warrior of Light: Seras find the Scions to be an amusing bunch Attitude toward alcohol / drug use: Enjoys fine spirits Attitude toward theft and other minor crimes: Attitude toward murder and other major crimes: Attitude toward criminality in general: Seras firmly believes that sometimes crime is necessary especially if it is to feed ones children or oneself Attitude toward authority: Seras respects those with authority so long as they do not use it unwisely Attitude toward abuse of authority: Seras believes authority is a tool that can easily ruin those who abuse it

Traits: Notably Skilled at:Weaving fine fabrics from sub-par materials, and conflict resolution Notably Unskilled at: Politely telling someone that they have chosen poorly in dressing themselves Naturally Talented at: Reading, writing, and helping those truly in need Mannerisms: Seras like to act very proper around people until she knows the then she cuts lose and her grammar becomes rather horrendous Quirks: Has an incredibly strong sense of smell until he is in an arid climate Bad Habits: Seras will fidget with her left hand which she cannot feel if she is nervous Drives and motives:

Self-Perception: One-word self-description: Driven One-sentnce self-description: Driven to better herself so she can find her mothers killers One-paragraph self-description: Seras is driven to better her self so she may help those disparaged by war and famine, this sense of purpose was instilled in her after losing her mother and growing up in a tiny orphanage in the brume. She will work tirelessly to right whatever wrong she may see, and will disregard her own health to do so. Their best physical feature: Her shining personality and Big heart Their worst physical feature: Her inability to give up when it is clear that she should Are these self-assessments accurate: yes Why / Why not: How they believe they are perceived by others: As a silent needlessly shameless person Four things they wish to alter about them-self: Her inability to give up on a task, to gain feeling back in her hand, To be more open with people, and to be able to trust more readily If these changed, would they be happy: Seras like to believe if she could make these changes life would be easier for her Why / Why not: Seras does not know why she believes these minute changes would help her along the way she simply believes it would

Family: Father, Relationship with:Unknown Mother, Relationship with: Lianna Seras Tianriel, Deceased Sibling(s), Relationship with: None Spouse(s), Relationship with: None Other Family, Relationship with: Unknown, the closest thing she has to family are her friends Loyalty to family as a whole: Will fight to her dying breathe to protect those she loves

Goals: Short-term: To fit in in her new Free Company and gain new allies and friends Long-term: To become a world renowned Seamstress Likelihood of success: Fair to good if she pursues her goal with all her might How do they plan to succeed: Sheer force of will and effort

Problems/Crises: How do they react in a social crisis: Seras would try to get those involved to settle things calmly, but would not hesitate to stop violence with violence How do they react in a combat crisis: If Seras herself is injured she will disregard it to protect her friends How do they react in a emotional crisis: Seras would remove herself from the world isolating herself until she could regain her composure and see things properly How do they react in a existential crisis: Calmly so as not to elude to the fact she does not have much patience

General: Where do they spend most of their time: The Ruby sea on a small island of the coast Where do they wish they could live: the Ruby sea Spending habits: Seras has a tendency to overspend if she finds a garment she likes What do they do too much / too little of: Sitting idly by in the Ruby Sea

Favorites: Color: Purple Food: D'zo Steak Drink: Soju Clothing: Flowing garments Literature: Fictional works, and The autobiography of Godbert Manderville Expressions: " They're not dead, They're escaping Expletives: Damn it Mode of Transport: Her Loyal Behemoth Hobbies: Sewing, reading, Cooking Person: Place: The Ruby Sea Creature to fight: Mandragoras (They look tasty) Style of combat: Spear or any other form of Polearm Other:

Least Favorites: Color: Yellow Food: Fish Drink: Beer Clothing: Anything with too many straps Literature: Ishgardian Texts in general Expressions: " Everything will be ok" Expletives: C**t Mode of Transport: Magitek Armor Hobbies: Running Person: Place: Ishgard Creature to fight: Puddings Style of combat: Sword and Board Other:TBD

Skills and Training: Main Profession/Skill: Dragoon Reason(s) for learning this profession/skill: To end the Draconian menace and prove that all Au'ra are not servants Lesser Professions/Skills: Trained as a Scholar Under Ancalagon Vaimont Reason(s) for learning these professions/skills: Boredom and the pursuit of knowledge Naturally talented with: Fighting with Spears as it was the easiest weapon to find in coerthas Completely hopeless with: Astrology

Deities and religion: Worships/Believes in the Twelve?: Yes If so, Patron Deity?: Rhalgar If not, what, if anything, do they worship?: Opinions upon primals, if any: Seras enjoys the fact that ones belief is the inane cant create such a being Opinions upon the Holy See of Ishgard, if any: Unfavorable

Other:TBA Other information:TBA