Thya Kahzuun

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AlaMhigo.png Thya Kahzuun (SEVERELY OUTDATED)
Thya Profile flip.jpg
Gender Female
Race Mi'qote
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ala Mhigo
Age Late Teens
Nameday 18th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Guardian None
Occupation Armor smith
Alignment Lawful Neutral



Full name:  Thya Kahzuun - (Tee-AH KAH-zuun)


Sass Bucket: Her first nickname, given by Garrison Krios. She doesn't know why she deserved that one.

Tea: Thya is unsure if Xivrez'to Ithaka's version of her name is simply a constant mispronunciation error, or just attempt to shorten her actual name.

The quiet one: A name generally used by friends and strangers alike.

Axe Lady: A nickname given to her by fellow axe wielder Stone Wall. For obvious reasons.

Current residence: A baker's cottage in a quiet section of the goblet. It isn't her own home, but a dear friend allowed her to sleep on the couch for as long as it's required.

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Prefers not to say


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Body: Standing well over five fulms and four ilms, Thya is one of the taller people of her race. Her body has been trained to near psychical perfection. Broad shoulders, a strong back and muscles that could make the average passerby er mistake her for a supposedly rare Keeper male. Yet it did not seem to have come without a cost, as it has been covered in scars that range form shallow cuts to ones that could very well have been mortal wounds at one point in time. An oddly straight scar runs across her heart and the marks of a ragged cut line the base of her spine, while a large stab wound, surrounded with what appears to be the marks of musket or gunblade fire, has settled on the left side of her lower abdomen. Yet, most of these will remain unseen by most folk, as Thya rarely shows her pale grey skin, even to those whom she trusts.

Face: A pair of faint yellow eyes, accompanied by several white birth marks that run in a pincer like pattern towards her eyes. Her neck length hair, several shades darker than the color of her skin, with the exception of the lighter tips, has a tendency to be a mess. It has been given little care, but it's clean at the very least. It has received the same amount of punishment as the rest of her body as her darker skinned nose is somewhat off, perhaps broken many times over. An old yet deep scar runs across her right eye and a identical pair of small vertical scars travel down her throat

Attire: Thya rarely wears clothing that exposes her skin. Most of her limited wardrobe consists out of work clothing that is not made to be comfortable, but to provide protection during long hours of smithing. In combat, the Keeper has taken a preference in wearing heavy plate, which tends to have been forged by her own hand.


Speech: Thya rarely speaks, thus earning at least one of her nick names. But when she does, there tends to be a brief pause before she starts forming words, and even then she'd only talk in a low volume.

Outward Attitude: When speaking to people whom she doesn't know, or those she doesn't fully trust, Thya will come over as distant or absent whilst avoiding most forms of contact, especially in crowded areas, where she will simply shut herself in. Thya has a tendency to stare at who she is talking, giving them a blank expressionless stare that won't be averted during the entirety of the conversation, to the discomfort of some. Her tail and ears share these motionless characteristics, rarely moving while dealing with non trusted people.

Inner Life: If alone with people whom she trusts, she tends to speak openly about most matters and -might- even grant certain individuals a smile or two.

Education and Intelligence: While having impeccable talent in various kind of smiting and capable of reading and writing, Thya might come across as naive, or simply incapable of handling certain social situations that might be an everyday thing for most others.

Religion: Thya follows no deities, a result of her upbringing. She watches others who do with curiosity, if not with some faint confusion as well.


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Once in combat, Thya retains most of her calm expressionless traits, staring at her opponent whilst delivering one blow after the next. Even when being but ilms apart from whomever she is fighting with, even when she is taking direct punches to the face. Yet, her stoic and near emotionless behavior have started to fade after becoming a student of the arts of the Warrior.

Great Axe

Before becoming a student of Garrison Krios, Thya had limited skill over this large weapon. She could lift and swing it around of course, but mostly relied on the size of the weapon to make any passing thieves or other unsavory types to think twice before approaching her. After many hours of often harsh and rigorous training, however, she has far surpassed herself in any imaginable way. The Keeper prefers to keep her opponents far away with frequent use of Overpower, shattering the ground below whilst sending a violent wave of aether towards her opponent. Yet, she doesn't hesitate to drop her weapon entirely and switch to hand to hand if the former fails.

Rage/Wrath and the Inner Beast

Being a student of the arts of the Warrior, Thya is trained to handle and control rage and the beast within, allowing it to unleash it on her opponents without losing even a hint of control. Once sufficient rage has been gathered, it will turn into a physical aether manifestation known as wrath, which resembles an orange vortex swirling around the user's form.

Thya can be frequently caught using techniques that require wrath. It increases her strength to near inhuman lengths, allowing her to preform blows that could shatter rocks with ease. However, if she fails to expend all the wrath she gathers, or if the rage simply becomes too much to control, then there is a large chance that she succumbs to the beast. At that point, she can no longer see the difference between friend or foe, attacking both without any hesitation or regret with a frightening amount of force.


While having no formal training in unarmed combat, her sheer wrath assisted strength could end most bouts with a single well placed punch, whilst being to take several blows without being severely hindered. However, when pitted against opponents who do having hand to hand training, she can be quickly outmatched. Due to the close and personal nature of this kind of combat, Thya can be more easily affected by rage, with all side effects, both postive and negative, coming along with it.


  • Darkened rooms in which to sleep in for many many hours during the day.
  • Working out, lifting weights, preferably with Garrison Krios
  • Long walks, preferably late at night.
  • Hugs, a lot.
  • Sparring, only with people whom she knows well.
  • Watching the night sky.
  • White hair.
  • Any kind of gathering of people. Too much noise, too many people to keep track of.
  • People with no concept of personal space.
  • Forced conversations.
  • Mayhaps people in general
  • Smithing, her main profession.
  • Drawing, long hours of drawing schematics for more complex forging projects somehow managed to turn into a hobby. As a result, large piles of concepts for various kind of outlandish tools and weapons have managed to be scattered around her room.
  • Writing, she can be occasionally found silently writing away in an unmarked book with seemingly unbreakable concentration. What she is actually writing down has largely remained a mystery.
  • Food: Finger Sandwiches
  • Drink: Uldahni Red Wine
  • Location: Anything quiet or dark
  • Colours: White, Red
  • Animal: Gaeli Cats


Romantic Love     Platonic Love     Trusted     Liked     Indifferent     Disliked     Hated


Unknown female Keeper- Thya doesn't remember the name of the young woman who had 'raised' her, nor does she know how she was related to her. They shared the same eye color and hair, so they must have been family.. right? All she still has left of her are scraps and pieces of fond memories.

Close Friends

Garrison Krios - Her mentor, a father figure and the man she used to fear the most. This seemingly brute of a Highlander saw her calm state of mind and unsullied background as the perfect blank slate to mold her into the best Warrior his clan had ever seen (wishful thinking). While his training came with an endless string of taunts and many injuries, all varying in severity, he would never be overly cruel and would even become caring in nature after the training of the day was finished. Thya's trust in him is unmatched, as she has personally seen the lengths he would go to maintain her safety.. or enact vengeance. The occasional hug is also nice. But only in private. After all, Warriors aren't supposed to appear weak.

Miir Raj'ar -

Zelenha Kiel -

Jino'ya Traore -

P'etri Ksobwa -


J'inarah Marad - One of her new bosses. This seeker is unusually timid and even seemed to be uncomfortable when looked at. Yet her skill with a pair of daggers is undeniable, slitting one throat to the next with ease. This Seeker has defended Thya in several cases, earning her respect and cautious trust.

J'kilid Tia - Their history has been anything but smooth. This Seeker earned an unusual amount of jealously from Thya as he too was taught the Warrior ways by Garrison. The less than pleasant treatment she received from Kilid in return only made matters worse. Though the two managed to make peace again upon the birth of his daughter.

Bert Brewforge -

Stone Wall -

Kheja'a Akhabila -

Xivrez'to Ithaka -

Cassandra Lachance -

Fejika Menajika -



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Thya Rumours.jpg

Common Rumours

  • "That pale one? She sells some fine steel every now and then." - Ul'dahn commoner
  • "Dunno a thing about 'er. Never says a thing. The most I got outta her was a soul piercin' stare. " - Lominsan trader

Moderate Rumours

  • "That ungrrrrateful woman strruck me in the gob, bah!" - Aspiring Nunh
  • "..Are you telling me that -isn't- a boy?" - Confused traveler
  • "Oh! Oh! There she is! She and a Highlander brought us the largest sandworm we had ever seen!" - Ecstatic U'tribeswoman

Rare Rumours

  • "Saw that grey one again, walked right over to Oriens during my last shift. Not sure what she was planning to do, didn't end so well either." - Bored wailer
  • "Oh.. the girl. The last time I saw her she was being carried off by her mates in the middle of the Goblet, bleeding all over the place. Haven't seen her since." - Goblet resident

PC Rumours

  • "You're askin' me about Thya? Eeeeh... I'll be blunt, she's a shot in the dark, very hard to understand but give her a chance, she's one of the most loyal buds you can make." - P'etri Ksobwa
  • "Tea? I like her! Tea is usually very quiet and she's kinda like Gin in that regard. Only that she's a girl, with muscles and an axe. Also that she likes fighting, so I guess she's not like Gin at all! She's not at all as grey anymore, which is nice! She's delicious red now!" - Xivrez'to Ithaka
  • "I-I don't know much about her, She's K-kind of quiet b-but she's a nice person! I-I think she's uhm... k-kind of cute as well... B-but d-don't t-te-tell her I said that!" - Jino'ya Traore
  • "The girl is built like a brickhouse. She swings that axe like it's nothing. She's very reserved though, I don't know much about her." - Cassandra Lachance
  • "Strong lass, good workin' wiv armour an' can take down a goobue wiv one swing. Gotta temper on 'er though. Some stuff in 'er past she can't 'elp, an' anybody bein' off wiv 'er cos'a it's gonna see ah gotta temper too." - J'inarah Marad
  • "She is one of the best fighters I have known. She seem to hang around Jino alot. I hope she treats him well." - Z'thara Dhen
  • "Aye, she's a good fighter alright. Strong fer her age an' all, atleast when it comes to physical strength. Her temper an' lack o' focus is goin' to be her downfall however. But atleast she seems to understand that much, an' is willin' to work on it. " - Arnvidar Swiftheart


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