Nymh Tora

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Nymh Tora
★ D A U G H T E R O F T H E S E A ☆
Chibi 20190722 215449.png







REAL NAME: (careful, UNDISCLOSED!) Hattie Doomtide

NICKNAMES: Nymh, Nimmy

RACE & CLAN: Hyur, Midlander

GENDER: Female

AGE: late teen, early 20's.

NAMEDAY: 7th sun of the 4th Astral Moon

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 165 cm - 55 kg

ORIENTATION: Bi, leaning towards males.


BIRTHPLACE: the Ruby Sea area

RESIDENCE: undisclosed


OCCUPATION: Sailor, fisherman, survivalist, trader

PATRON DEITY: Llymlaen, the Navigator

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good

HOBBIES: Fishing, adventuring, camping on the beach

SERVER: Balmung

Eyes Hair Skin Body Type Voice
Ocean Blue. Light blond. Fair skin. Lean, athletic. Modulated, low.
Bearing Laterality Scars Tattooes & Piercings Style
Martial, stoic, dignified. Right handed A tiny one on her nose None, only semi permanent inks. Her own.

It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage.

At a first look, Nymh would look like an average teenager girl from Limsa, however at a closer look, her almond shaped eyes and fair skin might give a hint of a more oriental heritage. Nymh has a cute, rounded face, with a small nose hinting up, and heart shaped mouth. Her skin is fair and smooth, and it doesn't seem to tan extremely despite the high sun exposure. Her eyes are a of a bright, almost glowing Blue, light the ocean water in summer.


Her hair is thin and silky, of a light blond shade. She usually keeps it at a short-medium length, with an even fringe, 2 braids on her right side, and a longer streak of hair on both sides.


At approximately 5 fulms and 40 ilms, she is of average height, maybe a bit on the short side.


Her body is lean and athletic, with the right muscles and curves in the right places. Many years of survival training, sailing and healthy food made her nicely toned.


She sometimes used semi permanent ink on her skin, but she hasn't yet decided for permanent ones.


It is no surprise that at least a faint smell of fish is always lingering around her, however there is more to that, as she carries the very scent of the ocean on her. When you smell her hair and her skin, you can feel the salty water, the hot sun and the fresh breeze, the rocky reefs and the smooth sand.


Usual outfits.

   Scion Liberator's Jacket Icon.pngHempen Pantalettes Icon.pngRonkan Shoes of Healing Icon.pngTrailblazer's Scarf Icon.png Scion Liberator's Fingerless Gloves Icon.png Common outfit
Usual Outfit
This consists in a white crop tank, a red jacket which is usually sleevless but sleeves can be zipped to it. White and brown shorts and brown water-proof boots without heels. She always carries her kraken necklace on her, and sometimes also other accessories. Knuckled gloves on brown leather and a red scarf are completing the outfit.
   Buccaneer's Shirt Icon.pngArachne Culottes of Healing Icon.pngRonkan Shoes of Healing Icon.pngTrailblazer's Scarf Icon.pngScion Liberator's Fingerless Gloves Icon.png "Pirate" outfit
'cause pirates.
When she is hanging out with the Sanguine Sirens, she wears a similar outfit, usually consisting of a red buccaneer shirt, a red scarf on her mouth, shorts, boots and her usual gloves.
   Marid Leather Hood of Scouting Icon.pngMilitia Robe Icon.pngHempen Pantalettes Icon.pngRonkan Shoes of Healing Icon.pngScion Liberator's Fingerless Gloves Icon.png On cover
Dirty business
Whenever she doesn't want to be noticed or recognized, she wears a long dark blue robe with a big covering hood on top of her usual clothes.

Unique Items

The following are items that Nymh has either created for herself or were given to here that are one of a kind and worth nothing (maybe).

  OCTOICON.jpg Old necklace with pendant
It's a very old silver chain necklace with a pendant figuring a kraken holding a blue starfish. She once found it in a locker buried underwater, and she felt that it was something she really wanted to keep for herself.
  Compassicon.jpg Compass
Never leave without it.
  Atlantic-slave-trade-shipsicon.jpg Logbook, map and binoculars
Although she usually leaves them in her ship, she sometimes brings at least the logbook with her to sketch or note on it.
Nyhm commission.png



I'm sure I've seen a big tentacle over there...

Her voice is smooth, low, modulated and mostly serious, not the kind of voice you would expect from such a young and bright looking lass. However, it can turn fruity when excited or when laughting.
Voice claim: Ichimichi Mao

https://youtu.be/7Oxy8FWONh8 singing

https://youtu.be/n0TX9PTdS08 spoken (girl in light brown jacket)


Face claim: Untitledfacefcff.png


Positive: Adventurous, Brilliant, Challenging, Charismatic, Charming, Clever, Confident, Creative, Curious, Cute, Farsighted, Funny, Perceptive, Sexy.

Neutral: Bizarre, Clumsy, Eccentric, Enigmatic, Flirty, Weird.

Negative: Fanatical, Greedy, Odd, Opportunistic, Troublesome.

  • A bit stoic and reserved in private life, she can turn into quite the chatty type for business.
  • There's a lot of things she can do, for the gil.
  • Does not offer information of herself unless deemed necessary, especially not about her parents and heritage, or about where she finds her riches.
  • She often offers tales and advice about fish, sailing and survival.
  • She can be heard from time to time praying to Llymlaen, but it is not uncommon for her to refer to the Far Eastern kami or perhaps even odd entities from the sea abyss.


Handmade Fishbuns
Pirate songs
Men (the brave and handsome ones)


Attention seekers
Excessive use of perfumes
Dry lands, deserts
Small closed spaces with bad oxygen


Favourite Drink: handbrewed grogg, ale, mead, spring water, coconut water
Favourite Food: fish buns, seafood, fish, summer fruit
Favourite Place: the Ruby Sea, Limsa, the Mist, Kugane market
Vexations: attention seekers, people who boast too much
Masked Fears: drowning, sinking her ship
Favorite Season: Summer
Vices: some drinks, and why not even a good smoke



Basic Statistics

  • High: Aetheric Constitution, Endurance/stamina, Survivalism.
  • Above Average: Charisma, Wisdom.
  • Average: Intelligence, Clairvoyance, Strength.
  • Poor/Very poor: P.Defense, Spellcraft, Pain-Threshold.

Aetheric Abilities

  • High: Magic Affinity.
  • Above Average: Aetheric pool stability.
  • Average: M.Defense.
  • Poor: Aetheric Understanding.

Combat Relevant Skills

  • High: Aim, Survival.
  • Above Average: Knife throw, Adaptive stealth.
  • Average: Fist fight.
  • Poor (mostly non-existent): On-Field First Aid, Knife fight, all the rest.

Non Combat but useful Skills

  • Fishing.
  • Sailing.
  • Swimming.
  • Holding breath under water.
  • Flirting.


Martial -

Nymh isn't exactly born for battle and fight. She does, however, have a good aim, which makes her relatively decent at using throwing knives, spear, and even bow although less.
She also has a few tricks up her sleeves, among them:

Black Ink - She throws a satchel of squid black ink to the target, blinding them.
Knife throw - She throws her knives with a good precision. Average of 70/80% precision.
Pointy spear - She either throws her spear or use the pointy end to hit the target. Not really used in fight, mostly used for fishing or hunting.
Poison - She collect vials of poison from pufferfish and some type of jellyfish, and uses in several ways, or sells it.
Good ol' punch - She engages into a face to face fight, might be using knuckled gloves, or not. She doesn't have much strength to hit hard, but she is fast and agile.

Magic -

Her affinity to the water element and the ocean is notable, and with some training she managed to learn a few basic spells using water manipulation. Among these:

Fluid Aura - A water wave hits the enemy and pushes them back. Does minor damage. Short casting time.
Nourish - A splash of fresh restorative water heals minor wounds. Makes the target wet. Requires focus and long casting time.
Flying Sardines - A swirl full of sardines hits the enemy repeatedly. Does minor damage. Might interrupt target. Medium casting time.
Water Cannon - A strong bullet of water hits the target. Does medium damage, requires focus and long casting time.
Water Bubble - A water barrier encases the target, protecting them from damage. Extremely aether draining, short casting time. Lasts approximately 10 seconds. Makes target wet.
? - No one lived to tell about this yet. Ohohoho.

Other -

She might bribe her way out of bad situations if she thinks her opponent is too strong.
She might act innocent and try to let the opponent believe isn't able to fight back, to avoid or get advantage in bad situations.
She runs, swims and climbs fast, skills earned during intense survival training. Probably half of her bad situations, ended this way.



Nymh's signature weapon. They are light, handy for all situation, and it is easy to hit the target with them. However, they are not extremely effective.


Scion Liberator's Fingerless Gloves Icon.png

Knuckled fingerless gloves for when Nymhs to get her hands 'dirty'.



She uses poisons and other stuff when needed.


Secpic seagull1 b123370404311.jpg

While officially there is none, an old plucked, loud and annoying seagull can often be seen around her. It is however quite clear that she does not appreciate such company.


Pizzasupreme, a pink, obedient chocobo: mostly stabled outside Limsa, she sometimes makes use of him when on land.


Nymh is a skilled sailor and a survivalist. She is the captain of her own small sloop which she uses to sail everywhere. Her main source of income are fishing and oversea trading. Her ship is probably the smallest who regularly makes round trips among the Eorzean seas, and seldomly, even to the far East, although she usually prefers to join a bigger crew for that. Freshly fished seafood, seaweeds, pearls, corals and dyes are usually the goods that can be found in her ship's hold. Her ship is named "Mudskipper", while it appears like a small 30 something feet pirate sloop, it possess a hidden magitek core engine that can be fueled with ceruleum to overcome difficult situations. This is rarely used due to the high cost of ceruleum and the difficult maintenance, and the ship usually moves only thanks to the sails. It has, however, caused a few funny situations such as being seen sailing through terrain, and this is where its name comes from. Nymh more or less secretly procures pearls and poisons to the Sanguine Sirens. While sometimes she considered joining them, she is not too fond of their hot headedness, and much prefers to limit herself at trading and drinking with them. In exchange for her goods, the Sanguine Sirens offer her protection from other pirates, directly or not, allowing her to equip her ship with a flag carrying their emblem, as well as letting her wear parts of their distinctive red outfit.



Nymh offers fresh fish and seafood every week in Limsa market, and occasionally in the Far East.



Occasional service, her ship is much faster than the usual heavy ferry.

[She only hunts very TINY voidlings...]

The Early Years, birth to 5
Nymh was born in a small village in the Ruby Sea area. Her mother being a Midlander waitress from the Far East, and her father a Highlander pirate from Limsa.

Nymh spent the first 5 years with her mother, "helping" (as much as a toddler can help) her in the tavern, when one sad day the Garleans came. Her mother barely managed to hide her and send a message to Nymh's father, before being captured by the Garleans.

The Early Years, 5 to 14
Nymh finally saw her father for the first time, he was always on the move and sailing the seas for riches and pillaging. For many years she got to learn everything about fishing, sailing, and pirating. Many times they got stranded on deserted small islands, and her father made sure she'd learn everything about survival.

One day, when Nymh was about 14, he gifted her the Mudskipper and left her, with the promise he would either find Nymh's mother, or avenge her. Nymh has not seen her father since then, but she feels he still lives, and has never ceased to do her best to make him proud.

15 to Present
Together with a small part of her father's crew, and a good bunch of skills, she learned how to make a living by sailing the seas.

Unlike her father, Nymh prefers a more diplomatic approach to business, and rather than killing and pillaging, she offers trades and services. She does however know how to defend herself or escape bad situations, so don't take her too lightly. It is a mistery why and how she learned to use the water element for magic spells, but this talent eventually manifested during the latest few years and she is very far from having mastered it. Nymh likes to drink and often entertains herself at inns and taverns. She is definetely not a dancer and not particularly good at entertaining others, if not with her adventures. Despite her innocent look of a teenager Midlander, she speaks like a seasoned sailor, sometimes letting other sailors confused and astounded.

Coming Soon
Possible future RP plot: Nymh is convinced something is stirring in the deep waters near Limsa, but no one would listen to her...
Relationship Status Legend
Involved with
Romantic History
$ Business

🔃 Unsure

Hubert Doomtide ( ) - Father.
Kayoko Tora ( ) - Mother.

n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.

n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.
Close Friends

n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.

n/a ( ) - N/a.

n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.

n/a ( ) - N/a.

n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.
n/a ( ) - N/a.

Former Acquaintances

n/a ( ) - N/a.

N O N - P L A Y E R   C H A R A C T E R S
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

"Rumor Here" — Name Here.
"Rumor Here" — Name Here.
"Rumor Here" — Name Here.
"Rumor Here" — Name Here.

Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

"Rumor" — Name Here.
"Rumor" — Name Here.
"Rumor" — Name Here.

Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

"Rumor" — Name Here.
"Rumor" — Name Here.

P L A Y E R   C H A R A C T E R S
Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

Player Character Rumors -Some of these are more rare than others!

"Your rumor here." — Character Name
"Your rumor here." — Character Name
"Your rumor here." — Character Name

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Ocean: Most of the time sailing
Limsa Lominsa: Most of the time when on land
Other locations in La Noscea: Seldom, mostly to meet customers
Kugane, Shirogane, Ruby Sea, far East general: Sometimes, for trading
Ul'dah, Gridania, Shroud: Sometimes, for market and tavern
Other locations in Thanalan: Seldom, for customers
Others: Rarely, occasionally, ask

Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Sanguine Sirens: Protegee in exchange of goods
Limsa market: Regularly selling here
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil.
Compass: She won't go anywhere without it.
Vials: Poisons and ink and stinky slime.
Ration: Dried fish, Shells, Fishbuns, Waterpouch
Soap: A small and half consumed soap bar made with coconut oil.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask.
I will play All RP themes from the dark, serious, and mature (violence, sexuality, torture, murder, drug / alcohol use, etc.) to the light-hearted, humorous, and cheerful. I enjoy balance. Awesome dramatic plots. Heavy, feels-ridden plots. Elaborate, grand-scale, long-term plots. One-shot plots. Personal and private plots. Subterfuge and hidden plots. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation of mind or body. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Combat. Ambushes. Assassination attempts. Rivalries. Deep platonic friendships. Romantic tension. Sexual tension. Coarse language..
Ask about Disfigurement or mutilation. Permanent scarring or symbols marked on my character. Torture that leaves behind lasting, long-term effects (aka, longer than 2 months). Long-term and/or permanent injury. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Significant tampering of the mind. Anything that is dramatically character-changing, or may have extremely negative implications for my character..
I won't play anything mentioned under 'do' for any reason outside of the narrative. Permanent character death. Permanently maiming or crippling my character in a way that completely prevents her from living independently. Random ERP that is outside of organic interaction. PCs playing as and with established NPCs. Exceptionally OP characters out of thin air.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ List item.
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.

EU player GMT+2, not English native, so, sorry for my Engrrrish.

Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Strìa is a creation of my own imagination. However, there are facets inspired by various influences and concepts as follows: Schierke from Berserk, Louise from Zero no Tsukaima, Dalian from Dantalian no Shoka, Erio Towa from Denpa Onna, Zero from Grimoire of Zero, others.
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Tumblr page, OC and IC


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on July 24th, 2018.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & L'rinhi Kett & others.
■ Body claim anime: Homare Onishima from Are you Lost?
■ Face claim anime: Homare Onishima from Are you Lost?
■ Body/face claim RL: ? shutterstock model? xD