Zorah Shapa

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Zorah left.png- - -Zorah center.png- - -Zorah right.png

I wanna dance and love and dance again.



CURRENT ALIAS... Zorah Shapa (Moon, Eclipse, Kit)

RACE & CLAN... Mixed Miqo'te, (Sun/Moon) - Raised as a Keeper of the Moon

NAMEDAY... 25th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon

GENDER... Female

AGE... Twenty-one

ORIENTATION... Pansexual




RESIDENCE... The Black Shroud, Gridania

OCCUPATION... Tavern Staff with Drunk Dungeoneers

PATRON DEITY... Menphina the Lover

HEIGHT... 4 fulms 10 ilms

WEIGHT... 96 ponz

ALIGNMENT... Neutral Good


Medium-Heavy Roleplayer from the Eastern Timezone (EST). My style of role playing ranges depending on the situation at hand. I can write paragraphs to one liners or a simple emote to be pressed. I see little reason every single response needs to be met with something big and in depth. I live on the east coast so I'm in the EST timezone and I work from home so it's quite easy for me to work with anyone in writing stories or plot lines, albeit mostly on discord during work hours.
LGBTQ+ Friendly - I am LGBTQ+ friendly. If your IG model does not match your character's true gender, please please let me know OOC if my character can pick up on differences or give a good enough hint IC for my character to pick up on.
No underage players. I do not role play with minors, at all, no exceptions. I myself am in my early 30s with a child. I ask that if you contact me, you be over 18-years-old.
Personal RP Limits:
When I am online, please feel free to send me a tell or walk up and start RPing! Even if I do not have the RP tag on, I'm always down for impromptu RP! My main server is Balmung, however, I am always up to world visit other realms to meet new players!
Romance/ERP: Romantic/ERP situations are based on where the role play goes, if it goes that way at all. Dark themes in general are more then welcomed and I love them. While my character is a courtesan, I am in no way looking for any such relationship OOC. Friendships only OOC.
Support for your character: While Zorah is a main character for me, I do not at all mind her being a supporting character for yours to help your development!
Physical Attributes: I am fine with most that happens to a character, within reason for the situation and it has been discussed OOC. Loss of limb or senses are fine, but the story cannot be half-assed. Death is also fine, however, highly unlikely. The type of character she is does not welcome death immediately and thus it's unlikely your character will have a legitimate reason for her to be dead.
Lore and Headcanons: While the lore is in and out, I am more then willing to accept headcanons and fanons within reason. If it's too farfetched for me, it's unlikely I'm going to work with it.
Dont' be afriad to speak! If your character finds Zorah annoying, overbearing, childlike or in general does not like her, feel free to have your character react as such. Don't be afraid to message me OOC if you'd like to check before hand!

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Zorah is a passionate, caring and easily excitable Miqo'te who does her best to help make someone elses day that much better, no matter how she's feeling herself. She's quite transparent, what you see is normally exactly what you expect and you can easily pick up on her young and naive nature. However, she can be fun and a trustworthy friend who will go to the ends of the earth to help them.
She is also a very physical person. Don't be afraid to inform her if she's too close or bothering you! She will step back, she just likes being close with people!
She does enjoy her downtime, however, preferring only the sound of a crackling fire where she can cozy up in a blanket and read her book.


Good company. Zorah is highly social and absolutely loves it. But there's nothing worse then someone throwing a fit or not enjoying themselves while they're out and ruining it for others. If she can, she'll try and help them enjoy their night!
Night life. While born in a very tribal clan, Zorah herself grew up enjoying the city life in Radz-at-Han more. Because of this, she rather enjoys night clubs, parties and raves over hunting and other tribal things.
Dancing and Music. Music speaks to her and has for as long as she could remember. Zorah absolutely loves to dance and will just for fun.
Celebrations. Much like parties and raves, celebrations means more parties and people and good times.
Swimming and the Ocean. She loves to swim, spending most of her summer doing so when not working or traveling. When drying off, she loves to relax by the ocean, listening to the waves and nature sing its sweet meldoy.
Reading and Writing. Despite loving to be out and socializing, she does need and like her down time. Heat from a fire place, her love nearby and a good book to read or paper to write on with a hot cup of tea is her preferred downtime.


Bees. Zorah is extremely allergic! She absolutly hates these things and will run, and probably scream, if she sees one.
Confrontation. While she has been taught to defend herself and can fight back because of it, Zorah does not take well to confrontation. If she feels she did something wrong, she will do everything in her power to right it immediately, to the point of being overbearing and repeatedly apologizing.
Zealots. She herself reveres Menphina the Lover and believes in the Twelve, but she does not at all like those who take reverence to such an extreme.
Sour flavours. Strangly, she likes rolanberry alcohol but generally she does not like sour or tarty flavours. Suppose it depends on how much!
Rude people. They're no fun!
Dishonesty. She will always be honest, even if it gets her into trouble. Zorah sees no reason she cannot have honesty in return.


Family and Friends. Zorah will do anything for those she considers friends. This honor is rare, however, and she will usually just refer to most as 'friends' out of simplicity. Family is a bit different; despite her tribe, her only true family is her mother, Raija, who held her every night and endured abuse and being bullied with her.


Loyalty. Once considered a friend, her loyalty is forever until you do her wrong. You will always be able to count on Zorah to help out, but she will not go against her own beliefs either.


Too Trusting. Unfortuantly, despite all her good qualities, Zorah is far too trusting and can easily be decieved.


Over-excitedness. Anything can excite this girl, but when she has to explode because of it, she absolutely jumps and yells and laughs before hugging whomever is responsible for this.


Zorah left descrip.png
Zorah right descrip.png
Standing at 4'10", Zorah was born as the runt of her family. Aside from her short stature, she also had been born with quite a unique appearance compared to her clan who had normally bore colors of black, white or blue. Her hair a lovely magenta with large sea-green eyes, adorned with long lashes.
Trained as a dancer with strict martial discipline, her body is lean and strong. Flexible and great with mobility, her small stature helps her weave in between her dance partners or foes with ease.
She has one visible scar on her left cheek received during her very first hunting trip alone.



Things will be put here soon


Zorah was the only child born to Raija and her father whose name she does not yet know. One of very few originally born on Thavnair soil, she is of Hannish nationality and grew up in the city of Radz-at-Han. Although the Shapa Clan hails originally from Gridania, they traveled over twenty years ago after a long battle with the Wildwood Elezen, resulting in a deep loss of their tribe. The end result of the battle forced the Shapa Clan out of the Shroud and they took to the seas.

Zorah has only heard stories of the past before her, some of those still left in the clan stayed on the seas and have made home among pirates. This left the tribe divided and never to speak again. It is unknown if the sea-faring Shapa tribe still takes on the Shapa Clan name as none stayed in touch.


Born shortly after her tribe migrated to the Near Eastern nation of Thavnair, much of her life has been spent in and out of the large city-state known as Radz-at-Han in their hot muggy evenings. As one of the few originally born on Thavnairian soil within her tribe, she grew up with their culture, learning to dance at an early age and manipulating aether currents around her.

When she is not entertaining, Zorah likes to study alchemy and attends hunting events with her clan. She collects herbs and flowers and loves to be outdoors. When the weather is raining or there is snow around, she enjoys a quiet evening by the fireplace with a book.

On the field, Zorah is hardly one to take lightly. Although her demeanor does not change, her moves show martial discipline. Trained in more than dancing, she has competence with throwing weapons, working them into her routine with grace and precision.

Several times during her teenage years it had come up about who fathered her as she displayed traits from both Keepers and Seekers. It was eventually revealed that her father was a Seeker her mother met as they traveled.


Built in the heart of Radz-at-Han, Aetheric Tranquility by day is a hot springs resort, open to all. Some of the wealthiest nobles have come to spend a day at the resort as well as plenty of forefingers who stop at Radz-at-Han. At night, however, beneath the tranquil resort above is an underground club. Fit with several small stages around the large room and one large one in the center, women of all sizes and backgrounds can be found dancing for their customers.

Food, alcohol and a show are offered to those willing to pay. Though, while the dancing is erotic, sexual favors are left to the individual ladies off work hours. Bouncers are found throughout the club, both inside and out, ready to protect the ladies working as well as the waitresses and bartenders.

Getting into Aetheric Tranquility at night is much more difficult. While those who are wealthy pay a hefty sum, those who are not are turned away without proper payment; a special card allowed to be given out by nobles to those they trust. These cards are scanned at the door and payment is made out of the noble's own gil.


Adopted a cat named Bubbles


Zorah grew up watching her mother remain single and alone, enduring disdain from the elders and adults of the tribe like she did from the other children. The two spent much of their time alone together, something Zorah cherishes dearly. However, because of this, she had only read on fairytales and watched the Hannish citizens of Radz-at-Han in their relationships. While not always much to go on, every now and then she caught a glimpse of love.

It was foreign to her which mayhap helped in her decision to become a courtesan upon reaching her eighteenth (18) year. Without ever experiance more then a mother's love, it made it easier to endure and numb herself to make enough gil to survive in the harsh city. Inbetween jobs and people, she daydreamed much about love, forming her own fairytale in her mind. She wanted it, she was afraid of it, but oh did she want love. Even her mother, who tried hard to hide it, wanted love back.

Zorah is unsure what she'd consider for a potential partner, but it seems she's found it all in Khora Velaceras. Devoted, loving, strong and fun. Khora has given her reason to find other things in life outside of dancing for gil. While she still does so, it has become less and less and instead she has decided to discover more of herself and her roots, as well as make Khora's life brighter in any way she can.

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Character Connections
Thavnair - Merchants and traders, citizens and visitors and Garleans may have known Zorah, or of her, while visiting her home. The first of her tribe to have been born on foreign soil, she is a native to Thavnair and spent much of her life in Radz-at-Han, especially at night.
Aetheric Tranquility - The wealthy who may travel and partake in the underground world of life would likely know her. This also includes commoners of Radz-at-Han who were lucky enough to get into the club.
Dancer from Thavnair - For those whose dancing career began long before the Troupe reached Limsa Lominsa will most likely have known or heard of Zorah in some way. She is not a quiet girl and makes a scene whenever she's excited.
Garlean Agents - Garlean Agents who have been to Radz-at-Han or Kugane for any reason may have heard of or seen/spoken with her in either of the two cities. She tends to be rather naive about what the Garleans truly do and the extent of their tyranny around Eorzea. Although known to be terrible customers, gil is gil and she does what she can.
Shapa Clan - Elezen and Keepers still residing in Gridania may know of the Shapa clan either by name or closely. The Shapa Clan were known for their poachers and exceptional hunting skills. While they migrated before the Calamity, they had been a huge issue for a time with the Gridanians, enough so they were banned from entering the city.
Courtesan - It may be well known in Thavnair and possibly Kugane that Zorah was a Courtesan. Originally a free-lance courtesan after traveling to Eorzea, however short, recent developments in her story have changed, she is no longer available for services.
Kugane - Every now and then Zorah has been known to make trips to the Far East, more specifically Kugane. It's one of her favorite places and she visits as often as she can. A vacation spot, so-to-speak, but even here she's willing to put on shows if it means she needs more gil for her stay!

Father: Name Unknown (Status Unknown) - Seeker of the Sun - Mama rarely talked about him, so we are unsure.
Mother: Raija (alive) - Keeper of the Moon - A beautiful woman who devoted her life to caring for the only child she would bare. Presently, she remains behind in Thavnair, worried about her daughter in Eorzea.


Feel free to add a rumor of your own if you like! Don't be afraid to drop me a note so I can see it too!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"She a girl from Thavnair, it's no wonder she's learning quick with the Botanist Guild!" - Twin Adder Servicemen.
"I see her practically dance everywhere she goes. Pretty sure she's hearing music in her mind. Dunno if that's good or bad yet." - Gridania Citizen.
"Aye, saw the cat when she first arrived off the boat from Thavnair. Very nice and polite. Super excitable. Apparently she really loves fish too. " - Fisherman in Limsa Lominsa.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I heard her speak her name. Shapa is a Keeper clan I remember. If she's from the Clan I'm thinking of, I'll be keeping an even extra close eye on her." - Wildwood Elezen in Gridania.
"I remember her when I visited Radz-at-Han on business. She's good at one she does, demands a lot of gil though for her services." - Questionable merchant in Limsa Lominsa.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Heard she'll sleep with anyone so long as they pay her." - Some drunk in Limsa Lominsa.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"Quote here!" - Your name here!


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love Business 💔 Emotional Conflict Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Khora Velaceras ( ) - My Sun
The short time she has grown to know Khora she has falling head over heels for him.
Seja Arda ( ) - Bun Bun
She met Seja in Costa del Sol, listening to her talk business with one of the workers. It was weird but the two hit it off pretty quickly and became friends. While they do not see each other often, every once in a while they can be found attending events or socializing in general.


Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera. Feel free to use / adapt the template as long as you leave all credits & links back in place, please!

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