Lyuu Wavecrest

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Lyuu Wavecrest

Lyuu sharkattack by elixer.png

Biographical Information
Birth Name Lyuu
Guardian Leviathan
Birthplace Sohh's Nursery
Born 1558
Nameday 2nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Race Sahagin
Physical Attributes
Hair None
Eyes Scarlet
Height 7'2"
Weight 230 ponze
Career Information
Occupation Oceanographer
Rank Merchant mariner
Out-of-Character Information
Time Zone GMT-5
Free Company Kaen-no-Tsunami
Server Mateus
Job Lancer


Sohh's Nursery was intended to be located along the Sapsa Spawning Grounds in Western La Noscea, yet Sohh the Sahagin had an urgent mission that kept him from this site; among his eleven spawnlings, there was a female he was to protect. Normally, she was to be sent away to the Indigo Deep once her gills developed, where she would live among the other females as candidates for the spot of Indigo Matriarch. Albeit, Sohh saw this female spawnling as more than just breeding fodder. He developed a familial love for all his spawnlings, including the female, of which he named 'Lyuu' himself. The rite was intended to go to the Indigo Matriarch to name the females. Thus, the seasoned warrior cast off the expectations of his society and became an outcast, fleeing the shores for islands in the Cieldalaes, travelling eventually to the Sea of Ash.

Lyuu grew up as an equal to her spawnbrothers, being trained in the same warrior arts. She became proficient in using the spear for combat and fishing both, though her favorite pastime was studying the oceanographical structure of the deep. She adored sailing on the waves with longboards on her trips to gather kelp and vegetation. As many Sahagin are, she grew in efficiency in navigation on and in the sea.

However, it was soon that a corrupt company from Hingashi would take advantage of this when her clutchfather, spawnbrothers, and herself travelled far enough east. She'd made a deal with a salt trading company out of naiveté, not realizing she would be trapped as an 'indentured servant' to the salt mines. She was only compliant to protect the rest of her family. Months later, she was able to experience freedom when the Arashi-gumi raided the warehouse, where she was kept to be 'traded'. After reunituing with her family, they returned to La Noscea where Lyuu sought to put her talents to good use.

Ever since that fateful encounter, Lyuu has devoted herself to working as an informant to the Arashi-gumi. Her mind was opened and her views changed. Nonetheless, she is intent on learning about shorewalkers as much as she can, seeing the good among the bad as some do for her people.



Eccentric and excitable, Lyuu finds joy in many simple things, believing that life doesn't need to be complicated in order to be enjoyed. She dislikes philosophical debates and especially nihilism. The sea is simply too vast and chances too few for her to have regrets.


Lyuu has an immense interest in shorewalkers, perhaps abnormally so for most Sahagin. Thus, she readily approaches them, even if they flee due to her 'fishback' heritage. Her clutchfather, Sohh, kept her away from most other Sahagin that weren't her spawnbrothers in fear that they will attack the outcasts and drag Lyuu back to the Indigo Deep's palace.


The shark-like Sahagin is very expressive, though her mannerisms may elude a number of Spoken, including other Sahagin. She believes in diplomacy first, stabbing people second. Usually. Sometimes it's the other way around.

Notes & Trivia

  • Lyuu's favorite foods include cephalopods (especially squid), bluefish, opah, shark fins and meat, dolphins, seaweed (including sea grapes), sun lemons, and La Noscean oranges. Especially sun lemons.
  • Lyuu's least favorite foods include cheese, popotoes, emerald beans, and millioncorn. She isn't a particularly picky eater.
  • Lyuu's siblings, from oldest to youngest, are named Fahh, Chuu, Lahh, Tyaa, Yull, Shee, Seff, Nuvv, Nill, and Tohh. Lyuu hatched between Seff and Nuvv's times, making her the fourth youngest of the spawnlings.
  • Lyuu is mannerisms and abilities are based off of that of the shortfin mako shark.
  • Lyuu is left-handed.
