Liana Blu

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Liana Blu
"Dance with me. Dance to the tune of my soul."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 18
Guardian Oschon, the Wanderer
Namesday 25th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon


♫ Look into our eyes.
See the truth inside our core.
One soul sings while the other wishes greatly for...
A way to sail the darken seas of this agony.
Pain, Roses, blues with golds and greens.

Perplexing box of fate.
Wish to break this gilded cage.
Haunting melody, weaving its way surrounding me.
Suddenly can't see the light, is the sun setting?
Anyone there? Do we even really know?

The golden one is our mind.
Sweet and shy but is that so?
Wisdom leaks in golden lights
Dark ideas slowly unfold.

Tainted waters, shades of truth.
The heart always seems blue.
Oh soul of blue? Are you as rampant as a tsunami?
Storming currents, Never to be tamed.
When no one looks shes as soft as dew.

Let their emotions run as much as rain. ♫

~ Sung by Liana Blu


Liana gave her all for her sister. This much is certain. Though the woman's coldness could be due to hostility of jealousy, Liana found her life would be nothing for her sister. Twins at birth, Liana was always the braver, more rambunctious of the twins. Was almost as if the girl feared nothing.

One day she dared the timid Suri to lunge head first over the local falls of the area. For good measure she even went first to prove to her sister it was safe. Sadly Suri followed suit and missed, terrible. Hitting rocky shards below, Liana felt she would lose her sister forever. Healers worked hard to bring the young child back but her wounds were to great. Along with this her beloved sister lost a eye, many injured organs, as well as bones. Full of remorse Liana begged the healers to take whatever they wished from her. She was a perfect match after all. Hesitant but with enough persuasion Liana gave her life for her sister allowing them to take what they needed, but twisted turn of events unfolded as they worked with the sisters. Suri was saved. Liana was lost. As Suri gained conscience she realized something. Nothing ever looked the same again and a shaky realization happened. Liana's soul fused with her sister, creating a bond they both were not prepared for.



Liana and Suri may share the same body but share differences in clothing. Unlike her sister, who loves lighter, brighter colors(especially reds), Liana prefers dark colors. She prefers leathers and smaller tops without the sleeves to allow free arm movement. Once in a while she also prefers armors. Mainly it should be easy to tell the difference between them by their manner of clothing, and mannerism.

Liana thinks clothing is everything and cares about such things. Her favorite piece is a metal mask that covers her face, due to the fact that she fears the world, it makes her feel safe. Another way to notice Liana is wisps amounts of aether will flow from her eye. The blue eye belongs to her and power will flow from it when she is present.


Mainly Liana is a flirt. She has a cocky attitude no matter the situation. Be it male or female she has a tendency to taunt them or try to cause either discomfort or displeasure. Regardless of this she can be warm hearted, though doesn't like the feeling. She has softened over time but still would chose her and her sister's own survival over anyone else. Liana does have loyalty though it can waver if she is insulted so caution is still needed.

Known jobs she works for:






Liana prides her self on her aim. Whether its throwing a knife, random object or a arrow, marksmanship is her greatest asset. Liana may also fight dirty. She does her best to figure out their weakness and have no issues exploiting it. Along with this Liana loves large weapons so her eye is now scoped on lancing. To round herself she has also starting to learn hand to hand combat.

Liana and Surilian have found they can both switch quickly during battles. Liana has found herself constantly summoned through a mirror. Suri will switch places with her and beg for protection. Liana loves to snipe down her foes but finds Suri's constant dependency annoying. She has found that with enough will, she can force her sister out and switch places. The tag team dance has now become a norm. With Liana's sniping and Surilian's panicked multiple target attacks and fast reflexes, Liana has rather enjoyed the beautiful harmony they are creating.

Weapon specialization:

Hand to Hand
Darts(prefers poison, paralyze, or rope dart(to drag her target back to her) )
Arming traps and explosives
Loves advanced technology

Echo Power

Echo Power: Thrumming Perception

Description: This skill is dependent on the surroundings and nature on which it happens. This echo comes in two parts as follows one part for Liana and one for Surilian:

When Liana calls Thrumming Perception, she hones in on her target with amazing accuracy. Like the name, her hearing is blocked and the only sound is a drum beat. Depending on her mood the beat will be fast or slow. She times her shot on this drum. With her increase power, she has been able to now use this twice in a day. But no more then that. She strives to push her limits but that is as far as she got so far.

★ Recent RP events ★

Liana has found herself more confused then ever. Was far better to be devoured of feelings, yet the more she comes into the world, the more she feels. True her attitude and blunt truthful mouth usually landed her in pain more then anything, she finds it amusing how quickly she can make others burn angrily. After Liana awoke from her painful near death experience she found that her sister not only was well but decided to saddle herself with the dim witted Hyur Artorias. Angry she demanded his audience. She was displeased of the turn of events. True she told him to chose his words but the plan was for her sister and her to end this then leave to the far corners of the realm. Vanish from the world that wanted her dead but would admire and defend her sister. Sadly his words must have be far to well. Her sister fell for this man, leaving a disgusted taste in Liana's mouth.

After she raged and left, it was Rhagana herself who appeared to calm Liana down. Liana was in no mood to flirt or torment the Roe and quickly dismissed her with a sneer. The woman though stood fast not leaving. Liana felt her body shake, slowly the blood lust thoughts coming to her mind as she felt herself slipping back into the madness. The curse she was to suffer for absorbing all her sister's pain through the years. In a small feat of restrain, she demanded Rhagana to leave. Rhagana though wouldn't accept this and stayed. Liana turned on the Roe with little fear and a cold expression. The drumming loud her in ears as she trained her scope on the poor woman. Though at the last second Liana pulled her shot. The arrow flying past the woman, hitting a boat mast. Liana muttered claiming her shot was poor but Rhagana wasn't convinced, reminding the Miqo'te she still had a heart. After Rhagana left, leaving Liana to her thoughts, a strange elezen appeared. Liana was un-trusting as he offered her a body in exchange for the babe Rhagana carried. Though the child had to be born with a gem on his forehead like the babes mother. The idea of a body was delicious, especially after the damn events of Suri and Artorias. She wanted to be far from it. Though she was concerned that this Elezen's 'god' would be a lousy choice. She did care for the Roe female and it bothered her slightly of even considering to even take the unborn child.

Liana feeling more alone then ever decided to prowl for new toys. Objects that simply filled the void in her soul from missing Kayah and Reve'tan. She stumbled upon Rurutani and felt her smile widen. She had no intention of hurting the lalafell, but he seemed alone. Quickly her eye scanned him realizing his broken spirit and the first thought was to heal the soul. Though her motives at first were purely selfish she grew attached to the lalafell. A few times she would take over her sister's form in order to find him again. Sadly Surilian was tired of this, Suri leaked out the truth of Liana to Ruru. Must to Liana's dismay though she dealt with this the best way she could. Suri forced Liana to apologize for toying with the male though Liana stood fast with her claim that she cared for Ru. In anger Surilian poured her own aether into the mirror attacking her sister. Liana's form was easily over come and felt herself ripped to shreds. Though it seems Surilian put her sister back together in some way, keeping her just barely alive.

After events Liana found herself restrained more then ever as her sister feared Liana would ruin her chances with Artorias. Part of Liana hated this man more then ever. Was his fault, she was so restrained. Her sister never did this ever before for a male. Though once released Liana did as her sister asked and stayed away from any form of people. Truly it wasn't a bad request, Liana wasn't in full fighting form still. Though during her hiding, a strange hyur in a mask appeared. He seemed to have the ability to create live working dolls though Liana's eye could see the interesting light blue strings in his wake. Strange as it was she labeled him 'String Puller' though he told her his name, Gospel Gestalt. Oddly more over time it seemed he appeared often. They drew closer and she found herself singing more for him. Truly she always kept her songs for her own enjoyment but spending time with him she felt a bit more open and at ease. She even opened her gift to others besides him. As he shared his story with her, she was intrigued. Mayhaps he could make her a body! Aye..and she wouldn't have to steal the infant for the woman she thought a friend. Sadly he seemed frustrated, explaining it would be a hard process. At the answer, Liana gave up hope wishing death would just take her and stop tormenting her so much. Yet at his sadden expression she only wanted to see Gospel smile. "I suppose....while I wait for death...I can make this String Puller's soul well as a fellow Lalafell. To many sad souls. Till death comes I shall wait and sing."



Watching people beg for mercy
Her Bow, named Miasma
Her sister
Anything that sparkles
Theft and Tormenting others


Sheep(large fear includes lost sheep, ewe,)
Having Feelings of any kind
Cold Rain


Killing anything
Stalking anyone that looks interesting.
Information gathering


Favourite Food/Drink: Anything sweet
Favourite Place: In a shadowy corner plotting.
Favorite Weather: Clear warm nights
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Color: Reds and Blacks
Favorite Scents: Mint
Favorite Pet: none


*Icons best seen in IE or Firefox*

💘 Crush     💗 Sexual Desire     In love with     💑 In a relationship     Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing


Surilian Blu"Oh sweet..Suri...I wanted to destroy the world..but dear sister..not like this." She and Suri have gotten along so well! It was all she ever hoped for. They can talk now, maturely, without coming to blows even on more touchier topics. Suri's pocket mirror was a brilliant idea! Which opened the window more for them both. Though the death of X'linwh was a shocking blow to her sister. Liana now worries for the first time the fate of them both as Suri now ignores most reason. Liana feels for her...and has felt herself ..soften alot because of this. Though what brought them both crumbling was the death of their friend C'kayah. Suri lost all rational thinking. Her pattern sparatic. As the girl tries to think. Liana simply sits back and watches, feeling her own heavy heart aching. After the bandit leader, A roe with no name to them both, threatened both sisters, Suri lunged into action creating a bomb with their own bodies. Though Liana wasn't sure this was a grand idea, Suri was certain that only she would die and her sister would be able to go as she please. Liana though felt her own aether being torn asunder. The shocking taste of mortality enough to shake even Liana. "Suri...WAIT! ...Stop this....something is terribly.....wrong"

💔 Reve'tan Molkoh (Deceased) – He was a wonderful childhood friend that grew up with her. He knew them both when she had her own body...he even knew their secrets. Oh how she loved him but he always so so interested in Suri. Not her....She screamed on that day when Suri and her was to be sentenced. Screamed as the arrows entered his body. Screamed as she held him there listening to his last breaths. Oh how she loved him. Oh how he never noticed her. Oh how she wished to be different.

💔 C'kayah Tia (MIA - Presumed Dead) - Part of her hated her sister. This was Suri's fault....if only she didn't make that deal with that woman. Another part knew it didn't matter. Liana's hatred burned hotter then ever. He was lost to her. Just like Reve. Perhaps she and her sister were maybe it was just her, tainting all she touched. "Kayah......"

💘 💗 Rurutani Sasatani - "I found my new toy...." Liana picked this lalafell for her small collection, due to his broken spirit. Would be easy prey. Though as she toyed and teased, partially wanting to heal whatever pain he was feeling, she found herself liking this lalafell. He was sweet and though usually sweetness made her eyes roll, there was something intriguing about this one. She found herself following him more, curiously wanting to know what made him tick and stand out from the others.

💗 Rhagana Doomslayer – Liana knew full well this was the Roe female Suri served so loyaly for a while. The sister rule was one served so did the other. Though her sister stopped using the maid idea as a cover, Liana had no issues keeping the idea of protector in her mind. Though when she riled this Roe's anger, Liana find this woman a tad exotic for her tastes."Hmm...never had a woman...Look at her burn...wonder what she's like in bed? Why must my sister have all the fun?.." After events this woman had a few surprises of her own. Making Liana not only blush though become more intrigued.

Gospel Gestalt – Liana never cared for 'round ears'. And her experience with first Dawson crashing her skull into a rock, then Artorias blaming her quickly for her sister's problems, left a foul taste in her mouth. She was cautious of this male when he first came but his arrival was perfect. She was in a grand non-caring mood. If he wanted to destroy her he could do it. What she didn't expect was how they grew close. She had no interests in bothering the strange 'String puller'. For the first time she had even retracted her flirtatious usual banter and will to provoke anger around this male. Something about him pushed her caution, along with the fact that her strength was weakened from Surilian's bomb. For the first time Liana for a moment wanted to live and knew if she even pushed his anger, whatever bottled magic he held within would react to her dormant unstable aether with ease. He oddly opened to her. He seemed at ease in her presence. He even removed his mask. Liana would tease him though thought he had a pleasing face, for a round ear. She found herself wanting to bring him to smile. And finally she was able to not only bring a smile to his serious face but to actually make him laugh. Twas a merry sound and she wanted to do it again. Dangerous or not, she found his presence calming. Something she wasn't use to feeling in the least. Though still cautious to remove her own mask, she is till content that she not only got the 'soft spoken serious String Puller' to laugh, but she finally got him to fully dance with her. tis strange but felt like it was the biggest accomplishment in her memory. All her battles, thefts, and chaos she happily caused suddenly seemed dim in comparison. How ...strange...

U'dahsh'a Nunh - He was a very very fun toy. She was starting to almost.../enjoy/ their clashing but she understood her sister's heart and decision. She was sure she would find a new toy but had to admit...a pirate like him was rather alluring. "Farewell...may the wind keep your sails at full tilt and never stall."

Mijisaa Qisaa - Liana no matter what still likes this lalafell. Hmm hopefully she'll get a job from her soon.

Pipituu Kipichuu - His antics were amusing. She felt his lip quirk as he spoke next to his wife. What a unlikely employer. Though Liana doesn't know to much on him ..nor his wife.

Onmji Kamji - One look at his cute face and Liana lifted her boot to kick him as far as the sun. She so hoped she'd ding a star but he grinned innocently and offered to tell her every merchant that was shaddy. His quick wit and down to earth nature made her pause and before she knew it, she was helping him. For the first time ever she was laughing and shaking his hand in truce. Fair enough. He is saved for now.


💗 Artorias Mason – This hyur went out of his ways to apologize. She had danced for her freedom for 2 days and he even joined her. Though his skills needed adjustment, she appreciated it. Forgiving him just for the fast accusation was enough but her frustration burn when she found out this man was to be her sister's new choice of mate. Was hard for her to shake the feeling he thought her evil. Regardless of his words, her suspicious would rise. Heh...sure he was charming in a rough way but he would never understand her. NEVER. Though part of her wondered how desperate was he to make her think better of him? Part of her wanted so much to toy with this man.

Y'lyfriel Sikah – Liana never spoke with this woman. And as time passed she no longer cared to even pay her any mind.

Rhesh'ir Zhwan - Liana still doesn't trust him...His sudden kindness to her sister, sickening. But she had to admire someone that can toss life to the wind. Can't say anything to bad about that.

Tahla'li Tayuun – Liana thinks nothing of this Mi'qote. He seems kind to Suri regardless of his reservations and that is enough for her. he promised to help Suri in some problem. She has no idea what he wants to help with but whatever makes him happy.

Onuma Ahntifi – Liana lost interest in this woman after some time. Suri though mentioned her fondly from time to time though Liana just shrugged. She never needed a mother but ..the woman wasn't all that bad.

Lotan'to Jiub – Suri adopted this man as their father and it never sat well in Liana's stomach. But she changed her mind when he stepped up for her sister. It made Liana briefly appear just to look at this man, deemed father worthy. With approval she accepts this.

Oliwat Kokiwat – Liana just met this lalafell. She stifled the urge to kick him far, only because Suri protested the thought. She seemed satisfied by only insulting his height in the end.

Kodaro Ba'rococo – Hasn't spent time with this man so her small admiration has vanished. How boring...

Rah'na Lihzeh - She has no interest in this male. Truely there isn't much to say.

Enemies & Rivals

Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn - Liana found this woman amusing. Oh aye...she might have bested her and her sister but ONLY with help. If it wasn't for that Pug...Liana would have stomped a boot into the Roe's face happily. One day Liana will take all this Roe has ...and this roe will take orders from her. One day this woman will realize she picked the wrong miqo'te.
X'linwh Tia (Deceased) – A dragon? Suri's loud wailing made Liana's head hurt but she could feel the echos of pain in her own heart. She ...wailed the same...when Reve'tan passed in her arms...Regardless of how she hated this man...still was a odd shame.

Dawson Colwell - Liana doesn't trust him. Vacation or not..once its over she is sure he'll change his thinking and send them both off to the moon with his damn wind. Oh she never forgot. The back of her head still aches from time to time.


Player Character Rumours

"Liana is as dangerous as she is beautiful, as much as I love her smile, I know there is something sinister behind it." ~ U'dahsh'a Nunh
"Liana is as dangerous as she is beautiful, as much as I love her smile, I love the sinister something lurking behind it even more." ~ C'kayah Tia
"Liana is a beautiful, passionate, and dangerous woman, and I happily accept who she is completely." ~ Rurutani Sasatani


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Added Note: Through RP, Liana can be seen with Suri, at the same time, through a mirror or reflective surface. Since Liana IS a separate being, Suri can stand next to a mirror and Liana will appear or can be seen by a player easily. Meaning Suri can walk away from the mirror while Liana can simply stay in the reflection and wave. This has been created due to Liana getting more power. She can not manifest fully and be seen by a player as a separate entity but animals will be able to see her as a separate form.

Theme song: Again by Yui
Theme song translation:

I am supposed to pursue my dream
in this narrow winding road, stuttering in the crowds
of people

It's not that I want to return to that past,
I am just searching for the sky I have lost.
I hope you understand.
Don't show the sad face as if you have been

Tears do not end a sin. We have to carry it with us
In this maze of feelings with no ends in sight.
Who am I waiting for?
As scribbled on the blank note, I want to be more
What do I want to escape from?
It it this thing called "reality?"

"For what am I living?"
In the middle of the nigh as my memories are fading.
I can't play safe anymore,
but there is nowhere to go too.
There's still so much life to remove this feeling.
I will feel nostalgic about it.
I welcome this pain.

I have to apologize for this. Ah, I'm sorry.
I can't say it well. I'm just causing worries.

Everything that I embraced that day.
Everything that I will embrace tomorrow
I will not arrange them in any order.
I hope you understand. I closed my eyes
but I could still see things I do not want to see.

Unnecessary rumors that I hear for the first time, so
"Face it and you will be friends."
Don't tell lies like these.
My heart being agitated from deep inside,
a burning sensation runs through my body.
Actually I'm expecting something
from this thing called "reality."

"For what am I living?"
I want to shout it out loud. Can you hear me?
I can't play safe anymore,
but there is nowhere to go too.
I am grateful for all the kindess,
so I want to become stronger to march on.
I do welcome friends and foes.

How do I open the next door? I'm thinking.
The unretractable story has begun.
Open your eyes. Open your eyes.

There is still so much in life to remove this feeling.
I want to start all over again so that I can complete
what I haven't done.
Shall we go AGAIN?

"For what am I living?"
I want to shout it out loud. Can you hear me?
I can't play safe anymore,
but there is nowhere to go too.
I am grateful for all the kindess,
so I want to become stronger. I feel the nostalgia
I welcome this pain.