Alveo Soulseeker

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Alveo Soulseeker
Alveo Soulseeker.png
"Jump once, strike once, and walk home."
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsan
Age 19
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Marital Status Single
Occupation Soldier, Mariner
Height/Weight 5'9" / 160 lbs
Orientation Heterosexual

Alveo "Soulseeker" Camp (pronounced /Awl-vay-oh/) (5th Sun, Fourth Umbral Moon (Aug 05)) is a refugee from an unnamed port town in the Garlean Empire. His actual heritage is not known.

Alveo generally has a calm and quiet demeanor, rarely speaking at a volume above a quiet mutter, though he is not afraid to introduce himself to new faces. He is chronically depressed, often rising and falling in waves of high and low moods which are only slightly dependent on his current circumstances. He is easily offended, but rarely reacts with more than a scowl and a few choice words. He's a borderline alcoholic and trains daily in the methods of the lance. Keenly aware that he isn't the most likable person, he struggles to fit in with any group, only feeling comfortable around a select few.

Current Events



Alveo Soulseeker, given the name Alveo Camp by his father, used to be the inquisitive and intelligent sort. Born on high seas on a small vessel (the name of which he does not know), Alveo lost his mother shortly after he was born. The kid, himself, does not know much about his early childhood; only that he was taught to sail since the day he could walk. His father, Alan Camp, reportedly died in a horrid squall when the boy was only six years old, although in reality, the man had sacrificed himself in an occult ritual to buy his son more time. Alveo was taken into an orphanage, and spent many days staring out the window and pondering the meaning of his own existence. There were many books in the orphanage, and Alveo read them all, finding no answers to his questioning and no reason to exist. At the age of seventeen, finally filled to the breaking point with existential dread, Alveo forsook his fathers surname, replacing it with "Soulseeker", before leaving the orphanage that had cared for him for far too long. While wandering the streets of a port several miles north of his old home, he was told by a friendly Dragoon, who had taken pity on Alweo's plight, that a soldier's life might shed some light on his questioning. Eager to find a reason for his very existence, and knowing that Eorzea had been stricken with hardship and strife for a couple years or so, Alweo Soulseeker set out to that land, hoping that the life of a sellsword might help him find a reason to live, which he commonly refers to as "a soul".
Shortly after joining the Harbingers' Martial Branch, Al began exhibiting symptoms of undeath, with hair falling out and skin peeling/rotting away. Ultimately, limbs and other body parts began falling apart, as well as his mind. He ended up assaulting Val Nunh and several other Harbingers on the beach, injuring nearly all involved. Via Alveo's own prayer spike, a catalyst for Oschon's work, Al's soul was spared in the last moments before what could have easily been his death.
In the aftermath of the incident, Alveo is wary of his comrades, knowing that many are suspicious of his swift recovery and that some might even accuse him of necromancy. It is known by a select few in the company that Al is constantly stalked/watched by a distant, malevolent form. In the presence of voidsent and other cursed anomalies, Al's resistence to this presence is weakened, and he becomes extremely vulnerable to its pressure and goading. This can cause regression to an undead state, and depending on the intensity of this progression, can cause Al to become incredibly hostile and increase his combat prowess and endurance astronomically at the cost of normal bodily integrity, organ function, and humanity.
Troubled by the resurgence and transmission of his curse to his Miqo'te companion, Rynn, Alveo deserted his free company, The Harbingers of Dawn, for a lengthy period of time, if only to avoid what he assumed would be the shackled treatment the company would give him. Kidnapping Rynn and destructively escaping his own home, he fled to the deserts of Thanalan, where he hid for two weeks while struggling to find an identity for his ailment. During this time, Alveo and Rynn became very close, and nearly inseparable, and Al came to view his Miqo'te companion in the way of a little brother.
After finding passage in exchange for a considerable amount of debt, Alveo set sail for the Garlean Empire in hopes of finding records of his father, and in turn, a hint as to the origin of his curse. Upon arrival in the small port town that he had grown up in, he covertly found the documents in question, but was apprehended in the process, and imprisoned for an unspecified number of days. When sexually assaulted by his cell mate, Alveo fainted and subsequently regressed to a fully undead state, murdering his assaulter and violently escaping the prison, killing all but one guard in the facility.
Alveo returned to Limsa Lominsa in a battered and weakened condition, weary beyond belief and nearly broken, if not for the hope that his finds had given him. Upon examination of the records, it was determined that a lich had cursed Alveo for the sins of his father, which had been the murder of the lich's flesh form itself, a Garlean engineer by the name of Illear. With this information, Alveo set out to find a means to summon the lich and slay in, and in turn, break his curse. Jancis, the healer, and a woman of Al's fancy, volunteered to assist him, and the two set out to Gridania, hoping to find Rynn and seek advice for the summon.
The day after their arrival in Gridania, Alveo and Jancis lured the foul lich Illear into combat. After brief moments of struggle, Jancis unintentionally summoned the soul of Alveo's father, Alan, which quickly seized control of Alveo's body and vanquished it's old foe with little effort. When Alveo regained consciousness after the combat ended, the pair hastily returned to La Noscea, where Alveo hesitantly confessed his attraction to Jancis. Upon realizing that the feeling was mutual, the two agreed to court.
Since then, Alveo has focused on both seeking the art of the Dragoon and his growing fondness for Jancis. He trains tirelessly and on a daily basis, becoming a more formidable combatant at a rapid pace. His relationship has begun to make him question his plans for life after soldiering, and has become a great source of internal conflict for him.
Alveo quietly resigned from his first free company, the Harbingers of Dawn, in hopes of finding a new start. After freeing himself of debt due to a combination of Jancis's and his own efforts, he moved to Ul'dah in search of honest work. After only a few days, he received an reenlistment offer from the Maelstrom, and transferred to The Coral Sea with an immediate promotion to Sergeant Third Class, taking Jancis with him and returning to Limsa Lominsa.
After familiarizing himself with his new unit, going on one short deployment with the Maelstrom, and ironing out a few more rough patches with his lover, Alveo proposed to Jancis on the 30th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon.

Military Career: Maelstrom

Work In Progress
Having enlisted immediately after arrival in Eorzea, Alveo has had ties to the Maelstrom for the great majority of his time on the continent, though lately those ties have become much more apparent. After showing nearly flawless skills in navigation and sailing, the enlistee was given a head start with an initial rank of Corporal and welcomed into the Grand Company's ranks. While his record with the less organized Free Companies is spotty at best, his performance reviews on Grand Company prospects never cease to soar.
After resigning from his first unit, Alveo was not away for long before receiving new orders and, should he accept an extension to his enlistment, a promotion to Storm Sergeant Third Class. Since he was looking for work, the enlistment extension was a perfect answer to the midlander, so he set off in earnest to find his new unit, The Coral Sea.
Alveo has gone on one short Maelstrom deployment since his reenlistment.
Due to a misunderstanding and a report of a training incident gone awry, Alveo nearly deserted the Storm due to a conflict of loyalty. With the issue resolved, and due to his importance to Maelstrom intelligence gathering, he was cleared of a desertion charge and given a reprimand in lieu of harsher punishment.
Currently, Al's regular duties include supervision of cargo offloading in Limsa Lominsa, as well as occasional deliveries of shipment manifests, unit coordination notes, and weather-specific navigation information between Thanalan and La Noscea. He also delivers "quiet reports" to Maelstrom HQ about the state of Ul'dah's military after each visit.


-Alcohol; brandy, rum
-Anything related to his training
-Sweet foods
-Being rushed
-Being away from water

PC Standings and Rumors


Remember that some of these may or may not be true. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!
◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Baby face."
"Seems like only last moon he wasn't worth nothin'. Now look at 'im."
"He exploded once. I mean, his whole arm. How'd'ye think he survived that?"
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Something's not right about that guy."
"Didn't he desert his free company?" "Nah, not for long anyway. Surprised they put up with his sorry ass."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Heard he's Garlean. Don't talk to him."
(In Lower La Noscea) "I swear I saw 'im fly once. While 'e was fightin' some freak. Swear on me mum!"
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)
"He's a walking weapon."
"He's so warm."
"I swear he tried to poison me!" ~ Coatleque Crofte


Romantic Interest     Ally     Acquainted     Unfriendly

Jancis Milburga : Having met Jancis while in a critical, nearly turned state of undeath, Al wasted no time asking her for assistance. Seeing her as his best friend, believing that Oschon had guided him to Eorzea exclusively for her, and doubtless that she is the reason his curse was broken, Alveo adores Jancis and would fight to the death for her at any time. The two have infrequent fights, but Alveo always caves to her wishes, every time. Alveo proposed on the 30th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon at the oasis near the Sagolii Desert, where they firmly believe their feelings for each other first sprouted.
Rynn Berne : While Rynn tends to be a nuisance, Alveo sees the young Miqo'te as little brother. When Rynn became afflicted with Al's curse, Alveo regained a sense of urgency, and openly credits this to Rynn. Even though Alveo technically kidnapped him, Rynn has been quite helpful and cooperative with the soldier, and the two have become close friends. Al worries about Rynn as the Miqo'te has been absent for an extended period of time without any notice.
Raku Keville : Master and mentor to the novice dragoon, Raku is Alveo's go-to guy for advice on any subject, even if Al has only been under the Ishgardian's wing for a short time. Raku often confuses Alveo, going so far as to make the young soldier question his own ideals for the company and even his love life.
Bartolomeo Filangieri : Bartolomeo was Alveo's Lieutenant during their service with the Harbingers of Dawn. After a misunderstanding and the resulting spat, Al frequently attempted to regain the knight's kinship, although often to no success. The two have drifted separate ways, though Al goes out of his way to be kind in hopes of reigniting some semblance of friendship with the man.
Val Nunh : Alveo's first official commander, Val frequently, and often begrudgingly, aided Alveo in his plight, albeit their connection was strained by Al's recent rebellious actions and desertion. Alveo saw Val as the only Saint of the Harbingers worth talking to, although he became incredibly competitive with this leader in terms of combative skill. The two have not met again since Al's resignation from the Harbingers of Dawn.
Tasa Rhyzul : Alveo generally doesn't get along with this Elezen, but secretly looks up to her and is more than willing to take her insults, assuming he doesn't have to deal with it for too long at any given time. The presence of alcohol tends to make the two more amicable.
Coatleque Crofte : The two have hardly had much exposure to each other, but Alveo recognizes the lady knight as Jancis's friend, and takes some care to be respectful to her. Although, he has gone so far as to introduce the woman to alcohol... with humorous results.


1 On the Floor - Spitalfield
2 When The Dragon Swims, Everything Ends - Gundam Wing (Combat Theme)
