Umi kanzato

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Gridania-transparent.png Umi Kanzato
"So Annoying"
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Age 22
Sexuality Undecided
Occupation Conjurer
Guardian Nymeia, The Spinner
Namesday 13th Sun of the First Astral Moon



Mostly seen in the forest of Gridania, she spends very little time in the large cities, although when she does she is often complaining about the crowds and the harsh heat or cold. Although most of her tribe can be placed as playful and welcoming she isn't the type to simply smile and open her arms to a complete stranger, thus she is always on edge and never trust anyone. With a narrow view on life and the way things should be handled, this young Miqo'te is very straight forward, she will ask very awkward questions, try to pin the person down and believes very strongly in moral manners and standing. Although she was raised in the woods she can be easily confused as a city cat which she takes high offense to.


Umi is a tiny Miqo'te who is unaffected by her height, perhaps one of the shortest in her whole clan. Whatever curves she might possess are modest, but usually covered up by over sized shirts that hide most of her body, besides the skirt that she wears that nicely shows off her well built Miqo'te legs.

With pale skin in contrast to the deep blue that her hair is made up of, the few purple strands seemingly making her skin glow in the darkness. This goes on saying that her red eyes make her look more evil that what she really is. Although she is a laid back person she tried to keep her hair and clothes very neat and in order, thus she doesn't like to do the dirty work.

Besides the normally clothing, Umi is attached to anything that is the color blue or a lush green, although she would never be caught wearing green. With her funds normally gone she has a very hard time funding her other lover for the soft fabrics that she often comes across, this proves a problem for her only for a little bit but during those times she is often cranky and can get annoyed very easily.


When most people look at Umi they are forced to smile just to be nice, after all the glares she could send are not bright and friendly. Her bad mood demeanor often creates a tense air about her causing many people to shy away from or leave her alone, and just above a normal person would do so very happily. However, she's incredibly loyal to those she cares about, literally to the point of death, and She would, unhesitatingly, jump in the way to save someone she knows without a single thought of the danger. Umi is often very truthful and though many would look at this as a good thing the gift of truth in her mouth could lead to a bad thing. Unafraid of asking questions most wouldn't due to politeness, Umi has a knack for prying for information and bringing up topics many would be too shy about approaching.

Umi relationships with people is very bad, in fact she can't even get out a hello without more crude words flowing right after! Her world is enclosed around trusting the truth, what your eyes and ears hear, it is rare for her to trust anyone else but herself or her tribe.In spite of this, Umi can be very trusting once she gets to know someone, this can cause problems because, since she had never had a friend or someone to care for, she becomes possessive. She doesn't know how to act around people and shy away from other friends or people she personally doesn't know, this brings another wedge between her and the people around her causing a large gap that she is not willing to fill. This leads to the question that perhaps she is hiding something that causes this social problem.

Taking her studies in healing and Herbs very seriously, Umi pushes her self beyond the point of breaking, she hardly sleeps and even though she has a bed and room is hardly there resting. This makes her body very weak compared to most of her clan, while others can run free for miles Umi will be lucky to make it a few feet, this is perhaps where her hate for others come into play, to her so many people for granted what they have and still want more. While she is often noted to be mean or cranky, Umi can be actually very nice when she wants to be, just don't wake her up. On the times that she does sleep, Umi sleeps for hours upon hours before getting up and repeating her process, this causes her not to be a morning person and to simply break down when someone wakes her up, but catch her in a good mood right after her morning sugar fix and you'll be in heaven! This is a part of her that she tries to hide from everyone.

Her love for animals and sweets out weigh her hate for the Seekers of the sun, even the males surprisingly. With many dogs and cats owned by her in her tribe waiting for her daily visits, Umi can't help but hate everyone else that tries to come between them, this is perhaps one reason she hates serious work. Often playing with cats like a child would, she can be heard talking to it and sometimes singing, she is very nervous about doing this in public but cute things seem to be attached to her by the hip once she finds them.



With Umi normally in cities, reading or simply spying on people, what does she need combat for? One would think none correct? With a staff in hand she threw her self into learning healing and how to become a full conjurer, though she made many mistakes along the way. With no one at her side she tends to stay out of the enemies reach standing just from her reach and theirs before cursing them and then entrapping them in the earth before they could touch her. However, her attack spells are weak and if she gives too much of her Mana to her guardian it would spell her doom by hitting the monster in the head repeatedly. Normally she would use someone else as a 'meat shield' and simply claim when they get overly hurt that they should watch themselves better, claiming no fault on her own. Truth be told Umi is scared of death of fighting, although she talks big and teases people all the time she would most likely wiggle her way out of a fight if she could, after all her most powerful spells are her healing and she would rather be doing that then fighting something that someone else could.



Romance Novels
Freshly Cut Grass
The Ocean Waves
Stories of Lore


Being ignored
Males with no Manners
Seekers of the Sun
Serious Work
Extreme heat
Raw Fish


Magic (particularly healing)
Looking for a mysterious Herb
Tending to herb patches


Favourite Food/Drink: Anything sweet
Favourite Place: Gridania
Favorite Weather: Rain
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Scents: The Fresh Ocean air; Forest Leaves


Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

Sharon Drennstead - During one of Umi nightly travels around the ocean area, she just so happened to pass by her favorite spot by one of the Guardian stones. Normally not taking a second glance at the glowing rocks her eyes caught sight of a figure just beside it, and like a cat, she became curious. Wondering down the small passage way and down the small side of the hill, she stopped just behind the female and questioned her, this was their first meeting. Although Umi came off as rude and slightly mocking, Sharon didn't seem to mind the prideful cat and spoke with her till the sun started to raise again. With their meeting at a end Umi surprised her self by nodding her head towards the woman as her goodbye and even agreed that they would meet again.

Nazyl Tharazyl - With the Shroud her home, their meeting was a bit out of place and very tense, after all the bounties had been ruining the herb fields in the area. The day that Umi returned to the Shroud to tend to the small herb patch by the large tree she heard whispering about finding a herb, one that she had heard of but never seen. She followed them for a few minutes but the ears of the little lalafell caught her and she was forced to come out of her hiding spot. Though the lalafell tried to be kind to her Umi was already on edge due to think that the lalafell was actually a child, this proved for a tension between the two but Umi refused to drop the nick name, Walking Toy.

Bethany Drennstead - Meeting this very crude girl with Nazyl, they quickly started to but head which normally would cause people to hate each other, but that wasn't the case. The two couldn't help but agree with how the other felt and found common ground to stand on, Umi couldn't have found a better match. The one thing that caused Umi to become upset with the female was her way of finding the herb, her boots were far to large and crushed all the smaller herbs around her! The woman who claimed she was a captain was quickly disregarded as anything but a one time meeting.

Enemies & Rivals

Ruruno Runo - Meeting her just after she met Nazyl, she quickly came to dislike the female. With Umi love for manners this girl quickly fell short, claiming she should know who the young lalafell was and claimed her to be a backwood hic who simply didn't know what she was talking about. Although Umi is calm most of the time her temper seemed to flare towards the female, this quickly started to make Umi ignore her when she spoke, sometimes even mumbling about how annoying she was.

M'Sato Tia - Being a Seeker of the Sun didn't help this poor man during their rough and rather hard hitting encounter at the Free Company meeting. Umi quickly tried to top M'Sato which led to him trying to top her, it was the battle of the alpha's! They spoke on their views, hers were very closed minded and his were very open, but the male was nothing more then a broken record which became boring to her. With her food still being cooked she simply started to ignore him, this caused more tension in the already tensed air and soon she stood, both of them sighing in mer defeat at the other when the cooks bell sounded in the small cafe' area. Although she had high hopes for the male she claims he can be nothing more then a 'Little Kitten'.


Easily Overheard Rumours
"She only ever smiles when she has a book in her hand." - Gridanian Librarian
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"It's a little weird that she's always muttering about a herb... I thought all Miqo'te had tribes to tend to." - Gossipy Highlander
Rarely Overheard Rumours
"She doesn't ever talk about her family but she has a pride of an Alpha Female Miqo'te. I wonder where her tribe is." - Suspicious Inn Keeper
"I heard her talking about some kind of sickness, but once she saw me I could have sworn I died from her glare!" - Wandering Lalafel
Player Character Rumours


Being bought into the world as Miqo'te bring a lot of bad memories and blood into that birth, whether it is hate for another tribe or heated love for another, there are many things that Miqo'te children feel and pick up on. However, as a Keeper of the moon Umi tribe was not that big to start with, there was only two males and about three maybe four females that her father had gathered with him when he met her mother. Although the tribe started to grow Umi was not the eldest child so she would not be taking over the family head, she was pleased with that and lived her life like a normal child would, learning to gather and farm, how to craft and tend to wounded animals. It was only when her sisters thirtieth birthday came around that the harsh reality of the situation hit her hard across the face, with her sister now the heir to the leader of the clan no other child came before her, Umi and her other siblings were completely ignored. No matter how great they did during the hunts or how rare the object was that they bought back from gathering, their father only saw her sister and thus a heated tension started within the family.

Miqo'te are well isolated, they were not taught the many races that were out there but they were told always to never to wander away from the tribe, Umi disobeyed this order. She had decided that if the only way to gain her father love and attention was to become the next heir, she would do so by proving that she was better then the rest of the siblings. When the lights of the tribe would fade away into the darkness of the trees, Umi would silently sneak out and wander into Gridania's library where she would sit for hours making out the words in the children section and learn to read and write, then just before the sun would raise she would return home. Every night for weeks she would repeat this till slowly she came to understand that her tribe was out of date, something that would slowly break apart without her father once he went back into the spirit world, this caused her heart to break. Her sister was to naive to tend to the whole tribe, she couldn't focus on a task for one second without thinking of her mate or who it would be and by the time there were many alpha males ready to take over as the head of the tribe.

It was then that Umi lost of sense of a child, she no longer played or had fun, she was serious and continuously calculating her sisters moves, this caused the young miqo'te sister to fall hard against the floor while Umi rose and slowly took over. From the planning of the farming and gathering to where the hunts would be so that they would end the conflict with Gridainia there seemed to be no need for her sister who was more then upset. Even though they were family Umi sister spoke harshly towards her, warned her, that she was over stepping her place but Umis only reply rang through the air, "I plan to take your place, why wouldn't I over step." Tension had never been so great within the tribe, competing with her many brothers and sister who were in line before her bought no rest for the younger Miqo'te and her mother grew ill with worry. Umi never seemed to sleep and even though she was trying to stand up against the shadows of her siblings nothing seemed to work for her father, she felt like someone had built a large frame, something so glorious and spectacular that everyone envied it and now she stood there in front being forced to paint a picture that stood up against that frame.

Within a few years Umi had her wish, her sister grew ill and became to weak to led the family so her father turned to her and gave her the position as heir instead. Some how Umi wasn't pleased though, even after all her work of climbing and clawing her way to the top, something didn't seem right, she didn't want to win by her sister getting sick, she wanted to win by her skills! No longer did Umi have time to spend with the books, no longer did she had the right to wander around the tribe and the woods tending to the smaller things, but she didn't mind, her smile had fled her some time ago and with the whispers of a war starting between the other tribes and some other people, she was more then happy to stay inside that little darkness of the forest tending to her own kind. Perhaps it was because of this mistake that bought the Miqo'te race down to their knees, just before the calamity hit her sister started to mutter odd words, dig her nails into the wooden floor of the houses and started to try to attack people, it was a sickness that no one had seen before or knew of. With straps on her sister to hold her down, healers after healers came from the many tribes around them tending to the poor girl but none could lift the curse of the madness, Umi blamed her self. Was it because she took the seat from her?

One maybe two days after the large hit upon the land, Umis tribe slowly gathering back what life that they could, a child came to her and told her a secret about how he had saw her sister kissing a highlander and walking towards the city with him. Even though Umi had gone to the city she never once spoke or touched other people so perhaps this was why her sister was sick? Hours she spent in that room with the screaming girl, trying to listen to her words, to hear what she was saying! But nothing, it was all mumbles and made up words that left the dry lips of the once lovely Miqo'te. Sitting on the throne meant many things to Umi, it meant power, respect, finally being out of her elder brother and sisters shadows! But every day that she stood there by her fathers side her thoughts would go to her sister, would she get better without the help of the outside world? Then, like her sister, one by one members of the tribe started to fall, many of the remaining ones becoming scared for the life of their families. Why wouldn't they be? Standing there next to her father she listened to the howls and screams of her tribe, "Kill the girl!" "She's causing this!" "We can still hear her screams into the night!" She had to choose, her sister or the tribe.

Perhaps it was cold of her, perhaps it was something that could be cured in the other cities, but Umi walked into that room with a dagger in her hand and a small bead of sweat slowly trailing down the side of her face. Even as her sisters cold dead eyes looked to her, Umi couldn't help but feel that love she once held for the girl, it wasn't her fault, she fell in love... The cold tip of the blade pressed to the females chest and Umi felt her hands shake under the grasp of holding the blade, could she do this? Then something snapped, nothing within her self mind you but it sounded like something snapped and broke off, falling to the floor just beside her feet. Taking a small step back from her sister she looked down towards the ground and saw a small index finger laying there, black like someone had burnt it over and over again. With a gently touch Umi reached down to pick it up but the thing quickly turned to blacken ash just from the feeling of the tip of her fingers. Quickly her eyes flew to her sister who had started to scream out in what sounded like pain and slowly she watched as her sisters whole hand and arm started to turn black. The cries of the girl sounded like she was in so much pain... With a thrust of her blade the screams were silenced, a clean cut wound going up into the chest of the female silencing her heart and ending her life.

The tribe was safe... Umi was a broke girl who had thought she had everything but had nothing left there to fight for. She watched her days tic by and slowly saw less and less of the world of color but more of it as black and white. Everyone wanted something, everyone needed something, then her mother... The only light that was left in that darken place became ill just like her sister. Luckily Umi caught the signs early and quickly took her home, made her rest. Even if everyone in the tribe disappeared leaving only the two of them, she wouldn't care just as long as her mother was there! The tribe knew nothing of her mothers ill but Umi cared for her nearly every hour of the day, her father wasn't worried because he had high hopes for the girl. Softly Umi would hum to the old woman every night to make her sleep then she would leave but the medical books where not helping her, there was no sickness within those pages that told of this, there was no medicine that could care for them! It was the day that Umi decided to leave that made the tribe turn on her, their alpha female was leaving to do what? Find a cure that may not even be out there?!

Everyone turned their backs on them but some couldn't blame her, the sickness was there in the tribe and even if she was chasing nothing but a fairy tale herb or learning how to heal, if she could do it and prove to them then she could return. With permission to return to the tribe set in stone, her father agreed that in order for her to keep her place she needed to stay there at least three days out of a lunar week, Umi happily agreed. The herb was nothing but a fairy tale really that her mother would often tell her, "It glows in the moon light as if the Goddess her self touched it!" As a child she would often listen to those words and live them out in games but now she had to truly live it out in the world beyond her tribe. The day came and Umi had made arrangements for her mother to be placed in the care of a doctor in Gridania, although her father didn't like it he agreed since he truly loved the woman with his whole heart, and Umi then left the tribe.

Forced to pay for the medical bills and then her own bills was hard as first, she worked very low jobs before going to the library to read and every night she would return to the inn room to rest on the floor beside her mothers bed listening to her soft breathing and raspy gasp of air. Many times Umi was tricked by nameless outsiders and her trust was dwindled to nothing but a mer grain of sand, but Umi never stopped, she worked hard for the things she gave her mother and swore that she would heal the old woman, thus she joined the Conjurer's guild. It was hard at first, learning to speak a language that she had never heard and only read about but soon Umi had her first healing spell, this meant nothing but it did help her with her income for her mothers health.

Unlike most stories that would end with her mother getting better and Umi being able to go back to her tribe in order to become a leader, but that sadly isn't how this story ends. Even when she managed to complete her training there were no healing spells that could cure the illness her mother had, so Umi wandered around the Shroud where the story would take place looking for the herb late into the night. Her happiness from childhood was gone, there was nothing left but that emptiness as a child, she no longer smiled or had fun, she no longer saw that glimmering light at the end of the tunnel, there was nothing but when would she be able to find that herb and help her mother. Money was tight and when all hope was nearly gone a flyer for an Free Company fell into her hands, room a board, one time payment, a cafe' and free crafting table? Umi joined quickly, moved her mother into her room and started to save once again. With the Free Company tending to the house Umi found more time to search for the herb, but time quickly started to run out...

Time Line


Theme Song: TBD

TV Tropes: TBD

Alignment: Neutral

Feel free to send me a tell if you ever want to RP!.