Adelpha Sarantas

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Adelpha Sarantas
(formerly Aldrisi Shirantas)
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Mixed
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Nationality Ala Mhigan, Garlean (renounced)
Nameday 19th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Age 28
Guardian Llymlaen, the Navigator
Occupation Storm Lieutenant of the Maelstrom
Prior aliases Aldrisi Shirantas

Basic Info

A half-Midlander, half-Highlander Hyur hailing from Limsa Lominsa. At first glance, Adelpha is both a little bit too tall and muscular to be a Midlander, and a little bit too slight to be a Highlander. She stands at 5 fulms, 9 ilms, with a slightly muscular build, though not nearly as much so as a full-blooded Highlander. She possesses the darkened complexion and fighting spirit of an Ala Mhigan, and the strong work ethic, quick tongue, and love of ale characteristic of a Lominsan. She speaks with a slight accent that's hard for many to place, which is in reality an unusual combination of Ala Mhigan and Lominsan speech patterns.

Adelpha is fiercely dedicated to protecting her homelands and her loved ones. To that end, she joined the Maelstrom's ranks in 1572 and spent most of the following four years to its service.


Early Life

Adelpha was born in 1549 in Ala Mhigo, the product of an Ala Mhigan teacher (her mother) and a Garlean military officer (her father) prior to the eventual conflict between the two nations. Shortly after Adelpha's birth, the three left Ala Mhigo for the capital of Garlemald. Though Adelpha rarely saw her father due to his near-constant field assignments, their life continued in peace, for a time. Due to her mother's past occupation as a teacher, Adelpha learned a great deal during her childhood. Aside from reading and writing, Adelpha had a great interest in books about far-away places and cultures.

In 1557, at the age of eight, Garlemald annexed the city-state of Ala Mhigo in the wake of the recent unrest in Ala Mhigo caused by Theodorac. Though it seemed at first that the Empire's intentions were to liberate the city-state from its state of tyrannical oppression, it soon became clear to Adelpha's mother (through a chain of correspondence with her parents still in Ala Mhigo) that the Empire's real goals were far less altruistic. Struck by heavy worry and grief due to her close relationship with both sides of the conflict, Adelpha's mother began to think of a contingency plan that would ensure her daughter's safety in the event of the worst.

The following year in 1558, as political posturing and military saber-rattling continued to intensify in Garlemald, Adelpha's mother made a risky, but calculated, decision. Adelpha's mother arranged to have her daughter carried in secret on a merchant ship bound for the southern trade routes. She would be delivered to an orphanage in Limsa Lominsa, where she would be cared for and could live her life without fear of encroaching military conflict. Far on an island off the distant western coast of Eorzea -- a whole world away, it seemed -- she believed her daughter would be safe from the conflict that was beginning to envelop her homeland. She also gave her daughter a new name, to avoid being traced back to her original family and thereby to avoid deportation. The new name, while similar enough to Adelpha's birth name for the young child to easily remember, was a good enough permutation to conceal her birth name's Garlean origins. The name: Aldrisi Shirantas.

Adelpha's life continued peacefully until adulthood, full of days playing with her fellow children in the streets and alleys of Limsa Lominsa and getting in lots of harmless trouble. As she got older, she began to take on various odd jobs, working as a dockhand here and a barmaid there. As a barmaid, the visiting sailors would often regail the beautiful young girl with stories of their exploits and adventures on faraway voyages, and she was always happy to take their tips and stories both.


As Garlemald resumed open hostilities in 1571, at the age of 22, Adelpha left Limsa Lominsa to study formalized martial training -- particularly with the lance, inspired by Limsa Lominsa's patron deity, Llymlaen -- at the Academy of Expertly Trained Hydaelyn Explorers and Researchers (A.E.T.H.E.R.). After completing her studies, she wandered Eorzea for a time in search of some way to apply her skills toward the defense of Eorzea. Uninterested in profit-motivated mercenary work, she eventually fell in with the Eorzean Guard, which, while technically a mercenary organization, possessed a rigid command hierarchy and a righteous code of ethics that separated it from typical mercenary groups, in her mind. She continued to serve with the Eorzean Guard's Third Division until the Grand Companies resurfaced the following year, and for a short time afterward. Throughout this period, Eorzea's tensions with the Garlean Empire soared to new highs, and Adelpha struggled to keep her partial Garlean parentage a secret, deathly afraid of being imprisoned or executed as a suspected spy if her true past were to be discovered. Around this time, Adelpha began to explore the practice of conjury, and later, traveled to the Stillglade Fane to study the lost art of white magic. Finding herself to have a natural aptitude for the discipline, she began to pour more and more of her training time into developing her white magic skills.

Shortly before the Grand Companies opened public recruitment in the wake of full-out Garlean invasion, Adelpha applied for a position with the Maelstrom, and was accepted. After serving for several months on a series of short assignments as a Storm Private, Adelpha received a promotion to Sergeant and was selected for a prolonged overseas assignment. She was not heard from for four years.


Adelpha eventually resurfaced in Limsa Lominsa in 1576, now a Storm Lieutenant, and by anyone's measure, a fully-qualified White Mage. For unknown reasons, she has shed her false name, and no longer seems concerned with concealing her Garlean parentage, though she greatly prefers not to discuss it. Instead, she outright renounces her Garlean citizenship -- if any such thing still remains -- and uses her family ties to the Empire to fuel an even stronger conviction to halt the Empire's conquest and to return peace to Hydaelyn.


Adelpha has high proficiency with white magic, and dabbles a little bit in the other aetherial disciplines (enough to use cantrips). As far as physical combat goes, Adelpha has moderate-to-high proficiency with the lance, but has not used one in some time. She's quite street-smart and has the ability to talk her way out of many difficult situations.


Adelpha is warm and friendly to those she knows, and guarded around those she doesn't: a trait that she developed from a life lived around seedy strangers in Limsa Lominsa. An enlisted member of the Maelstrom for several years -- and more recently a low-level officer -- she tolerates very little interference in the line of duty. She has little patience for immaturity, especially from people from whom she expects better. When not on duty, however, she has a great love for the simple pleasures in life: good friends, a good drink, and a good laugh.


(Notes from Adelpha's journal.)

Deirdre Ta'ea: She served alongside me in the Guard as a superior for a time. Strong, no-nonsense, and a good role-model. She always felt a bit distant, but I respected her discipline.

Diyne Ikapine: Mysterious, but knew how to have a good time. Independent to a fault, and known to play with hearts. I still liked him a little bit despite all that.

Endemerrin Rosethorne: Didn't know much about him, but Xene seemed to like him a lot. Seems forthright and honest. He seems like a sort of person I can respect.

Illias Naystar: Despite his hilariously overwrought flirtations, he had a good heart. I saw him get hurt pretty badly once, and I found myself wanting to be there to comfort him, as much as he annoyed me. I wonder where he is now; I hope he's OK.

Kannadi Albedo: Studious and well-bred. I respected her single-mindedness to her work, and although she came off as a bit straight-laced, I felt like I could see a little spark in her eyes when it came time to have fun. I wonder if she ever finished that tome she was working on?

Mtoto Wamoto: My old Commander. A woman that I greatly respect, and a good-hearted fighter. It broke my heart to give her my resignation from the Guard, but the Maelstrom left me no time for other commitments. I want to find her and see if she's still among the living.

Myllor Aurelion: A little naive and a little bit stuffy, but a good man. Spoiled more than one good time, but I could never really hold it against him. Maybe if he toughened up a little and loosened his collar to match, he'd really become something special.

Oskar Helvig: Stuck-up, overconfident, and often rude, but with a great sense of duty. Seemed to enjoy being seen on patrol more than actually protecting anyone from harm. Apparently was pretty popular with women, but I have no idea how.

Tahrara Kivenera: An apparently-renowned author of books that I've never cared for -- the books, that is. She seemed nice enough, but perhaps a little sheltered. Saved her once from a kidnapping, unharmed, thankfully.

Verence Meillune: Friendly enough, but didn't ever really seem comfortable in casual conversation. Taught me a thing or two about my lance technique, though. Not a bad guy.

Xenedra Ambreaus: One of my first and closest friends that I made after leaving home. A bit too much of a party animal for me sometimes, but she's been good about getting me to loosen up. Seemed to go through boyfriends like they were disposable for a while, there, but the last time I saw her it seemed like she had settled down a bit with that Endemerrin guy. I wonder if her theater group is still around; I was involved with it at the very beginning, but my Maelstrom duties took me away from it before even the first production had been put together.

Zolku Elku: My other good friend along with Xene. We shared a lot of conversations together, but the last time I saw him, he looked really rough, like he was sick or something. That tireless smile was there all the same, though. He asked me out on a date, but by the time I had received my assignment, I couldn't find him; I really wish I had been able to talk to him before I left. Along with Mtoto, he's the person that I most want to locate. We have some long-overdue catching up to do.

Other Notes

This is the same IC character as Aldrisi Shirantas from 1.0, but her appearance has been updated to be more accurate, and since she's started using her birth name (which has been in her backstory from the beginning), I've updated her name in-game at the start of ARR to reflect that.

She did not time-skip at the end of 1.0, and aged normally during that time.