Keiji Shigeru

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Keiji Shigeru
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Doman
Age 29
Height / Weight 6 fulms 1 ilms, 195 ponz
Occupation Wandering Swordsman
Server Balmung
Timezone AEDT, Evenings during PST
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Keiji Shigeru continues to follow his traditions despite being in foreign lands. Though he may be caught reminiscing from time to time, Keiji sets his eyes forward and readies himself for what the future may bring.

Basic Info


Pipe smoking
Springs and waterfalls


Harming the innocent
Crude and boorish behavior
Wet feet
High-pitched voices


Alignment: True Neutral
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Voice: Konishi Katsuyuki
Favorite Food: Fish Soup
Favorite Drink: Rolanberry Lassi
Favorite Color: Rosewood
Theme Song: The Tribe of Heavenly Gods


Raw. Standing above many of his kind, this creature is a cryptic looking figure, gritty and rough around the edges. A long, tanned face full of sharp angles serves as a strong base for his other features. Drawn lips seem to fashion themselves into a tired smile more often than not, coupled with a pair of intoxicating eyes. The orbs nestled into his skull, though mud yellow with a gray shade, seem sunken. The whites of which are perpetually spider webbed by veins, as if he rarely gets a good night's sleep. And such an assumption isn't too far off the mark. His hair too reflects this and is typically disheveled, simply smoothed out by a careless passing of his fingers through blackened strands.

Often clothed in loose fitted attires which are best suited for his combat flexes, an eager eye would take notice of his chiseled physique. Being the experienced swordsman that he is calls for regular training, and such hobbies are not without scars. Most of his skin imperfections appear to congregate near his upper torso and heavy palms. Calluses run rampant around on the four fingers of his dominant right hand. Interestingly enough, a black tattoo trails from his wrist and up his right arm. The thick mark is impressed into his flesh, almost burnt, and weaves around his arm until it tickles his broadened shoulder.


Keiji is but a humble man holding a code of honor. He carries himself with an air of composure and temperance, speaking politely with an unimposing tone of voice and unnecessary formalities. Without hesitation he will put the innocents and unguarded before himself, whether it be in social-standing and well-being. There have been days where he would live without food and water, giving everything he has to the less fortunate to those he comes across.

Despite being someone who rarely bursts out laughing and feels more comfortable offering a chuckle or two, the Doman has an odd, or otherwise dry sense of humor. This can be seen whenever he dresses up in the strangest garments to "fit in" with the rest of Eorzea. Such occasions cause him to be a complete mockery as he finds himself being pointed and laughed at. However, no matter the insults or ridicules thrown at him, his usual tired smile is only offered in response.

His awkward clumsiness can only further damage his image. Keiji may be a skilled swordsman, but as time takes its toll and given his recent departure from Doma, some may catch him daydreaming and walking into walls or lamp posts. There have been close cases where he almost fell off great heights while exploring the contents of the Shroud. Thankfully, his Sylph friends had been in close proximity to keep a careful eye on the 'Careless One'.

To the unfamiliar, Keiji can be viewed as easily exploitable and expendable. On the other hand, those who understand the man fully may see a being who has found serenity and encases himself with wisdom.



Some of these may or may not be true. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

NPC Rumors

  - Common Rumor, - Moderate Rumor, - Rare Rumor

"I don't care what you think but I swear the guy is insane. He was wearing a horse helmet around town like it was nothing."
"I was dying from starvation and there he came along with a small container of food. He said something I didn't understand but.. I'm alive because of him."
"He has a nice face, and a nice body.. Oh crap, I'm thinking aloud aren't I?"
"Saw him slay a beastman with a single blow to the face with the back of his sword, but then I saw him walking in a boulder a few bells later. Weird man."
"'eard he was supposed ter be dead and lost in sea. Guess the Gods 'ad other plans eh?"
"He fought with the Garleans. Killed hundreds in the past. Even murdered his family.. or was it his wife? Details, he is a murderer. What code of honor? Pish, he'd stab you in the throat without second thoughts."
"You don't think they are planning something, do you? They keep speaking in their own damned language. I wonder if he's plotting behind our backs. I don't trust them."

PC Rumors

"He is a kind-hearted man and wise beyond his years, but perhaps he is too kind as he sacrifices much to see others treated well. Still I would not have him change nor could I bring myself to scold him too harshly." -- Ginjiro Mori


  Romantic Interest     Crush     Platonic Love     Good Friend     Friend     Acquainted     Disliked

D'lyhhia Lhuil :
Ginjiro Mori : An old friend that carries many memories with him, both the good and the bad. The two saw each other in Apkallu Falls, both seemingly in disbelief that fate would allow them to meet again. Keiji's ship had capsized when they set sail for safer lands, forcing all of those who survived to believe the swordsman died along with his comrades. The reunion was bitter sweet, sharing stories of their new found life against their own desires. Keiji sees Ginjiro as a young cub, always offering a word of advice when necessary. There is no doubt that he holds great concern and care for the shorter Doman and is quite fond of patting him on the head, and teasing him. Some may even assume Ginjiro to be a handmaid of some sort, considering how much he tends to Keiji's outer appearance.
Seiko Mamushi : Keiji formed a connection with the young girl as he was introduced to the 'horsebirds' of Eorzea. He is curious as to why she had left Doma prior to their own undesired departure, but never pushes the matter into deep waters. Keiji finds her charming and quite skillful, after showing an oddball of a Miqo'te on how to scale the lampposts in Gridania. As of recent, they appear to have formed a 'family', with Keiji being the mother who looks after Seiko's well-being.
Tetsuro Akashi :

Possible Connections


Template idea stolen from Bancroft Gairn