Lilithium Altair

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This article is written from an in-character/roleplay perspective. If you wish to contribute to this page, please refrain from making out-of-character (OOC) references.
Please Note: Some of the following information is OUT OF CHARACTER information, provided for those players who are interested in learning more about this character. Please respect this fact and refrain from misusing this article.
Ul'dah-transparent.png Lilithium Amal'thea Altair
Lili and Ado(Custom).png
Owner of the Free Wing Society
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Relationship Status Mated and in an Open Relationship
Age 34
Height 5 fulm 4 ilm
Date of birth 14th sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Server Balmung
In game Sporadically but very regular.


Lilithium Altair (Lil-ith-ium Ah-l-tair) is a older Hyur midlander who is often seen in and around Ul'dah and various other parts of Eorzea. Her maternal nature and affectionate disposition leaves her well liked by most who come across her. Widowed three years before the Calamity and with her three children all grown and out of the house as of roughly a year ago, Lili finds that she's able to focus on herself and her own happiness for the first time since her teens. It's left her with many doorways of oppurtunity to choose from, some full of light and adventure while others harbor a darker purpose...

Recently, she has become the owner of a staffing company known as the Free Wing Society and adopted a little boy named Adokenai. On top of that, she has opened her heart that led to avenues she never dared dream were possible. She currently has a mate (C'kayah Tia), and a lover (Kaiten Skyborn) who further enrich her life along with the various friends she has made along the way.

Note: Lili is able to see the aether of various individuals she meets. They manifest as light and colors, and I will sometimes whisper people OOC to determine what their aether is like so Lili can react or adjust accordingly.



Standing at 5 fulm and 4 ilm, Lili is used to seeing the world from the shorter side of things. She used to wear her pale blonde hair long and nearly to her elbows, but almost two moons ago she chopped it rather short. Recently, she's grown it out again. Her eyes are very light green with a silvery cast to the color to give it an odd shimmering quality. While her features deceive others of her true age, she bares what marks she has with pride: Some crows feet at the corner of her eyes that show when she laughs, and similar lines at the corner of her lips that only start to show when she is smiling broadly. Having bared three children (two of which were twins), she was left with rather shapely hips and added curves that she had not possessed in her youth. One of the physical features most noticed by some who meet Lili is her rather large bust despite her small size. It usually causes her a myriad of problems, as some of her shorter Miqo'te friends and Lalafell companions sometimes get suffocated when she hugs them. The rest of her is well toned from the muscle and strenght it takes to wield her axe and fist weapons, and sunkissed from her years by the shores of Limsa or the sands of Ul'dah. Around her neck is a long chain with little silver fingerbells attached to it, and on her ring finger looks to be a wedding or engagement ring of some kind.

Lili's ring

( )

(Sketch credit to Whisper Delacroix on Gilgamesh i.e. Airhianna on D.A!)



Having gotten pregnant at fourteen and raising or looking after her children and those of others left Lili with a maternal nature that has been driven down to the core of her very being. She tends to look out for those around her, especially those that she feels a soft spot for, or those around her children's age (teens to early twenties range). Though this maternal drive of hers doesn't make her a pushover in the least, as it is possible to ignite her ire with the right buttons being pushed. Over all, she's calm and even tempered and usually the voice of reason for those around her. Ever one to play devil's advocate.

Lili and her lover and companion, Kaiten.



Lili hasn't had much of a need to show her skills publically, but in the few times she's sparred with friends she's shown a great aptitude for a martial arts style of combat. Her fists, being her primary weapon, are usually not the thing to worry about. They sometimes serve as a mere distraction for her rather powerful legs to catch someone off guard. When she does happen to use her axe, it's an interesting sight since some of the weaponry are almost as big as she is. Yet she yields them with ease, using all her force with each blow. She fights with a certain level of honor, though if the situation should call for it she won't be afraid to play dirty.

Lili and her fighting style in action~!


Lili and her son, Ado, spending time in Gridania.

Always one for trying and learning new things, Lili spends much of her idle time active in one way or another. If she's not relaxing in the Quicksand or the occasional visit to the Drowning Wench, she'll be home or out and about doing some kind of activity or socializing.


  • Reading
  • Gardening
  • Sewing/Tailoring
  • Sketching
  • Jewelcrafting
  • Swimming
  • Long walks
  • Friendly sparring
  • Teaching
  • Social drinking


  • Narrow minded individuals.
  • Heights
  • Spiders
  • Having no control of her body (falling, being thrown, magic that moves her against her will, etc.)
  • People with rash temperments and short fuses.
  • 'Attention whores'
  • Anyone who threatens her family.
  • Feeling like she's being controlled.


  • Skillful with horas and other fist type weapons.
  • Skillful with axes.
  • Skillful in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Very patient. Usually aids her in learning new skills or explaining new concepts to others.
  • Her maternal nature enables her to be very soothing and calming.


  • Has an uncanny way of reading people.
  • Strongly empathetic.


Lili and her mate, C'kayah.

Mated/Lovers/Dating    Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire    Friendly     Neutral     Hostile

I've seen the various ♥ icons handled differently. Here, they are a heirarchy, much like , , and :

implies both and


Ghislan Nightwing (deceased): Lili's late husband who went MIA during an assignment against the Garleans. After no body being found over the last near decade he's been gone, everyone has safely assumed he is dead and Lili no longer mourns her first and only true love. He was also of Ala Mhigan descent and large for a Highlander (7 fulms).

Adokenai Kodomo: A young Lalachild who Lili met at the Quicksand one day. Since meeting, Lili had adopted the little boy as her own. He even calls her 'Mom' regularly, and comes running to her whenever he sees her. Usually when seen together, the little boy is being held by his new mother or playing around some where near by.

Khavan Nightwing: Lili's oldest child and oldest son. At nineteen years of age, nearing twenty, Khavan is engaged to a male elezen and usually bothers Lili for wedding preperation.

Sarameda Silverlark: Youngest twin daughter of Lilithium Altair and Amore Silverlark.

Deisarameda Silverlark: Oldest twin daughter of Lilithium Altair and Amore Silverlark.

Rahsha Altair: A Sunseeker miqo'te that Lili's parents found when Lili was only five. Abandoned on a supply ship, no one knows her tribal origin and could never relocate birth parents. Rahsha and Lili grew apart after Lili left home, and now the two rarely see one another.

Andromeda and Reiko Altair (deceased): Lili's parents died shortly after the twins were born in a simple but tragic fire. Both were botanists who were unmatched in their knowledge of the land and its bountiful treasures.

Other Relationships

Aedan Mathis: On her way to gather herbs in the Sylphlands, she came across a Hyur slumped over his faithful chocobo. Bloodied and unconscious, Lili took him to the nearby Sanctum of the Twelve and managed to save his life. While the two aren't in close contact, she sees him sporadically and keep in the back of her mind his offer to look after her children as a way of thanks for her helping him.

Aya Foxheart: The Quicksand's favorite barmaid, Lili worked alongside C'kayah to help Aya with some personal problems, and offered the woman multiple safe places to hide away at should she had needed it. Afterwards, she hasn't seen much of her, though that hasn't stopped the affection she began to feel towards the woman.

C'kayah Tia: A Miqo'te who once supplied Lili with alchemical materials she was having a hard time acquiring, he was smitten with her from the start and she rejected his advances over and over again. Instead, teasing him with playful retorts and equally playful skepticism. They ended up being around one another off and on as time went on, and over time Lili came to see that his feelings and gestures were indeed sincere and affectionate by his repeat efforts to prove such. While their relationship has been complex and unbinding and open, they have ventured into deeper territory and C'kayah recently asked her to be his mate. They are now engaged, and Lili seemed more then happy whenever the two are seen together.

Darturu Torlan: Darturu and Lili were once mated, but his co-creation of the Blacktalon Vanguard made balancing work and a relationship difficult. The two eventually decided to part ways, still caring for one another, but now left to their own devices. As time has passed and seeing less and less of him, her feelings had softened to the point where romance is no longer something she entertains with the Miqo'te. They have not seen one another since she left the Vanguard, and she seems to have no desire to change that.

Dheina Tayuun: A young Miqo'te she met when coming back to Ul'dah via her previous mate, Darturu. They keep in touch sporadically, and have a pleasent friendship.

Kal Numara: A Highlander woman who is also a friend of Lili's. Usually teasing her, and constantly referring to her as 'Mama' or 'Mama Lili'. Such teasings are usually met with Lili retaliating (playfully so).

Kenthy Pennyfeather: A miqo'te Lili met through her interractions with C'kayah and the Morbolvines, she's grown a light friendship with the woman, as well as quite a bit of respect due to the help that was given to her during her experience in the form of a Moonkeeper. Despite her sassy and slightly abrasive nature, Lili finds her pleasent. During a series of discussions involving Kenthy and C'kayah's desire to add intimacy to their current relationship, Kenthy lashed out at Lili in a way that had her feeling almost hostile towards the woman. Later on, the two women managed to patch things up and Lili gave Kenthy her blessing to be involved with C'kayah.

Kaiten Skyborn: Lili's lover and a Midlander, the two met in the Quicksand and have gradually built a relationship from there. While not exactly dating or mated or in anything serious, they enjoy the simplistic and mostly private nature of their relationship. Knowing of Kaiten's interesting past has given her a better feeling of closeness to the male, and he is aware that Lili has other romantic entanglements. While not opposed, he would rather not know specifics. The time they have spent together has strenghtened their bond, and Lili has grown to love the male in her own way. He returns the affection, and they both seem very happy with what they share together. He is one of the most important people in Lili's life.

Kolhi'to Embhre: Creator of the Blacktalon Vanguard and Lili's former employer, Lili has known Kol for quite some time. However, they seem neither friendly nor hostile. Instead only polite when meeting or speaking in passing. More often then not Kol's grumpy attitude tends to irk Lili even if she may not always show it.

Leon Maxwell: A young boy Lili met through Tenha'a, she's done her best to look out for his well being and educate him on matters he inquires about, such as love. Knowing a few tidbits about his current health and situation, she's been doing some research into what can possibly be done to help him. Between her work in the Society and his involvements in other matters, assisting him hasn't been as large of a priority.

Mouse Wytchwood: A miqo'te girl with odd origins and green hair, Lili has always regarded the girl with motherly concern and attention. From watching her from afar or explaining terms and concepts she does not easily grasp or helping with her hair. She knows enough of Mouse's backstory to keep her eye on the girl when she's able to, and to try and guide harm out of her way

Rock Shattermountain: A Highlander Lili has recently met when helping with the Pumpkin Cafe opening night. He also is a friend of her adopted son, Ado. After a night out together, he confessed to feelings of a more romantic nature, and the two have been slowly getting to know one another from there. He is also the one that gave her a little pet fawn whom she affectionately calls Dot. As their interractions have progressed, as well as his hints and confessions to seeing Lili as a prospective wife, it's left her feeling uncertain yet flattered at such intense emotions. Though she is with C'kayah, the two still openly have feelings for one another. However, Rock does not fully agree with her open relationship and it leaves things in an interesting place for the two of them.

Sarial Hawke: A female Highlander that met Lili at the Pumpkin Cafe opening. She gave Lili a thirty thousand gil tip both out of appreciation of her services as a waitress and to help her kickstart things with her adoption of Adokenai. Since then the woman has blatantly admitted her desire for Lili, though after Lili chose C'kayah as her mate, the two haven't spoken much and Sarial has kept her distance.

Tendha'a Rendha: A male Miqo'te whom Lili met shortly after the creation of the Vanguard. The two quickly became friends and confidants, and he is the recent mate of T'shina Vashka. She recently acknowledged that she is attracted to the man, but doesn't see anything developing due to his condition and his current relationship, as much as the desire to do so may linger there. She sees Tenha'a as a confidant and close friend, despite not seeing him around very often.

Togy Brandmakt: A previous lover, the two seperated due to Togy's wanderings and traveling keeping them apart moreso then together. While not on bad terms, his unstable nature and her mixed responses to his off days makes their interractions a hit-or-miss.

T'shina Vashka: A young woman Lili regards as a friend, the recent interractions Lili has had with C'kayah has strained their relationship. Afterwards, the two didn't speak for a while and had one rather large argument that Tenha'a even became part that drove Lili away emotionally for a short time. Slowly, she is allowing herself to come back, and while still unsure entirely where she fits in the girl's life, she's content to take it day by day while they both live their own lives. She's recently offered T'shina and her clan job openings at the Society for they have a means of income should it be needed.

U'zhan Tia: A Miqo'te that Lili met due to his associations with T'shina, he asked Lili to go adventuring with him. Since then, he has spoken to her little to none and Lili's friendliness has started to dwindle along with it, as well as the faith she had in his ideas.



Common Rumors (Easily Overheard)

"I usually would see her in the market with her children. All three of them beautiful little things, and their mother even more so!" - Long time patron of the Drowning Wench.

"Ahhh yes...her. Little blonde thing, she is. Usually see her around the alchemy stall!" - Ul'dahn crier.

"Used to take care of the flower boxes around the city for a while. Ended up stopping so she could get a job with some company...Black Sun something or 'nother." -Limsa Lominsan waitress

Moderate Rumors (Uncommonly Overheard)

"You know, I knew Ghislan back when 'e was alive! An' them two girls look nuthin' loike 'im." -Former soldier.

"I was writing some new songs one day, and she came over with a chilled bottle of wine! Drank with me and helped me finish a few verses! Nicest gesture of kindness I ever got from another person. And a Hyur no less! Imagine!" -Gridanian bard

"Ever hear of the term 'MILF'? No? I'll tell ya this: 'Er picture will be used fer the definition!" -Perverted drunk

Rare Rumors (Very Difficult to Discover)

"Mmm...I remember her. I remember her very well. One of my favorite clients. Pity she stopped coming by. Been about a year." -Ul'dahn male courtesan 

"Never seen someone screech so damned loud over a harmless spider..." -Gridanian resident

"She comes by our various offices at least once a month, asking if there's been any word about a deceased Ghislan Nightwing or the discovery of a body. The answers are always the same, but she still comes back every month with baked goods and a smile." -Immortal Flames 'paper pusher'

PC Rumors (Feel Free to Add IC Rumors)

  • "There's no end to the surprises this woman presents. She's lived more lives already than many people will ever live, and I don't doubt that she'll continue to do so for some time to come. She fascinates me to the extreme." - C'kayah Tia
  • "We've only spoken the once, and in that time she told me to do something extremely rude to a carbuncle. Things can only improve from there!" - Verad Bellveil
  • "The Flame sergeant, right? C'kayah's latest squeeze? Seems a sweet woman, which leaves me wonderin' how that little tangle came about...." - Osric Melkire
  • "Well... I've only had the good fortune of knowing her for a short time now, so I'm by no means an expert. But to be perfectly honest, she's one of the most compassionate, understanding, sweetest people you'll never meet. Just don't piss her off. She'll knock your teeth in." - Kaiten Skyborn
  • "Ah, Lili... Now THERE is a heart that knows how to bleed." - Chokho Viqqoh


1544-1559 Childhood/adolescence

Born an only child, Lili had a comfortable life with her parents living in Ul'dah. Taking frequent trips to the countryside and the desert to look for new herbs and roots and other things that were in demand or that her parents needed to discover. They met a variety of people and went a variety places before Lili even learned how to walk, though their home territory was always Ul'dah and the Thanalans. Around the time Lili was just turning five, her parents decided to relocate to La Noscea and start maping and surveying the lush island terrain. While on the cargo ship to Limsa Lominsa, the Altairs discovered a tiny bundle that was wailing and screaming and covered in bloodied rags. A newborn Miqo'te child, still covered in the blood of labor pains, though with no mother in sight. No one on the ship knew where she came from, and eventually Lili's parents made her part of the family and named her Rahsha.

Time passed easily in La Noscea. Lili treasured little Rahsha as if she was a blood sister. The tail and ears were only a cute little addition Lili liked to play with. Around the time she was eight and Rahsha was barely three, a family moved in nearby from Ala Mhigo with a single child of their own. A dark skinned, blonde haired, red eyed little prankster of a boy named Ghislan Nightwing. He was immidiately taken with Lili, even as a young boy, and showed it in his typical fashion of flipping her skirts, pulling on her head, and throwing sand and mud balls at he face. This usually earned him retaliation of equal brutality by Lili, with assistance from little Rahsha while their parents looked on with affection and amusement.

The years passed without incident. The comings and goings of the outside world seemed far away from Lili. Her life consisted of her family and Ghislan, and it seemed to be all she needed. As Ghislan and Lili got older, they went from children to friends, and before long, they were fawning over one another in the typical girlish and boyish fashions. Shortly after Lili's fourteenth birthday gathering, their love for one another was too much to be contained (in their young eyes at least). Following their coupling, Lili realized she was pregnant, and the two quickly escaped into the night to find the closest Priestess of Menphina to bless a union between them. Their elopement was received with a measure of shock and surprise that was quickly welcomed by all, save for Rahsha. Feeling that her sister abandoned her, the little Miqo'te never quite outgrew such feelings.

And thus began the life of Mrs. Lilithium Nightwing.

1559-1569 Lilithium Amal'thea Nightwing

The married life was one Lili slipped into with ease. Shortly after turning fifteen summers, she gave birth to Khavan Amadeus Nightwing, who looked more like his father then anything else. Despite being young, they were hard working with Lili spending the majority of her time as a house wife taking care of their son with the aide of both of their parents. While Rahsha was loving to a degree to Khavan, she was still distant with her sister. It was something that, while Lili mourned for the lack of emotion she got from her, she couldn't focus on too deeply and still provide the needed care for her family.

During the first few years of their marriage, Ghislan continued to grow. Taller and taller and taller, reaching well past the average height for a Highlander. While it certainly got attention in a crowd and delighted Lili as well, it caught the eye of a few mercenary groups who saw great potential. Soon, he was recruited and cycled through a few companies who paid well and the work was mostly geared towards training. It brought in enough profit that Lili and Ghislan built their family home from the ground up. A beautiful, pale stoned cottage melded with shells from the nearby shore.

Throwing a grand celebration with friends to honor the new homestead, everyone (even Lili) drank in good cheer. One man amoungst them, however, took advantage of the situation. A long time friend of the couples' who joined Ghislan as a healer in some of his fights and jobs, his poor health would be the death of him soon and they all knew it. Amore Silverlark was his name, and he was the only living member of his family. Determined to not leave this world without carrying out his family name, he guided a very intoxicated Lili to a back room to take advantage, and succeeded with getting her pregnant. Overcome by guilt, he confessed to Ghislan who nearly killed him on the spot were it not for Lili intervening. Barely able to let it pass, Ghislan agreed to curb his animosity while it was discussed on what to do. A few weeks later, Amore succumbed to his illness and passed away, leaving Lili and Ghislan with two choices: Keep the illegitimate children, or find a way to terminate the pregnancy.

Months later, Deisarameda and Sarameda Silverlark were born. In honor of Amore and Ghislan's more happy history together, they kept the surname and Ghislan raised them as his own. Sadly, they inherited their father's illness and were in poor health as children and even into their now adult life.

Shortly after the girls were born, Lili's parents died abruptly in a house fire. Mere days later, Rahsha disappeared with what little belongings she covered from the fire. To this day, Lili has rarely seen sight of her adopted sister and has heard rumors that she retreated to the Shroud to perhaps find clues to her true family.

The years passed without incident. Ghislan put aside his mercenary life to join the military efforts around La Noscea and even beyond. During one particular assignment he was doing freelance for the Immortal Flames, they were attacked by Garleans in which Ghislan was captured and taken away. There was never a body recovered, and Lili was wracked by grief for a number of years. Even with her children there as support, it slowly became accepted that Ghislan was likely dead and never returning. Her soulmate, the love of her life, the father of her children, was gone. There was no more to be done.

And so, life went on.

1569/0-Present Calamity

Lili ended up retaking her maiden name of Altair a few years after Ghislan passed, not feeling right baring the name of her dead husband. The day of the Calamity, Lili and her three children visited the empty grave on a little cliff over looking the sea that was dedicated to Ghislan. All four watched in complete horror as the world around them was torn to bits and land and buildings became decimated. Thankfully, their home remained intact and they suffered no severe losses. Lili focused more on her alchemical talents to help locals and those in the cities while making a little extra money for herself and her family.

Within the last two years, her children grew up into beautiful, capable young adults. All three starting to go their own ways to build their new lives.

Character Addenda

OOC Notes IC Connections

- I'm a hypothetical theory crafter. I love talking about hypotheticals and 'what if' scenarios regarding RP :)
-Lili is very kind and affectionate to most people she meets. That doesn't necessarily mean she's flirting with you.
-I tend to ignore or shut down individuals who get upset OOC about not being romantically involved with Lili and/or not getting the oppurtunity. She didn't pick you so there's probably a reason. Get over it.
-I'm very nice OOC so don't hesitate to approach for random RP, ideas, or if you want to know more about the Society!
Character Inspirations:

Music: "Amaryllis" by Shinedown, "Boats and Birds" by Greggory and the Hawk, Within Temptation, Lindsey Stirling, "When I was Younger" by Liz Lawrence, "Breathe of Life" by Florence+The Machine, "Belong" by the Cary Brothers, "Holding on and Letting Go" by Ross Copperman

TV/Books: Katsumi Tendo from Ranma 1/2, Molly Weasley from Harry Potter, Marilyn Monroe, Lily Potter from Harry Potter, Darling from Lady and the Tramp, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Clandestine Enter the Lion (

Other: Lili is my first character I RPed with over MMOs. She's very organic in the sense that she more or less came from nothing and developed purely through RP and the interractions I had. Outside influences came much later after she had already been established.

Your character might know Lili from...

The Quicksand: Lili is a regular at the Quicksand, almost always talking to someone (usually multiple people) when in there. She's easy to spot most of the time, and friendly to all.

Ul'dah: Lili is a locally known alchemist, though she seems to cater to those of lower respute and the refugees and destitute. You can find her around the market buying supplies or just casually wandering the streets.

Limsa Lominsa: Lili spent many years in Limsa up until the last year or so, and was in the city often. In the past and over time, she usually had her children trailing alongside her and helping with her various errands.

The Goblet: When Lili worked with the Blacktalon Vanguard (BT-RP), she was in the first ward of the Goblet very often. Usually around the free company house, but she could be seen in other locales as well in the area.

Free Wing Society: Recent flyers have been posted over the three cities and smaller villages and towns of the Free Wing Society, a staffing company offering a variety of work oppurtunities to any who has a remotely profitable skill or ability. Lili is listed as the owner, along with some basic contact info to get in touch with her.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea