Kellach Woods

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Kellach Woods
Placeholder person.gif
Marauding Bookwielder
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
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A recent immigrant to Limsa Lominsa from an unknown land, he was slated to join the Arcanists' Guild to learn mathematics and geometry at a rather high level, but a chance encounter with some pirates allowed marauders to see his prowess with the axe, and three ales later he was instead admitted to the Marauders' guild. An extremely curious kid seeking more experiences to truly know himself.

So far, he's only figured out that he really likes highlights, earrings and lipstick.


While before, he was just a hunky, beefy farm boy fresh off the boat, it wasn't long before it dawned on him that on Eorzea, he could be anything he wanted.

And what he wanted to be was fabulous.

He discovered make-up and proper haircuts, rather than the bowl cuts his mother always gave him, as well as jewelry that, though it wasn't extremely rare and indicative of a social status, highlighted his other traits. Under the makeup and apparel, he remains the well-toned, if not muscular dark-skinned Midlander he was when still at his family's farmstead, but a lot more expressive about his inner self.


Born on a farm as the second son of a family of 4 and the third child overall. Little Kellach, however, always was weak of body and often bed-ridden early on, his family often wondering if he would survive the harsh winters of their locale. As time went on, the love of his family and the fat of the land helped him recover from his early illness. His mother, however, would never let him forget that he was once weak, and often pampered him, pleading with his father to not bring the youth on the more physical tasks. Kellach's father was a taciturn man who wouldn't listen. Boys were strong and that was the end of it.

His other son, though, never having lived through the hardships of sickness, took to the tasks quite easily, enough that it was decided that he would be the one to take over the farm. That left Kellach free of familial obligations but at the same time, without much of a future. However, Kellach remained on the farm and kept at the physical activities, even joining his father's logging operation in the winters, much against his mother's wishes. Each year he came back a much stronger boy, yet she would always refuse to acknowledge that his sickness was over.

Hearing that the Arcanists of Limsa Lominsa were accepting students eager to learn, his mother pushed hard that he aim towards becoming one. If nothing else, mathematics and geometry would be useful skills for farm planning. At this point, however, his father was starting to regret having given the farm to Kellach's brother. Was he a good worker? No doubt, but Kellach had surpassed him in all aspects of the job, including the slaughter of cattle, whereas his brother was squeamish at the task.

When Kellach left for Eorzea, a collective sigh of relief was exhaled by all involved. Sure, his father would have loved to keep him around, and his mother would always worry, but now questions of renegotiating succession were all but solved. His mother was happy that her beloved son was going to become an Arcanist and his siblings wished him luck in his journey.

Of course, the Twelve had a much different design for him. As he was nearing Limsa Lominsa, a band of pirates seeking an easy mark soon attacked the transport ship. A few were competent but the rest were just hands that were press ganged or brought on with the promises of large riches. One of these fell, and Kellach grabbed an axe before helping the few Yellowjackets affixed to the ship fend off the threat. They noticed that while he was untrained, he'd clearly hefted an axe before and he should at least give them the honor of drinking with them once they hit port. Not wanting to insult people who kept the peace around Limsa, he accepted the invite. Several mugs of ale later, he was signing up at the marauder guild as opposed to the arcanists', taking his first step off the beaten path.


He's a farm boy that's been thrust in a strange land with stranger people and found that he belonged there far more than he was willing to admit at first. He'd often looked at himself and found that he looked extremely plain in the single mirror of the house, and now he was as fabulous as can be with makeup, earrings and highlights in his hair.

Often eager to help and more importantly to learn, his experience on the farm allowed him a good foundation of life skills, but not really anything combat related. Fortunately for him, he's not the kind of guy to get involved in a fight without good reasons. His upbringing gave him a quite simple but effective moral compass : Do Good.

More of an observer than a mover and shaker at this moment, he's quite content leaning against a column drinking a mug of ale a whatever establishment would serve such drinks, be they in Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa or Gridania.

Affiliations and Known Associates

Marauders' Guild

Due to his night out with the Yellowjackets', he's a bonafide member of the Marauders' Guild and often trains with them.

Arcanists' Guild

Having gotten the blessing from the Axemaster, he picked up the profession he'd gone to Eorzea to study in the first place. In order to not neglect his physical training, he tries to limit his use of arcane magic to strictly training.


A chance meeting with Garryson Shipkeeper allowed him to stay relatively close to XI:7 and eventually join the company on a job training basis.


  • Nicknames: Kell, (formerly - may return) Pink
  • Age: 18
    • Nameday: 8th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
  • Gender: Male
    • Sexuality: Pansexual
    • Marital Status: Celibate
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Body: Well toned, muscular for a Midlander.
  • Hair: Long, with pink highlights
  • Eyes: Golden
  • Skin: Black
  • Clothing: Typically revealing when not in armor.


  • Cosmetics
  • Ale
  • Discovering new things


  • Being close-minded
  • Being put on the spot

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: Axe, Book
  • Crafting: Blacksmithing, Armorcrafting
  • Gathering: Mining, Botany


  • Far stronger than his face and mannerisms belies
  • Quick to learn


  • Barely suspicious of anything beyond the obvious or surface
  • Bad at initiating conversation due to his sheltered upbringing
  • Drops his clothes at the drop of a hat

Other Notes


Though he has an affinity towards Althyk, he has no preference towards worship of him or any of the other gods. They are alien to him, as they are the primal deities of Eorzea and thus not his.


  • Scratching the back of his head looking confused being 80% of his state of existence.


Run-of-the-mill axe

Set of basic armor


The following rumours can be heard about Kellach Woods.

Common rumours

  • "Don't be fooled by his shy speech and pretty face, kid's been lifting and delivering some real hefty crates over at Naldiq and Vymelli's. Could probably arm-wrestle a Sea Wolf at the Wench. At least, I'd think about it before betting against him." - Limsa Lominsa Merchant

Uncommon rumours

  • "Aye. I was on the ship that brought him in, like. Once he picked up an axe, he never flinched. Not even once. And he gazed on these scoundrels same as ye'd gaze on a calf you'd slaughter for meat. I swear on the Navigator, his stare was colder than Coerthas' perpetual winter!" - Drunk Yellowjacket

Rare rumours

What PCs are saying

  • "He's such a nice person -- with some talents I don't think even he entirely believes he has. He's going to go far!" -- L'yhta Mahre

Known Haunts

You might have run into or otherwise know Kellach Woods from:

  • The Harbingers of Dawn Tavern Night
  • The Quicksand
  • The Marauders' Guild
  • The Arcanists' Guild

OOC Inspirations

The inspiration of making a fabulous character with the muscle tone slider up to 100 is definitely inspired by Hirohiko Araki's work on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
