Umi kanzato

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Gridania-transparent.png Umi Kanzato
"So Annoying"
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Age 22
Sexuality Undecided
Occupation Conjurer
Guardian Nymeia, The Spinner
Namesday 13th Sun of the First Astral Moon



Mostly seen in the forest of Gridania, she spends very little time in the large cities, although when she does she is often complaining about the crowds and the harsh heat or cold. Although most of her tribe can be placed as playful and welcoming she isn't the type to simply smile and open her arms to a complete stranger, thus she is always on edge and never trust anyone. With a narrow view on life and the way things should be handled, this young Miqo'te is very straight forward, she will ask very awkward questions, try to pin the person down and believes very strongly in moral manners and standing. Although she was raised in the woods she can be easily confused as a city cat which she takes high offense to.


Umi is a tiny Miqo'te who is unaffected by her height, perhaps one of the shortest in her whole clan. Whatever curves she might possess are modest, but usually covered up by over sized shirts that hide most of her body, besides the skirt that she wears that nicely shows off her well built Miqo'te legs.

With pale skin in contrast to the deep blue that her hair is made up of, the few purple strands seemingly making her skin glow in the darkness. This goes on saying that her red eyes make her look more evil that what she really is. Although she is a laid back person she tried to keep her hair and clothes very neat and in order, thus she doesn't like to do the dirty work.

Besides the normally clothing, Umi is attached to anything that is the color blue or a lush green, although she would never be caught wearing green. With her funds normally gone she has a very hard time funding her other lover for the soft fabrics that she often comes across, this proves a problem for her only for a little bit but during those times she is often cranky and can get annoyed very easily.


When most people look at Umi they are forced to smile just to be nice, after all the glares she could send are not bright and friendly. Her bad mood demeanor often creates a tense air about her causing many people to shy away from or leave her alone, and just above a normal person would do so very happily. However, she's incredibly loyal to those she cares about, literally to the point of death, and She would, unhesitatingly, jump in the way to save someone she knows without a single thought of the danger. Umi is often very truthful and though many would look at this as a good thing the gift of truth in her mouth could lead to a bad thing. Unafraid of asking questions most wouldn't due to politeness, Umi has a knack for prying for information and bringing up topics many would be too shy about approaching.

Umi relationships with people is very bad, in fact she can't even get out a hello without more crude words flowing right after! Her world is enclosed around trusting the truth, what your eyes and ears hear, it is rare for her to trust anyone else but herself or her tribe.In spite of this, Umi can be very trusting once she gets to know someone, this can cause problems because, since she had never had a friend or someone to care for, she becomes possessive. She doesn't know how to act around people and shy away from other friends or people she personally doesn't know, this brings another wedge between her and the people around her causing a large gap that she is not willing to fill. This leads to the question that perhaps she is hiding something that causes this social problem.

Taking her studies in healing and Herbs very seriously, Umi pushes her self beyond the point of breaking, she hardly sleeps and even though she has a bed and room is hardly there resting. This makes her body very weak compared to most of her clan, while others can run free for miles Umi will be lucky to make it a few feet, this is perhaps where her hate for others come into play, to her so many people for granted what they have and still want more. While she is often noted to be mean or cranky, Umi can be actually very nice when she wants to be, just don't wake her up. On the times that she does sleep, Umi sleeps for hours upon hours before getting up and repeating her process, this causes her not to be a morning person and to simply break down when someone wakes her up, but catch her in a good mood right after her morning sugar fix and you'll be in heaven! This is a part of her that she tries to hide from everyone.

Her love for animals and sweets out weigh her hate for the Seekers of the sun, even the males surprisingly. With many dogs and cats owned by her in her tribe waiting for her daily visits, Umi can't help but hate everyone else that tries to come between them, this is perhaps one reason she hates serious work. Often playing with cats like a child would, she can be heard talking to it and sometimes singing, she is very nervous about doing this in public but cute things seem to be attached to her by the hip once she finds them.



With Umi normally in cities, reading or simply spying on people, what does she need combat for? One would think none correct? With a staff in hand she threw her self into learning healing and how to become a full conjurer, though she made many mistakes along the way. With no one at her side she tends to stay out of the enemies reach standing just from her reach and theirs before cursing them and then entrapping them in the earth before they could touch her. However, her attack spells are weak and if she gives too much of her Mana to her guardian it would spell her doom by hitting the monster in the head repeatedly. Normally she would use someone else as a 'meat shield' and simply claim when they get overly hurt that they should watch themselves better, claiming no fault on her own. Truth be told Umi is scared of death of fighting, although she talks big and teases people all the time she would most likely wiggle her way out of a fight if she could, after all her most powerful spells are her healing and she would rather be doing that then fighting something that someone else could.



Romance Novels
Freshly Cut Grass
The Ocean Waves
Stories of Lore


Being ignored
Males with no Manners
Seekers of the Sun
Serious Work
Extreme heat
Raw Fish


Magic (particularly healing)
Looking for a mysterious Herb
Tending to herb patches


Favourite Food/Drink: Anything sweet
Favourite Place: Gridania
Favorite Weather: Rain
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Scents: The Fresh Ocean air; Forest Leaves


Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

Sharon Drennstead - I didn't know where I was going at the time, my feet just simply kept moving forward. I remembered the fresh smell of the ocean waves and the thickening air that slowly started to make my lungs hurt, I remembered I couldn't stop moving however. The moon light was high in the sky, clouds were slowly thickening over the black sky like a thin white blanket, a few shreds of light glimmering from just behind them. I could smell her already just before I reached the drop point of the hill, she stood there simply staring at the waves, watching as if almost waiting for something to happen that I was sure never would happen. I was curious, I inched forward and forward till we started to speak, I don't know how much time had past but slowly the sun started to rise and we had to part ways...

Nazyl Tharazyl - He was so small, so cute like a walking plushie of sorts. I remember my mother had told me of strange things happening outside of the village but I had never heard of these lalafells that he so claimed was his race. We traveled together however and I asked him many questions, I wanted to know more about his race and why they were so small. Was it because of his bones, the way his body grew, was he the only one? It wasn't till I was told that he might as well have been a toy that I understood, these lalafell race that he spoke of was nothing more then a walking toy! I knew that I needed to collect them all after that... But even so, I have never meant a kinder person.

Bethany Drennstead - Bethany is a very crude woman, her manners are lacking, her speech is off, she cannot pronounce letters properly or even speak them in regards to the words she uses them in! In fact, her large boots stomp all over herb patches everywhere... We butt heads so much that I do not even understand why we even speak to each other anymore but there is something about her that makes my heart pound and my chest tighten. After our first meeting I was sure I would never see her again but our paths continued to cross and my feelings, emotions, towards the female slowly grew... I couldn't help the feelings stirring inside of me and I ran... I couldn't be around her anymore, it was far to confusing for me.

Ichiro Wolfson - The Temple of the Twelve stood there in front of me, the light glimmering of the light shinning down onto the pathways around me while the moon light flickered and danced about the area. My muscles were tense, my eyes stung from all the crying that I had been doing recently but I heard the soft foot steps of someone slowly coming up behind me and I was forced into my emotionless state once again. With the rain pouring down around us and the male questioning me, all my emotions flooded and I lost it... I attacked him with sharp words pointed to stab him. Our fight was ended early though, a beast had attacked us and before I knew it I was at his side, fighting with him. I didn't know why I just didn't run and get away from there... But afterwards I healed him... I stood there and healed him and oddly enough... we became friends.

S'ereno Tia - Taking care of the medical wing had simply been a chore to her, although she would never really admit to liking the idea of playing with herbs and medication. Being given the folder of the male that she addressed at Tia out of simple respect at first, till she noticed his race, she was over joyed at hearing that he was dying. It wasn't till she heard about this thing that he noted as hope that all the hate for him started to fade. A seeker was meant to be around people, hug and cling to them, he had no one that came to visit, no one that seemingly loved him enough to even speak to him. Being as cruel as she was Umi didn't care simply but a part of her wouldn't allow her to leave his side. She fed him tea and food that had a mixture of herbs inside of them to tend to his fever spikes and his pain that was spreading through out his body, she worked his muscles with him and the two started to be seen more and more together. It wasn't till she noticed this her self that she fled, running from the mansion with the excuse of research left behind.

Roh'to Nahl - A random encounter in front of the free company housing during one of her breaks. Although the two did not talk a lot, the keeper showed that he was able to hold his tongue and keep the tension down by controlling those around. He was, however, a bit mixed in the head... Silent yet hyper at the same time made Umi simply back away from him.
Ellion Goto - Just before her run away attempt from the mansion she was given one more job, tend to the commander of the free company she was currently working in. With the folder in hand Umi slowly walked into the medical wing once again and couldn't help but scuff at the sight before her, Ellion resting on the bed. Hearing that he had been up and walking she wasn't kind in waking him up and questioning him about his condition, though he simply started to get off topic and tell her his story which she didn't care for. Although the meeting was short Umi can't help but feel her heart pick up at the thought of the male, after all he wanted her file.

Stanzie Ryhees - A kind woman who was sweet enough to see Umi on short notice, still a bit nosy in general but able to be dealt with. Having accepted and question Umi, there isn't much more to say about this woman.

M'sato Tia - A male seeker of the sun who got not pity from Umi upon their first meeting. With no manners besides the soft voice that she gladly welcomed, their meeting was short and brief which has Umi still holding a grudge against him for not bringing her some more tea as she sorted through the herbs in the medical wing.

Averill Rooks - Finding her self in central shroud when her patient at the free company medical wing was asleep and relaxing, stable for the most part, Averill revealed himself to be more then a bit annoying to her. With the male easy to talk to, he questioned her but gave her no answers when she questioned him. Umi found him a bit ignorant to the world around him and often questioned his ability to even live in that world as they hunted for herbs together. When rain started to pour down onto them, Umi convinced him that he was getting sick and the two took cover where she started a fire, made a small pot of tea and fed it to him, drugging him with herbs that she had mixed into it. With him wrapped in a blanket and the fire to keep him warm, Umi left him there under the large fallen trunk in Central Shroud as she disappeared into the rain never thinking of seeing him again.

Enemies & Rivals

Ruruno Runo - Meeting her just after she met Nazyl, she quickly came to dislike the female. With Umi love for manners this girl quickly fell short, claiming she should know who the young lalafell was and claimed her to be a backwood hic who simply didn't know what she was talking about. Although Umi is calm most of the time her temper seemed to flare towards the female, this quickly started to make Umi ignore her when she spoke, sometimes even mumbling about how annoying she was.

Liadan Summerfield - The head medic of the Night Blades that got off on the wrong foot with Umi. Questioning her more then the woman who accepted Umi into the free company, Liadan has gain no respect from the Miqo'te since the two of them met other the wrath of the girl. Umi tends to avoid her at all cost and never tries to be in the same room with her, claiming that she is a rude woman who had no manners or respect for those around her.


Easily Overheard Rumours
"She only ever smiles when she has a book in her hand." - Gridanian Librarian
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"It's a little weird that she's always muttering about a herb... I thought all Miqo'te had tribes to tend to." - Gossipy Highlander
Rarely Overheard Rumours
"She doesn't ever talk about her family but she has a pride of an Alpha Female Miqo'te. I wonder where her tribe is." - Suspicious Inn Keeper
"I heard her talking about some kind of sickness, but once she saw me I could have sworn I died from her glare!" - Wandering Lalafel
Player Character Rumours


Raised in a small tribe in the Black Shroud, Umi was 'a lady in waiting' as the tribes around them slowly started to rebuild around them. Her tribe was very isolate however, they kept to themselves and never once spoke to anyone outside of the tribe. This caused them to become strangers to the people inside of the city as well as the surrounding tribes, needless to say this caused problems for them. Although most of the Keepers of the Moon are known to be collected and calm, food was very short at the time causing many small fights to happen, raids more often then naught, but her small tribe had always been able to push back and defend their way off life. One day, for seemingly no reason, the whole tribe disappeared into the darkness of the forest, nothing but the remaining tents, the small smoke from the tribes fire, welcomed curious eyes that came to deep through the trees. No one was left and so everyone assumed that the small tribe had been completely wiped out.

It wasn't till one day that a small girl and a elder woman wrapped in a thick robe appeared into the city that whispers begun. It was easy to see that they were not part of the world around them, it looked as if they had been trapped in the past, away from everything but their own world. Although the girl was very cruel, everyone over time started to come to realize that her words were meant to hold some sort of kindness to them and she became well known in the small circle of people that she reached out to. The woman wrapped in the robe had never been seen again... With healing classes making her a very skilled Conjurer, Umi worked hard. There was little time to play in what one would call her childhood but she was skilled and earned enough money to care for her self and her 'roommate', sometimes her jobs forced her to leave the city days at a time.

It wasn't till she started to get older that sleep started to take its toll. Sometimes falling asleep on a bench or in the pub, sometimes during her classes with her teacher that caused her to get behind more times then once. Still people saw that she pushed her self and many of the people that knew her helped as much as they could, even when she would yell at them and tell them she didn't need it. Then one day no jobs came in... Umi had empty pockets and the little money she had was used to buy food and medication for her 'roommate' so she progressively got thinner and thinner, losing so much strength she could no longer even heal a small scratch. In that moment the young Miqo'te had never been so scared, to touch death and face it, yet in a weird way she welcomed it. When all else seemed lost Umi found her self facing her last choice, her last chance, a Free Company. She had never been close to anyone besides the people that helped her when she first moved to the city. The inn keeper, the bar owner, the shop keepers, everyone that had been in her small circle, she had to choose.

It took a while to actually get a hold of someone, to walk through those mansion doors and tell them what was needed, what /she/ needed. They explained she would be part of the medical staff, part of the clean up crew basically but in exchange for being on duty and putting in her hours she would get food and board all paid for by the company. That meant more money in her pocket for her research, so Umi gladly accepted.

Needless to say her roommate didn't stay behind at the inn.

Present (1st person view)

-- Entering The Night Blades (Part 1) --

On the edge of falling into deaths hand Umi has no choice but to seek help.

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-- The Pirate and Wind Up Toy (Part 1)--

Seeking the silence of her home land, Umi seeks solace by a large tree.

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-- Wandering Lancer (Part 1)--

With a sickness flooding her mind, Umi is at the end of her ropes and starts to curse the twelve.

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-- Patient Tia (Part 1)--

Unable to deny her love for healing, Umi sends her self off to the medical ward simply accusing her hours for being there.

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-- Nosy Archer (Part 1)--

Alone searching for herbs for one of her patients inside of Central Shroud.

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Theme Song: Top Secret- Miku Tan

Alignment: Neutral

Feel free to send me a tell if you ever want to RP!.