Leo Arkwright

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 Leo Arkwright
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 30
Height 70.5 ilms
Weight 190 ponze
Profession Adventurer and Swordmaster
Patron Deity Oschon
Server Balmung

"I fight for my friends!"


Leo is possessed of a fairly sizable height, as well as an evidently powerful build. He has a physique one would expect of an experienced fighter, with broad shoulders and a sturdy constitution. His facial features reflect this to a degree, given his fairly strong jaw and hooked, somewhat eagle-like nose. Closely examining his physical features, one might say he has Highlander blood in there, somewhere.

However, Leo's most readily apparent feature is likely his pale blond hair. Close behind would be the near perpetual grin he wears, matching nicely with his bright mane. Though his eyes are a dark, earthen brown, they still manage to gleam with a joviality more often than not. Leo's actions reflect an inherent cheerfulness that is evident in his countenance at nearly all times, right down to his fairly myriad freckles, which manage to persist well into his adulthood.

Owing to his experience, Leo has a fair number of scars upon his body. The most obvious of which is the one residing on his right cheek, sloping upwards towards his nose. Most of the other markings of combat are hidden by the clothing or armor he wears. If one ever had the opportunity, however, they would notice a particularly grievous scar on the right side of his torso, likely from a slash of sorts.


Leo originally hails from a foreign land, a nation far to Eorzea's north, where he spent his childhood and youth. His father and other mentors trained Leo in combat with a sword from a young age while he was there, alongside his older sister. Beyond caring deeply for his family, he mentions little else of his time spent outside of Eorzea, though it does not seem to be out of a desire to hide anything. It may be that his past is rather uneventful, or that he feels it is not worth mentioning.

Little more than ten cycles ago, Leo and his older sister, Ara, ventured to Eorzea in hopes of finding fortune by becoming adventurers. Their initial journey brought them first to Ul'dah, Jewel of Thanalan. After the initial hardships an immigrant would expect, both found their dreams fulfilled, becoming relatively successful rookie adventurers. After traveling and performing leves together for some time, Leo set out on his own to see all of Eorzea, while Ara remained in Ul'dah. Despite going their separate ways, they keep up correspondence with each other, as well as with their parents in their homeland.

More than anything, Leo has earned a sizable pool of experience from his journeys. Though he did make some name for himself, acquiring fame was one of the smallest of his goals. He placed much more value in thrill of adventure and combat, as well as aiding those he made acquaintance. From fighting dragons to delving depths, Leo's wanderlust and desire to aid others has led him through many bizarre situations. Accompanying many other adventurers on his journeys, he rarely stuck to any single group for an extended period.

Alas, no brave vagrant can live on the road forever, no matter how much their heart desires to roam. Eventually, they must settle down and take up a more stable position, alongside more dependable companions. It was for that reason that Leo threw in with the 81st Foreign Levy of the Maelstrom, shortly after his 30th nameday. Since, he has found himself among stalwart allies, greatly favoring his decision to cease wandering.


A cheerful demeanor and attitude are the most evident features of Leo's behavior, along with a general foolishness. He places great value in maintaining a positive outlook on life, even in dire situations. While that is not to say he is entirely without somber moments, they are few and far between. Always quick to hurl a jest, particularly at his own expense, Leo enjoys seeing others in good moods as much as enjoys being in one himself.

Leo carries his carefree attitude into general optimism, though he acknowledges it is usually blind and naive. This naivete leads him to gullibility at times, as he is fairly quick to trust others. Oftentimes, he looks on the brighter side of dangerous situations, attempting to live up to the ideal of a stalwart adventurer. Courage, morality, kindness, loyalty, honor, and a generally heroic spirit are values he aspires to, fitting nicely with his optimistic outlook.

While he is definitely not the brightest of adventurers, Leo will attempt to speak through issues that might be solved with speech. When diplomacy fails and push comes to shove, however, he has no qualms with bringing any manner of sword to combat. He is quick to fight for his friends and values, throwing himself into danger quite easily. Favoring calm and acumen during turmoil despite his usual eccentricity, Leo will stow his jokes and jests for a sword when danger rears its head.

In the end, Leo is an individual confident in himself, though he is extremely quick to acknowledge his faults, usually with a biting remark of self-deprecation. While he will also make mocking comments about others, Leo attempts to make them in good spirit, and will refrain if it causes offense. However, he can be oblivious and insensitive at times, accidentally causing offense through his own lack of tact.

Affiliations and Known Associates

Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Vesna Novaar : Leo is very fond of Vesna, finding her good company. Though he believes many of her odd behaviors are concerning, he also thinks they help add to her charm, and pays them little mind. After all, he's a fairly bizarre person, as well.
Lahn Flaval : Of all the companions, Leo likely considers Lahn to be his best friend. While he feels she can be an incorrigible worry-wart at times, he also feels she is an exceptional person at heart.
Ralamano Nulumano : Leo regards Ralamano highly, seeing him as a pillar of their company. That said, Leo also feels that the Lalafell works too hard, bearing too heavy a burden. However, any attempts to offer aid have been largely fruitless.
Y'lyfriel Sikah : While he started off on the wrong foot, Leo sees Lyfriel as a good friend. Though he thinks she has a tendency to become fiery at times, she likely holds the best interests of her friends and companions at heart.
Rhesh'ir Zhwan : If there are more affable captains, Leo likely has not heard of them. Despite any faults he might find, Leo is glad to fight for the Miqo'te, as he is any friend.
Tahla'li Tayuun : Though Leo might find Tahla'li irritating at times, the Miqo'te is hardly any worse than the Hyur, in that regard. He's certainly playful and friendly, and those are good traits in Leo's book.
Ainle Goldpaw : In Leo's eyes, Ainle is a strong-willed and heroic young Miqo'te. Though he lacks experience, the young fighter will likely go on to do great things, as far as Leo is concerned.
E'liah Tia : An irrepressible ball of energy and friendliness, E'liah has done little to catch Leo's ire. Though he can be a bit forward, Leo merely sees it as an attempt to be amiable.
Shoshopu Shopu : The eager Lalafell has become a friend of Leo's rather quickly. Sturdier in body, mind, and spirit than first impressions would say, she has proven to be a good companion.
Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn : Leo regards the stoic Roegadyn well, seeing him as a perfect example of the race's steadfastness. While he wishes the big guy would lighten up sometimes, Leo knows that Fyrilsunn has a strong heart to match his physique.
Z'koa Rhiki : Z'koa has proven to be very kind, as one would expect from a sibling of Ainle's. Though Leo feels she worries far too much, he acknowledges it is born of concern for others, coming from a kind soul.
Onuma Ahntifi : Displaying courage and bravery, Onuma quickly earned Leo's respect. Nothing wrong with another shield-bearing fighter, at the very least.
Kodaro Ba'rococo : From what Leo knows of the Miqo'te, Kodaro is a capable and courageous warrior. While Leo has seen the courage shaken, he feels that Kodaro's spirit should be stronger after the tribulation.
S'aerdha Tia : Leo has no strong feelings one way or the other, as far as S'aerdha is concerned. The Miqo'te could likely stand to be friendlier, but he does seem helpful and capable.
Emilienoix Bellegarde : Leo holds no love for the Elezen, feeling the lack of penance for his crimes and lack of regard for authority are glaring flaws. However, Leo will abide by Lyfriel's judgment to give him a second chance.


  • Nicknames: Blondie; Freckles
  • Age: 30
    • Nameday: 26th Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon
  • Gender: Male
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
    • Marital Status: Unwed
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Height: 70.5 ilms
  • Weight: 190 ponze
  • Body: Strong physique
  • Hair: Pale Blonde
  • Eyes: Dark, Earthen Brown
  • Skin: Light


  • Rain
  • Sparring or fighting monsters
  • Seeing others in good moods
  • Telling stories and jokes
  • Most things


  • Disregard for others
  • Crime
  • Being serious
  • Sweet foods
  • Long-term injuries

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: If a weapon could be classified as a sword, Leo is likely proficient or masterful with it. He is quite capable with a shield, and is not bothered overmuch by wearing even the heavier sorts of armor. Though he has received rudimentary training with weapons other than swords, he is far from mastery with any.
  • Crafting: Leo can maintain various sorts of armor and weapons, though is otherwise inept at crafting.
  • Other: Leo is capable of playing a few musical instruments with some manner of skill, and is a fairly good singer. Though his knowledge is tempered by his homeland, and rather strange because of this. Beyond musical talent, Leo also has an inherently strong ability to know when aether is about, despite a lack of skill in magic. This is a double-edged sword, as aetheryte travel is particularly brutal on his usually sturdy constitution.


  • Physically strong
  • Physically tough
  • Courageous in the face of danger
  • Affable to most others
  • Bears strong morals


  • Bears strong morals
  • Generally unintelligent
  • Generally stupid
  • Poor at magic
  • May not take serious matters seriously

Other Notes


Though Leo values all of the Twelve, particularly Oschon, he is not extremely resilient in his religious faith. Because of this, he will rarely worship the Twelve formally.


Leo has a tendency to scratch his head and rub his neck often when talking, particularly while nervous or confused. His most obvious habit is grinning like an idiot, sometimes without provocation. Further, he is quick to laugh, and does an extremely poor job at hiding or stifling it, often leading to snorting or other unflattering noises.


Leo possesses a veritable armory of various types of swords, as well as varieties of armor. While he is capable of using most of this collection, he generally favors a broadsword, a shield, and heavier armor, all the better to provide defense.