Aislinn North

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Gridania-transparent.png Aislinn North
Gender Female
Race Highlander
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Gridania
Age 27
Height 5 fulms 10 ilms
Profession White Mage
Patron Deity Rhalgr
Server Balmung

Aislinn North is Hyur Highlander currently training in white magic. She spends much of her time in Gridania and its surrounding forest.


Aislinn in remarkable unremarkable in appearance. She stands at 5'10" and has the weighty bearing that belongs to many Highlanders. In other words, she isn't going to blow away in a strong wind. She looks to be in her mid-twenties, with auburn hair most often pulled back and braided in an attempt to keep it out of her eyes. Long days out under the Thanalan sun has left her freckled and tanned.

She's a thoughtful, quiet observer, having long since learned spouting idle chatter can bring its own brand of trouble. Even so, few would mistake this woman as meek, there's clearly shrewd, intelligent life behind those green eyes. She carries herself with a quiet but unmistakable air of confidence and is often known to be one steady in thought, word and deed.


Aislinn spent much of her childhood in Ala Mhigo. She never knew her mother beyond the knowing that she had been given the woman's name but she grew up learning that the subject was one she and her father could never speak of without it sparking an argument.

When Ala Mhigo fell to the Garlean Empire her father remained, becoming part of a small but growing Resistance. They stayed for several years until suddenly and without any warning that Aislinn could foresee, her father abandoned the cause and immigrated to Ul'dah, taking her along with him. Though still a child, her father's actions were viewed by Aislinn as a betrayal. She could not understand what would drive her father to such an act of cowardice.

In Ul'dah her father took up work as a pitfighter in the Colosseum and Aislinn spent years ashamed and angered by what their life had become. They barely managed to scrape enough money together to put a roof over their heads, let alone afford any of the other necessities of life. Growing up among the fighting rings, Aislinn picked up a thing or two about how to throw a punch, knowledge that came in handy out on the streets where a person generally had to fight for every scrap that came their way.

A chance encounter with an Elezen mage changed he direction of Aislinn's life long before the Calamity took its toll. On a childish dare, Aislinn was attempting to pick the Elezen's pocket when she was caught. Before she could dart away, he had her in his firm grip. But curiously, instead of calling for the guards and turning her in, the mage simply studied the scrawny girl for a long moment. Too terrified to move, Aislinn was helpless to do anything byt stare back. Whatever it was the mage saw in her, it took him by surprise. By some muracle he let her go and gave her his name, telling her that is she ever grew tired of taking from others and wished to see how it felt to give of herself instead, to seek him out in Gridania.

The encounter stuck with young Aislinn, his words dogging her with every coin she stole. Then, the Calamity struck. And in one burning moment everthing in Aislinn's world was swallowed by chaos. To this day she can't rightly recall how she managed to survive but when the smoke had finally cleared she discovered herself very much alone. Her father, her friends, all were counted among the dead. There was nothing left.

Watching how the survivors came together to help how ever they could, how they rushed to hold loved ones close, Aislinn finally understood the Elezen mage's words. With nothing left to hold her to Ul'dah, she set out for Gridania to find out what it was he saw in her, that scrawny street urchin.

That was several years ago and now the young Highlander has become a dedicated student of white magic, using her skills to heal those in need and support those the fight for Eorzea....though she hasn't forgotten how to throw a punch.


Aislinn is stingy with her trust, finding that it simply makes sense to keep people at arm's length until she's learned more about them. This can cause her to seem aloof but underneath this shell the Highlander is most often found to be a loyal companion. She's easy going and unruffled, laughing readily at a joke or simply life in general. However, even though she has a remarkably even temper for a Highlander and rarely lets her anger get the better of her, one sure-fire way to ruffle her feathers is to remark upon her very Midlander-sounding name as if it is a defect of some sort.

Affiliations and Known Associates

Aislinn is currently a citizen of Gridania and serves in the Order of the Twin Adder.


  • Nicknames: None
  • Age: 27
    • Nameday: 5th sun of the 3rd Astral moon
  • Gender: Female
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
    • Marital Status: none
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Height: 5 fulm 10 ilms
  • Body: Tall, lean with an athletic build
  • Hair: Auburn
  • Eyes: Green
  • Skin: Freckled and tanned
  • Clothing: Prefers light-weight robes, tunics and leggings that enable a range of movement.


  • Good conversation
  • Exploration
  • Thrill of battle
  • A good joke or a witty quip
  • Learning something new


  • Has little patience for those who complain about the slightest things
  • Cruelty
  • Seeing other berated
  • Uncomfortable in lavish settings
  • The corruption inherent in Ul'dah

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: White magic, summoning and pugilism
  • Crafting: Weaving
  • Other: Though most people wouldn't guess it, she's somewhat of a scholar and spends much of her down time studying and reading the latest papers and journals.


  • Tenacious - It can be hard to dissuade her once she's gotten an idea into her head.
  • Hard-working - Isn't one to sit back and rest on her laurels. She's constantly striving reach the next goal she's set for herself.
  • Good-natured about most things - Doesn't see the point in letting things get under her skin.
  • Intelligent - May not act like it but she spends a lot of time with her nose buried in books.


Other Notes



Theme Song

Theme: An Toll Dubh by Runrig


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