Artigan Schezar

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Artigan Schezar
Artigan Schezar.png
"Influence what you can, think for yourself, and leave well enough alone."
Treasure Hunter
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun
Clan Drake
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age (32)
Guardian (Nald'thal, the Traders)
Namesday (24th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon)


♦ General

Artigan Schezar, formerly of the Drake, and once known long ago as U’awhri Tia, is a proverbial wayfarer and sea gypsy of Eorzea. He travels the lands in search of lost relics, history, and buried goods for the promise of coin and adventure. The Sunseeker is a rare breed in deed, as few travel so far, change so much, and becomes something no one expects.

Artigan, commonly known as the Couerl of Limsa by his enemies and Art by his friends, is a prominent member of the Dutiful Sisters of Edelweiss, or a Rogue for those wanting something that easily rolls off the tongue. When Artigan is not performing his duties for the guild or master Jacke he is often seen lime lighting as a treasure hunter throughout the lands of Eorzea, or at least that is what he profanes to anyone wishing to know about his life, and he has quiet a mouthful of story tales to tell.

♦ Appearance

Artigan is well aged for his years, and appears to be in his mid to late twenties. His skin is healthy, tanned, and riddle with the scars of life; two of which rest upon his cheeks and appear to be bite marks. Artigan’s eyes are slit, narrow, and crimson in appearance that are a sharp contrast to his dirty blonde hair with faint highlights of rust red. Tattoos adorn his face and eyelids. He stands tall for a Miq’ote and has a body that hints at a life of hard work and rigor.

♦ Behaviour

Artigan comes off as easy going, laid back, with a rapier wit, and sharp tongue if provoked to such an extreme. He usually wears a smile or seems lost in complete thought, and speaks in a very candid, blunt, and honest manner. Artigan never seeks to harm, but is not known to spare a man or woman once they’ve crossed the lines of kill or be killed, as he holds no illusions of heroism or saving the day, let alone a life that sought to take his or another.

In Limsa Lominsia, for those that know of Art, the citizenry openly gab about his distaste of titles, royalty, or systems of power that place one man or woman favorably over another because of birth. He prefers a man or woman be merited on their abilities and not the lottery life drew them. More or less he despises nepotism.

He is also known as a bit of a prankster who is easily bored.


Artigan is a proficient martial artist, and has trained in the forms of wielding daggers as well as using his body as a weapon, and even if he is a Rogue in name Artigan is no stranger to unarmed combat should the situation call for such dire straits, but in the end Artigan is best with a blade in hand, equipped with his wits, and employing the tricks and trades taught by the Sisters Dutiful: poison application, obfuscation, sleight of hand, dexterous and agile movement, and an aptitude with throwing knives.

Aether Power

Aether Power: Ninjutsu

Description: Artigan has learned the ways of the Doma shinobi through his double life as a Mealstrom scout, spy, and liaison. Artigan does not acknowledge his aptitude with Ninjutsu nor does he even speak of having such power. The only people who know Artigan has the promise for Ninjutsu are his fellow agents of Mealstrom, his Master, or those working against him in earnest.

Artigan is skilled (to say the least) with the mudras of heaven, earth, and man. He still refines his art, discipline, or aetheric power (which ever anecdotal definition you prefer) to keep himself sharp and abilities strong. He shows no signs of ever passing on the Doma gift until fully mastering his own energies.


Make no mistake: Artigan is a free agent, and any loyalties or duties he binds himself to can be just as easily forgotten. He makes no contracts beyond what is mutually beneficial and will leave everything and anyone in the wind should betrayal become a reality and his personal freedom hinged upon. Artigan takes on jobs for organizations and is never truly a part of their hierarchy, his whims are first and foremost, but never let it be said that Artigan doesn’t complete his tasks or contracts to satisfaction; Especially when coin is the end game.


Story Tales
Treasure, Coin, and Women
Good Senses of Humor


Caste Systems
Estate Systems


Knife Play
Slight of Hand


Favourite Food/Drink: Chamomile Tea and Fish
Favourite Place: Anchor Yard
Favourite Colors: Red, Blue, Black, and Gold

♦ Related Images

Artigan waking to the suns bright rays clutching onto a music box. Artwork done by LadyCrevy on Deviant Art.


*Icons best seen in IE or Firefox(Google Chrome doesn't like them)*

💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

The island bathes in the sun's bright rays. Distant hills wear a shroud of grey. A lonely breeze whispers in the trees. Sole witness to history.

Fleeting memories rise. From the shadows of my mind. Sing "nonomori" - endless corridors. Say "nonomori" - hopeless warriors. You were there. You were there.

Am I forever dreaming. How to define the way I'm feeling.

You were there. Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep. You were there. Though forgotten all promises we keep.

Slaves to our destiny. I recall a melody. Sing "nonomori" - seasons lit with gold. Say "nonomori" - legends yet untold. You were there. You were there.

Happiness follows sorrow. Only believing in tomorrow.

You were there. Countless visions they haunt me in my sleep. You were there. Though forgotten all promises we keep.

The island bathes in the sun's bright rays. Distant hills wear a shroud of grey. A lonely breeze whispers in the trees. Sole key to this mystery.


Person Here


Val Nunh – Artigan often wonders if Val was ever to catch a glimpse of his own reflection in a pool of water if he would fall madly-head-over-heels in love with himself. Val is an oddity in Art’s eyes, and one that is rather an anathema to Tribe culture. A tad brash, a bit verbose, and way too glib, and doesn’t know the meaning of polite conversation. At least the man makes for interesting company and is good for a laugh, but beyond his demeanor Art hasn't the foggiest clue what this Nunh is about other then badgering strangers that catch his ire and causing women to blush because of a loose tongue; and coming up with odd nicknames that either are a euphemism of Art's name or a crude innuendo.
Berrod Armstrong – Muscly-man is the rather on the spot label Artigan assigned Berrod when meeting the individual purely on happenstance at the Quicksand. He had always heard rumors of the reemergence of the fabled Monks and Berrod was one such name thrown around in idle tavern talk when such myth and tale cropped up from drunken lips. The man seems genuine enough, if anything he has the statuesque figure to go along with the warring fist stereotypes, everything else is a complete mystery.

Enemies & Rivals

Person Here -

Player Rumours

*Feel free to add your own rumors if you have one of Art*

Shameless flirt
Gambles away his fortunes
Owns a music box that he guards closely
Doesn't care to be called a thief
Commonly confused for a pirate or thug due to his accent, vernacular, and dress
A marbled mouth fuck who most don't understand

General Rumours

Has a penchant for fine shirts, bandanas, and pants
Is aloof about his personal affairs
Has a lovely singing voice despite not being a bard
Has a compulsion to steal (much like a Ferret)
Loathes Tia and Nunh headedness

♦ Footnotes

The Code: Chaotic Neutral

1. You shall lie to promote your freedom.

2. You shall not kill the innocent.

3. You shall not murder.

4. You shall help the needy if such action promotes your freedom.

5. You shall honor no authority above yourself.

6. You shall break the law whenever convenient.

7. You shall not betray others unless your life is in jeopardy.

8. You shall not aid enemies of freedom or those who promote law.

9. You shall pursue pleasure.

10. You shall promote unlimited freedom for yourself.

Theme songs:

Personal: A Fistful of Nickels (

Overworld: The Farthest Land (

Battle: Tavern Brawl (

Love: You Were There (

Loss: Reminiscence (