Leih'a Relanah

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Leih'a Relanah
Ffxiv 11262014 192933.png
"It's the mark of a sure fool to forsake what you have for what could be. That's how you lose everything."
New Conglomerate "Leader"
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te/Hyur
Clan Keeper of the Moon/Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age Late teens
Preference Females
Alignment Neutral-Good
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Leih'a is by most accounts an easy going pacifist, requiring much provocation or an alarming sense of urgency to stir him into action. His time is spent keeping ends tightly knit for the company he keeps and in his downtime, dabbling in various forms of craft-work, with weaving being first and foremost his passion and specialization. Despite the ears and tail, Leih'a more sees himself as a Hyur than any Miqo'te, but finds deep fascination in their culture, especially where Keeper of the Moon clans are concerned. Currently, he speaks for the council that drives the New Conglomerate in their group oriented decision making. Folk tend to title him as 'leader', either to have fun at the expense of his at times naive demeanor, or simply because the genuinely see his potential to fill the role. Currently, he is engaged to Arala Makeo, which was the eventual result of a long and twisting road of misunderstandings and misgivings.


Leih'a holds a figure which is most definitely Miqo'te, save for perhaps the midlander-like skin tone. His eyes are deep purple abysses which show a mix of softness and astute calculation. Most often, they are draped under a shroud of his white and light blue locks, possibly also a result of his mixed heritage. Outside of that, he keeps the back neatly tied in a short ponytail. Adorning his face is an old 'x' shaped scar, which seems to somehow compliment his otherwise boyishly attractive facial features. He prefers to wear comfortable, practical clothing. A vest in the standard Miqo'te style atop a plain white shirt, A belt fitted with a tailcoat, thigh-high jackboots, and black leather bracers that adorn his wrists. His lion-like tail, oddly enough, is in much darker tones than his hair. A curiosity in itself, given that Seekers more commonly hold that lion-tail shape.


Leih'a is easy going as a person, and holds a wider world view for his travels amidst the seas. He also bears a positive outlook on things, mayhaps as a result of his learning to read and write from being tutored by an Arcanist with the use of a self-help book he found amongst the wreckage of a recently capsized galleon. Despite that, he does have a wholesome span of insecurities and doubts, mostly spurned on by the pressure of being put into situations that he's not at all familiar with. However, his levity makes him socially versatile, and his naive but curious mind holds potential to develop knowledge and skills, indicating fairly high intellect in spite of his position and upbringing. He also enjoys helping out fresh adventuring folk with things of his own personal make, more because he sees duty in helping those who walk after folk like himself along the adventuring path.



In combat, Leih'a favors the daggers, though he is also shown to be proficient with fists. Both weapons are practiced merely as a form of self-discipline, but his movements indicate a few years worth of experience putting such practice to show. He also bears martial knowledge of spears, swords, and axe blades, but only second-hand. Bows however, were a more recent discovery to him, and as such, being in the line of sight for one can serve as a prevailing weakness. The disciples of magic, for the moment are also beyond his grasp, but he may come to dabble if he sees suit in it. It's also little known that he once kept a pistol tucked in the back of his belt, but has since abandoned it to the storage closet for it's high maintenance costs, rarity of decent ammo, and the attention-wresting noise of the musket barrel.



  • Grilled Chicken Linguini
  • Weaving
  • Miqo'te traditions
  • Arala makeo


  • Condescending Rich Sorts
  • Violence
  • Ending things on a sour note


  • Weaving
  • Daggers
  • Helping fresh adventurers


  • Bears a coerl-claw scar on his shoulder, said to be from a time when he somehow managed to kill one singlehandedly in his youth.
  • Is known to hug and pet random Miqo'te and/or Lalafell. ((This is mostly just player OoC hijinks, but if it initiates RP, his player may think of an excuse IC for it.))
  • Bears the Echo, though it's presence isn't particularly strong. He treats it more as a curse, having been given less than pleasant visions during the past couple times of it's use.



  • Leih Relanah - Mother, estranged - assumed deceased
  • ???? - Father, estranged - assumed deceased
  • Arala Makeo - Wife to be
  • P'rth Makeo - Father-in-Law to be


  • Robert Colt - Former FC leader per-dereliction. While initially wary of of Leih'a, he came to find a kinship, the both having a background attached to the bloodsport of gladiatorial combat.
  • Markus Krosse - The only real 'guy' he knows for a friend. The Ishgardian of rigorous moral standing keeps the man on the straight and narrow.
  • Arala Makeo - What started as a shaky conflict of interests eventually became a friendship which then became a complication before finally becoming a blossoming love between the two.
  • Leanne Delphium - The ever-adventurous, good natured fellow of a Miqo'te. Oft times she comes by the quicksand with a wry jab at whatever he's gotten himself up to, or even a scolding if that thing is especially stupid. Lately, events have seen her mood more commonly dour, frustrating him for his inability to change that.
  • Kyonene Kyone - A Ul'Dahn raised Plainsfolk Thamaturge. Upon their initial meeting, the girl was deathly quiet. Later on, Leih'a spotted the lass wandering about the Shroud in a predicament. He set to making her some decent clothes on the spot, an act which spurned her to open up more, and likewise spurned him to help other adventurers by doing the same.
  • Yangh Linh - A woman that once caught his particular interest by way of their subtle similarities. While there was a time when he found utter, unrequited fascination with her and her ways, situations have long since displaced the two.
  • Artemis Newton - While most of her time around him is making sarcastic comments at his expense, Leih'as come to accept that her wry, almost endless font of humor is simply how she is. He's since adapted to it, even jabbing back with a snark or two of his own.
  • Hyate - His pet wolf-dog. The pup found him when he was in a back alley, at the bottom most of his cups. He since gave it the name that was inscribed on the bandanna around it's neck. The Miqo'te had learned Hyate was in fact a 'she', (though he still refers to it as a 'he' in brief forgetfulness) and had been later given to understand that Hyate means 'Wind' or 'To Sneeze' in an Eastern language.


  • P'rita(?) - A Ninja from some clan that Leih'as soon-to-be Father-in-Law used to lead. Now that he holds that clan's scroll, the woman seems to have taken interest in him. This includes playing at killing his lover, and even directly challenging him to a duel.


Common Rumors

  • "Why doesn't he just cut his hair?" - Nameless Bismarck Cook
  • "While I was out for a stroll, he tried to foist onto me some ratty cloak of his making. Do I /look/ like I'm want for decent clothing?" - Lalafellin Noble Lady
  • "Face like that? Doubt he ever suffers a cold night in bed." - Leery drunk at the Coin and Coffer

PC Rumors

  • Leih'a does know how to craft great weapons. His hands works wonders....in more ways than one. - Arala Makeo


In brief:

-Was born on an island port out where the Maelstrom's civilizing influence held a more weaker grasp
-Was the product of a gladiator and an brothel whore, both assumed deceased
-Was put into conditioning for the circuit since a very young age
-Was taught how to brutally and efficiently fight in death-or-life situations
-Used his training to escape this lifestyle along with a small few others during the eve of the Calamity
-Made a risky bid for freedom aboard one of the vessels still relatively afloat in the port
-Leading the band, the ex-pitdogs branded themselves Corsairs
-Was run ashore during an escape from a Maelstrom vessel
-Taken captive by the Sahagin beast men. His crew was subsequently 'drowned'. He himself remains unaffected
-Watches helpless as a frenzied Ninifae Nira slaughters his tempered men
-Is released from questioning, immediately sets out to get revenge for the incident, misguidedly putting the blame on Nira
-In a heated stand-off, Arala swayed him from a path of retribution, and since, he'd taken to favoring peace
