K'ora Tia

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 K'ora Tia
"Now then..."
The Traveler
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Unknown
Age (38)
Guardian (Althyk god of Time)
Namesday (Unkown)


♦ General

K'ora is an extremely powerful and talented mage posing as an archeologist, doctor, and general expert on nearly every subject. No one knows where he actually comes from in fact the man seems to have no history whatsoever.

♦ Appearance

♦ Behavior

K'ora is cool, calm, and collected at all times. If he is ever even actually angry he fails to ever show it. Even when someone is spitting insults and threats his way he speaks to them as if they are having a nice chat over tea. He never breaks eye contact with those he is speaking with though is constantly aware of his surroundings at all times. He seems to have no boundaries walking into peoples homes like he owns the place. Those unfortunate enough for him to actually have him take an interest in them may find themselves tranquilized and stuffed into a body bag only to awake wired up for a medical assessment. He never sugar coats his words and seems to often peg peoples greatest insecurities often seemingly destroying whoever he is speaking to.


Though he rarely engages in combat at most usually summoning a carbuncle to stand between him and the potential attacker. If a threat is perceived to him to be great enough he is a fearsome foe to face. His lightning blue eyes striking absolute terror into all but the most composed of men. He is creative with his magic and can match those that can be described as an archmage. He normally summons a carbuncle which most of his opponents find laughable. However this is a mistake on their part for K'ora has discovered a myriad of unconventional uses for it in combat.

Echo Power

Echo Power:


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■Quantum Physics




Favourite Food/Drink:
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♦ Related Images


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💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


Xaxareau GarninProbably the only individual in Eorzea to actually like K'ora. Mostly because K'ora stroked his ego by telling him that one day he would become a great leader and be seen as a mighty hero. K'ora plans to see to it that this happens.


Sven VolkorusOne of the first people to meet K'ora and one of the first he took an interest in enough to "improve." K'ora's constant meddling in his life have earned the man's infinite ire wishing for him to burn in the deepest hells. To which K'ora responded nonchalantly "I plan to." Despite all of this K'ora was able to give him the drive to ultimately take action against what would eventually become a evil that would threaten the world.
X'tai TiaAnother individual that K'ora has taken a vested interest in. K'ora sees Tai as an individual who sincerely wishes to help everyone in need and someone who can see the good in anyone. However due to K'ora's way of manipulating events Tai has a deep mistrust of the Miqo'te. Especially after watching him preform surgery to remove the shrapnel that had been placed in on his friend K'ovu Tia by a sociopathic Elezen.

Enemies & Rivals

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Player Character Rumors

♦ Footnotes


Theme song: